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December 16, 1957
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DEC 16 137 ?/24, ject Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/10/29: CIA-RDP74-00297R000900090036-8 J ? ???????? ?11410?????????1 ? RFE-Sponsored Pinko Slaps U. S. in Asia CAPITOL REPORT ? By FULTON LEWIS, JR. ? WASHINGTON, Dec. 15.? Radio Free Europe operates two shortwave radio stations, one in Munich, Germany, sand one in Lisbon, Portugal. ? You probably have had no managerial experience with a radio :Aation, shortwave ? or otherwise, but the operation needs are essentially the same. You are reasonably aware of the amount of personnel your neigh- borhood radio station employs. From this should be sub: tracted the number of persons In the advertising sales depart- ment because the Free Europe ? operation does not go in for ad- vertising. From this in turn, you may reach at least an approximate figure as to what the Munich and Lisbon operations need in the way of personnel. ? THE FIGURES therefore may - be of -interest to you, inasmuch is these were supplied me, of. ? ficialiy by the Free Europe Operation itself:, Munich 1,200, Lisbon 400, Else- where "200 lus," New York 200; TOW 2, Plus. In addition to these In the strict radio line, the overall Free Europe Operation has 136 em- ployees in the "Asian contacts.' program, which consists of prop, agandizing Far and Middle?Ust- ? ern Countries about how brut- ally the Hungarians were treat- ed in. the October, 1956 blood- baths. The real purpose of the Asian Contacts program and another operation called, the "book di;. _ ? I It tribution " is to find - for of the Ivy in the New York office, ? They had to be taken care-el when the balloon propaganda program on which they form- eriy were employed was aban- doned of: order* of Washington. j Among.. the: *Missionaries" vet to Aliippla to display , the film ?Hungary ',Aflame"was reN=onethe leader of postwar Russian-ocramted Hun- MY. Reliable Hungarian Nationals Inform me that the party had little success among the People, but did perform service to the Communists by dividing the *Small Peasant's Party" so as to virtually end its effectiveness. The following is all exact trans- Won of a magazine article Which Retra*. wrote in 1951? after fleeing from Corninunist Hungary: ? 'The average American men- tality does not tmderstand, the geographical divisions in Europe The mechanical style and ;Cording of the newspapers; the general use of platitudes; the Coca-Cola and chewing gum, which if you are lucky, is .not' spat ?into your face bat Card thb NEW YORK. MIRROR pe..ats of. the .bioelt or. the. 5,2., M_O.N_DA_Y._,TpiEC._EMBE.R. 16, ? ways?end when you get home you can hardly scrape It off your' clothes or your shoes? are all inexorable and ruthless signs and elements of a modern civilization which, has reached It s climax- in Americanism. Ide- ologically, America Is unpre- pared; it can hardly be taken tonsideration as an oppon- ent of Bolshevism... America stands firmly against Bolshe- vism but it knows not what to offer in its place." This Is the man who is being paid by "truth dollars" to spread the American "concept of free- dom" througla the Middle East. As of a rwtttt check, he was still a foreigrr national. This project' has: assembled mailing lists of individuals be- hind the Iron Curtain, made up chiefly froni telephone books, in whom are sent books and phiets purporting to portray the ester% message of freedom. 11741. tig lung Vattlitel Synd., ) SPOTLIGHT PAGE 1, ? ; e:u " Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/10/29: CIA-RDP74-00297R000900090036-8 1957