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,mob g ~_ ~ ~Y~~r~c. Approved For Release 2000/08/24 : CI~-I~~~'73~~~Z~~R000200220005-1 MEMBERS OF CONGRESS WHO HAVE BEEN EXPOSED TO COMPARTMENTED MATERIAL TKH SENATORS Aiken, George D. (Vt. ) Allott, Gordon (Colo. ) Anderson, Clinton P. (N. Mex. Baker, Howard H. (T,enn. ) Bayh, Birch (Ind. ) Bennett, Wallace F. (Utah) Byrd, Harry F. (Va. ) Byrd, Robert C. (W. , Va. ) Cannon, Howard (Nev. ) Case, Clifford P. (J. J. ) Church, Frank (Idaho) Cooper, John S. (Ky. ) Cotton, Norris (N. H. ) Curtis, Carl T. (Nebr. ) Dominick, Peter (Colo. ) Ellender, Allen J. (La. ) Fulbright, J. W. (Ark. ) Goldwater, Barry (Ariz) Griffin, Robert (Mich. ) Hansen, Clifford (Wyo) Hruska, Roman (Nebr. ) Inouye, Daniel (Hawaii) Jackson, Henry (Wash. ) Javits, Jacob (N. Y. ) Magnuson, Warren ('V1d'ash. ) Mansfield, Mike (Mont. ) McClellan, John (Ark. ) McGee, Gale (Wyo. ) McIntyre, Thomas (N. H. ) Mundt, Karl (S.Dak. ) Pastore, John (R. I. ) Pell, Claiborne (R. I. ) Percy, Charles (Ill. ) Saxbe, William (Ohio) Schweiker, Richard (Pa. ) Smith, Margaret Chase (Me. ) Sparkman, John (Ala. ) Stennis, John (Miss. ) Symington, Stuart (Mo. ) Thurmond, Strom (S. C. ) Tower, John (Texas) Weicker, Lowell (Conn. ) Young, Milton (N. Dak. ) Approved For Release 2000/08/24 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000200220005-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/24 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000200220005-1 TKH REPRESENTATIVES Addabbo, Joseph (N. Y. ) Albert, Carl (Okla. ) Anderson, John (Ill. ) Andrews, George (Ala, ) Arends, Leslie (Ill. ) Aspinall, Wayne (Colo. ) Bell, Alphonzo (Calif. ) Bennett, Charles (Fla. ) Bow, Frank (Ohio) Bray, William (Ind. ) Brinkley, Jack (Ga. ) Cabell, Earle (Texas) Cederberg, Elford (Mich. ) Davis, Glenn (Wis. ) Dickinson, William (Ala. ) Downing, Thomas (Va. ) Edmondson, Ed (Okla. ) Fisher, O. C. (Texas) Flood, Daniel (Pa. ) Ford, Gerald (Mich. ) Gubser, Charles (Calif. ) Hansen, Orval (Idaho) Hebert, F. Edward (La. Hicks, Floyd (Wash. ) Holi.field, Chet (Calif. ) Hosmer, Craig (Calif. ) Ichord, Richard {Mo. ) Jonas, Charles (N. C. ) Karth, Joseph (Minn. ) Long, Clarence (Md. ) Lang, Speedy (La. ) McCulloch, William (Ohio) McFall, John (Calif. ) McKay, K. Gunn (Utah) Mahon, George (Texas) Miller, George (Calif. ) Minshall, William (Ohio) Nedzi, Lucien (Mich, ) O'Konski, Alvin (Wis. ) Patten, Edward (N. J. ) Pike, Otis (N. Y. ) Price, Melvin (Ill. ) Randall, William (Mo. ) Rhodes, John (Ariz. ) Sikes, Robert (Fla. ) Talcott, Burt (Calif. ) Teague, Olin (Texas) Tiernan, Robert (R. I. ) Waggonner, Joe (La. ) Whitten, Jamie {Miss. ) Wilson, Bob (Calif. ) Wyman, Louis (N. H. ) Approved For Release 2000/08/24 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000200220005-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/24 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000200220005-1 MEMBERS OF CONGRESS WHO HAVE BEEN EXPOSED TO COMPARTMENTED MATERIAL TOP SECRET/`SECRET SENSITIVE SENATORS Cook, Marlow (Ky. ) Mondale, Walter (Minn. ) Muskie, Edmund (Me. ) Packwood, Bob (Ore. ) Pearson, James (Kans. ) Spong, William (Va. ) REPRESENTATIVES Aspin, Les (Wis.) Whitehurst, G. William (Va. ) Bingham, Jonathan (N. Y.) Wilson, Charles (Calif, ) Byrne, James (Pa.) Young, C. W . (Fla. ) Clancy, Donald (Ohio) Zablocki, Clement (Wis. ) Daniel, W. C. (Va. ) Davis, John (Ga. ) Fraser, Donald (Minn. ) Fuqua, Don (Fla. Hagan, G. Elliott (Ga. ) Hall, Durward (Mo. ) Harrington, Michael (Mass. ) Hunt, John (N'. J. ) King, Carleton (N. Y. ) Leggett, Robert (Calif) Lennon, Alton (N. C. ) Mollohan, Robert (W. Va. ) Montgomery, G. V. (Miss. ) Mosher, Charles (Ohio) Nichols, Bill (Ala. ) Pirnie, Alexander (N. Y. ) Runnels, Harold (N. Mex. ) Spence, Floyd (S. C. ) Stafford, Robert (Vt. ) Stratton, Samuel (N. Y. ) Whalen, Charles (Ohio) White, Richard (Texas ) Approved For Release 2000/08/24 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000200220005-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/24 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000200220005-1 COMMITTEES AND/OR SUBCOMMITTEES WHICH HAVE BEEN GIVEN TKH AND/OR TOP SECRET SENSITIVE BRIEFING SENATE Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences (Selected Members) Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense Intelligence Operations Committee on Armed Services Subcommittee on Central Intelligence Subcommittee on Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Safeguards Subcommittee on Preparedness Investigating Subcommittee on Strategic Arms Limitation Talks ? ? Committee on Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Arms Control, International Law and Organization? ? Subcommittee on U. S. Security Agreements and Commitments Abroad HOUSE Committee on Ap'pro'priations (not full Committee) CIA Subcommittee Subcommittee on Defense Subcommittee on Militany Construction Committee on Armed Services CIA Subcommittee Committee on Foreign Affairs (not full Committee) Subcommittee on National Security Policy and Scientific Developments ? ? Committee on Science and Astronautics (Selected Members) Subcommittee on Manned Space Flight Members who did not attend briefings but may have had access to briefing material Senator Harold Hughes, Senator Lloyd Bentsen -Senate Armed Services Senator Hugh Scott --Senate Foreign Relations Representative John Young -Joint Committee on Atomic Energy Representatives Morgan, Hays, Nix, Fountain, Findley, Broomfield, Thomson and Morse -House Foreign Affairs Representatives Hanna, Flowers, Roe, Winn, Price (Texas) and Frey -House Apprq~~~~~@r~~,I~gg~,Q~@~/~I,~~~Q~~P73B00296R000200220005-1