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Approved For Release 2002/0 technical assistance workshops IN WASHINGTON, D.C. JULY I, 1972- JUNE 30,1973 GENERAL S E R V I C E S ADMINISTRATION NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS SERVICE OFFICE ? RECORDS Approved For Release 2002/03/20 : CIA-RDP74-0039OR000300400001-0 Richard M. Nixon President of the United States Arthur F. Sampson Acting Administrator of General Services James B. Rhoads Archivist of the United States Approved For Release 2002/03/20 : CIA-RDP74-0039OR000300400001-0 Approved For Release 2002/03/20 : CIA-RDP74-0039OR000300400001-0 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE WORKSHOPS July 1, 1972 through June 30, 1973 The National Archives and Records Service (NABS), General Services Administration, develops workshops as a part of its Government-wide responsibility (44 USC, Chapters 27-33) for promoting cost reduction and increased efficiency in Federal paperwork and information management. The NARS workshops differ significantly from the usual training courses and seminars, and are designed primarily for Government employees whose responsibilities and duties within their agency will make it possible for them to personally apply the knowledge and skills gained from the workshop. The NARS workshops, therefore, include numerous exercises in which the attendees are required to participate in solving actual or simulated paperwork problems. Also, extensive use is made of graphics in order to hasten the learning process and simplify the workshop presentations. Further, the participants are furnished a variety of guides and other aids, including the related Records Management handbooks, to provide them with the proper background material and tools to carry out the project when they return to their agency. WORKSHOP PRESENTATIONS (1) At NARS, Washington, D. C. The workshops conducted by NARS central office personnel, wit a few exceptions as explained in the workshop descriptions which follow, are intended for management analysts, agency officials who will be giving the workshops in their own agency, or those who have managerial responsibilities in the paperwork area covered by the workshop. There is no charge for attendance at these workshops. (2) At Government agencies, by agency personnel. In order to reach a greater audience and thus accelerate the application of improved paperwork concepts and techniques, Government agencies are urged to conduct their own workshops. In addition, this provides an excellent means for developing in-house expertise, since the instructors, in the course of conducting the workshops, usually become highly knowl- edgeable in the subject matter fields in which they teach. NARS will supply the instructor's manuals, workshop graphic materials, and student kits, charging only for the reproduction and packaging costs. A complete description of workshop materials is included at the back of this pamphlet. (3) At Government agencies, by NARS central office personnel NARS central office personnel will conduct onsite workshops at agency locations upon request of agency officials. Normally, the agency will be required to reimburse NARS for the cost of providing the instructor. The charge is approximately $135 per workshop day and Approved For Release 2002/03/20 : CIA-RDP74-0039OR000300400001-0 Approved For Release 2002/03/20 : CIA-RDP74-0039OR000300400001-0 "get ready" time, plus travel and per diem, if applicable. NARS central office will also provide instructors, on the same basis, for assisting agencies in launching their own workshops. Agencies desiring to avail themselves of this service should contact the Workshop Director whose address and telephone number appear below. O At field locations by GSA regional records management personnel. Workshops afe also conducted by NARS regional office personnel. Inquiries should be directed to the appropriate NABS Regional Director. HOW TO APPLY FOR WORKSHOPS AT NABS. WAS-IINGTON, D. C. An Optional Form 37, "Nomination-Registration for Training," (August 1964) or "Nomination for Interagency Training," (July 1969) should be used to apply for each workshop. Nominations should be received by NARS not later than 15 days before a workshop begins. Workshops will be limited to 25 participants. Applications or requests for information concerning the procurement of workshop materials should be addressed to: Workshop Director National Archives and Records Service (NRP) General Services Administration Washington, DC 20408 (Stop 220) Phone: (202) 963-4154 or Code 13, ext. 34154 Workshops scheduled in this announcement will be held in the Training Room, ground floor, Interocean Building, 512 9th Street, N.W., Washington, D. C. Agency officials responsible for selecting nominees are urged to screen carefully all applications to insure that they satisfy eligibility require- ments as explained in the individual workshop descriptions which follow. TITLE AND DESCRIPTION (WORKSHOP NUMBERS ARE SHOWN IN PARENTHESES) DATES RECORDS MANAGEMENT (lA): A 2-week workshop designed to provide a broad perspective of the scope and objectives of records management as a whole. The principal topics analyzed through Jan. 22 - lectures and discussions are: managing records, correspondence, Feb. 2, 1973 directives, reports, forms, and mail; records scheduling; records disposition; office machine selection and utilization; source data automation; clerical work measurement; vital records handling; information retrieval developments; conducting a total records systems study; and do's and don'ts of an effective records management program. Records officers, management analysts, supervisors, and others who have broad responsibility for management of the program areas listed above are eligible. (Individuals attending workshop 1B should not attend this workshop.) Approved For Release 2002/03/20 : CIA-RDP74-0039OR000300400001-0 Approved For Release 2002/03/20 : CIA-RDP74-00390R000300400001-0 TITLE AND DESCRIPTION (WORKSHOP NUMBERS ARE SHOWN IN PARENTHESES) DATES RECORDS MAINTENANCE AND DISPOSITION (1B): A 5-day workshop covering the following areas of records management: files operations, such as subject classification, records inven- Nov. 13-17, torying, scheduling, and storage (including a tour of the 1972 Washington National Records Center, Suitland, ND); mail May 14-18, management; vital records protection; office information 1973 retrieval; conducting an effective records systems study; and do's and don'ts of an effective records program. Management technicians, records liaison personnel, records supervisors, and similar personnel who have records management responsibility for one or more of the functions listed are eligible. (Indi- viduals attending workshop lA should not attend this workshop.) FORM AND GUIDE LETTERS (2A): Three half day sessions designed to improve productivity, reduce costs, and achieve simplicity and standardization in the preparation of repetitive correspondence. Feb. 21, 22, Demonstrations and simulated problems highlight the development 23, 1973 of a predesigned reply system that includes both guide (pattern) (nwrnings only) letters and form letters. Management analysts, persons who will be serving as instructors, or those having managerial respon- sibility for operations where letterwriting is a significant part of the workload are eligible. CORRESPONDENCE MANAGEMENT (2B): A 2-day workshop explaining when a correspondence management program is needed and how to develop one. It deals with the costs of written communica- Oct. 26-27, tions, how to reduce these costs, and how to prepare letters 1972 that are clear, concise, and effective. Management analysts, persons who will be serving as instructors, or those having managerial responsibility for preparation of correspondence are eligible. SPEEDING THE MAIL (2C): Two half day sessions concerning the handling of incoming correspondence and the clearing of replies. Methods are discussed by which shorter in-shop March 26-27, time for correspondence requiring a reply can be achieved. 1973 How and where improvements can be made is determined. (mornings only) Management analysts, persons who will be serving as instructors, or those who have managerial responsibilities in offices having a large volume of mail are eligible. FORMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN (3A): A comprehensive 10-day workshop covering how to establish and operate a forms management program and the relationship of this program Sept. 18-29, to other records management programs. The workshop shows 1972 how to analyze and design forms as an efficient means Apr. 30-May 11, of recording, collecting, transmitting, and processing 1973 Approved For Release 2002/03L20 : CIA-RDP74-00390R000300400001-0 Approved For Release 2002/03/20 : CIA-RDP74-00390R000300400001-0 TITLE AND DESCRIPTION (1ORKSHOP NUMBERS ARE SHOWN IN PARENTHESES) information. Also included are the development of forms specifications, flow charting procedures, and the application of the survey approach to forms design. Forms analysts and trainees, forms liaison representatives, forms managers, and others needing a technical knowledge of forms analysis and design methods are eligible. FORMS IMPROVEMENT (3B): Two half day sessions presenting and applying techniques to smooth the flow of paperwork by simplifying and improving the forms used. Effective principles for improving, simplifying, combining, and eliminating forms are discussed and used. Participants redesign and simplify a heavy-usage form. Management analysts, persons who will be serving as instructors, or managerial personnel concerned with the problem of forms management are eligible. FORMS FOR AUTOMATION (3C): A comprehensive 5-day workshop designed to acquaint participants with requirements, specifications, and practical techniques and applications for developing efficient, economical forms for use in processing information in conjunction with ADP equipment. Special projects provide practical experience in applying the standards and techniques discussed. Participants should either have attended workshop 8B, "Mechanizing Paperwork Systems," or be well versed in automation. In addition, they should either have attended workshop 3A, "Forms Analysis and Design," or be experienced in basic forms management principles and techniques. Forms analysts and others directly involved in the preparation of forms for ADP equipment are eligible. DIRECTIVES SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENT (4A): A 2-day workshop designed to improve the communication of policy, procedures, and instructions in the clearest, most effective manner. It concentrates in the areas of directives planning, organizing, writing, illustrating, and editing. Management analysts, persons who will be serving as instructors, or those who manage directives systems are eligible. MJDERNIZING MANAGEMENT REPORTS (SA): A comprehensive program presented in five half day sessions concerning the continuing need for better management information and reporting. The workshop focuses on management information requirements. It demonstrates and develops ways to get the desired information at the right time Mar. 12-13, 1973 (mornings only) Apr. 2-6, 1973 June 21-22, 1973 Nov. 27 - Dec. 1, 1972 (mornings only) Approved For Release 2002/03/20 : CIA-RDP74-00390R000300400001-0 Approved For Release 2002/03/20 : CIA-RDP74-00390R000300400001-0 TITLE AND DESCRIPTION (WORKSHOP NUMBERS ARE SHOWN IN PARENTHESES) DATES through the clearest possible communication. It stresses how to stop unneeded reporting to achieve the lowest possible cost. Case histories illustrate application of the workshop techniques. Participants, working in groups, consider real or theoretical problems of their agencies. Groups of four registrants from a single agency provide the most effective pattern to study practical problems. Management analysts, reports managers and others having managerial responsibilities relating to development, preparation, or utilization of reports are eligible. INFORMATION SYSTEMS DESIGN (5B): A 5-day workshop designed to acquaint the participants with methods for developing a large information system. The workshop covers the Mar. 19-23, various steps of system design, identification of informa- 1973 tion requirements, organization of data, network analysis, input and output methods, preparing systems proposals and specifications, testing, and measuring benefits. Participants work in groups to solve the problems of a fictional transit agency. When the workshop is con- ducted within an agency, participants consider its actual problems. Previous participation in the "Moderni- zing Management Reports" workshop is desirable. Management analysts, reports managers and others having managerial responsibilities relating to development, preparation, or utilization of reports are eligible. REPORTS IMPROVEMENT (5C): A 1-day workshop designed to assist individuals who require management reports or who otherwise have some influence on making improve- ments in a reporting system. Prior to attending the workshop, each participant will gather copies of reports familiar to him and bring them to the work- shop. Using the techniques of the workshop, the participant will identify those reports which can be improved. Management analysts, reports managers and others having managerial responsibilities relating to development, preparation, or utilization of reports are eligible. June 19, 1973 OFFICE INFORMATION RETRIEVAL (6A): A 5-day workshop designed to show how and under what circumstances modern information methods and equipment may be applied Apr. 16-20, to improve dissemination, storage, and retrieval of 1973 information. Participants are introduced to the techniques and systems in use today and some of those 5 Approved For Release 2002/03/20 : CIA-RDP74-00390R000300400001-0 Approved For Release 2002/03/20 : CIA-RDP74-00390R000300400001-0 TITLE AND DESCRIPTION (WORKSHOP NUMBERS ARE SHOWN IN PARENTHESES) DATES being developed. They are shown how to conduct infor- mation retrieval surveys, how to design a coordinate index system, and how to select the appropriate system and equipment. Management analysts, persons who will be serving as instructors, systems personnel, and others who may be directly involved in designing and installing an information retrieval system are eligible. FILES IMPROVEMENT (7A): A 2-day workshop designed to help Government offices save time and money through effective filing systems. Participants develop solutions to problems simulating actual filing situations. Management analysts, persons who will be serving as instructors, or those with broad responsibility for files management are eligible. RECORDS DISPOSITION (7B): A 1-day workshop concerned with the major practices, procedures, and programs related to effective records disposition. The work- shop concerns the operation of an efficient records disposition program, preparation of records control schedules, identification of permanent records, use and function of Federal Records Centers, and the relationship of records disposition to other records management programs. Management analysts, persons who will be serving as instructors, or those whose duties include responsibility for control and dis- position of records are eligible. MECHANIZING PAPERIRK SYSTEMS (8B): A 5-day workshop designed to help management analysts and supervisors mechanize or automate their paperworking systems. The focus is on the use of automation, but the workshop includes the use of mechanical tools when automation is not justified. Participants determine how to locate potential areas for mechanization in their offices and how to develop improvements. When accepted for the workshop, applicants will be sent a special form ("Potential Mechanization Projects") which must be filled out and brought to the workshop on the opening day. These projects will be analyzed and preliminary plans developed by the participant during the workshop, with emphasis on the use of Source Data Automation (SDA) techniques. Management analysts, persons who will be serving as instructors, or those who have direct responsibility for super- vising systems involving paperwork or information processing are eligible. Jan. 17-18, 1973 May 31, 1973 Oct. 2-6, 1972 Approved For Release 2002/03/20 : CIA-RDP74-00390R000300400001-0 Approved For Release 2002/03/20 : CIA-RDP74-0039OR000300400001-0 WORKSHOP MATERIALS The workshop materials described below may be purchased from the National Archives and Records Service (NRP), General Services Administration, Washington, DC 20408 (Phone: (202) 963-4154 or IDS Code 13, Extension 34154). Additional information, including prices, will be furnished upon request. RECORDS MANAGEMENT (lA) and RECORDS MAINTENANCE AND DISPOSITION (1B) WORKSHOPS Scripts, handouts, and related materials for these workshops are available on a limited basis, only. FORM AND GUIDE LETTERS (2A) Instructor's Packa e includes materials needed by the instructor in presenting the workshop: Script, 35mm slides (27), flannelgraphs (10), and sample of student handouts. Student's Package includes required materials for student use: 20 sets of following items -- Form Letters handbook, Guide Letters handbook, and student handouts. CORRESPONDENCE MANAGEMENT (2B) Instructor's Package. Workshop B Instructor's Package consists of materials needed by the instructor in presenting the PLAIN LETTERS workshop, including the script, 35mm slides (33), 8" x 10-1/2" prints of the slides, flannelgraphs (23), samples of student handouts, and instructor's key. Also available is an Instructor's Package which may be used at the discretion of the instructor in teaching PLAIN LETTERS FOR EXECUTIVES consisting of a Lesson Plan (Script), Student Workbook, Instructor's Key, and 35mm slides (82). Additional instructional material is listed in the Lesson Plan. (The flannelgraphs used in the PLAIN LETTERS Workshop described above may be used in the PLAIN LETTERS FOR EXECUTIVES Workshop at the discretion of the instructor.) Student's Package for PLAIN LETTERS: Required materials for students in the workshop, including Plain letters handbook; Workbooks A, B, C, and D; Fog Index, Sample Letter; 4-S Formula; and pocket folder. Student's Package for PLAIN LETTERS FOR EXECUTIVES: Student's Workbooks. SPEEDING THE MAIL (2C) Instructor's Package includes Instructor's and Student's Training Kits, 35mm slides and flannelgraphs. Student's Package includes printed materials for student use. Approved For Release 2002tO3/20 : CIA-RDP74-0039OR000300400001-0 Approved For Release 2002/03/20 : CIA-RDP74-0039OR000300400001-0 FORMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN (3A) instructor's Kit: Material needed by the instructor in presenting the workshop, including an illustrated script, vinyl binder, 35mm 'Aides (133), flannelgraphs (56), and vugraphs (77). Student's Kit: Workbooks, vinyl binder, flowchart template, and 3 handbooks -- Forms Management, Forms Analysis, and Forms Design. FORMS IMPROVEMENT (3B) -Instructor's Package: Materials needed by the instructor in pre- .;enting the workshop, including the script, 35nm color slides (47), flannelgraphs (55), copies of Forms Improvement Log, copies of Forms Improvement Report, and samples of student handouts. Also 1. flip chart, "SMA CASE HISTORY," size 30" by 40", for one-time use. Student's Package: 20 sets of student handouts -- Forms Improvement Kit, forms set of 7 for each student), Challenge Each Copy, filled-in Forms Improvement Report, and Simplifying Forms. FORMS FOR AUTOMATION (3C) I_nstructor's Kit: Illustrated script, vinyl binder, slides (198), and flannelgraphs (26). Student's Kit: Workbook, vinyl binder, Port-a-Punch Cards, stylus, .>ponge, and 3 handbooks -- Form Anaysis, Forms Design, and SDA. DIRECTIVES SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENT (4A) Instructor's Kit: Materials needed by the instructor in presenting the wor shop, including notebook, script, 35rfmm slides (76), flannel- graphs (40), packet of student exercises, and student handouts. Student's Kit: 20 sets of student handouts, notebooks, and exercises. MODERNIZING MANAGEMENT REPORTS (5A) Instructor's Kit : Illustrated script, 35mm slides (37), and flannel- graphs (26). Student's Kit: Workbook INFORMATION SYSTEMS DESIGN (5B) Instructor's Kit: Illustrated script, vinyl ':binder and 35mm slides (255). Keysort instruction kit (manual, needle, jogging block, punches, Correction tape, etc.) may be ordered from Automated Business Systems, Division of Litton Industries (any local office). One box Projection Transparencies No. 588 (100 sheets) may be ordered from 3M Company (any local office). Student's Kit: Workbook, template, and Keysort term cards. Approved For Release 2002/020 : CIA-RDP74-0039OR000300400001-0 Approved For Release 2002/03/20 : CIA-RDP74-0039OR000300400001-0 OFFICE INFORMATION RETRIEVAL (6A) Instructor's Package: Materials needed by the instructor in presenting the workshop, including the Instructor's Manual, 35mm slides Al - A25, Bl - B4, Cl - C179, and Dl - D38; flannelgraphs Al - A4, B1 - B5, Cl - C25, Dl - D20, and El - E10; one set of previously punched hand-punched cards; Set II, optical coincidence cards; Set IV, optical coincidence cards, and one Student Kit. (In addition, instructor will need one optical coincidence display, or light box, which may be purchased directly from the manufacturer.) Student's Package: Required materials for student in the workshop, including one Student Kit per student; one stylus per student, one 3-1/2" x 7-1/2" sponge per student, and six blank hand-punched cards (IBM Form D36915) per student. (In addition, students should be provided with 1 each of the following NARS-GSA Handbooks: Subject Filing, Files Operations, File Stations, Information Retrieval, Information Retrieval Systems, and Microform Retrieval Equipment Guide.) FILES IMPROVEMENT (7A) Instructor's Kit: Script, 35mm slides (94), flannelgraphs (134), mock-up boxes for a case file and a subject file, 1 student kit containing 8 problem packets and the Files Operations handbook. Student's Package: Student kits containing 8 problem packets and the Files Operations handbook. RECORDS DISPOSITION (7B) Instructor's Package: Materials needed by the instructor in pre- senting the workshop, including the script, 35mm slides, flannel- graphs, and one Records Disposition student's package. Student's Package: Student's package containing material for use in the workshop. MECHANIZING PAPERMRK SYSTEMS (8B) Instructor's Kit: Materials needed by the instructor in presenting the workshop, including an illustrated script, slides (417) and a vinyl binder. Student's Kit: Workbook and binyl binder. (In addition, students should be provided with one each of the following handbooks: Simplified Flowcharting (and plastic template), Source Data Automation, Source Data Automation Equipment Guide, Information Retrieval, Information Retrieval Systems, Microform Retrieval Equipment Guide, Microfilm (to be published" in and mputer Output Microfilm (to be pubis eh in 1973). 9 Approved For Release 2002/03/20 : CIA-RDP74-0039OR000300400001-0 Approved For Release 2002/03/20 : CIA-RDP74-0039OR000300400001-0 Agency field personnel should direct all inquiries concerning applica- tions, scheduling, and related information about NABS technical assis- tance workshops to the appropriate NABS Regional Director below: GSA Regions 1 and 2 Regional Director, NABS General Services Administration 26 Federal Plaza New York, NY 10007 FTS : (212) 264-3514 Tocal :. 264- 3514 GSA Region 3 Regional Director, NABS General Services Administration Room 7016, 7th & D Streets, SW Washington, DC 20407 FTS: (202) 962-2455 local: 962-2455) GSA Regions 4 and 5 Regional Director, NABS General Services Administration 1776 Peachtree Street, NW Atlanta, GA 30309 FTS: (404) 526-5611 local: 5-26---S 11 GSA Regions 6, 7 and 8 Regional Director, NABS General Services Administration 819 Taylor Street Fort Worth, TX 76102 FTS: (817) 334-2759 local: 334-2759) GSA Regions 9 and 10 Regional Director, NABS General Services Administration 49 Fourth Street San Francisco, CA 94103 FTS: (415) 556-3425 loc : 556-3425) GSA ?C 7App ved For Release 2002/03/20: CIA-RDP74-0039OR000300400001-0 Approved For Release 2002/03/20 : CIA-RDP74-0039OR000300400001-0 Approved For Release 2002/03/20 1LIA-RDP74-00390R000300400001-0