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Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : CIA-RDP74B00415R000100010048-4 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Friday - 14 April 1972 FBIS, reported that a 25X1A Mr. James L. Gallagher, Researc nays on the Minority Staff of theSTATOTHR House Internal Security Committee, visited the Joint Publications Research Service the other day to request several materials for the Committee'siOTHR During his conversations with A 2. OER, called to say Stat;5X16 Department had asked our permission to pass to several people on the Hill copies of an' I suggested t that they determine which members of Congress were involved and we wou then give them an answer. He said he would do this. 3. Met with Mrs. Helen Lawson, Secretary to Senator Henry Bellmon (R. , Okla. ), and left with her a number of maps of the Headquarters' location for use by the Senator's breakfast group which is scheduled for 27 April 1972. 4. Met with Mr. Drury Blair, Senate Immigration and Naturalization Subcommittee staff, who told me that he has had no queries abou since the bill was placed in pending status. See Journal of e ruary IV tz 5. Met with Ralph Preston, House Appropriations Committee staff, who told me that the Committee schedule has his time committed through the middle of next week. He does want to visit Headquarters for review of the Agency budget book and will try to schedule Thursday or Friday, 27 or 28 April, to meet with us. Mr. Briggs, OPPB, has been advised. Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : CIA-RDP74B00415R000100010048-4 Approved For Release 2007/02/07 , p`i PL rB00415R000100010048-4 L JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Wednesday - 12 April 1972 1. Called Burnett Thompson, in Representative Whitehurst's (R. , Va.) office, to say that someone fro office would be contacting who had asked Whitehurst'tTATOTHR assistance in putting him in touch a appropriate people in the Agency regarding some technical devicesiad developed. STATOTHR 2. Hand-carried to George Murphy, Joint Committee on Atomic Energy staff, some additional responses to questions which had been raised during the Director's 16 February briefing of the Committee. I briefed Murphy on the analysis of the debris from the latest Chinese nuclear test and he asked that I give him a short note on this which he could give to Executive Director Ed Bauser and Seymour Shwiller, of the staff. 3. Met with Scott Cohen, in the office of Senator Charles H. Percy (R., Ill.), and left with him an unclassified press item from the Arab World on the subject of Egyptian claims that the Soviets will give them some help in aircraft production by establishing an assembly plant for MIG fighters in Egypt. I told Cohen this report was consistent with reports I and explained that the situation was largely a contest between the Egyptians and the Soviets as to whether they would get a MIG-21 or a MIG-23 plant. I added, however, we could not confi1A with certainty that there has been actual agreement on either one. 4. Met with Mr. Ralph Preston, House Appropriations Committee staff, who told me that he will be unable to visit Headquarters on Friday for briefing on the Agency budget. The Chairman's schedule is such at the present that he is unable to forecast at this time when he will be able to visit the Agency. He also noted that it may be some time next week before he will know the scheduling for the Director's appearance on the community and Agency budget. Mr. Chuck Briggs, OPPB, has been advised. I briefed Mr. Preston on the following items: North Vietnamese offensive and party dissension in North Vietnam; ChiCom airfield construction; Soviet naval activity in the Cienfuegos area, Soviet-Iraq treaty, SS-NX-8 and Galosh missile testing and the TU-144. Approved For Release 2007/02/ * , ~P74B00415R000100010048-4 .. "~ s I L ` Journal -Office of Legislative ounsel _ Page 4 Friday - 7 April 1972 14. Talked to Mrs. Kathy O'Neill, in the office of Representative Richard Ichord (D. , Mo. ), who told me that Representative Ichord plans to be back in the city on Monday and that it would be best to talk to him on his return concerning his request to the Archivist of the United State for certain Warren Commission documents. Messrs. Houston, OGC, an CI Staff, have been advised. 15. Received a call from Mr. J. Sourwine, Chief Counsel, Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, who asked if we had an English translation of an interview with Ernest Mandel that was reported in Der Spiegel. The item was supposedly reported on page 41 of a recent date. After checking with I told Mr. Sourwine that we do not have a translation available. I identified the issue as 6 March. Mr. Sourwine thanked me for the assistance and said that he would go to the Library of Congress for the translation. 16. Received a call from Mr. Carl Marcy, Chief of Staff, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, who said that he had been queried by Steve Terry, Senator Aiken's (R. , Vt. ) Legislative Assistant, concerning the number of Catholics in North Vietnam and the number of Catholic churches. After checking with DDI, I advised 25X1A that the 1971 figures indicated 1. 2 million Catholics and 620 parishes. The number of churches does not relate to the number of parishes since some have both churches and chapels while others have neither and no current figure is available on churches. 17. Talked to Mr. Ralph Preston, House Appropriations Committee staff, who told me that he will be unable to visit Headquarters before next Friday. Additional hearings relating to the war will be started some time during the week. We scheduled next Friday, 14 April, at 9:00 a. m. for Mr. Preston to visit Headquarters for briefing on the Agency budget and lunch. Mr. Briggs, OPPB, has been advised. JOHN M. MAURY Legislative Counsel cc: ER O/DDCI Mr. Houston Mr. Thuermer Mr. Clarke Ex/Dir DDI DDS DDS&T EA/DDP OPPB Approved For Release i CIA' UJ00415 R000100010048-4 M Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : C A-R,74B00415R000100010048-4 aiFs.~??y~~ JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Thursday - 6 April 1972 1. Accompanied General Walters to the confirmation hearing before an open session of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Only Chairman Stennis and Senators Margaret Chase Smith and Barry Goldwater were present, and no sensitive or controversial matters arose. However, Senators Strom Thurmond and Harold Hughes submitted, in absentia, questions to be answered in writing for the record. 2. Met with Ed Braswell and Jim Woolsey, Senate Armed Services Committee staff, and briefed them on recent developments regarding Soviet SLBMs and the SS-11 ICBM. 3. Briefed Frank Slatinshek, Acting Chief Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, on latest Soviet SLBM and SS-11 develop- ments. Mr. Slatinshek had no word on Chairman Nedzi's plans for the Agency's appearance before his Subcommittee on the classification and security of Government material, or for routine intelligence briefings. 4. Briefed Ralph Preston, Staff Assistant, House Appropriations Committee, on latest Soviet SLBM and SS-11 developments. 5. Talked to Mr. John Ticer, Senate Armed Services Committee staff, who confirmed that the Committee had approved General Walters' nomination and said that it might go to the floor as early as tomorrow if no opposition developed. 6. 1 In response to the request of Mr. David Martin, Senate Internal Security Subcommittee staff, delivered to Ralph Hutto, of the Subcommittee staff, additional copies of theC documents for their use in publication. Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : CIA-RDP74B00415R000100010048-4 Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : CIA-RDP74B00415R000100010048-4 CONF D E N1 TI A L JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Wednesday - 5 April 1972 1. Joe Wolf, State Department, called to say that Senator J. W. Fulbright has posed some supplementary questions to State regarding the hearing on State's authorization bill. One of the questions given to Mr. Ron Spiers, Director, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, was "Do you think that this Committee has the right to have information about foreign intelligence collection activities. " Mr. Wolf said the Department's response to this question is that State Department keeps an eye on foreign policy implications of foreign intelligence collection activities, but the question of foreign intelligence collection should be answered by the Directors of CIA, NSA and DIA. Wolf said they had thought of putting in their response a reference to the protection of sources and methods but felt that Fulbright would think they were saying the Committee could not be trusted with the protection of sources and methods. 2. William Woodruff, Counsel, Senate Appropriations Committee, visited Headquarters for a budget briefing participated in by Messrs. Colby, Tweedy, Clarke, Briggs, and Maury. He was also briefed on some special projects by Dr. Steininger, followed by lunch with Messrs. Tweedy, Clarke, Briggs, land Maury. See Memos for Record. 3. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Received a call from Mr. Ralph Preston, House Appropriations Committee staff, from his home. He expressed his apologies that he will be unable to attend the briefing arranged for this morning for himself and Mr. Woodruff, Senate Appropriations Committee staff. He has a very sore throat and by doctor's suggestion will be spending the day at home. Mr. Preston said that he will reschedule for one day next week when he gets back in the office. I thanked him for the call. Mr. Briggs, OPPB, has been advised. 4. At the request of Mr. Colby's office, talked to Ruby Hamblen, Senate Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee staff, and arranged for the loan of two easels for use in the Director's briefing of Senate Armed Services Committee this afternoon. Approved For Release 2007/090" Approved For Release 2007/02 F 00415R000100010048-4 0 , I Tr .- T H, !!T JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Monday - 3 April 1972 1. Representative Charles Chamberlain R. Mich, called to arrange for a personnel interview in behalf of who will soon retire from the Air Force. RepresentatL'SX1AA Chamberlain statea does not know personally, however, he has known his family for many years and state he come excellent family background. Arrangements were made for to be interviewed at the Washington Area Recruitment Office at 0900, 10 April and Ann in Representative Chamberlain's office was so advised. Talked to Ralph Preston, House 25X1A _Apro-priations Committee ataff, and received from him an identification of his vehicle so that he can pass through the Parkway gate on his arrival Wednesday morning. Mr. Preston does plan to stay for lunch. OS, has been advised. 3. Returned the transcript of Tuesday, 28 March, borrowed on Friday to Mr. Carl Marcy, Senate Foreign Relations Committee. 4. Met with Scott Cohen, Administrative Assistant to Senator Charles Percy (R. , Ill), in response to his request Approved For Release 2007/02/ `F~DP 415R000100010048-4