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Publication Date: 
August 11, 1970
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Approved For Release 2001/11 /0SEORRP74-00390R000100150002-9 11 August 1970 b. The drafting and acceptance of a Records that will meet the requirements of all the Office of Security components a d--gar li t trr- MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, EPD FROM : Records Administration Officer/ OS SUBJECT : Records - Preliminary Planning for ADP Oriented System of Records Control 1. As the Agency Records Administration Program moves nearer each fiscal year to a planned machine system of records control, it is imperative that the Office of Security maintain its status as a contributing charter member to records systems. In this respect, it has been brought to my attention that an automated system of records control, possibly on an Agency-wide basis, is in the future. Naturally, such a system will require a great deal of planning, coordination, cooperation and contribu- tion from all the various Agency components. Accordingly, in order to prepare the Office of Security in advance for whatever requirements may be levied upon us in the future in relation to an Agency oriented ADP records control system, there are certain measures that can and should be undertaken during this fiscal year. Such measures would include: a. The replacement of our present decentralized Records Control Schedule with an OS General ,General--S-chedu.1e.;__ , Fsriurted from atdamatie ~r~rd9 and COE Approved For Release 2001/11 ffjE-jD 74"W 0 100150002-9 Records Schedule; Approved For Release 2001/ RF A-RDP74-00390R000100150002-9 c. A listing of our various records media; d. A listing of the various type retention classes -o,l:;-~j/0'~`~,`" that would ensure both the life and dea h of our records; =T"` e. A listing of all the various type equipment utilized by the Office of Security for the storage of records; f. An inventory heading index that would meet the requirements levied upon us in the area of records inventories. - 2. Of the above, a, b and d would be the areas of our most concen- trated efforts since coordination and agreement throughout all,the offices of Security is necessary prior to the final preparation and adoption of the program. Accordingly, I have attached to this memorandum a proposed Machine Run Heading Index, a Subject Records Series, a listing of the various type records media, a Records Retention Class listing and a listing of equipment types. I have not attached a proposed General Records Sche u1 ce this will be largely based on the acceptance, additions, deletions, etc. , of the various attached listings. 3. The above is put forth for your review and consideration by the various Office of Security officials. Should it meet with approval, I will begin the preliminary implementation of the plan which I believe I may be able to complete by January 1971. Attachments: As Stated SECRET Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP74-00390R000100150002-9 Approved For Release 2001/1 S.P&I-RDP74-0039OR000100150002-9 OFFICE FILE IDENTIFICATION LOCATION CUSTODIAN SCHEDULE' NO. ITEM NO. MEDIA RETENTION CLASS FILE ARRANGEMENT INCLUSIVE DATES SIZE OF RECORDS STORAGE EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OCCUPIED RECORDS VOLUME RECORDS DESTROYED Approved For Release 2001/14 &I ? A-RDP74-00390R000100150002-9 Approved For Release 2001/1' Dr-PfwT RDP74-00390R000100150002-9 SUBJECT,'OF RECORDS SERIES (Cols. 25-27) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. cS 9. 10. -11. X 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. ADMINISTRATIVE AUDIT AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING BRIEFING BUDGET CABLES- CHRONOLOGICAL FILES COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE CONTRACT COUNTRY DIRECTIVES, NOTICES, REGULATIONS DOCUMENT CONTROL FINANCE HISTORY INDEXES AND' LISTINGS -t- LEGAL LIAISON LOGS OPERA TIONAL PERSONNEL POLICY AND PLANS FILES PROCURI~MENT PROGRAM PROJECT PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND PROPERTY RECORDS MANAGEMENT REPORTS RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (Inc. Ext) SECURITY SPECIAL ACTIVITIES STATISTICAL SUPPLY TRAINING - - TRAVEL WORKING PAPERS Approved For Release 2001/1 1-RDP74-00390R000100150002-9 Approved For Release 2001/11/QQ P74-00390R000100150002-9 RECORDS MEDIA /(Cols. 33-34) 1. CARDS - 3x5 2. CARDS - 4x6 3. CARDS - 5x8 3 5 4. CARDS -J'16 iA 3 L G P 6`'-L 6. FILM - MOTION PICTURE 7. FILM - NEGATIVES 8. PAPER y. 1'AYJ - 1V1ACilV l'1C> / 10. TAPES - SOUND,, Approved For Release 2001/11/0- DP74-00390R000100150002-9 Approved For Release 2001/1ECREI-RDP74-00390R000100150002-9 RECORDS RETENTION CLASS (Cols. 35-37) 01 PERMANENT - Hold indefinitely in Office of Record on 02 a current basis. When no longer needed for reference, research, or operational purposes, screen and retire to the A&RC. PERMANENT - Cut off at end of 1 year, hold 1 year, and retire to the Archives and Records Center. 03 PERMANENT - Cut off at end of 1 year, hold 2 years, and retire to the Archives and Records Center. 04 PERMANENT - Hold indefinitely in the Office of Record until termination of active status plus 6 months, and retire to the Archives and Records Center. 05 TEMPORARY - Destroy when superseded, documents destroyed, or transferred, or no longer needed for reference. 06 TEMPORARY - Cut off at end of 1 year, hold for 1 year and destroy, or transfer to Office of Record for action. 07 TEMPORARY - Hold indefinitely in Office of Record until termination of active status plus 6 months. Screen and destroy; or transfer records to other files, offices, or A&RRC as appropriate. Archives and Records Center destroy after number of specified years. 08 TEMPORARY - Cut off at end of 1 year, hold for 6 months to 1 year, and retire to the Archives and Records Center. Archives and Records Center destroy after number of years specified.:., 1 - 99 TEMPORARY - Number of years to be retained in the Archives and Records Center. Approved For Release 2001/11/0'} P74-00390R000100150002-9 Approved For Release 2001/11/ P74-00390R000100150002-9 09 TEMPORARY - Cut off at end of 1 year, hold for 2 years and destroy. TEMPORARY - Retain 3 months and destroy. TEMPORARY - Cut off at end of 1 year, retain additional 3 years and destroy. Approved For Release 2001/1 l-RDP74-00390R000100150002-9 Approved For Release 2001/11 RERDP74-00390R000100150002-9 TYPE OF EQUIPMENT (Cols. 44-46) CODE 01 Book Cases 1~tivt' 02 Book Shelves 03 Cabinets - 4-Drawer File 04 Cabinets - 5-Drawer File - Letter 05 Cabinets - 5-Drawer File - Legal 06 Cabinets - 10-Drawer (3x5) 07 Cabinets - 10-Drawer (Tab Card) 08 Cabinets - Over Safe Storage 09 Conserva File - Full Space k 10 Kardex - 5x8 11 Magnetic Tape Racks 12 Map Cases - Pigeon Hole 13 Map Cases - 10-Drawer 14 Open Shelf 7 o 15 Open Storage (Not 09, 14) 16 Power File 17 Safes - 2-Drawer (Include Desk) SECRET Approved For Release 2001/11/01 CIA-RDP74-0039OR000100150002-9 Approved For Release 2001/11/ DP74-00390R000100150002-9 0 V CODE 18 Safes - 4-Drawer - Letter 19 Safes - 4-Drawer - Legal 20 Safes - 5-Drawer - Letter 21 Safes 5-Drawer - Legal 22 Safes - 5-Drawer - Card 23 Tub Trays Approved For Release 2001/11/1: CIA-RDP74-00390R000100150002-9