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Publication Date: 
October 17, 1957
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Jr_ ? nr.T. 1 7 ibtl Declassified in Part :-?anitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/14: CIA-RDP74-00297R001100670034-3 ' WASMNGT MERRY-GO-OUND" ?-lower,- receives' his total income from American: oil eonipanies, has ? no reason to: love Russia. ?-?? Yet .he lined up',with Syria,- a; , country which is becoming 'all 'most wholly dependent on :the: , ? - . ? ? 1 By DREW PEARSON 'WASHINGTON, 0 c t. ? While the nation's capital is paying ? horriage to. the Queen, the ? Western world is haunted by certain ominous similarities ? bet?keen', Khruslichey's tactics in 1957 :and.,.Hitler's tactics in'? 1937. . . ? . ,-; It 'Was. in 1937-38 that .Hitler? started_taking over Austria and large . hunks of .Czechoslovakia ? purely. by psychological' war- ?fare. ?-? .1' ? ? ? He did it by exhibiting ?the might:. of the Na.zi Army,. by 'showing foreign diplornats mo- lion pictures of Germanys miii- tary might, 'and by: subversion inside Austria ?'and'Czechoslo- vakia. He didn't have toqire.a.,..-. .shot. _ Today, 20 years later, awe, of the Russian ICBM, amazement over the sputnik, plus savage warnings from .the Kremlin are doing 'the', same thing for' ? , In the. past' .week, the ? Arab._?' !world, much of . it* previously' ipro-West; has started swiriging':!T into. the Soviet orbit. Here are ;t4e swings:-,' ?; . ? Swing 3--Colonel ,Nasser ? Inks recently becninaking noises' ? abont a friendlier 'Egyptian 'icy 'toward. ? the United StateS: ?But one week 'after_ the ]aimch- 'ing of. Sputnik and 70. hours ? -after KhrushcheV: Unloosed his' 'Savage verbal blast-against' Tur- key?., Nasser .landed .,troops -::Syria to support Syria- ;against . Turkey. . this 'fits into a pap erti?; -? a pattern all too similar:J:4 that; which 'Hitler used to. terrorize. central Europe shortly before' start of World War . ? ? _.30NTP.r; Alltn Dulles; '\vlios job it i' tonowWlas Ogoiogn,insideRussm. stated publicly that there was ferment'. ,* inside .Rtiasia',.arid -that KIn?Lish-, .chev _seethed to- be in trouble.' ? He 'expected another... political. purge. ?? ? , ?,, " Other 'advice's I picked.' up in ???Europ&and the?Near East bear, . this out. Khrushchey not, only ? 'has the" old Kremlin leaders against him; but the bureau-' crats. Furthermore;...h is much- ballyhooed farm program isn't ' clicking.' Reports on . crop. :fail-! ures are" staggering. ' Russian scientific' .advances. .:.obviously have. made :Kbru.sh-' chev cocky.. The .political si tion. at home., might .mo.ke lum- ? ? desperate. -I,?don't like,,to' ,p.' : PessimiSt, but where the ,future ? of the, free.. world is' .concerned. ,?? it's' much. better, to. ,be ready than: late. !.? ? ? . (Releasql rlDrZfii; ? ? HIT-ER Twen.V years Encore? _ ? ? - - ?? Swing NO. 11.?PreSfdent Cha- Moun of -Lebarion. hitherto a . staunch.. .friend of the ? United ? States and no friend of . Syria, ' now is backing 'Syria and wants to. renounce ; the Eisenhower - Doctrine. ? This. ,reversal came ? ' ? ?? ? : about one week after Khrush- chev launched his Sputnik and 48 boUrs after Khrushchev,. :r .growling *viciously, at.. ,Turkey, warped that Turkey Would not -..stay 'alive more than '24 hours case' Of 'war.. , . ? , . Lebanon - leaders listening I:6 . . ' Red Army, F.Turke knew that if the obliterated ? -01-Chr ? h ony thdown ...i; into the Arab, world. So s 4; jumped to get on the right side the fence. ? ?? . _ ? . , ?- sY . , . ... _ . ? -Swing No. '2 ? Simultaneous l'-with -Lebanon's ? rightabout-face, t King: ,Saud ? made a ? stateinent ;which just about tore Up .the i. Eisenhower. Doctrine. ' Sand had Oise/tr.-Wined and dined by Eisen-, ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/14: CIA-RDP74-06297R001100670034-3 ?..