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Approved For Release 2005/06/09: CIA-RDP74B00415I fO20019-1 16 Call 4 L Out 7 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Monday - 6 December 1971 25X1 25X1A 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1A 25X1 1.1 Bill Woodruff, Counsel, Senate Appropria- tions Committee, advised that the Senate had amended the sup lemental appropriations bill (H. R. 11955) to include an appropriation o contingent upon the enactment of S. 18 or other authorizing legislation. If this amendment is accepted by the House, as expected, and enacted, there remains only agreement by the House and Senate conferees on S. 18 to complete legislative action to provide for continuatio Woodruff said he expects the conferees to meet on the Defense appropriations bill on Thursday, with passage of this measure on Friday and congressional recess by the weekend. 2. Mr. C.B. Morrison, on the staff of Senator Allen J. E en er (D., La. , said the Senator called him today to say that when Mr. Helms visited him last he offered to"winterize" the Senator's camera for his trip to Antarctica. The Senator would like this done in time for his departure a week from today. I told Mr. Morrison I would check on this and be back in touch with him. The Senator also asked if Kodachrome II, which is the film he normally uses, is suitable for this trip. I contacted Mr. Art Lundahl, NPIC, immediately. He said it was he who had suggested to the Senator that he have his camera winterized for this trip, but he did not offer to do it. Mr. Lundahl is contacting the Navy, however, to see if arrangements can be made to have the necessary work done. 3. Mr. David Martin, on the staff of the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, provided me with a copy of the published document "The Assault on Freedom" (A Compendium of Theoretical and Policy Statements by the Communist Movement, Domestic and International, and by other Organizations Committed to the Violent Overthrow of Free Institutions), which has been passed on to Mr. Martin also said the Subcommittee is considering hearings on 25X1 the Communist propaganda apparatus, both overt and "cryptic. " He said they are hoping to have Frank Shakes e re USIA testify on the open propaganda and they are considering he would like any suggestions we might have as to 25X1 on the Communist clandestine ~oppagganda apparatus. o im would check and gr19X FRrtoulec s O/x6/09 : CI - ,4B00415R000500020019-1 CRC, 4/1/2003 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/06/09: CIA-RDP74B00415R000500020019-1 I Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Monday - 6 December 1971 Chairman F. Edward Hebert and Assistant Chief Counsel Frank Slatinshek House Armed Services Committee, and Mr. Don R. Brazier, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Comptroller), in a discussion of the handling of the Agency budget. See Memo for Record. 5. Lunched with Ed Braswell, Chief Counsel, 1 Senate Armed Services Committee, and discussed handling of Agency budget and related matters. 6 ? During a chance encounter, Senator Stuart o gave me a message to pass to the Director. See Memo for the Record. 7? Accompanied Colonel White who briefed Senator Milton Young on plans for handling the Agency FY 73 budget. See Memo for Record. 8. Met with Hastings Wyman and Henry Herlong, in the office ot Senator Strom Thurmond, and discussed our problems with the Ervin bill (S. 1438) which had just been ordered reported by the Judiciary Committee. I left with them documentary material spelling out our particular problems with the present version of the bill and our need for a complete exemption. Later, Mr. Herlong called me to say he had discussed the matter with Senator Thurmond who felt he could not persuade Senator Ervin to accept a complete exemption for the Agency but would like our proposal for certain limited exemptions. I said we appreciated the Senator's interest but in fact we had worked diligently with Ervin's staff to find mutually acceptable limited exemp- tions without success. I said I was afraid nothing less than a complete exemption would serve our purposes, and if this was not feasible I didn't think we should bother Thurmond by getting into a hassle with Ervin which would produce no useful results. I therefore suggested our best solution would be to shoot for an exemption in the House/Senate conference, since I thought we would get considerable support in the House side. Herlong agreed with this judgment. Approved For Release 2005/06/09 : CIA-RDP74B00415R000500020019-1 Approved For Release 2005/06 E't1 f P74B00415R000500020019-1 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Monday - 6 December 1971 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1A 25X1 9. Accompanied Colonel White in meeting with Ralph Preston, Sta ssistant, House Appropriations Committee, regarding the Agency budget. See Memo for Record. 10. ohn Wilson from the staff of Representative Paul McCloskey (R., Calif.),called to request a subscription to the FBIS Daily Report for Asia and the Pacific. I told him he could expect to begin to receive the reports in about ten days. I made arrangements with FBIS to initiate the subscription. the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. about his request for copies of North Vietnamese propaganda broadcasts on rainmaking and weather modifications. I told him our people had made a thorough check but had been unable to come up with anything. He thanked me for our efforts. 12, elivered to the offices of Senators J. W. Fulbrig (D., Ark.), Mike Mansfield (D., Mont. ), Henry Jackson (D., Wash.), Barry M. Goldwater (R., Ariz.), Harold E. Hughes (D., Iowa), Mark O. Hatfield (R., Oreg.), and Mike Gravel (D., Alaska) FBIS items in which their names were mentioned. Appro riati and told him about the Senate amendment addin o H. R. 11955, the supplemental appropriations bill for Radio Liberty and Radio Free Europe contingent upon the enactment of S. 18 or other authorizing legislation. In response to his question, I told him the Agency does support this amendment. It is Mr. Preston's opinion that the amendment should have little difficulty when the conferees meet. Ihas been advised. 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/06/09 : CIA-RDP74B00415R000500020019-1 Approved For Release 2005/06/09 CIARDP?74B00415R000500020019-1 E R! 25X1 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4 Monday - 6 December 1971 15. Met with Mr. Drury Blair, on the staff of the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and Naturalization, Judiciary Committee, who told me that with the possible exception of questions by Senator Thurmond he does not expect anything other than routine treatment No meeting of the Committee has been scheduled as yet. Mr. Warner has been advised. JOHN M. MAURY ,legislative Counsel cc;, ER O/DDCI Mr. Colby Mr. Thuermer Mr. Houston DDI DDS DDS&T EA/DDP OPPB Item 2 - Mr. Lundahl j Approved For Release 2005/06/09 : CIA-RDP74B00415R000500020019-1