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May 12, 1971
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Approved For Release 2003 8/08FLQJIJiL296ROOO3OOO6OOI 2-0 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 5 Wednesday - 12 May 1971 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 16, - JMM) Talked to Chairman James M. Hniey, Employee enetits Subcommittee of House Post Office and Civil Service Committee, who welcomed the suggestion that the Subcommittee vi..i.: Headquarters for a breakfast briefing in the next several days and he said that Dick Barton, of his staff, would coordinate with other Subcommittee members and call me to work out arrangements. 17. ~ ~- JMM) Called William Thomson, in the dace of Senator Clifford P. Hansen, who said that in view of the time deadi;,--a : they had telegraphed to the Wyoming University newspaper, The Branciir -- Iron, the Senator's open letter in response to Allen Ginsberg's open lette _uuery to the Senator regarding Agency involvement in Southeast Asian drug rfic. Mr. Thomson said that nevertheless they planned to go ahead with a query to the Bureau of Narcotics which they hoped would produce ar, answer that could usefully be made public. 18. I I- JMM) Received a call from Ben Welles `oz- the New York Times, who said he understood that Representative Herrr:an Badillo was introducing a bill forbidding the Agency to engage in paramilitary operations, and Wells wondered if this would get much support on the Hill and L 'we were seriously concerned. I said I didn't expect this bill to go very far. JOHN M. MAURY Legislative Counsel cc: ER O/DDCI Mr. Mr. Mr. Goodwin Mr. Houston DDI DDS DDS &T OPPB EA/DDP Item 9-Pers Item 10-Pers CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2003/08/08 : CIA-RDP73B00296R00030006001 tk, 6/5/2003 Approved For Release 2003/08/08-:..CIA-RDP73B00296R000300060012-0 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Friday - 14 May 1971 5. I I - JMM) Carl Marcy, Chief of Staff, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, gave an informative and candid off-the-recorc_ talk to the Advanced Intelligence Seminar which was warmly received and in which he paid high tribute to the Agency. 6. JMM) Met with Senator William Spong and his Executive Assistant Mr. Thad Murray, and reviewed some draft leters they had prepared to constituents who had inquired about allegations of Agency involvement in drug traffic in Southeast Asia. At my suggestion they are writing to Director Ingersoll, Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Lrags, requesting the results of any investigation that the Bureau may have conducted into the matter. In accordance with his long-standing policy, however, Spong does not plan to put Ingersoll's response in the Congressional Reco -c. 7. JMM) Called Sam Marler, in the office of Senator Clifford P. Hansen, who said that the Senator's letter to the Univer.~ity of Wyoming's "Branding Iron" denying allegations of CIA involvement :.n Southeast Asian drug tra.ff~ic had made the paper's deadline yesterday. He sad the Senator had not yet written to Director Ingersoll, Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, requesting additional information on the subject, but would do so shortly and Marler would let me know when the letter went forward so I could alert the proper people in Ingersoll's office. 8. I I- GLC) Talked with Ed Braswell, Chief Counsel, Senate Armed Services Committee, about the cost-of-living increase legislation for the Civil Service retirement system which has been acted upon favoraba_y by both House and Senate Post Office and Civil Service Committees. Braswell made the following points : a. If we wish to obtain a similar amendment for CIARDS, we will have to go through the formal procedure for requesting sucl legislation; b. It is absolutely impossible to get Senate and House action on this legislation before 1 June; c. Although he had not reviewed the specific legislation, it is possible that we could get a bill which would be retroactive; d. He would not want anyone to retire from the Agency on the assumption that such legislation will receive favorable consideration. Approved For Release 2003/08/0%"-8A-6~73B00296R000300060012-0 Approved For Release'QTPMI :1~JP73B00296R000300060012-0 25X1 25X1 C 25X1 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Tuesday - 11 May 1971 7. I I- JGO) Met with Mr. Drury Blair, Senate Immigration and Naturalization Subcommittee staff, Senate Committee on Judiciary, with regard to th In brief, hu told me that at present the Committee does not need anything from the Agency in support of the bill but that a copy of the report furnished the House Committee, if available, might be useful. I told him I would get a copy to him later in the week. 8. - LLM) Al Tarabochia, Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, called on behalf of an unnamed Senator interested 25X1 A in whether 25X1A 25X1 2Mk1A 25X1A 25X1 I told Tarabochia that, as he well knows, we do not keep track of the activities of U. S. citizens and suggested tha he contact the FBI. 9.1 ~ JMM) Met with Senator Clifford P. Hansen (R., Wyo~ and Sam Marler and William Thomson, of his staff, regarding a response for the Senator to make to inquiries from the poet, Allen Ginsberg, concerning allegations of CIA involvement in Southeast Asian drug traffic. The Senator welcomed our suggestions for respon ing to Ginsberg, and agreed -Cu try to obtain from the Bureau of Narcotics a statement which could be made public in order to set the record straight. 10. I I- JMM) Mr. 0 and I met with Representative Morris K. Udall (D., Ariz.) and explained our problems with the Lrvin bill guaranteeing the privacy of Federal employees. Mr. Udall seemed to under- stand our problems, but offered no encouragement so far as our rccuest for a complete exemption was concerned. Mr. Udall asked us to check into an individual in Tuscon who had been involved in some shady activities, and who, according to the local press there, was suspected of being a CIA employee. (See Mr.O Memo for Record. ) 11. - JMM) Met with Thad Murray, in the of Lice of Senator William Spong, who wanted assistance in responding to a constituent inquiry regarding allegations in the Jack Anderson column that the Agency was involved in Southeast Asian drug traffic. Murray accepted my suggestions for a response, and agreed to have Senator Spong ask for further details from the Bureau of Narcotics. CON IDENDAL Approved For Release 2003/08/08 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000300060012-0