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Approved For Release 2006/12/16: CIA-RDP74-00005R000200150006-1 26 Sept 67 MEMORANDUM FOR: L'C) 1 i .:. x 3 lf3 This is h '-_ to n" ro Hod grid; S"'f.i-..'t P ? of forts pI 3. .oi-a1p .,]: son wit': t 4 s ani FAA manuals ~7 t ~Lrl 1.t 1: at PTA' s that the ~+T p still tai'' '' . i f nor :e data a I"1F"'I'"7s aT'_1: letters ?,ta r?o ,e 1:: 71t .otter to degree 0l, have 13e' -,-? r a -?r .'lr'r : !r l rnen their ch r'terss . State says T Tai?` A nr't ':, are the sa l as t}fee s sro. So : ctwaalTy the mid coiii . nt; tx is cm' covers . or our or versions plus those of 6 other govi t agencies. (DATE) FORM NQ. IOI REPLACES FORM 10.101 1 AUG 54 WHICH MAY BE USED. Approved For Release 2006112/16: CIA-RDP74-00005R000200150006-1 pproved For Release 2006/12/16: CIA-R DP7410005R0002001500061 STAT TITLE & AUTHOR & DATE Forms of Address Reports, Minutes, Agendas TS Correspond. DCI matter as part of handbook Data on new US Gov't letter YES, plus exhibit. Part III Yes, not in supplement as Part V with 6 exhibits. Yes, plus an exhibit on same NO, except in early draft YES, no exhibit shown YES though not as a distinct paft or chapter Letters kept separat from memos mailing let- ters and memos separa Terms used: "DCI" and "memoranda" Use of Optional Form 10 Registered Mail and Agency Mail Examples made distin from text Yes, separate "Parts" on each/not merg Yes, again th two are not merged. YES in Chp. 3, YES as Part V Section C NO, except Part X on approval of R&D projects YES, but no NO example given Chapter IV Yes as Chp. 5, YES as Part III only 1 exhibit. but references to COMMO To a degree as YES but with Chp 2 on memo & reference to Chp 3 on letter, =MIO but general procd for both are mer ed No, all merged YES but with in Chp 6 on gen- reference to eral correspond. C6MMO "DCI" used but "memoranda" is re])laced by "ums Yes to both terms throughout the handbook No, terms use were "Directo: & "memorandum No, that form has been drop' from the book Yes, after OK from mailroom people as Part IX Examples are Yes. Standard Yes, with refere d Form No. 64 for :: to COMMO; NO to memo was also us''d Form 1954 at this timgNO to Form 19-54. Yes, but merged YES, as Part IX into text. Some Exhibits Some exhibits are distinct, are distinct, bu but most placed examples are in in text. text style. pproved For Release 2 6/12/16: CIA-RDP74- Yes, to a degree as Chp 1 on Letters and Chp 2 on memo but has gen/procd Again, tho separt. gen. procedures cover both at the same time. Yes. "DCI" used; No as "memor/duets is used. e YES. But Form 1954 was not used for MEMO FOR RECORD. YES, in text and as "e" of Section IV Some distinct, most are placed i text. TITLE & _UT1 IU R & IDAT Forms of .ld(lros: Reports, Minutes, Agendas TS Correspond. DCI matter as part of handbook Data on new US Gov't letter Letters kept soparat from memos Y-?S, plus exhibit. Part III Yes, not in suplklement as Part V with 6 exhibits. Yes, plus an exhibit on same Yes, separate "'Parts" on each/not merg mailing let- Yes, again th tees and two are not memos separa a merged. Terms used: No, terms user "DCI" and were "Directo "memoranda" & "memorandum NO, only Chp. 4 on telegrams is unique. NO--have dropped memos in favor o infc"?mal letters and communicatio with few excepti See above; also refer to its Chps 3 on mail and telegrams. NO-have dropped d it and most memo forms in favor o informal letter Recristered ! Apymwe~twR l 4e 2( 1 2!'1 : .C)P GSA 1967 Draft YES, Chapter'5. Plus style practices. STATE, March 1966 YES, Part V., Chapter 1; all o Part V extensive YES, but spread throughout book including a few exhibits, esp. Chp 6/Part . I. NO, though its Part II deals with comparable correspondence. YES, have adopt it. Yes in this March, 1966 version. FAA, October, 1962 STAT YES, Chapter 5. Plus style prac tices. NO, only Chaptc 3 or. telegramsr` wire services i unique. NO, though par- of Chps. 1&2 refer to their Administrqbor. YES, have adop it. YES, of. Chps. 1 and 2 YES, see Chps. 1-4. FAA uses "ism" not memoranda No but have a FAA form 2800 which is simi: I Approved For Rejease 2006/12/16: CIA-RFP74-00005R00020015 }006-1 2 gister^d Yes, after 0;' P,ail~ -lnd from mailroom , coney zi?. people as Part IX NO as it is government wide. YES, esp. ace j YES, esp. Chps. Chps. 4-7 of Part I 3 and 4. x rnples i,,xamples are m?tde 3 i:3tin from text YES to a large degree; word, EXAMPLE is all caps or exhibits; is bordered by bold face lines. NO, most are YES either they in text/same are separate or style print; in bold face. few are separat Approved For Release 2006/12/16: CIA-RDP74-00005R000200150006-1 TITL; S. AUTHOR & I WT : Forms o drlrec;;; Reports, Minutes, Agendas TS CorresDond. DCI matter as part of handbook Data on new US Gov't letter Letters kept separat from memo -: mailing let- ters and memos separa Terms use,".: "DCI" and "memoranda" Use of Optional Form 10 Registered Mail and .,gency a Examples made ((3istin from text Approved For Release 006/12/16: CIA-RDP74 0005R000200150006- Y-~,5, plus exhibit. Part ITT Yes, not in sup&lement as Part V with 6 exhibits. Yes, plus an exhibit on same Yes, separate "Parts" on each/not merg Yes, again th two are not merged. No, terms use( were "Director "memorandum, No, that form has been drop from the book Yes, after O, from mailroom people as Part IX Examples are Some exhibits are distinct, but examples are in text style. STAT NO, except in early draft YES, no exhibit shown 7ES though not as a distinct paft or chapter Yes, to a degree as Chp 1 on Letters and Chp 2 on memo but has gen/procd Again, the separt. gen. procedures cover both at the sag time. Ye'. "DCI" used; No i.s "memor/dams is used. e YES. But Form 1954 was not used for MEMO FOR RECORD. YES, in text and as "e" of Section IV Some distinct, most are placed ir, text. Approved For Releas 2006/12/16: CIA-RDP-i4-00005ROOO2O015000611 YES in Chp. 3, Seotion C Na, except Part X on approval. of Red) projects YES, but no NO example given Chapter IV Yes as Chp. 5, YES as, Part ITT only 1 exhibit, but references to COMMO To a degree as YES but with Chp 2 on memo & reference to Chp 3 on letter, C0?1IIU but general proc d for both are mer ed No, all merged YES but with in Chp 6 on gen- reference to eral correspond. CO?3110 "DCI" used but "memoranda" is reblaced by "ums' Yes. 'standard d Form No, 64 for memo was also us at this timgNO to Form 1954 i Yes, but merged into text. Yes to both terms throughout the handbook Yes, with referen to COMMO; NO to d Form 1954 YES, as Part IX Some Exhibits are distinct, but most placed in text. . Approved For Release 2006/12/16: CIA-RD TITL,' & UT1101R & D A'1 Forms of ddres:; Reports, Minutes, Agendas Ts, Correspond. Y-13, plus exhibit. Part III DCI matter Yes, not in as part of supplement as handbook Part V with 6 exhibits. Data on new Y1 s, plus an US Gov't exhibit on letter same Letters kept separat from memos Yes, separate "Parts" on each/not merg mailing let- Yes, again th ters and two are not memos separa a merged. Terms used! No, terms use( "DCI" and were "Directo "memoranda" & "memorandum Use of Optional Form 10 110, that form has been drop from the book GSA 1967 Draft YES, Chapter Plus style practices. NO--have dropped memos in favor o informal letters and communicatio with few excepti See above; also refer to its Chps 3 on mail and telegrams. No to DCI and GSA used "um" not memoranda NO-have dropped d it and most memo forms in favor o informal letter RArri.st~reci I ApV tec 3R(7 je 2d A2/1 : bA;RD 4-00005R000200150046-1 STATE, March 1966 YES, Part V., Chapter 1; all o Part V extensive Yes in this March, 1966 version. YES, extensive; NO, only Chapte all of Part III 3 on telegrams& YES, but spread throughout book including a few exhibits, esp. Chp 6/Part I. NO, though its Part II deals with comparable' correspondence., STAT FAA, October, 1962 YES, Chapter 5. Plus style prac tices. wire services i unique. NO, though part of Chps. 1&2 refer to their Administrator. YES, have adopt YES, have adopi it. it. YES, of. Chps. 192 of Part I. YES, see its Chps. 3-7 of Part I State uses t9um" B not memoranda YD'S, of. Chps. 1 and 2 YES, see Chps. 1-4. FAA uses "rum" not memoranda No but have a FAA form 2800 which 's simil t 3R6j6Z00~800 6-1 YE5. esp. ChpE y, 1te[ i;`tere 1 Xency 'aid Approved For Rel Yes, after 01; from mailroom people as Part Ix se 2006/12/16: CIA-RD NO as it is YES, esp. ace 1li3, G"?. -..r- government wide. Chps. 4-7 of Part I 3 and 4. YES to a large degree; word, EXAMPLE is all caps or exhibits, is bordered by bold face lines. 13:arnples examples are m?Lde distinc from text NO, most are YES either they in text/same are separate or style print; in bold face. few are separat Approved For Release 2006/12/16: CIA-RD174-00005R000200150 J6-1 Approved For Release 2006/12/16: CIA-RDP74-00005R000200150006-1 Forms of :.dclre:,s DIA Manual 10-1 4 April 1966 YES) in Part XII extensive as it has military forms too. Reports, i iinutes, Agendas TS Correspond. DCI matter as part of handbook Data on new US Gov't letter Letters kept separat from memos mailing let- ters and memos separa Terms used: "DCI" and "memoranda" Use of .Optional Form 10 Registered Mail and Agency IMIail Erxunples made distin from text YTS, plus exhibit. Part III Yes, not in sup lement as Part V with 6 exhibits, Yes, plus an exhibit on same Yes, separate "Parts" on each/not merg Yes, again th two are not merged. No, terms use( were "Director & "memorandwa: No, that form has been drop- from the book Yes, after ON from mailroom people as Part Ix Examples are to be done in 4 point, Sans Serif typ plus, sepa,'ate exhibits-"_..b YES, Parts VI and VII on Staff 'summary "sheet & __.misa.__.reports ~._ YES, tho no par- ticular part is devoted to it; security is note in 5 of the part; Part VIII deals with comparable data and other special corresp. Yes, have adopte it;in Part X on Sample formats, many examples of this YESParts I&ITI on letters with Part IV on memo- randums Assembly the sam for both & their Services Divisio: prepares require, envelopes for bo? NO, use Director and memorandum Yes, Part X, figures 13,16, 1 20-24 are on Op Form 10.' .cf. Services Div No to large dergre except Part X does include all of its sample format in one-place. OSx, Sept. 1963 No, use the memorandums to large degree YES throughout the book and esp. in Part III YES but much is handled centrall thru D C&R YES oh DCI and YES on memo/de in some cases, but generally memorandum. NO not even in exhibits. DC& appamently handles most of their materials Text is almost one memorandum or letter after another. OL Notes STAT NOT in notes examined NO, not in notes examined Yes, examples 11-14 plus refer- ences to D/L's preferences No, all taught in Part II,D under gen. Principles. tho examples of same are separate. not in noted examined YES to both DCI and memoranda terms No, only in correspondence that stays inside OL_ used in its divisions if desirf not in notes examined No, the formats for memorandums and letters are distinct from - text. Approved For Release 2006/12/16: CIA-RDP74-000058000200150006-1