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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
May 14, 2013
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Publication Date: 
June 22, 1958
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STA-r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/14 : CIA- WASHINGTON POSF &ND TIMES HERALD ?.l?1. N#,?` Y? - -_ - the nnanimoa-4 vn!o he Strhate Ia , 'the Calls, the NOW Y" always aaks 1:::,3 t'{iskirigton Merry-Go-Jtonnd ? To `Deals' Linked to Labor Bill t ? By Drc'ty Pcttrton Rcutber and. other lab; r tead?r., yrtcately had favored the moderate bill, hit wh..n TWO rN lDCr:1:'1SED pmpUtleai dec13 op. White House aides'dectded otherwl:e. lpo ."ad ?s eratcd Lc:- t during the Senate 4cbato to go into revrce. 'and la: ^. .,:;:e oT;iey i. tho tire: moderate Ices-Kchnedy.. ~e'e Changing Pobft[on lebcr trill. ? A dc--I bets y n ilbcral Scnatoril and gEP. ? PAUL KILDAY (D-Tex l had just Fautt4?r Dcrr;?rnf^ to pass the labor bill in. finisbed a s eech on the O4vernmctcir re:; return for n a~rcc'mcnt rut to amend the oott'?~~(tanizatfon bill. and some of hit Democratic' fllih~S^trT rc!,t for two yrar~. colleagues were engaging in a little partisans ?~ ? A. (11,:I s ddcniy worked out betwe" ? bantering; In the rear of the .House chambt-r. ? Sen. 1y-lll:rz Irnotrl'nd III-Calif.) and the dust what is lhsaiieut ' Elseahop er s ? Whi{,e.1Io,, ".to try to upset that deal aO position on this bill-does anybody.know'7" bloc3 pa,^,ar, of a moderate labor bill. 'asked Rep. George Miller (D?CaliL-. As p:Li~,rd by the Senate, the bill sponssred Ike know'." quipped Rep. Edward .. Beal. Irt'~ ; '1. Ives (D-N. Y.) and Jobs F. lieberl (D-La l. ?h;.@ important 'to start at Venaedy (i)'il r .- had been agreed on >fy the beglinaiRR" ? ? curie diccr4o p~?rxnallll 's its George! Means, '"1'm not interested ht the }resident's post- IL- prc's1 "nl of ttr AIO. and Sc-. John L. ~tien today" lgterto.ed Rep. Arthur Win- (D..Arh.),? antilabo chairman of 'Stead (D?Misa.). "We don"t'hote on this bill ? the Sc mato C inlets Committee. The bill until tomorrow. Let's wait apd see vl' iat his . alto had the fall support "t liberal lens. position is then." ? W:tyde MorM (D.Orr.) and Pat McNamara ? ? (D?Mich.), piu? Kowthrrn Democrats. Mystery Voice - Il: ^ :i L r tl caut'it'~u Deraao~ratie ip-? T} SUPS-DUPflt- EC$tT Central to- pert aaq a i, 'u.Uan tlzat Senate. liberals ;arc,t:~l taar ttoe :Jit new seats in the telllgence Agency is baffled, it's supposed to eye* ni~!.%t eat-ttlr:7, r,o?irglt y crtoi b to override. ?have'm Wd + around the world VIC. -'sail **?'ra rule lbuldlntt flltbpttet?. than the e Kremlin itself. but it can't identity i ' a mysterious heckler who has, beoq badger- ins . A.:tttcr ihr.' It 'n I> ibie cha~f e ' the cloak ddagger boys. 4~ r.irM,? ;w%t J+,n;1- l;outhern SCnatotp Fm, the the mystery voice has been a.~? to ttit., fir l~teor bill,,ptorlded ll two yz'ri Of the pr cin tongdtstaaee pirw Calla to CIA orihrra, lihe nIs ws4,d give them tMnother phiei Allen D~fltpr, frolt dit>lereiit pasta of o c. chief fltrbt (ft the Country. The calls usasl are switched mittcr. The trip di-f. tins vote was an same uesuon. who, Omma- A...r be Nrtialr sMtttaUy. 9 . 1 ~ ti AM ; l (A ? p s dv o ? ? Fen. Iiariv t lag Is the ate. r are , .?j+ cing ovir to the , ate ' tat wanted ' to. t)k wbstrer ? ova yth Ii, floor e tVIL K ,1, id: 4 , ' Then "I ?myater[oas caller bangs up. CIAI , I nee r . l w ,?. cb a hack of Itnrt?ct ~~S,Ir?s it* ir:t A11fp" 1 sleuths are still uniibl(t to salve the tuysttry, Ile and linawl+. .Teri hatched the Reopeltling Rutma Rpt-d lv, tu)i 4 Mir flow -? Al hut: Tilt AIR FOlICE formally proposed IM-I: oproto, the "It'3 the only ? `w g 4," a locatio the Burma (toad last week. The eotrte~yt d. a ngws was burled on page 14 of a-routine con- - Iinrr t~, 1 , 'silty aware 'that r tx*et list, dated June S. But when the budget, T,%,k ?li:,: ~~~~k the most im fit boys read It. they almost fell out of their. v+impsign for Ca Is sstivel chairs. t:,., sure ri%?; ~i"';~ er. The lye%.K nedy ?Ley ordered an lmttredlate Investigation h_2, iaa fh ewe to find out why the Alr Force should reopen t ? tint, .,t !. ~~'+ `~` dWlite Hdtu ,, , p the the lon(t, winding,. Jut-gle toad that leads' 1?s?J^ .,'iti r , W' i 1qe (?br*prorr~S lull. through Rurinainto the bact door of China. ' ' ? urktrd under r Sued The IujesttgntoN dIscovered. however.' e f chs name bor that the proposal referred to another' Barrna "cr rt ,. ' : f .-i11, w bra !~ctuel- Rollo. nowhere near. ('bins. It i, a