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Publication Date: 
January 28, 1958
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- , ?,? -JAN oo c L 4'4'1 Declassified andApproved For Release @50-Yr 2013/10/28: CIA-RDP74-00297R000900080113-3 ? 'Ie. - ;,x, (vs-ill-Mt a it rum: grrinn i i Mil I fit Munn Ha inii flint it t ? I *, By FULTON LEWIS, JR. t WASHINGTON, Jane 27,---The f tentacles of Radio ,Freelairope. are long and ,powerful, as wit- ness the case of Dr. Walter Be- and his, fighting 'young. ad-'.' ? niinistrative ? assistant George Brada 1 Dr. Becher is a leading mem- her of the Bavarian Landta.g, roughly comparable to one of our State legislatures, though considerably more powerful. In addition, he is. the recognized leader of the Sudeten. Germans. in exile, of whom there are mil- -' lions. He is'a scholar, a gentle- man, a man a great brilliance. ,..?..BrXia is in his .thirties. His i .. ntelleetital position and philos- ophy are Vaguely suggestive of a William F. Buckley, Jr. He is an able Writer andYlike his prin- cipal, a dedicated ?anti-Commu- nist. He wrote a series of arti- - ? cies for the now defunct Facts,? Forum magazine, exPosifirRa:: ' 6-tido-Free Europe and the people who man it, and debunking 'the operation generally. Becher and Brada had plan- . /ned a trip 'to the United States (In January for a series of .con- ? --ferences looking to-the organi- zation of an international anti- Communist movement with. some real teeth and a forth-1 right policy of liberation for the Iron Curtain peoples. r Both have been led, chin-high, With the namby-pamby Titoist compromising of the Free Eti rope operations and the caponi- 'zed, ineffective, .unmilitant line *1 . of Voice of America. .? P.. CAPITAL REPORT Bonn government is the target for angry criticism by exile groups and individuals who dis- approve of RFE policy. The U.S. Consul General in 125LIA reached Washington that the Bra da visa h vl been turned down. . ? CHAIRMAN ,Francis of the' House Uirgfrierican . tivities Committee, former Rep. Munich, where Dr. Becher and Clardy of ,Michigan, Earle Mr. Brada must get their visas c49:110,:former National for entry, into the United States, ianaer of the Arnelican Legion, j,,,Xdwerd 1,!age,, Jr., who nurses? all of -whom were 'interested, a.,something, more 'than,'" ordinr.,,-, went to the State Department ary rapport 'With 'the,Muni,h and ..dernanded how_ come: topside of ,Vree",.EuF.,ope ' "the Department cabled P;Age -eiii5Z'BeeFier and George 'Once, -without satisfaction. .It Brada made application to 'Ed-. 'cabled a second time without ward Page, Jr., for visas to satisfaction. Finally, at the end . visit the United States,- there of several weeks, it sent a third was a 'peculiar twist of develop-, ,.? cable, this one very sharp-in its .ments. - tenor. The reluctant word finally ?i.; Dr. Becher was given his visa; came back. _that ,Brada's- visa without delay. His position in had been approved and he now the Landtag was such that- noway. one dared to challenge him. tates., But not so with Brada. Page ?,---Without the big guns, how- took his case 'under advisement, ever, it never would have ha p- ? and Brada 'came back and, back, 'paned. Edsy.ard,Pa,ge,,Jr..would unable, to get , any explanation 2 seem bear watc1ii7 for tl delay. Finally, word ,,,tvitosr.-bplciberoiiiiii*VaMilc.i IF THE TRUTH were known, Chancellor Adenauer would rel- ish the Oppiiitimity? Id throw 1.Radio _Free. Europe out- of Ger--- many altogether,, and relieve : iirnself of an embarrassing dip- qomatic situation. Because most , of:the RFE broadcasting is done !froi West ? German soil, . the ,1 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/10/28: CIA-RDP74-00297R000900080113-3