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NTITV YORX Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-:Yr 20-13/1-6729 : CIA-RDP.72 tam. ow.... S s, WocHngton Report: Our Security. Agencies halltrated, ? . ? y eds Ity FULTON LEWIS JR. -,,WASHINGTON, Dec. 17.4'1 -????THE very agencies of our go d- ? ernment ? military and ? /.. ?? -civilian intelligence units?that , 'are charged with the duty of ,guarding U. S. security are be- ing infiltrated today by Soviet .? agents, Communists and in- competents. The Federal Bureau of In- yeeigation is an exception?but the facts apply to the Security ? ? INts Of the Defense Depart.: Mont ? Army, Navy and ?Air Force?and the Counter-Intelli- gence departments of most of . them. This is a serious charge, par- , ticularly in the face of loyalty . investigations, Congressional , 'Tiousecleaning of Reds in the government and ,the efforts of I, some officers in the Military's' i,Counter-Intelligence Corps. Yet I the facts are plain. The Com- nunists did not quit when the ail doors slammed shut on ? Alger Hiss; they did not quit when Klaus Fuchs confessed, or when Harry Gold was caught in t the FBI dragnet. , / 1,?'. The scandals of today' in- volving the Internal Revenue. ;Bureau, the McCarran investi- ? gation of the Institute of Paci- ? ? fic Relations, and current ex- ? Poses of Soviet agents in the , United Nations and the diplo- matic corps are important in- . ? vestigations. But they are mild in comparison to what a Con- cressional inquiry would Un- earth if ? an investigation of Red infiltration into intelligence units were sundertaken. TN one particular branch of the A Army, one of the most sen- sitive intelligence units in ,the Pentagon, a man was. put on the Payroll who openly boasted that .he was trying to join the Communist Party, that he thought' all reactionary Con- gressmen should be killed. . He worked for eight months i" before it was determined that he lacked average mental bal- anee and was fired. One of his closest buddies still works In the agency. , There are others. Some stories ' , sound impossible or -too lu- dicrous for belief; but, unfor- .tunatelY, they happerr to be , true. They, are factual enough -to.cause,Military officers to risk . their .cpreers .to relate thern;?44; private; factual enough for service employes with 20 years'', , service to risk their jobs to pro-: - duce documents and details to ? prove it. And I don't mean one or two disgruntled officers or employes. These are men of competence, with backgrounds - of . faithful service to their , country. And they are scared. rOUNTER - INTELLIGENCE ? ,k) agents have been trans- 4 ferred out of Washington when their investigations led them too close to the truth. A too persistent Army general' ? is under orders for duty in Cal- ifornia. He talked when higher . . authorities in the Pentagon re- fused to heed his warnings or fire suspect and incompetent aides. He remains in WaShington only because an irate Senator de-/ manded that the Secretary of , the Army keep him there until Congress returns and the prober committee, can investigate. A colonel has been relieved of his intelligence duty in Wash- ington and transferred ko , 'Alaska. He stepped on too many toes trying to clean Com- munist cells out of his 'intelli- gence unit. - Another colonel with native technical skill in electronics has been ordered out of the Penta- ?gon. An intelligence officer of lesSeil rank and his assistant are -momentarily expecting to be . shanghaied to troop commands where their training in intelli- gence will be,-Wasted. A civiliankPemploye in highly,," technical work, who is rated as a genius ih certain secret de- iielopments, is in serious trouble ? because his superiors refuse te clean out Reds and incom- petents. . Communists have two goals , In infiltrating U. S. Intelligence a,gencieS. The first is to learn" what the various agencies are , doing, what they know and what . Counter-intelligence efforts a,in used; the second, to hamper this. activity by slowing down paper .? work, by endless conferences' 'and by forcing incompetents ' into- jobs where skill and conr-:-. petence is required. The subject is a proper 01;te.'.. for a Senatorial inquiry. The Senate Internal Security Sub- , committee undoulttedly is the' proper group to Make., ,,the inquiry., :4'01:41+1.11t, Ag*R1nr Feature./ Syndicate, Pie, . ? Declassified and Approved For Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/29: CIA-RDP74-00297R000900090126-8