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NIAGAI Declassified and GAZETTE ? Kim IA ALMS\ me ? .. 31 ? CIA-RDP7-4-00297R000900070015-3 toi.auAtiA FALLS -(N.Y ;)- GAZETTE Circ.: e. 31,033 APIt..-4 1952 NW: D. : EDIIORIAL Approved For Release @ 50?Yr V V d Fit! n g To.n.. port Legion's Anti-Communist Pigilt Hurts Movie Producers Who love ftfeai ; By FULTON LEWIS,. JR_ WASHINGTON. April 4.?Eric Johnston, who vaciliates between doing choreS for the Truman ad- ministration and ,...!.-, being boss of the Motion Pic- tur.a....4.40.4aviesida4a. ot. America. is taking Fli3lTy- t5 00 d ti mier- cround in its fight against Comm trnists if any. Johnston. a few days ago. ? rallied a num- LEWIS hei. of Hollyv,00d movie moguls ynto a secret powwow, for the pur- nose of putting the heat on the American Legion's national com- mander, nal ? who has eateourage e esnon s anti-Com- munist fight. That. fight now in- cludei;4he piettiting of a-Washing- ton nthtiori picttire house for,pre- ? senting, a Hollywodd lispietleaded with left-wingers and worge. This is the Legion's first effort to picktt a theater and it hasdolPastort and his, bosses grtiwingvn their fitsgei.:. nails. '? . . - One other feason for lohnstcin momentarily abandoning the. fair deal for ?the job he gets paid for,' is that some movie producers are getting slightly daft over the in- tensity of Howard Hughes' anti- Communist fight. Hughes, boss of the huge RKO studio, is beginning to clip Com- munists off the payroll at an alarming rate. Right now an ex- employe of RKO, Paul Jarrico, is suing Hughes because he refused . to allow Jarrico's name to appear on a film after Jarrico refused to answer the 564 question'about his .iiteged Corniatiniq affitfations in testimony before congressional in- S e,tigators. Hughes has taken the FBI and 1 vother gosernment agencies and congressional committees at their word. He thinks Communists and MOSCOW stooges . who have done , ever thing ,except actually join the piirl, arc dangerous to the na- tion's security. He has vowed to bounce them when he finds them ' in his shop which is more than most of the other -studios have done. In fact, it is almost unpre- cedented. Several of the notorious Hollywood ten were fired, but in name only. Actually, they were allowed to .go on writing movie scripts,,.ifr sQte" cases, by using the . simple substerfuge. of another name. The Legion commander didn't . knuckle 'under. In fact, the Le- gion is considering an expansion I 'W. its picketing activities, since j .t,his hits the producers who !bye i die,iltids ';'and.-- 'their playmates ?_e? _ A rs"rt-oft:Vi Pnr Release N. right where if hurts-- in the pocketbook. --- THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT ,lias borrowed one of 'Maj. Gen. Harry Vaughan's deep freezes to store a hot potato. tossed to it by the McCarran - internal security subcommittee. It involves John P. Davies, who does Secretary of State Dean Acheson's thinking on Far Eastern affairt. Davies was recently cleared of security charg- es by the State department after being suspended .along with f ar Eastern Expert 0. Edmund Clubb. Clubb quit ?after Aeheson said he was clean as a whistle, but this was only half of the story. Ache- son didn't mention that the State department's loyalty board kad found Clubb a security 'risk, and that Acheson . rought back a re- ell k ' torn V tbc tired dip si,. . specific pur- pose of*0 that &else% ' Myles, . Mg ore the ..hfolGstriii4 ' :'-desaitil that be ever wanted to let a string of Comtnunista itibi th the ',.. ce tg*CY. A Tortner-em;-"-IIn1911"rfrftIrrPC.7 I-Yie Munson, a' 'w York 4ft? pub- lisher, testified otherwise. It is a pat exathple 'of lying by-some? body before a' congressional com- mittee. go McCarran skipped the record to Justice, to see which one was playing fast and loose with thilt truth. That was several weeks ago. Munson would like to drop in on a grand jury and tell his story, but the Justice department, when asked about the case, hasn't done a thing except act embar- rassed. , THE STATE ,DEPARTMENT now has four employes under in- vestigation as loyalty . suspects. The strange thing about It is that if the loyalty ,board shauld, find against the four, it will make A total of 57 "turned up" as Com- munist sympathizers since Senator Joseph R. McCarthy first started his attack on the department. You'll recall that the senator 6 aid there were 57 questionable charac- ters in the State department. Recent executive session testi- mony before a Senatesubcomtnit- tee revealed the facts concerning the 57. Conrad Snow, head of Acheson's loyalty board, had to make a number of embarrassing confessions On behalf of the seers- taryeof'state. , It hurt. The toy- ! .alty review board says the' De- corum& of State has AVM' fired anyone for'lliSloyalW. 'Sties,* says the 57 were "tamed up." What the secret IsIrthony 'is made flub= lie, I thityt you'll find Mt 'Menet "turned law( l'hus Sao" and ' the StAte.. department illeill :tom clean wititus and,* kiyaitY W.,.. view board. a 50-Yr 2013/10/31 CIA-RDP74-00297R000900070015-3 ?