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Approved For Release RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 16 DECEMBER 1954 RECORDS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM HANDBOOK FOR SUBJECT FILING 25X1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 5X1 Approved For Release 20021W. - DP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 25X1 25X1 RECORDS 16 December 195+ This Handbook has been prepared to serve as a guide for installing and maintaining the "Subject Numeric System of Filing" in the Agency. Its purpose is to provide a standard system for the orderly arrangement and maintenance of records. The use of this standard system in the Agency will increase the administrative usefulness of records; expedite the dis- position of records when they are no longer needed; facilitate the preservation of records having permanent value; and V.-' simplify the training of employees. The subjects appearing in the."Subject List" of this Handbook are predominantly administrative in nature. This has been done deliberately in the belief that the Handbook can be used "as is" for administrative or nontechnical files. For those elements in the Agency having use, or need for a more technical "Subject List" than is provided in this Hand- book the Records Management Division, Management Staff, is pre- pared to assist in adapting or modifying the procedures or "Subject List" outlined to fit the specific requirements of such elements. L. K. WHITE Deputy Director (Administration) Approved For Releas A-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 25X1 RECORDS 16 Dec-ember 1951. Page SECTION I. INTRODUCTION 1. Scope ............................................. 1 2. Responsibility .................................... 1 3. Definitions .........................e......?.?.... 1 SEC TION II. TYPES OF FILES Li.. General Subject Files ............................. 3 5. Case or Project Files ............................. 3 6. Alphabetical Name Index........ ................... 3 SECTION III. STANDARD FILE CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM 7. Description ....................................... 5 8. File Classification Guide ......................... 5 9. Classifying Papers for Filing ..................... 5 SECTION IV. CROSS REFERENCES 10. When and How to Prepare Cross References...-....... 10 SECTION V. FILING THE RECORDS U. Assembling the Papers for Filing............,..... 11 12. Folder and Guide Arrangements ..................... 11 13. Placing Material in the Files... .................. 13 ].tr.. File "Cut-off" Periods and Retirement............. 14 SECTION VI. FINDING AND CHARGING-OUT THE RECORDS 15. General ..................?.r....?r........?....... 16 16. Finding the Records.............. ................. 16 17. Charging-out the Records .......................... 17 EXHIBITS A. Subject File Copy ................................. 19 B. Alphabetical Name Index Copy ...................... 20 C. Correspondence Cross Reference, Form No. 36-150... 21 D. Correspondence Continuity Reference, Form No. 36-151 .......................................... 22 E. Arrangement of Folders, Guides, and Labels........ 23 F. Rules for Alphabetic Filing....................... 21. G. Correspondence Charge-out, Form No. 36-270..... ... 30 H. Case File Charge.-out Card......................... 31 I. File Backing Sheet, Form No. 36-271..............0 32 PART TWO - FILE CLASSIFICATION GUIDE ........................ 33 SUBJECT LIST ........................................... 33 SUBJECT INDEX.... ...................................... 71 Approved For Release -RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 9bl1 -1w4 25X1 25X1 RECORDS 16 December 1954 PART ONE - GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Page SECTION I. INTRODUCTION 1. Scope ............................................. 1 2,Responsibil3ty....... ............................. 1 3, Definitions .......?r .................a............ 1 SECTION II. TYPES OF FILES 4. General Subject Files ..................:.......... 3 5. Case or Project Files ............................. 3 6. Alphabetical Name Index... ........................ 3 SECTION III. STANDARD FILE CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM 7 . Description .......... ..... ...... ..... . ..... . . . .... 5 8. File Classification Guide ......................... 5 .................. 5 9. Classifying Papers for Filing... SECTION IV. C ROSS REFERENCES 10. When and How to Prepare Cross References... ....... 10 SECTION V. F 11. Assem ILING THE RECORDS bling the Papers for Filing ........... ....... 11 12. Folde r and Guide Arrangements.............. ....... 11 13. Placi ng Material in the Files... ........... ....... 13 14. File "Cut-off" Periods and Retirement...... ....... 14 SECTION VI. FINDING AND CHARGING-OUT THE RECORDS 15. Gener al .................................... ....... 16 16. Findi ng the Records ........................ ....... 16 17. Charg ing-out the Records ................... ....... 17 EXHIBITS A. Subje ct File Copy......... ................. ....... 19 B. Alpha betical Name Index Copy ............... ....... 20 C. Corre spondence Cross Reference, Form No. 36 -150... 21 D. Corre 36- spondence Continuity Reference, Form N 151..................... .............. o. ....... 22 E. Arran gement of Folders, Guides, and Labels. ....... 23 F. Rules for Alphabetic Filing ................ ....... 24 G. Corre spondence Charge-out, Form No. 36-270. ....... 30 H. Case File Charge-out Card...... ............ ....... 31 I. File Backing Sheet, Form No. 36-271 ........ ....... 32 PART TWO - FILE CLASSIFICATION GUIDE ........................ 33 SUBJECT LIST ........................................... 33 SUBJECT INDEX .......................................... 71 Approved For Release ? ig'(j'A-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 25X1 RECORDS 16 December 1954 HANDBOOK FOR SUBJECT FILING SECTION I INTRODUCTION The Standard File Classification System and the attendant pro- cedures described herein are prescribed for use in filing and maintaining correspondence records of the Central Intelligence Agency. Although the system is designed to permit a certain amount of flexibility to meet the specific requirements of various offices, it is essential that the basic pattern pro- vided herein be followed carefully if an adequate degree of standardization is to be maintained. Further subdivision of any of the subjects listed is permissible to provide for the necessary detail which may be required by some offices. "Case" or "project" files may be established under any subject as required. In addition, the Clandestine Services is exempt from the provisions of this Handbook to the extent dictated by its internal special requirements. The Records Management Division, Management Staff and desig- nated Area Records Officers throughofut the Agency have tech- nical custody and responsibility for the proper maintenance and disposition of official records of the Agency. The Re- cords Management Division will furnish to offices maintaining official records all assistance possible in the establishment of their files, including procedures for maintenance, servic- ing, and retirement of the records. 3. DEFINITIONS The original or copy of a letter, document, report, etc., which is maintained in a designated "Official File Station" for documentation purposes and which is distinguished from other copies of the same document, in the same organiza- tional element, by the fact that such other copies merely serve as temporary working papers, "convenience" files, etc. 1 Approved For Release 2002/08/23: CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23: CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 X1 RECORDS 16 December 1954 Each file containing official record copies shall constitute an "official file" and should include the original incoming communication and the initialed yellow copies of outgoing and interoffice correspondence; originals or action copies of reports, executed forms, maps, photographs, and other documentary material. The official record copies shall not be maintained in any organizational unit not specifically designated as an Official File Station. Reference material consisting of printed or duplicated copies of publications, extra copies of comlminications used as reading files, and other material considered as temporary working papers is not included in the definition of official records. Such nonrecord material shall not be interfiled with official records. The term "Official File Station" shall be construed to mean any specifically designated organizational element of the Central Intelligence Agency where the official record copies of correspondence and other documents are maintained. The phy?sical location of an Official File Station shall be determined by the head of such organizational element, with technical advice from Records Management Division, d. CLASSIFY, CLASSIFIED, AND CLASSIFICATION As used in this Handbook and in filing operations, these terms refer to the subject or file designation of records and not to defense classifications: "'ICP S.ECRET," ITSECREP,r' or "CONFIDENTIAL." Approved For Release 2002' iP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 25X1 RECORDS 16 December 1954 4. SUBJECT FILES Subject Files are. considered to be those types of paper records which ordinarily include correspondence, reports, and other documents which may be classified and filed under all or many of the subject categories included in the File Classification Guide. The general subject material is dis- tinguished from that which is ordinarily identified as "case" or "project" files as described in the next paragraph. 5. CASE OR PROJECT FILES A case or project file is described as a file comprised of material relating to a specific action, transaction, person, organization, location or thing, yet may cover one or many subjects pertaining to the specific case or project. Types of case or project files may include voucher files, contracts, loan cases, construction projects, leases, litigation cases, and many others. Case or r files may be included as a part of the subjeckfilesor they may be located physically apart from such files. As a general rule the volume of these records and use made of them should c a e their arrange- men . 6. ALPHABETICAL NA111E INDEX The Alphabetical Name Index is a finding medium through which correspondence and other documents filed by subject may be located when the available information is the name of the cor- respondent, the name of the author of a document, or the name of an individual or organization referred to in correspondence or documents. It is not always necessary or advisable to es- tablish a name index to the subject file. Therefore, careful consideration should be given to the actual need for such an index before establishing one. In other words, the Alphabetical Name Index should not be established at any Official File Sta- tion if : a. The quantity of material filed by subject is so small that no difficulty will be encountered in locating it by subject; 3 Approved For Release 49 ! 3IA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 b. RECORDS 16 December 1954 The type of records filed is susceptible to an alpha- betical arrangement by names within the subject files; or c. The type of material can be located easily by case or project symbol, number, or other means of identification, without the aid of an alphabetical index. If the Alphabetical Name Index is used it should be composed of extra copies (normally pink tissues) of outgoing corres- pondence, and Forms No. 36-150 or 36-150A (to be redesignated as Forms No. 135 and 135a), "Correspondence Cross Reference." Paragraph 12c describes the arrangement of folders and guides for the Alphabetical Name Index. Approved For Release 2002(k P74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 RECORDS 16 December 1954 STANDARD FILE CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM 7. DESCRIPTION The file classification system adopted for use in the Cen- tral Intelligence Agency is known as the "Subject-Numeric System of Classifying and Filing." This system is an adaptation of both the simple subject and numerical coding systems. It retains the simplicity of the alphabetical arrangement of subject titles, brings together related sub- jects, and provides file designations consisting of a com- bination of descriptive subject titles with related subjects organized as subdivisions of the primary subjects. The sub- divisions of the primary subjects are assigned Arabic numer- als to reduce time and effort in marking material for filing and to make it easy to memorize the filing designations. 8, FILE CLASSIFICATION GUIDE The File Classification Guide contained in Part Two of this Handbook is divided into two parts, as follows: a. A Subject List consisting of a group of alphabetically arranged primary subject titles with their related sec- ondary and suggested tertiary subdivisions. b. A Subject Index consisting of an alphabetical listing of all of the subject titles and other appropriate references. It serves the same purpose as an index to a book. 9. CLASSIFYING PAPERS FOR FILING The process of classifying involves the analysis of correspond- ence or other documents to determine the subject by which they should be filed, and the placing of file designations on material to show where it should be placed in the file. Papers received for classifying and filing may cover a wide variety of subjects. Also a number of papers involving one 25X1 Approved For Release -RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 RECORDS 16 December 195+ particular subject may be intermingled with those of other subjects. The file classification system is designed so that all of the papers on related subjects will be consist- ently and logically brought together in the files. How- ever, sound judgment and careful attention must be given to the procedures which follow if the classification process is to be accomplished satisfactorily. THE ABILITY TO LOCATE PAPERS PROMPTLY AFTER THEY ARE FILED DEPENDS LARGELY UPON THE CARE USED WHEN CLASSIFYING MATERIAL BEFORE IT IS FILED. The following are the normal procedures to follow when classifying material for filing. (1) Read and analyze the correspondence or other material to determine the most outstanding or prominent sub- ject; that is, the subject by which the papers will most likely be requested. (2) Select the proper file designation by referring directly to the Subject List or Index of the File Classification Guide, in the following manner: (a) determine the appropriate primary subject category, such as TRAVEL, PERSONNEL, etc., for example, a let- ter concerning recruitment of personnel would fall under the primary subject PERSONNEL; (b) select the appropriate subdivision, if any, under the primary subject, for example, a letter concerned with budget estimates would be classified by the secondary subject Budget Estimates, a subdivision of the primary subject APPROPRIATIONS. Similar reasoning is applicable for the selection of tertiary subjects. If no appropriate subdivisions of the primary subject have been provided, the primary subject itself is used as the file designation. (3) Stamp or write the file designation in the upper right corner of the Subject File copy yellow tissue), as shown in Exhibit A or in the same position on any in- coming correspondence which did not require a reply. The file designation consists of the full primary sub- ject title followed by the Arabic numeral or numerals Approved For Release 2002/0$i~iiB74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 25X1 RFCORT1s 16 December 1951 representing the subdivision of the primary sub- ject. For example: The file designation ACCOUNT- IW} 1 denotes the proper file classification for material to be filed under the primary subject ACCOUNTING, and the secondary subdivision Accounts Current. Mark the Ai habetical Name Index Copies, (if the index is being employed) at the same time the file designa- tion is placed on the Subject File copy, by placing the same file designation by which the subject copy is to be filed, in the upper right corner of the pink copy as shown in Exhibit B. This file designation will indicate where the material is located in the Subject File. Also after the file designations are placed on the file copies, the name, title, etc., under which the Name Index copies are to be filed should be under- scored on such copies. The following are examples of how the papers should be marked: (a) Correspondence addressed to private individuals should be filed by the last name of the individ- ual addressed. Example of marking: Mrs. Mary Brown 1220 Ivy Street Seattle 5, Washington (b) Correspondence addressed to officials of commercial concerns should be filed under the name of the company or organization. Example of markings x Mr. John Doe, Manager American Machine Co oration Chicago Us Illinois (c) Correspondence addressed to officials within the Agency should be filed under the name of the principal organizational unit addressed, disregard- ing such terms as "Office of." Example of markings MEMORANDUM FOR: Special Assistant, Deputy Director (Administration) Approved For Release A-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 RECORDS 16 Dec e nber 195L (d) Correspondence addressed to individuals in other Federal agencies should be filed under the name of the agency. Example of marking: x Mr. Joseph Black Chief, Aeronautics Office Department of Commerce Washington 25, D. C. (5) Indicate the cross references to be prepared in the following manner: (a) For the Subject Files. If the material being classified involves more than one subject by which it is likely to be requested, or a single subject with more than one interpretation, select the file designation for the additional subject(s) and stamp or write it immediately below the file designation already shown for the. main, most prominent subject. In such instances, a cross mark "X" should be placed at the left of the file designation to indicate that a cross reference is requited, as follows: RECORDS 14 (b) For the Alphabetical Name Index. If the Alphabetical Name Index copy is to be filed in the Name Index by the name of an organization, indicate, by placing a cross mark "x" above the first letter of the last name of the individual addressed, that a cross reference is to be made for filing by the name of the individual. Like- wise, indicate cross references to be prepared for any names of persons or organizations referred to in the body of the correspondence or document. (6) Note earlier material to be brought forward and consol- idated with later correspondence. If an indication of earlier correspondence or documents is discovered, this fact should be noted on the correspondence to indicate that the earlier material should be removed from the Approved For Release 20 RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 10 11MONNUMIP 25X1 RECORDS 16 December 1951 file and consolidated with the material of the later date, See paragraph 10b for instructions regarding preparation of Form No. 36-151 (to be redesignated as Form No. 232), Correspondence Con- tinuity Reference, c. HELPFUL HINTS TO THE CLASSIFIER (1) While some analytical ability is desirable, the knack of noticing essential key phrases and ideas in correspondence helps to select correct file des- ignations. However, if the subject cannot be easily determined, it is helpful to consider the correspond- ence in this light: "Why was it written?" or "What reason was there that prompted the writer to write it?" Usually it will be found that the purpose for writing suggests the subject under which it should be filed. (2) It is helpful at times to refer to previous correspond- (nce already on file to verify a tentatively selected file designation. (3) In unusual cases the subject of correspondence is so vague that it is difficult to determine the proper file designation. In such cases, there need be no hesitancy in going to the dictator-or other authoritative sources to obtain a sufficiently clearer conception of the subject matter, so that the material may be properly classified. This extra effort will permit more accu- rate filing and facilitate finding the material. (~) The subject line frequently appearing above the body of correspondence should not be relied on too heavily in determining the subject under which the correspond- ence should be filed. It may be vague., misleading, or even remote from the real subject of correspondence concerned. (5) Persons responsible for classifying and filing records should study the organizational and functional struc- ture of the Agency and keep currently informed regard- ing policies, procedures, programs, and projects., Such knowledge is essential to the selection of correct file designations. Approved For Release 2MOMM-RDP74-00005ROO0200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 VVINxIBER"Now X1 RECORDS 16 December 1954 SECTION IV 10. WHEN AND HOW TO PREPARE CROSS REFERENCES The use of appropriate cross references in the file or index can be an invaluable aid in locating material quickly when needed. Care should be taken, however, to avoid making and filing unnecessary cross references which will consume time in preparation and space in the files. The following are normal conditions under which cross references should be made. a, '4JHEN MORE THAN ONE SUBJECT IS INVOLVED For those documents which cover more than one subject as indicated in paragraph 9b(5) an extra copy of the doc- ument, if available, should be used or Form No. 36-150 or 36-150A, Correspondence Cross Reference, should be pre- pared, as shown in Exhibit C. When it is necessary to bring forward earlier correspond- ence or documents and consolidate it with subsequent material as explained in paragraph 9b(6) Form No. 36-151, Correspondence Continuity Reference, as shown in Exhibit D, should be prepared. c. TO PROVIDE ALPHABETICAL NA E REFERENCES When incoming letters are filed without replies, or extra copies of correspondence are not available for filing in the Alphabetical Name Index, name references should be made on Form No. 36-150 or36-15OA. Also, such references may be prepared for names of individuals or organizations referred to in the body of the correspondence. 10 Approved For Release 2002/ 74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Cliliifilif RECORDS 16 December 1951,- 11, ASSEMBLING THE PAPERS FOR FILING After correspondence and documents are marked with the correct filing designation,, they should be properly assem- bled preparatory to filing. Each unit of material con- sisting of two or more papers relating to a particular trans- action should be arranged in chronological order with the latest date on top. Such papers should be fastened together with staples in both upper corners of the assembly, or with prong fasteners if the unit of material is too thick for staples. 129 FOLDERS AND GUIDE ARRANGEHENr The orderly appearance and efficiency of any file depends to a large extent upon the careful preparation., use, and arrange- ment of folders and guides in the file drawer. Folders are necessary to keep related papers together and in order. Guides serve as "sign posts" to help speed up filing and find- ing operations. The incorrect use of either folders or guides will retard, rather than aid,, these operations. To provide for uniformity as to types of folders and guides and their arrangement., the following standards should be adhered toy as far as practicable: a. GENERAL SUBJECT FIIE (1) Folders and File Designations Kraft folders, 11-point weight., square-cut, with reinforced tabs meet requirements for the Subject Files. Such folders should be prepared for only those subject titles for which there is a definite current or antici- pated need. If there is little or no need for the use of subdivisions of some of the primary subjects,, fold- ers for those subdivisions should not be placed in the files. If an occasional piece of correspondence is classified under a secondary or tertiary subject, the material should be placed in the primary subject folder. 25X1 Approved For Release 2MIMP"O RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 RECORDS 16 Dacember 1951 When a primary subject folder contains ten or more file units with the same secondary or ter- tiary designation, a separate folder should be pre- pared for the material. File designations may be typed directly on the folder tabs if a long-carriage typewriter is avail- able. If such a typewriter is not available, gummed labels may be used. In either case the file des- ignations (whether typed directly on folders or labels) for any primary or secondary subjects con- - be tained in the File Classification Guide should p ced unifo y on a folder to teginning one- half inch from the left. Labels or file designations for case or project files established within the Subject File, should be placed in the center of the folder. See Exhibit Es for an illustration of the correct method of preparing and placing file des- ignations on folders. (2) Guides Pressboard Guides, with metal angular tabs, one-third cut, should be used in the Subject Files. Tabs will be used in the following manner: SECOND position for all primary subjects; and THIFO) position for secondary subjects. See Exhibit E for illustration of proper arrangement of guides and the correct method of writing file designations on guide inserts. (3) Arrangement Within the File Cabinets Folders and guides should be arranged in the file drawer in the exact sequence in which the primary and secondary subjects appear in the File Classification Guide, starting from the front of the drawer, with the guides preceding the related folders. The sequence of the drawers should be from top to bottom of the cabinet, b. CASE OR PROJECT FILES Kraft folders, 11-point weight, square-cut, reinforced tabs, with fasteners may be used for case or project files, but their arrangement may vary according to types. Case or project files may be established within the Subject Files Approved For Release 2 -RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 25X1 RECORDS 16 December 1954 or physically separated depending upon the type and spe- cific reference needs of the organizational element. (1) Folders and Guides The same type of folder and guide described for use in the Subject Files should be used for the Alphabet- ical Name Index. Alphabetical captions may be typed directly on the folders, or labels may be used if a suitable typewriter with large type is not available for typing on the folder. If it is difficult to determine in advance how large the index will be, it is advisable to start first with a folder for each letter of the alphabet and make folders for subdivi- sions of these letters as the file grows. Special folders for common names, such as "Smith," "Brown," "Adams," etc., and names of organizations or indi- viduals with which the organization has frequent correspondence may be made as required. (2) Rules for Alphabetic Filing Exhibit F, is a complete set of rules for alphabetic filing. All persons having the responsibility for filing records should thoroughly familiarize them- selves with these rules, so that, regardless of who does the filing there will be consistency in the arrangement of the index reference. 13. PLACING MATERIAL IN THE FILES After material to be filed has been classified and marked for filing, the papers should be segregated as to types of files preparatory to actually placing them in the files. For exam- ple, Subject File material should be arranged alphabetically by the primary subject categories appearing on the documents. Index references for the Alphabetical Name Index should be arranged in alphabetical order before proceeding with the fil- ing operation. When filing the material, place each assembly within the 13 Approved For Release IA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 X1 RECORDS 16 December 1954 proper folder with the left edge of the papers down. Units of material for filing should be arranged in the folder in chronological order with the latest date forward., unless a different arrangement will facilitate its use. All material should be filed loose in the folders except for case or project mate- rial which should be fastened to the folder. Folders should not be overfilled. Three-quarters of an inch is the normal capacity of a folder. When the capacity of the folder has been reached., additional material on the same subject or case should be placed in another folder and arranged with the folder contain- ing the more current records in front. The inclusive dates of the material should be shown on the tab of each of the earlier folders in this manner: 1 January 1954 - 31 March 1954 When the new folder is started., the beginning date should be indicated on the tab in this manners 1 April 54 - The amount of material accumulating in connection with a single case or project may become too voluminous for filing in one folder. Rather than file the papers per- taining to the project or case in two or more folders., chronologically, the reference use of the material com- pp aing the complete case may be facilitated by dividing the material into several action phases of the case and filing it in separate folders under the project or case designation. A voluminous single project requires too margr individual folders to afford easy reference to the material if filed in straight chronological order from the date of the first document to the latest. 14. FILE "CUT-OFF" PERIOt$ AND RETIREMENT The periodic termination of filing in a series of records at a predetermined time and the starting of a new series of records of the same type with current material is termed a "cut- off" procedure. The purpose of applying a cut-off procedure is to Approved For Release 2 --RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 -b. BREAKING DOWN VOLUMINOUS CASE OR PROJECT FILES Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 25X1 RECORDS 16 December 1954 facilitate retirement of the older records. To identify the cut-off period the filing year should be entered on the right side of the folder tab. (See Exhibit D.) Cut-off periods, such as "1 year of accumulation," "Remove from current file upon completion of transaction," should be established for each file series in order to prevent the ac- cumulation of files beyond the actual current needs. The cut- off files may then be retained for an established holding period before retirement to the Records Center. During this holding period, material from the cut-off file(s) which be- comes necessary for current operations may be brought forward and interfiled with the material in the current file. After expiration of the established holding period, the re- maining cut-off portion of the file should be transferred to the Records Center. When material is withdrawn from the cut- off portion of a file for continued action, Form No. 36-151, Correspondence Continuity Reference, should be placed in the cut-off file. This will identify the material brought for- ward and indicate the filing location in the current file. The above cut-off and retirement procedure is prescribed in order that office space and equipment requirements will be held to a minimum. 15 Approved For Release 203DP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 ,,,X1 RECORDS 16 December 1954 SECTION VI FINDING AND CHARGING-OUT THE RECORDS 15. GENERAL The primary purpose of any filing system is to provide an orderly method of arranging and putting documents away so that they may be produced quickly when needed. Therefore, the successful operation of any system depends upon the ability to locate records promptly. In this connection, the following procedures and techniques are given, which if followed by the searcher, will contribute to the efficient operation of the file system. 16. FINDING THE RECORDS a. RECEIVING THE REQUEST The person receiving the request for the file should endeavor to obtain as much information as possible from the requester to enable the searcher to identify the needed record. The amount of information required to locate a specific file will depend upon the type of file requested. For most general correspondence files the subject matter and date of the material is most important. However, the name of any individuals, companies, organiza- tions, agencies, etc., identified with the correspondence will assist in making the search. As a general rule, material in the Subject File may be located by going directly to that file, if the requester has supplied adequate information regarding the subject of the material. If the searcher is not sure of the file designation by which the records may be found, he should consult the File Classification Guide before going to the file. If only name references are given, or if the subject information is not adequate, the searcher should refer to the Alphabetical Name Index (if one is being used) to determine the location of the record in the subject file. 16 Approved For Release 2002/ 74-00005R000200020001-0 .Lmv Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 25X1 RFCORDS 16 December 1954 Because of the numerous types of project or case files, and since they are more easily identified and located than general subject material, no specific suggestions; are given concerning the searching for such records. If the material requested cannot be found in the files, a search should be made of any unfiled records. 17. CHARGIN03-0UT THE RECORDS To ensure proper use of records, to prevent their loss and misplacement and to keep informed at all times of the location of records, it is necessary to maintain control of all material withdrawn from the files, This control is accomplished through a charge-out system. Individuals to whom records have been charged should be held responsible for their custody and prompt return after the records have served their purpose. a. R' LOVING INDIVIDUAL RECORDS FROM THE SUBJECT FILE Form No. 36-271 (to be redesignated as Form No. 225), File Backing Sheet, should be attached to records removed from this file. These File Backing Sheets will provide a substantial base, protect the record(s) and distin- guish the material from other papers. This form has a distinctive blue color and measures 8" x 1110". (See Ex- hibit I.) Form No. 36-270 (to be redesignated as Form No. 221), Correspondence Charge-Out. (see Exhibit G), should be filled in and placed in the folder in an upright position in the exact location from which the record(s) were re- moved. Upon return of the charged record(s), Form No. 36-270, Correspondence Charge-Out, should be removed and canceled and the record together with Form No. 36-271, File Backing Sheet, attached should be placed in the file. Case files are always charged out in their entirety. Entire folders are removed and delivered to the requester. Upon such removal, fill in Form No. 36-152 (to be re- designated as Form No. 119), Case File Charge-Out Card, Approved For Release 2 DP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 GOOMMOUNW" 50jIr5X1 IECORDS 16 December 1954 as shown in Exhibit Hy and file in an upright position in the exact place from which the folder was removed. When this charged folder is returned to the files, the Charge-Out Card is canceled and placed horizontally in the folder. This will eliminate the necessity of pre- paring a new Cba rge-out Card each time the same case file is withdrawn. C. CHOCKING THE FILES FOR CHAFGID RECORDS The files should be inspected regularly to ensure the return of charged records. The charge-out forms when placed in an upright position are taller than other ma. terial in the files and can be distinguished readily by a casual inspection. When such inspections reveal that material has not been returned, assure that the material is still in use. Approved For Release 2002/08/ ll~"WW-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 25X1 Mr. John Doe, Manager American Machine Corporation Chicago 12, Illinois Exhibits A and B are included herein to represent copies of correspondence properly classified and marked for filing. Exhibit A shows the placement of the file designation in the upper right corner of the Subject File copy (yellow), including the correct method of indicating what cross references should be made. Exhibit B shows where to place the file designation on the Alphabetical Name Index copy (pink) as well as how to underscore the appropriate name references for the Name Index. You will find the detailed procedures for classify- ing and marking correspondence explained in paragraph 9 of the general instructions. Distribution: Orig. - Addressee 1 - Comptroller 1 -01R 1 - Official 1 - Name Index 11'$IBIT p 19 C ROBERT R. BROWN Deputy Director Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 16 Decembe 19f/S Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 25X1 Mr. John Doe, Manager American Machine Corporation Chicago 12, Illinois THIS Cdpv copies of correspondence properly classified and marked Exhibit B shows where to place the file designation on the Alphabetical Name Index copy (pink) as well as how to underscore the appropriate name references for the You will find the detailed procedures for classify- ing and marking correspondence explained in paragraph 9 of the general instructions. Distribution: Orig. - Addressee 1 - Comptroller 1 - OIR 1 - Official 1 - Name Index cJrz IT 8 20 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 25X1 16 DecetubRECORDS er 1954 ro: American Machine Corp., Chicago, 111. John Doe, Manager FROM: Robert R. Brown, Deputy Director SUMMARY: Procedure for classifying and marking correspondence for filing. EXHIBIT C Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 L'SlR~S'D~lMJl~~14! RECORDS 16 December 1954 USE THESE CAPTIONS TO IDENTIFY THE FILE THAT IS BEING BROUGHT FORWARD FOR CON- SOLIDATION WITH MATERIAL OF A LATER DATE. BEING BROUGHT FORWARD. USE THESE CAPTIONS TO SHOW WHERE THE CONSOLIDATED PAPERS ARE NOW LOCATED IN THE FILE. 25X1 22 Approved For Release 2002/ 74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 RECORDS 16 December 1954 ARRANGEMENT OF FOLDERS, GUIDES AND LABELS ACCOUNTING 2-1 PER DIEM ACCOUNTING 2 ALLOWANCES ACCOUNTING 1 (FIELD STATION X) 1953 ACCOUNTS CURRENT PRIMARY SUBJECTS 2ND POSITION GUIDE LABELS FOR STANDARD FILE DESIGNATIONS APPROPRIATIONS 2-1 1953 EXHIBITS APPROPRIATIONS 1 ALLOTMENTS (OFFICE D) APPROPRIATIONS 1 1953 ALLOTMENTS (OFFICE C) APPROPRIATIONS 1 1953 ALLOTMENTS (OFFICE B) LABELS FOR CASE FILES OR DETAIL SUBJECTS APPROPRIATIONS 1 1953 ALLOTMENTS (OFFICE A) APPROPRIATIONS 1 ALLOTMENTS 25X1 23 Approved For Release 200274-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 1X1 RECORDS 16 December 1954 There are three steps in alphabetic name filing: 1. Determine the indexing form of the name--files as written, surname transposed, articles to be disregarded, etc. 2. Determine the filing units in the name. 3. Consider the filing units in turn, determining the arrangement of the material in strict alphabetic order. Some of the rules for alphabetic filing, therefore, are concerned with determining the filing order of the name; some with the determination of filing units;, and others with the alphabetic arrangement of those units. 1. In filing by names of individuals the surname is the first unit, the first name or initial is the second unit, the second name or initial is the third unit, and so on for any additional names or initials the person may have. A fundamental rule of filing is "nothing comes before something." Thus a surname without given name or initial precedes the same surname with a given name or initial; also a surname with a given name precedes the same surname and same given name with an initial. Richard Johnson Johnson Jones Jones J. Jones Jones J. J. A. Jones Jones J. A. J. Allen Jones Jones J. Allen James Jones Jones James James A. Jones Jones James A. James Abbott Jones Jones Jame a Abbott James Allen K. Jones Jones James Allen Ernest K. Jordan Jordan Ernest K. This example illustrates the alphabetic arrangement considering first the first units, then when the first units are the same, the second units are considered; when the second units are also the same, the third unit is considered, etc. However, where it is known that the material is on the same individual whether written with initials or given names, it is filed together. Thus, if J. Jones, J. A. Jones, and James A. Jones is the same individual, material is filed together under his most common method of writing his name. The usual methods for writing the name is First given name Middle initial Surname. 2. Prefixes such as d, D' de. Do De La di du, Fitz, La Le Y', Mac, Me O' Van, Von, Van der, Von are considered as part of either he given name or surname to which they are prefixed, and are arranged in strict alphabetical order. Alice Delaney Andrew De Laney Michael D'Fao John Fitzsimmons Robert MacAlister Charles McCarthy Hugh O'Neill FitzHugh Peters Susan St. John Albert Vandegriff Ronald Van de Griff Delaney De Laney D'Fao FitzSimmons MacAlister McCarthy O'Neill Peters St. John Vandegriff Van de Griff Alice Andrew Michael John Robert Charles Hugh FitzHugh Susan Albert Ronald EXHIBIT F (Page 1) 24 Approved For Release 20 RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 RECORDS 16 December 195+ Wm. Jones Jones William Jas. Miller Miller James Chas. Smith Smith Charles Theo. Williams Williams Theodore Jno. Young Young John 5. Titles Such as Dr., Mrs., Miss., Prof. Col., Director, Supt., and abbreviations, suci-as Jr., Sr., 2nd, may be placed in parentheses after the name, but are disregarded in filing. However, if there are two names in which the surname and given names are identical except that one is Jr., and the other Sr.. these designations are considered in filing. Foreign and religious titles, such as, Duke of Argyll, Sister Mary, etc., are filed as written. Mary Elizabeth Brown Mrs.) Mary J. Brown (Mrs.) Mary Jones Brown (Mrs.) J. E. Brown (Mrs.) not John E. Brown (Mrs.) 7. When the full names of two or more individuals are identical, they may be identified and arranged according to age, color, sex, etc. If these factors are unknown, they are arranged by the alphabetic order of the cities in the addresses. 8. Names of firms and institutions are filed alphabetically as written when they do not contain the full name of an individual. 9. Firm names or titles of institutions containing the full name of an individual are filed in the following order: a. Surname b. Given names or initials c. Remainder of firm name or title Marshall Field and Company James A. Jones Foundry Company When it is not clear whether the names are the given name and surname of a single individual or the surnames of two individuals, the material is filed as though the names were of two persons, and cross-referenced under the second name. File: Barton Adams Advertising Agency Cross reference: Adams, Barton, Advertising Agency. EXHIBIT F (Page 2) 25X1 25 Approved For Release 2002/74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 RECORDS 16 December 1954 10. Names of firms or titles of institutions containing numerals are filed as though the numbers were spelled out. The 13 Club filed Thirteen Club (The). 11. Hyphenated names of individuals are treated as one unit in filing. Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman David Lloyd-George Campbell-Bannerman Lloyd-George Henry (Sir) David 13. Names which may be spelled as one word or two words are filed as one word. Interstate Insurance Co. Inter State Produce, Inc. '14. Apostrophe and s, indicating singular possessive, is not considered in filing. S and apostrophe, indicating plural possessive, j considered in filing. Anderson's Candy Shop Charles A. Anderson The Boy's Companion Boys' Club ing Order Unit 2 Hendrix Interstate Inter State Anderson's Anderson B s ' ... s Insurance Produce Candy Charles Companion Club Company Inc. Shop A. (The) 15. Articles, prepositions, and conjunctions, such as and, for,. in, of, and the. do not affect the order'of filing. When the is part of the title it is placed in parentheses; if it is the initial word, it is placed at the end of the title. The Clark Company The James B. Clark Company Edward Cole Cole and Sons Hardware Co. League of Nations League of Women Voters Max the Hatter Clark Clark Cole Cole (and) League(of) League(of) Max (the) Company James Edward Sons Nations Women Hatter (The) B. The words brothers, company, incorporated, limited, son, and and their abbreviations are considered in filing, and when abbreviated, are filed as though spelled out. Jones Brothers Jones Company Jones, Incorporated Jones, Limited EXHIBIT F (Page 3) 26 Approved For Release 2000~1i1ii1 A DP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 RECORDS 16 December 1954 17. Compound geographic names are considered as two words; prefixes to geographic names are considered as one word. New York Publishing Compan South Carolina Utilities New South York -Carolina Publishing Utilities 18. When the names of two or more businesses are identical, they may be filed alphabetically by the names of the cities in which they are located, if such separation is desirable. General Electric Company, Pittsburgh General Electric Company, Schenectady 19. An abbreviation in a firm name is'filed as if the name were written in full where name is known. 20. A foreign title or article in a firm name is considered as a separate filing unit. El Morocco La Parisienne Beauty Shop El La Morocco Parisienne 21. When such phrases as association of union of, organization oP society for, bureau of Governmental bureaus excepts , ddepar_t men of overman atat departments excepted) constitute the beginning of a name or title, they are considered and filed as part of the name. Association for the Advancement of Management ) Filed as written, first Association of Mechanical Engineers) and second units indicated Society for Prevention of Cruelty ) by underscore to Animals 22. Names of churches, clubs and similar organizations are filed under the first "unit" word that is most important or that most clearly identifies the organization. 23. United States and Federal when preceding a department of the Government are not considered in indexing. These titles are considered in filing when they appear in the names of firms or institutions not connected with the Government. Federal Casualty Insurance Company Federal Casualty United States Tariff Commission Tariff Commission Federal Trade Commission Trade Commission United States Steel Corporation United States EXHIBIT F (Page 4) 27 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 RECORDS 16 December 19514- a. The principal words in the name b. The principal words in the name c. The principal words in the name necessary for filing purposes. Accounting Office Mines (Bureau of) Internal Revenue County of Claiborne, Tennessee State of Maine Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Memphis, Tennessee Claiborne, Tennessee (County of) Maine (State of) Massachusetts (Commonwealth of) Memphis, Tennessee (City of) Cincinnati City Council Cincinnati Bureau of Health Office of the City Manager, Cincinnati Office of the Mayor, Cincinnati Cincinnati Planning Commission Police Department, Cincinnati, Ohio Department of Safety, Cincinnati Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, City Council Ohio, Health (Bureau of) Ohio, Manager Ohio, Mayor Ohio, Planning Commission - Ohio, Police Department Ohio, Safety (Department of) Where the volume of correspondence from a municipality or other government subdivision is small, all material may be filed chronologically under the name of the subdivision without EXHIBIT F (Page 5) 28 Approved For Release 20021l1P74-00005R000200020001-0 25X1 AMW Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 RECORDS 16 December 1954 27. When the name of a city is part of the name of a firm or other organization, not a part of the city government, the name is filed as written. Cincinnati Post Cincinnati Women's Club Knoxville Automobile Club Knoxville Glass Company Knoxville News-Sentinel New York Times By use of rules 26 and 27 the State name affords the means of distinguishing between official municipal correspondence, correspondence with or about municipal departments or munici- pally owned and operated organizations and enterprises, and correspondence with commercial organizations or firms having municipal names. In rare instances where there are two or more cities by the same name but in different States, material must be arranged in alphabetical order by States: Bowling Green, Kentucky, Automobile Club Bowling Green, Ohio, Automobile Club 28. Material regarding banking institutions is filed first by the name of the city in which the bank is located, then by name of bank, with State at end of title in parentheses. If the city name is embodied in the name of the bank at the beginning, it is not repeated. Bank of Knoxville, Knoxville, Bank of Knoxville Knoxville, Tennessee (Tennessee) Hamilton National Bank of Knoxville, Hamilton National Bank Knoxville, Tennessee (Tennessee) Knoxville Trust Company Knoxville Trust Company (Tennessee) Bank of Maryville, Maryville, Bank of Maryville Tennessee (Tennessee) First National Bank of Maryville, First National Bank of Maryville, Tennessee (Tennessee) 29. Newspapers which do not have as part of their name the name of the city in which they are published are filed the same as other commercial organizations. For example, The Daily Mirror is filed under D although it is a New York newspaper. The words New York are not carried as part of the name of this newspaper. Similarly, this applies to all other such newspapers where the name of the city is not actually a part of the newspaper's name. Daily Mirror (The) Knoxville News-Sentinel Minneapolis Star-Journal New York Times Toledo Times EXHIBIT F (Page 6) 29 Approved For Release 2002/0812Y - 4-00005R000200020001-0 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 5X1 RECORDS 16 December 1954 ? - ------------ - *0R 11 CV-V VsV SVOv- N Nn 5___ -` Fo FROM ty,P NG E n?(t` PG o 0141 0 ItNO, `S Ol NOI1VOIJISSVIO 3113 -Z 3ON30NOd53dNO3 !0 3100 'I ONOVN 1 53 36-270 Vet xn.~. MINIMMAINE EXHIBIT G 30 Approved For Release 20 DP74-00005R000200020001-0 Aw. Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 25X1 EIBIT If 31 16 DecotubRECOMS er 1954 NOTE: ACTUAL SIZE 81/2,l XlO" Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 25X1 ftco 16 December 19 THIS FILE HAS BEEN CHARGED TO YOU FILE BACKING SHEET ICAIBZT 2 32 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 RECORDS 16 December 195+ FILE CLASSIFICATION GUIDE The File Classification Guide has been prepared for maximum utilization in the maintenance of correspondence files in the Agency. The list of subjects has been developed to meet the needs of the Agency as it pertains to most business matters. However, it is recognized that the guide may not be sufficiently developed to meet the needs of offices re- sponsible for specific programs. In these cases additions or modifications should be discussed with the Area Records Officer concerned. The Area Records Officer and the Records Management Division will then assist in making any approved changes. The following is a list of the primary subject titles con- tained in the File Classification Guide. SUBJECT LIST ACCOUNTING APPROPRIATIONS (BUDGET) AUTHORIZATIONS BUILDINGS & GROUNDS COLLECTION COMMITTEES COMMUNICATIONS CONTRACTS DISSEMINATION EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES FORMS INVENTIONS INVESTIGATIONS LEGAL LIAISON MEDICAL 33 MEETINGS NATIONAL DEFENSE ORGANIZATION & MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL PRINTING & REPRODUCTION PRODUCTION PUBLIC RELATIONS RECORDS REFERENCE LIBRARY REPORTS SECURITY SHIPMENT TRAINING 25X1 Approved For Release 2 -RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 RECORDS 16 December 1954 his subject pertains to all accounting transactions involved in the receipt, disbursement, and other handling of appropri- ated funds. ACCOUNTING 1 Accounts Current (Depositories) 2 Allowances (Cost of Living - Differential - Living Quarters - Per Diem - Representational Allowances) 3 Audit (Suspensions - Disallowances - GAO Exceptions - Claims - Inquiries - Irregularities) 4 Bonding of Employees 5 Certifying Officers and Agent Cashiers 6 Collections and Receipts (Adjustments - Checks, except salary - Money Orders - Currency - Postage - Contributions - Deposits - Fees - Interest- Refunds - Rents - Royalties - Schedules - Summaries) 7 Discounts 8 Disbursements (Adjustments - Advices - Expenditures - Refunds - Schedules - Summaries) 34 Approved For Release 2vJ r1DP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA=RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 AALlh!. RECORDS 16 December 1954 ACCOUNTING (CONTINUED) 9 Payrolls and Salaries (Bond Deductions - Checks, Salary - Power of Attorney - Retirement Deductions - Time and Attendance Reports, includes overtime and leave records - Vouchers - Withholding taxes) 10 Reports and Statements 11 Systems of Accounting 12 Vouchers and Invoices (Except payroll vouchers - See ACCOUNTING 9) 13 Confidential Funds 35 25X1 Approved For Release f IA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 RECORDS 16 December 1954 APPROPRIATIONS (BUDGE T) Zhis subject pertains to annual, deficiency, and supplemental estimates and appropriations; budget material; material re- garding preliminary estimates; Bureau of the Budget and Congressional hearings; preparation of exhibits in support of estimates; copies of appropriation bills and committee reports; and material regarding allotments, apportionments, and transfer of funds. Optional arrangement: Case file by organizational unit, program, fiscal year, as required. Do not use this subject for filing material relating to fiscal accounting transactions involved in the receipt, disbursement, and other handling of appropriated funds - See ACCOUNTING. APPROPRIATIONS (BUDGET) 1 Allocations, Allotments, Apportionments, Encumbrances, 'ansfers 2 Budget Estimates (Exhibits - Justifications) 3 Hearings 4 Reports, Statements, and Statistics 5 Supplemental 36 5X1 Approved For Release 20021 P74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 AWiFl~!!I!~ RECORDS 16 December 1954 AUTHORIZATIONS This subject is for general use only. Do not use for material that can be classified under more specific subjects, such as: Travel Authorizations - See TRAVEL 2 AUTHORIZATIONS 37 25X1 Approved For Release Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 RECORDS 16 December 1954 BUILDINGS & GROUNDS This subject pertains to the acquisition, construction, operation,and disposal of office buildings and other structures and the grounds necessary to maintain such installations, except: See SECURITY 1 for material pertaining to the protection of buildings and grounds from vandalism or possible sabotage. BUILDINGS & GROUNDS 1 Acquisition (Use BUILDINGS& GROUNDS 9 for space acquisition, etc.) (Appraisal. - Deeds - Titles - Mortgages - Recordings - Easements - Rights-of-Way - Permits - Licenses - Grants - Cessions - Leases - Loans - Purchase - Surveys Transfer) 2 Damage and Protection (Fire - Flood) 3 Design and Construction (Alterations - Additions - Construction Authorization - Plans - Drawings - Specifi- cations - Progress Reports - Project Proposals Cost Estimates - Subprojects - Work Orders) 4 Directories, Signs, and Bulletin Boards 5 Disposition (Abandonment - Deeds - Titles - Recordings - Demolition - Dismantling - Sale - Transfer) 6 Grading and Landscaping 38 Approved For Release 2 -RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 IUVTTj-.Ljj"I-4 &J6 RECORDS 16 December 1954 BUILDINGS & GROUNDS (CONNTINUED) 25X1 7 Maintenance and Preservation (painting - Repairing) Reports and Data 9 Space (including office, storage., and parking space) 10 (A r Utili cquisition - Allocation - Assig elease - Parking Permit) ties and Services (Except Telep nment - Use and hones - See OONI-iUNICATIO NS 1}) (Trash collection and disposal - Heating - Lighting - Power - Refrigeration - Air- Conditioning - Water - Sewerage - Hot Plates Vending Machines - Cafeteria) 39 Approved For Release 2002/08 - DP74-00005R000200020001-0 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 RECORDS 16 December 1954 COLLECTION (CONTINUED) (Publications - Newspaper - Periodicals Documents - Maps - Charts) 11 Requirements (Requests - Directives - Responsibilities) 41 25X1 Approved For Release ___ .__.__ . _.A-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 RECORDS 16 December 1951 This subject is for general use only. Do not use for material that can be filed under more specific subjects,, such as : Boards of Survey - See EQUIPMENT Fs SUPPLIES Optional Arrangement: Case file as required. COTM TTEES 1 Memberships 2 Reports and minutes of committee meetings 25X1 Approved For Releas l i-IA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 iliiil *I RECORDS 16 December 19524 This subject pertains to material regarding all types of communication facilities and services, including procedures for handling mail, cables, and correspondence. COMMUNICATIONS 1 Interoffice and Public Address Systems 2 Mail and Correspondence (Addresses - Postage - Postal Laws and Regulations - Penalty Privileges - Procedure, includes preparation of correspondence - Referred letters - Registered Mail - Insured and Special Delivery) 3, Messenger Service (Includes U. S. Official Mail and Courier Service) 14 Telephones (Installation and Use - Lists and Directories, including individual telephone numbers - Toll Calls) 5 Other Electrical Communications (Radio - Wire - Television - Facsimile - Telegrams - Teletypes - Cable-rams) Communications Security (Codes - Ciphers) 43 25X1 Approved For Release -RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 RECORDS 16 December 1954 This subject is for general use only. Do not use for material that can be filed under rmre specific subjects, such as: Material pertaining to contracts for the procure- ment of equipment and supplies - See EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES 1 44 Approved For Release 2002 P74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 25X1 RECORDS 16 December 1954 This subject pertains to the request for, and/or distribution of, administrative issuances and intelligence information, DISSEMINA TCON Distribution and Mailing Lists 2 Materials (Reports and Surveys - Exhibits - Graphics - Recordings - Newspq ers and periodicals - Maps Charts - Speeches and lectures - Books - Press and Radio releases) 3 Planning and Coordination 4 Requests 5 Restrictions (Censorship - Quantity Control) 45 Approved For ReledIPTINEWM: CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 RECORDS 16 December 195 EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES This subject pertains to procurement, utilization, management, and disposition of equipment and supplies except: See BUILDING & GROUNDS for material pertaining to acquisition, management, or disposition of buildings and grounds. See VEHICLES for all matters pertaining to vehicles. HQUIPMEN T & SUPPLIES 1 Cataloging (Classification - Identification) 2 Distribution (Allocation - Assignment - Rationing) 3 Installation, Maintenance, and Preservation (Repair - Painting - Servicing) 4 Procurement (Authorization and justification - Bids - Bid and performance bonds - Catalogs, Price Lists and Schedules - Discounts - Inspection and Testing - Invitations - Justifications - Open market - Priorities and expediting - Purchase orders - Rental of equipment - Requisi tions - Specifications, bids and contracts - Tax Ex- emptions - Requirements and related corres- pondence) 5 Property Accountability (Damage - Inventories - Loans and Exchanges - Loss and ].heft - Property Passes - Receiving Documents - Surveys) 6 Storage and Stockpiling 46 25X1 Approved For Release 200 P74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 25X1 RECORDS 16 December 1954 EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES (CONTINUED) 7 Surplus, Salvage, and Conservation (Acquisition - Boards of Survey - Declarations - Disposals - Excess Lists - Sales authorization - Transfer) 47 Approved For Relea CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 RECORDS 16 December 1951 F0101S This subject pertains to forms design, standardization, revision, clearance, and control. It is to be used for correspondence other than requisitions for forms from stock. See EQUIPIIZNT & SUPPLIES I. for requisitions from stock. 1 Control or Management (Design - Standardization - Revision - Clearance) 48 Approved For Release 200 P74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 RECORDS 16 December 1954 This subject pertains to discoveries and inventions; copy- rights of articles or publications; applications for patents and trademarks for devices or materials developed by Agency employees and associates. Also include agreements permitting use of patents. Case files may be established, as required. Classify by name of senior author or other appropriate classification. INVENTIONS 1 Patents, Copyrights, and Trademarks (Applications - Permission to use) 49 25X1 Approved For Release A-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 25X1 RECORDS 16 December 1954 This subject is for general use only. Do not use for material that can be filed under more specific subjects. 50 Approved For Release 20 P74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 RECORDS 16 December 1954 This subject pertains to legislative proposals, copies of Congressional bills and resolutions, committee reports, hearings, etc. LEGAL 1 Claims and Litigations 2 Decisions, Opinions, and Interpretations (A Ge 3 Execu 4 Laws a ttorney General - Comptroller Gene neral Counsel) tive Orders nd Regulations ral - (Code of Federal Regulations - Federal Register - Foreign) Legislation (Federal, file by House or Senate Bill or Resolution Number - State and Territorial - Hearings) 6 Notaries 51 25X1 Approved For Release . A-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 25X1 RECORDS 16 December 1954 This subject pertains to policies, procedures, and agreements concerning liaison with States, foreign governments, Federal agencies or organizations. This subject is for general use only, do not use for material that can be classified under more specific subjects, such as: Liaison regarding collection of intelligence information - See COLLECTION 9 Liaison regarding evaluation and utilization of intelligence information - See PRODUCTION Liaison regarding the dissemination of intelli- gence information - See DISSE1TINATION LIAISON (Includes Agreements and Memorandums of Understanding) 1 IAC Agencies 2 International (Foreign Governments - Organizations) 3 Intra-Agency 4 Other Federal Agencies 5 State Agencies or Institutions 52 Approved For Relea IA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 RECORDS 16 December 1954 This subject pertains to the development, preparation, and execution of the Agency medical program and with providing medical service and support to Agency activities. DO NOT use for any papers involving status or health record of an employee. Such papers should be included in the designation "Health Records Case Files" maintained in the Medical Office. 1 Compensation and Claims (Use for Medical aspects only: See ACCOUNTING for payment) 2 General Medicine (Diseases - Injuries - Rest and Rehabilitation Hospital Facilities - Treatment) 3 Medical Specialities (Dentistry - Psychiatry - Psychology) 4 Physical Examinations (Physical Standards and Tests - Waivers - X-rays) 5 Plans and Coordination 6 Preventive Medicine (Environmental Sanitation - Immunization) 7 Reports and Surveys 53 25X1 Approved For Release V.-Aft - -RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 --- -11011014M RECORDS 16 December 1954 This subject pertains to meetings, conferences, congresses, conventions, etc. Do not use for material that can be filed under more specific subjects. See COI0LETTEES for material pertaining to committee meetings. MEETINGS 1 Engagements, Invitations 2 Inter-Agency 3 Intra-Agency (File by Area, Organization Unit, etc., as required) International Reports and minutes of meetings 54 25X1 Approved For Release 20 DP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 RECORDS 16 December 1954 NATIONAL DEMSE This subject pertains to the Agency's activities and contri- butions to the National Defense Program, except intelligence operations. NATIONAL DEFENSE l Civil 2 Conservation of Resources (Essential or Raw Materials) 3 Construction and Housing 4 Foreign Economic Cooperation 5 Industrial Mobilization 6 Manpower 7 Military 8 Price Control 9 Production 10 Wage Stabilization 11 Reports 55 25X1 Approved For Releas A-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 RECORDS 16 December 1954 This subject pertains to the executive or administrative structure of an organization; distribution or delegation of duties and functions; establishment or discontinuance of offices or organizational units; planning; management policies; procedures; and all administrative or authorita- tive issuances of the Agency, except processed copies of Agency manuals which should be maintained separately. ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT 1 Administrative Issuances (Policy and Procedural Orders, Notices, and Memo- randums) 2 Improvement Program (Surveys - Studies - Employee Suggestion Program) (See PERSONNEL 3 for Awards and Citations) 3 Inspections (Field) 4 Emergency Planning (Decentralization and Dispersal) 5 Establishment, Reorganization, and Liquidation (Internal (File by name of organizational unit, as required) - Other Federal Agencies) 6 Programs and Plans (General Only. Do not use this subject for material that can be classified under more specific subjects.) 7 Procedures and Methods 8 Functions and Delegation (Assignment and Transfer of functions - Delegations of Authority) 9 Charts, Tables, and Ceilings (Organization Charts - Tables of Organization - Personnel Ceilings) 56 Approved For Release 2002/0j ~P74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 RECORDS 16 December 1954 This subject pertains to all phases of personnel administra- tion, including policies, programs, procedures, regulations, etc., except security clearances, violations, etc. 1 Assignment Actions (Appointments - Change to Lower Grade - Detail (Civilian Personnel) - Overseas Duty - Pro- motions - Reassignment - Transfer) (Annual Leave - Dismissal (Heat, snow, etc.) - Holidays - Hours of Duty - Jury Duty and Court Attendance - Leave Without Pay (LWOP) - Maternity Leave - Military Leave - Overtime (including authority to approve) - Sick Leave - Vacations) 3 Awards (Citations and Commendations - Incentive - Honor - Longevity) 4 Boards and Panels (Employment Review Board - Professional Selection Panel) 5 Career Service 6 Citizenship 7 Classification and Duties (Position Analysis - Classification - Duties - Position Standards - Position Qualifications) 8 Conduct (Debts - Disciplinary Actions - Political Activity, Hatch Act) 57 25X1 Approved For Release IA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 RECORDS 16 December 1954 PERSONNEL (CON TINUED ) 9 Contract Personnel (Agents - Associates - Consultants - Experts) 10 Contributions (Solicitation of Funds. File by title of campaign or organization, as required) 11 Employee Relations and Activities (Army Enlisted Reserve Program - Blood Donors - Compensation (for injuries, illness and death) - Counseling - Clubs and Societies - Credit Union - Draft Deferment - Fair Rnployment Procedure - Grievances - Health - Hearings and Reviews - Hospitalization - Housing - Insurance - Military Reserve Training - Outside Activities - Recreation and Welfare) 12 Evaluation, Personnel (Instructions - Reports) 13 Military Personnel (Assignment to CIA - Pay and Allowances) 14 Records and Reports (Except Personnel Evaluation - See PERSONNEL 12) 15 Recruitment (Applications and Endorsements ?- Civilian Reserve - Examinations and Tests - Interviewing - Planning Manpower - Qualifications (Analysis-Data-Records - Requirements and Requisitions - Sources (Individuals- Schools - Colleges) - Selection) 16 Safety Program 58 Approved For Releas A-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 RECORDS 16 December 1951 PERSONNEL (Coll TINULD ) 17 Separations (Death - Exit Interviews - Separation for Military Service - Personnel Kissing in Action - Reduction in Force - Removal for cause - Resignations - Retirements - Transfer to Other Agencies) 18 Supergrades 59 25X1 Approved For Release 2A-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 RECORDS 16 December 1954 PRINTING AND REPRODUCTION This subject pertains to printing and reproduction services, PRINTING AND REPRODUCTION 1 Policies and Procedures 2 Programs 3 Reports !t Requests and Requisitions 5 Publications 60 25X1 Approved For Rel : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 RECORDS 16 December 1954 This subject pertains to the evaluation, analysis, integration, and interpretation of intelligence information. See COLLECTION for material pertaining to the collection of intelligence information. See DIs3EiUNATION for material pertaining to the distribution of intelligence information. PRODUCTION 1 Analyzing 2 Correlating and Evaluating 3 Estimating 4 Incorporating 5 Planning and Coordinating (Policies - Responsibilities - Participants Product Improvement) 6 Post TNortems 7 Requirements 8 Status 9 Translating 61 25X1 Approved For Release 2~! RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 RECORDS 16 December 1951 This subject pertains to general phases of public relations only. See LIAISDN for material involving relationships with organizations on a formal basis. PUBLIC RELATIONS 1 Conner dations, Congratulations, and Greetings 2 Criticisms and Complaints (General only. Do not use for material that can be classified under more specific subjects.) 3 Petitions and Resolutions !t Introductions 5 Representatives and Visitors 62 Approved For Release 200WDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 RECORDS 16 December 1951 This subject pertains to policies, procedures, and systems for handling, filing,and disposing of records. See Sr URITY 2 for the security of records. RECORDS 1 Accessibility (Request for access to records - Clearances) 2 Disposition (Disposal, by destruction or transfer - Inven- tories - Reports - Transfer to Federal Records Center - Transfer to National Archives - Transfer between Federal Agencies-Inter-Agency Loans, temporary transfer, etc. - Schedules) 3 Filing Systems and Procedures 4 Management (Surveys) 5 Microfilming 6 Vital Materials (Inventories - Policies and Procedures - Progress and Status Reports) 63 Approved For Release -RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-000058000200020001-0 25X1 RECORDS 16 December 1951 REFERENCE LIBRARY This subject is to provide for the filing of non-Record, REFERENCE material when such material is maintained in filing equipment. Library and museum material made or acquired and preserved solely for reference or exhibition purposes; extra copies of reports and documents preserved solely for con- venience of reference; and stocks of publications and of processed documents fall into this category. RE FAKICE LIBRARY 64 Approved For Release 200!.1!!! 011 1 DP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 RECD 16 December 19511 This subject is for use in filing recurring reports, such as weekly and monthly activity or progress reports, and special reports which are too general to be filed under more specific subjects. Include policies, procedures, and methods for the preparation. Optional Arrangement: Case file as required. 65 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/08/ "4-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 RECORDS 16 December 1954 This subject pertains to the safeguarding of information and material., which, in the best interests of national defense and safety should not be disclosed to unauthorized persons. SECURITY 1 Buildings and Equipment (protection) 2 Communications and Records (Defense classification and reclassification - Disposal - Filing and Storage - Transmission and Receipt - Downgrading - Safeguarding) 3 General Policy., Regulations, and Procedure 4 Information and Publications, (Censorship - Classification and Reclassification Use and Release Of) 5 Personnel (Identification Badges:- Investigation and Clearance - Loyalty and Review - Orientation) 6 Violations 66 Approved For Releas INNI&WIA-RDP74-00005ROO0200020001 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 25X1 PJDCORDS 16 December 1954 This subject pertains to the shipment and routing of equip- ment and supplies. It is for general use only. Shipments regarding a specific order should be filed with the related order in EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES 4. SHIPTSFNT 1 Air 2 Motor Carrier 3 Rail 4 Water 5 Loading, Markings Packing 6 Routing and Shipping 7 Regulations: 8 Bills of Lading and Freight Bills 9 Demurrage 10 Express 11 Drayage 12 Storage in Transit 13 Loss or Damage 14 Quotation and Rates 15 Personal Effects 67 Approved For Release 20 OM M-DP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 RE)3OIMS 16 December 195 This subject pertains to the development and direction of all Agency training programs. Ti3A INING 1 Policies and Procedures 2 Facilities 3 Programs (In-Service - Orientation) ! Reports 5 Outside Training (Colleges., Schools) 6 Courses 68 Approved For Release 2002 .. P74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 !I!~!ll~9ii~iii RBCORDS 16 December 1951 This subject pertains to travel on official business# including policies, procedures, and regulations. Case files by name of traveler may be established as required and may be accomplished by writing the name of the traveler as part of the file designation, thus s TRAVEL (Brown, Harry). TRAVEL 1 Advance of Funds 2 Authorizations and Orders 3 Entry (Custom courtesies, etc.) 14 Foreign (Includes passports, visas, etc.) 5 Itineraries and Reservations 6 Policies and Regulations 7 Private Transportation 8 Transportation Requests 9 Reports 69 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/~~~~iiir r'74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 ~iliT I iTi RECORDS 16 December 1954 This subject pertains to acquisition, utilization, and disposition of automobiles, trucks, and other vehicles, including policies, procedures, and authorities for their use. Include also material regarding the procurements account- ability, use, and disposal of tires and tubes. 1 Accidents (Except dlaims of injured employees - See PRR.'40NNEL 16) Assignment and Use (Policies and regulations- Requisitions Authority to use)) 3 Credit Cards 4 Inspection 5 License Plates (Auto tags) 6 Loss' Damage, and Theft (Except accident) 7 Maintenance and Preservation 8 Marking and Identification 9 Permits to Operate' 10 Procurement 11 Reports 12 Storage (Authority to store at private residence) 13 Surplus or Unserviceable (Disposal by sale, Transfer, or Loan) 14 Tires and Dibes 15 TL tie s 70 Approved For Release ____.__.__ . _-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 JA PM 25X1 RECORDS 16 December 1951 The following "SUBJECT INDEX" is very similar to the index found in most textbooks. It is an alphabetical listing of the specific subjective titles, key words and terms synony- mous to those which are categorically arranged in the Subject List. This "SUBJECT INDEX" is maintained on punch cards. It is intended to expand and amend the Subject Index to include additions and/or modifications that may arise from use of the File Classification Guide in various offices. Offices adding approved subdivisions to the Subject List provided in the "File Classification Guide" may find it desirable to include these subjects, terms, etc. in their proper place in the subject index. his may be accomplished by contacting the Records Management Staff through the Area Records Officer concerned where arrangements will be made for preparation of the Index. 71 Approved For Release 2002/~Qi~il- -- 74-00005R000200020001-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/23 : CIA-RDP74-00005R000200020001-0 RECORDS 16 December 1951. Reference File Designation Abandonment .................................... BUILDINGS & GROUNDS 5 Absence ........................................ PERSONNEL 2 Accidents Employees............ ..................... PERSONNEL 16 Vehicles...< .............................. VEHICLES 1 Accomodations.................................. TRAVEL 5 Accountability Property EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES 5 Accounting .............. ..