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Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000400010021-4
Tuesday - 26 October 1971
1. (Confidential - JMM) Attended a LIG meeting at the White House
where the Okinawan treaty and amendments to the Foreign Aid bill were
discussed. See Memorandum for the Record.
2. (Unclassified - JMM) Miss Karen Kay, of Senator Ernest Hollings.
(D., S. C.) office, said she had been unable to confirm with the Senator his
availability to talk to our Senior Seminar some time Thursday, 28 October,
but would let us know as soon as possible.
3: (Unclassified - JMM) Called Darrell St. Claire, Chief Clerk of
the Senate, who confirmed his availability to speak to our Senior Seminar
if Senator Hollings was unavailable.
4. (Confidential - JMM) George Berdes, on the staff of the Sub-
committee on National Security Policy and Scientific Developments of
House Foreign Affairs Committee, called to confirm the request that
Mr. Duckett brief the Subcommittee on the Soviet strategic situation at
10 a. m. on 4 November in Room 2255 of the Rayburn Building. Berdes
said that in accordance with our request they were sending personal notes
to the members rather than announcing a formal Subcommittee hearing.
5. (Secret - JMM) Met with Senator Milton Young (R., N. D.) and
alerted him to our concern over a number of amendments to the Foreign
Aid bill. He said he would be glad to do what he could for us and would let
me know if he wanted further details.
I briefed Senator Young on recent developments regarding Soviet
ICBM and ABM programs, submarine construction, advanced aircraft,
India/Pakistan situation, and the still unclear picture regarding China.
Senator Young mentioned that he had attended a Republican caucus
this morning where resentment towards some of our former allies ran so
high over the eviction of the Chinese Nationalists from the UN that the
whole lbreign Aid bill was threatened.
SECR E" l'
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-`Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000400010021-4
Monday - 25 October 1971
1. (Confidential - GLC) On Saturday, 23 October, I received a
call from Colonel Frank Burdell, DOD/ISA, concerning provisions in the
Foreign Assistance Act (H. R. 9910) having to do with the use of advisors
in Cambodia and the payments of salaries to foreign forces in Cambodia.
After talking with M FE Division, I told Colonel Burdell that
our involvement in Cambodia was quite small and I was not sure we had any
problems with these sections as such but told him I planned to get the bill
and report (which were released on Saturday) and look them over more
2. (Confidential - GLC) Made arrangements with Alex Schnee,
Congressional Relations Office of, State Department, to obtain a copy of
H. R. 9910 as reported by the Foreign Relations Committee and of the
Committee report (92-404). This bill is scheduled as the pending business
before the Senate on Tuesday, 26 October. Copies of these were run off
and made available to Messrs. Houston, Nelson, and John Clarke for
their review.
3. (Confidential - GLC) At a meeting chaired by Mr. Maury and Messrs. Houston, Nelson, Clarke, , the various
sections of the Foreign Assistance Act were re a ensus
reached concerning them for Mr. Maury's guidance in attending a Legislative
Interdepartmental Group meeting in the White House Tuesday morning.
4. (Confidential - GLC) Contact was made with Bill Woodruff,
Counsel, Senate Appropriations Committee, and Ed Braswell, Chief Counsel,
Senate Armed Services Committee, regarding the general impact upon the
Agency of the Senate amendments to H. R. 9910. Particular reference was
made to Section 405(b) of the bill which would make the State Department
responsible for keeping the Foreign Relations Committee and Foreign Affairs
Committee "fully and currently informed" regarding the activities of all
departments and agencies. It would require those agencies to provide any
information requested by either of these Committees concerning their
activities and responsibilities. Braswell said he thought Senator Stennis
would be willing to take issue with the jurisdictional aspects of the bill and
suggested we provide the staff with backup material for this purpose and
those papers are being prepared.
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?7.1r'~17~ JAL
Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2
Monday - 25 October 1971
5. (Confidential - JMM) John Lehman, of the White House staff,
called to say there would be a LIG meeting Tuesday, 26 October, at
0900 at the White House regarding the Okinawan treaty and he was sending
over papers.
6. (Confidential - JMM) On Saturday, 23 October, I called General
Haig, of the,-White House, to register our concern about a number of
amendments to the Foreign Aid bill which had been reported out by the
Foreign Relations Committee. Haig agreed with my suggestion that this
matter be taken up at the LIG meeting scheduled for 26 October and said
I should work out details with Colonel Kennedy of the White House staff.
Later I discussed the problem with Assistant Secretary of State
for Congressional Relations David Abshire who said they were planning
a meeting on the same subject Tuesday morning with Clark MacGregor
at the White House. I suggested this meeting might be merged with the
LIG meeting where General Haig had planned to take the subject up.
7. (Confidential - JMM) Called Colonel Kennedy, in the White
House, and recommended that the meeting with MacGregor and the LIG
meeting be merged, to which Kennedy agreed and said he would arrange
8. (Confidential - GLC) Alex Schnee, State Department, queried
us regarding the applicability of Sections 402, 408, and 409 of H. R. 9910.
He said he understood that John Marks, of Senator Case's staff, had drafted
these sections to have a direct effect on Agency activities. I told Mr. Schnee
that the impact of these sections was still unclear but we were checking on
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3
Monday - 25 October 1971
9. (Confidential - GLC) John Lehman, of the White House staff,
called to determine those sections of the bill which were of particular
concern to the Agency. I told him that we were concerned about a number
of sections of the bill as were other members of the Executive Branch,
but we had special problems with Section 405(b) concerning responsibilities
of departments and agencies with respect to the Foreign Relations and
Foreign Affairs Committees and with Section 655 which applied to Cambodia,
the amendment previously placed in the Military Procurement Act by
Symington establishing a ceiling on operations in Laos. It developed that
Lehman did not have a copy of the bill as reported out or of the Committee
report and copies of these documents were forwarded to him.
Legislative Counsel
Mr. Houston
Mr. Goodwin
Chief, FE
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Friday - 22 October 1971
Page 2
7. (Confidential - J GO) Talked to Messrs. Robert Wattles, ADDS,
Howard Osborn, D/S, and and made arrangements
for delivery of a new safe to t a ouse Appropriations Committee for use in
safekeeping of Agency classified material. At the request of Mr. Ralph
Preston, of the Appropriations Committee staff, delivery will be delayed until
next week.
8. (Confidential - JGO) Talked to Miss Fran Christy, House Immigra-
tion and Naturalization Committee staff, who told me that H. R. 2076, a bill
for the relief of will be on the Committee agenda
for meeting on 4 November. In keeping with the request of the Committee
Chairman, an Agency representative should be available at the Committee in
the event questions are raised by the Chairman or members of the Committee
during consideration of this bill.
9. (Secret - GLC) I gave John Goldsmith, Senate Armed Services
Committee staff, the appropriate briefing for his access clearance to
compartmented information and he executed the necessary security oaths.
10. (Secret - GLC) In conversation with Mr. Maury and myself,
Ed Braswell, Chief Counsel, Senate Armed Services Committee, expressed -
concern about information he said he had received to the effect that in
attempting to cope with Senator Stennis' letter to the President regarding25X1C
fter fiscal 1972, serious thought was being
the programs. Braswell said he did not consider this a satistactory
to the problem proposed by Senator Stennis' letter.
In response to our query about the status of the Symington amendment
to the Military Procurement Act, Braswell said he understood that the House
Armed Services Committee did not appear to have any serious objections
to the Symington amendment. Braswell added, however, that he saw no
difficulty in taking care of the Agency's problems with respect to the amend-
ment. (Subsequent conversations between Mr. Warner and Mr. Maurice
Lanman, Assistant General Counsel (Fiscal Matters), Department of Defense,
would seem to indicate that the House Committee staff had some negative
reaction to proposals made by Mr. Fred Buzhardt, General Counsel, DOD,
with regard to the amendment.)
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C y ir.
Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3
Friday - 22 October 1971
11. (Secret - GLC) Mr. Maury and I brought Bill Woodruff, Counsel,
Senate Appropriations Committee, up-to-date on the developments with
respect to the Symington amendment to the Military Procurement Act. This
discussion prompted Woodruff to again say that he planned to talk to Ralph
Preston, House Appropriations Committee staff, about placing all CIA
appropriations in a category in the Defense budget which does not require
authorization. This strategy would take the Armed Services Committee
completely out of the CIA budget process, leaving the matter solely within
the jurisdiction of the Appropriations Committees and finessing the issue
which has been raised by Senator Stennis' letter to the President on future
Agency funding for operations in Laos.
Mr. Houston
Mr. Goodwin
Items 10 and 11 - Mr.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Wednesday - 20 October 1971
Page 2 25X11 C
7. (Internal Use Only - JGO) As a followon to Mr. Houston's, OGC,
meeting of yesterday afternoon with Mr. Bernard
Rosen, Deputy Executive Director, Civil Service Commission, I talked to
Mr. Anthony Mondello, General Counsel, of the Commission, to insure that
our offices are in accord in the various actions being taken concerning H. R. 11150.
Mr. Mondello told me for our information that the Chairman had forwarded a
letter with a copy to each member of the Post Office Committee outlining the
Commission's continued opposition to the entire bill and detailed in the letter
the fact that comments made by Commission representatives during the various
hearings on the bill had been in the spirit of providing technical assistance to
the Committee and had in no way been intended to soften or qualify the opposition
of the Commission to the bill. The official report of the Commission is in
process in the Office of Management and Budget and is expected to clear there
some time this afternoon for delivery to the Committee this evening. It is
anticipated that the OMB approved report will contain language to the effect
that the proposed bill is in opposition to the President's legislative programs
and policies.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4
Tuesday - 19 October 1971
12. (Unclassified - PLC) A letter from Mr. Maury to Representative
Bob Wilson (R. , Calif.) responding to a solicitation of funds by the California
Parapsychology Foundation, Inc. was delivered to the office of Representative
Wilson. The letter related the Agency's position last year when the organi-
zation made a direct appeal for funds, i. e. , we are interested in such
research but cannot grant financial assistance.
13. (Confidential - GLC) Talked with Maurice H. Lanman,
Assistant General Counsel (Fiscal Matters), Department of Defense,
about DOD's position on the Symington amendment to the Military Procurement
Act. Lanman said DOD's reclama statement recommended the deletion of
this amendment from the bill. It cites the accounting problems which would
be caused for the Executive Branch, the difficulty involved in applying the
restrictions and consolidating reports from several different Government
agencies, and the impediment this would place on the freedom of action of
the President, especially in an emergency situation. I told Lanman we
were in touch with both the House and Senate Armed Services Committee
staffs and were advising them of the problems which the amendment would
create for the Agency in terms of its scope, the disclosure of portions of
the Agency budget in specific appropriations, and the difficulties created
for us by the reporting procedures.
14. (Confidential - GLC) Advised James Gehrig, Staff Director,
Senate Space Committee, that access clearance to compartmented informa-
tion had been granted to Charles Lombard, of the Committee staff. I said
I would be signing him up in the next few days and we could then make
arrangements to give the staff an updated briefing on
Legislative Counsel
0" Mr. Evans Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin
Items 3, 9, 10, 11, 13 - FE
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