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Approved For Release 2008/09/23 CIA-RDP73T00325R000100010030-9 1~s0'~I;T:~'~:; I':'~,J',~I'. ;�0;'.':.i:~c; i';1I'1.R A I'relitniriZrv Sit.tcit� o?- ~hc~ \PJ:C ian~tr;r;trcnz l;~:forr~:i;oii Si~,t~tn (?1i:S) anc~ a`,i~~;i~~~rt~ri~ ~lii o �t~:aci.oTi `~;~~~cis ~~ Table o� Canten~:s b9ain P.el:~ort � Anpondix A: Ter.~rs o� Re�erencc Appendix l;: Qtlestio;~s on Definition o=f ~;ana~r~r,t zit Infrn ~ra~.ion \'eec;s a?Td Reass~~ssmorTt of the= ~�iIS Apponciix C: Brief Doscriptian of the Ct:rrent :`�iIS Appendix ~ D: A1~~na~et~ent Information, aT~d Fl.annin and COTlt2'O 1 Appendix E: Responses to C~uesti.ons on Definition o� IS~>ar,a~etr:ent Ir;fo~r,!ation ~\'eeus aTTd ` Reasscss?r�ent o� the 1`;IS Appendi.h F: Samples of i`?IS Standaxd Output P~~ne 1 14 17 20 23 34 47 S-E-C-�P.-E-T ;~ Approved For Release 2008/09/23 CIA-RDP73T00325R000100010030-9 � Approved For Release 2008/09/23 CIA-RDP73T00325R000100010030-9 ltiGi;i:IitiG Pf\P:n s-r-c-rt-r,-1' 1';Of'.H:Ii~G 1.}:;.pf~~' TiIiII R~. fort The tasks to ti.~hic}I t}iis si.udy is addressed are the definit-i.on of management infoz7natic,z needs, rea:>se.ssment of the current Management Inforirat.ion System (P-iISj, ara co?ISx.deration of .'l:f' lllOlltii'in~.d Cal'l.ler s:~tOUld be dis2'egard- ed wlless or. v_etuil ot}tex� pry�o~risions are m~,do. Jzlfexes'i;i.ngly, the P~SiS has o?tr:cl its grea`cest applicabilit}r in an area il1CO11S1.S'CGnt t�Ilth 1.tS desig n; t}]cl% is, 121 t}`it~, a~�^N. Of td}?c'it 7..�., primariJ.y rnar_?ge- 11:�nti p1d51ni11~ (a sU.}J~i�. i``. Oi 1'i'12c ~ iS C~11E'd 1T3i1c1~ClnE'l1'L COn;7'O1) . 7.Y}1]_s iS exe?TI� plificcl by i'i:s use izl %1:-: P}~;3 proce~.s, i~.cludng PPIi dav~~:n.ni:a`cion; fol" exar~;'ple, in the planniTlg ar1:1 pxL~z'~u7nlning of resoul.~es to acco;ttplis}1 approved p~~oar~-~n ~ elcznen%s aild sttb-el.ctnonis . Ar_d laith:ul t}lis use, 1:ho non.-fl.n~zr~ci.a]: accortnti.ng function is grea'ce:;t; thZi is, }ceep:~ng tr`c}c e~ hota m~u�1pa:�rer resources ti~Te-re applied to zrajor i.-oat; c~t`cegaries. }?oug}1 m,=r~~suaos, b~.secl ul;on. 4his his~ori.cal � data, are used mainly for pxojccLing �t.i.~u�o mazit.or:er needs; ~}lose 1�~}lo lase rllese measures aro quite a~;are of the slac}: ti~~ithill L-}1� Systo7li. The total financial aspoct, the to~~c}lstone o:E tho Pt'B S~stE,:t, is essentially o'atside the AffS capability, as is any object class/piorw~n element cross:�~al}:ing. In addition, certain other uses are rude of I~iI5 data, sec}1 as foi�~:casting fox the P1iF3, 1,rith � the etl~ress kr.ca:~od~o tha`c fhe f 1.~ u~-Ls ai e roug}l, overall planzirg 7.l1t~Uf:s 1�~herein the values of the real va.riubles co;trprising the estaratirlg statistics are not knoi~rn. Aside from t}l~ obi~ici~_ts defl.ciencies 3.51 c_?pabilities and op~ratiozl of the System, too rzurh izlfoi;;~at3.oz1 n~cdLd by lino mz:nt+"L:n:c:tlt is z.lot iz:col~~orated; i..c., financial., }n1.:;~]1 resource, a:1d st>,pplie. c7ld. materiel resc;ttrce 1.nFo~;nation, esp;cially i_f film ~�~ith a17. its a~ctribu'ccs (Footage, targets, schedules, etc.) ~ is L'}~t~~a;;ilt o� as a materiel resource--per}lt.~ps a,~t tulco;~trollecl izrpttt, but nono- theless a zt:ate,:ial r~soitl�re. In the future, electronic trans-rnissions of a real-tial1? collecti~~n sysietn ~aoulcl be analogous to this primary n?ateriel input. Appo;.d'�x D makes a point of t}l0 p?'izracy oz the rk~;lagemont dec:isioY~ process, ~�~hetheY� it be for 1j1aL~ing or coz;trolling puz~osos, or e>z'iy blez~ul of those aC%1ViticS; this iS :.hv n"!.'b'et t0?'1c~trd 1�i}"iich a IT!ai1~gC1`~1Cnt ~?1fOX'9Ilat10n Sy:~tGin TiiUS'C be d9.rected�-lt l':itisi; j)rOtilidF: COII?pYGh2I1S1.'JL inf0`ti~tatiOn 011 t}7� On~,O~.ng OpErati031. To be ce:~tpL�oho;lsl.ve, it m~.tst pr~~v-�de ht.~_nan iLsrttsce, stsppli.es euld materiel ' resource, and itlternal and external financial inzoi;nation goarod to the type of decisions i~hicil Wrest bn mado and to excez,:al rec~uir.2ments for info~~tlation, aild all this must be acccJnplish~'d in the pzopor timz fra:tte. Also, a , ti'ras no'ced in Ap,~.Ilctix D, the central ftt;lc'Ci on of a rtanage;:~ nt con'crol system is n:ativa- tion, mo'civating r~tnane,nont to make decisions and act ii1 ~; ys consiste;lt tiait}1 . , tlio overall organizational ob j ec%~:~~ tis . I ne relationship of thz system to ' otchor systems rittJt be reccgrta.zod, but the system should filter and ccrdense G S-E-C-R-E-T ' Approved For Release 2008/09/23 CIA-RDP73T00325R000100010030-9 {`~'U!:fC7;' ~; ?~:'1.} ~~; S..L-C-f'-~'-'f~ 1 r� t~Fl,.,~) Aia:i.n Rorer info7;nti~tlor~, xe~l_o~-.,~g tllat ~~rhic}1 i.s it�i~elt~van'c for rrana.gere~nt p:z_~1;CSes. 1~~~'iilz~ z:ho ~iSS is used p~-i:n~.~�ily as ~~ l:xs~o~�ical record, oxt:cn 'cho basis for rougll r?a.~iA:ots~ex p~~oj~~;.iirls, ~:ncl re:i.ati�ely li.i.tl.e for opel'ati.onal doci.sian- maki.ng b)r lino t?l~anag~mtint, isl ~l1osL~ c~tscs !~r}l.erc: bI1S ir~fo~.~:?a-ii.on conceivably could bw use.d fo:. d~scision-~;~~~l:irg, t}1Wxe: i_s a gaoa~: cloal of hosi~.ancy 4o do so b~�,Cc1US`v' C?' dCCp susp:~.c~Ons ConL~ ~'n:u~g t}lv CC.GLt"1"~s::)' o_f the itlfoi't~':ation. (TllLre ar4 eXCeptions cona.L'2'ning 2CC:Li3'~,tyy i.r1 SG;?ie CC?n}:Gil?nts C.nci Y.}le IAS.) ThC 2CCUt~Cy cotlcei.z bas'+.call)T is a fil~lction of t',lrez things: (1) certain asp:,~c'cs of the System it:7^lf, n~;~t a:~,enable to ch~ng~; i.c., it is not s~asficiently ~."eflective Of CCi1tCr Cryi.C.L.LV~.1.~C'J; (?) ceTtai.n Sysf.em rr:z~zge- men.t, as is so often ch~xged, b~caus~ ii, i s the responsibi.li'~y of the lorres'c level of. m~lnagcmnt dealing !~rith 'che AfIS itlput da~a to ins`aro that it is accudate and as tirnply as the System p::rmi.ts . ThL Exe cixtive Director, for o~..:mple, neither can, should, ror will chock all tll~ tuna sheets for accuracy on ~4on:lay mot'n?.n,;s; a7.1 he can say is tliZt t;ho input cla2;a trLtst bo accura%e and thL GraLtp and Sta�f Chief s trus t ~ x"ef].ect this co;~ar..a~3d a.nd pass i t on to the appi opriate persons. If the Ai7S is x'ecained foi ally period and in ~~:hatevnr foL~t, Center , persotlnel s}lculu t.>o inior;~;~d tllo-rou6hly of its accuracy i'4r{u:~T"clnonzs, its ~j operation, capabili'cies, limifia'cio?as, an~l basic purp,OSes, pt;~}taps throng}1 a ~ "shor'c coLt~�se" as suggeszadi by 7�SSG and 1'piiS/PPS. +'~ A reasonable appx'oac}1 to dzsa.gtl of a nlan?gc;nent info_~nation system (iaha.t it should do and !9}1y, ti:~nat, i.t c~~n do, and. !~;nafi it cannot do) is to concentrate upon the decision process, a.clont7fyino the dccisiotis to be made and th:; inforl?a- tiotl n�~dcci to make tl1~-n. These c}~;cisio:~s ar.~^ both pl:.~--u~ing a~lci contxoJ. decisions, alI of ti~rhich vary in a rn~~ltb::r of par~a~,ef:ers . Tho tratori_al in App;,~rtdi.x L' will not be rep ua.ted lle,�e, but it is oblrious that, 'c:o a verry great extent, thU AfI5 is corcciv~ad of a a gigantic data banl; able to sp;i~r out specific aJlst�rers on ittmtediate demand to varitic:s of quws'~;ions in usu'u_le form nt�rely by pressing a button. For exaYtple, such capabi.J.iti.os as data for use in arls!~,ering cfue.stxorts (tlllSpe Ci.fiCd) , cGnpili3l? p:tp~xs 2ri~1 re};or%s, yeasty stmJrat o?i:7, etc, , are called. for. This completely misses 1:}lo point, although in fairness decision illfoxt~t_ation is ianplici't i.n mu;:}~ of w,zat eras asked for. L'tiL it is also ob?Ti.ous tha'c merely asking manzvtirs for ans!~rers as to !:shat is needed is not llcarly a precise enough 7 S-E-C-R-E-1 Approved For Release 2008/09/23 CIA-RDP73T00325R000100010030-9 i,faitl P~e~ort I'1c?n:1eL' iii t';}11C~1 7:0 dt`t',E::t~1'~l:�' Ii;~3])c!~;G?iu:l`". 1?lOT`li;b~:1b:1 21~C1S. ~111_~~ 1T!US~ b�.,' G~.O';xC'� ].S to s'~uczy the d.ecis~.c~n lc~~:ess j.n dep'idx 'c.G iden~:ify 'cll~: dreisic~n }%oin~:s, t}:~ ~}~p~;s O� d0%ii'!.O 5 nls?cla~�s%a~?:lisag