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Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000100180036-3
Thursday - 29 July 1971
25X1A 1. I I Talked with Mr. Wattles about the letter from
.Representative zomas Downing (D. , Va.) to the Navy about the interest
It was agreed that the response to Downing indicating that the property in
question was not available would be sent through Navy channels. We
advised Mr. Wattles that although Representative Downing had expressed
an interest in talking to us about the property at we have no
current obligation to contact him on the matter and will do nothing on this
unless the Congressman gets in touch with us. Mr. Wattles left with us
briefing papers on the subject in the event we should need them.
25X1 2. I Mr. Harry Gastley, in the General Counsel
office of Civil Service Commission, called to inquire about the status of our
negotiations on the transfer of retirement funds from the Civil Service fund
to the Agency retirement fund. He raised this question in connection with
Civil Service's review of proposed CIA Retirement Act amendments referred
to them by OMB for comment. what I knew of this situation
25X1A and we agreed to take it up with on his return on Monday.
25X1 3. I I Met with Bill Woodruff, Counsel, Senate Appropria-
tions Committee an we is cussed a number of matters including legislation
now pending in the Senate which has an impact on the Agency; the status of
the DOD /CIA review of the two sensitive readout programs; Committee treat-
ment of the "Fulbright amendment" issue this year;,and a number of current
intelligence items.
25X1 4. Left with Mrs. Lynch, in the office of
Senator Thomas Eagleton (D., Mo. ), a China Map Folio and several
unclassified maps which the Senator's staff had requested, and a copy of
the Agency pamphlet which she could use in responding to a constituent
inquiry about the gathering of information on U. S. citizens.
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Approved For ReleUU M / i ;/ 1~ t: ttIA DP73B00296R000100180036-3
Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Friday - 23 July 1971
Page 2
that are under the Defense appropriation only. I explained to Woodruff the
difficulty we were having as the result of the declassification of budget
Woodruff confirmed that he had asked DOD to declassify figures for
to release 1971 budget figures for
6. In connection with discussions on the
sanitization of the transcript of the recent secret session of the Senate on
Laos, I checked with Bill Woodruff, Counsel, Senate Appropriations
'Committee, regarding a report that he had asked the Department of Defense
25X1 C
25X1 C
25X1 C
25X1 A ER
Mr. Goodwin
Mr. Houston
25X1 A Item 6 -
Acting Legislative Counsel
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5EC L1
Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Tuesday - 20 July 1971
Page 3
10. (Secret - JMM) Met with Dorothy Fosdick and Richard
Perle, in the office of Senator Henry M. Jackson (D. , Wash.), and
briefed them on recent developments regarding Soviet space programs,
Soviet tactical air buildup in the Far East, and ChiCom airfield facilities.
11. (Confidential - GLC) Talked with both Ralph Preston, House
Appropriations Committee staff, and Bill Woodruff, Counsel, Senate
Appropriations Committee, about action that would be taken on the continuing
resolution before it expires on 6 would Augusinsofar as t the rwhicconcerned.
Both men said that the Radios wwould have to be passed
30 days before
a period in in excess of (Woodruff assumes it would be 60 days) since
Congress will not reconvene until 8 September.
Woodruff commented it appeared fairly certain that some form of
restriction vco uld be placed on operationd by amendments to the 25X1 C
foreign aid authorization bill when it is reported out of the Foreign Relations
12. (Unclassified - GLC) In response to his query of yesterday
I recommended to Harris Miller, on the staff of Representative William
Moorhead (D., Pa. ), that he contact the office of Jerome H. Jaffe, the
President's Director of Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention.
Miller said this was an excellent suggestion and added that he would call
that office.
13. (Confidential - GLC) In the absence of Senator Edward J.
Gurney (R. , Fla. ), I talked to his personal secretary, Lois Elliott, about
the inquiry the Senator's office had directed to the Department of Labor
regarding payments being maoSenatoryGurney was notaware ofam
flyers. 11 As we expected, Miss Elliott said
the constituent inquiry which prompted their contact with the Department of
Labor. I advised her these men were not soldiers of fortune as alleged by
the constituent and left with her a suggested reply which merely said the
Senator had looked into the matter he said she was sure this would satisfy and, found accordance with applicable law.
their needs.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2
Thursday - 15 July 1971
6. (Unclassified - RCR) In response to a call from the office of 25X1A
Representative Thomas Downing (D., Va.), was 25X1A
called and asked to send emnlnvrr,P?t tol
the request.
advised she will handle
7. (Unclassified - GLC) Mr. Larry McHugh, on the staff of the Joint
Economic Committee, called with further reference to the Committee's hearings
which will include testimony on the status of the Soviet economy. He said
that Dick Davies, of State Department, has agreed to testify before the
Committee at 2 p. m. on 9 August. McHugh has been unsuccessful in getting
through to the right people in the State Department, but wanted to be certain
that we were in touch with the Department to give them whatever information
we had to contribute on the subject. I told McHugh I would assure this was
being done and passed this message to Mr. Paul Walsh.
8. (Confidential - GLC) Met with Bill Woodruff, Counsel, Senate
Appropriations Committee, and left with him a New China News Agency
broadcast allegedly quoting statements made by Senator Ellender as to the
size of the U. S. budget. Woodruff said the Chairman would be interested in
this and thanked me for bringing it to him.
I took this opportunity to brief Woodruff on the fact of the Director's
budget sessions with the House Appropriations Committee, the problem which
the flood of bills such as the Church, Cooper, and McGovern bills would
create for the Agency, and the situation regarding contacts made by the
Ribicoff /Muskie Subcommittees and Representative Rogers on the drug
9. (Unclassified - GLC) After conferring with the Director, I contacted
Robert Maher, on the staff of Representative Paul Rogers (D., Fla. ), to tell
him I had talked with the Director and while we could not release the TDCS
to the Congressman, the Director was happy to have 1 ::1 meet with 25X1A
Mr. Rogers to brief him on the Agency's role in assisting in coping with the
overall drug problem. This meeting was scheduled for 10 a. m. on Friday.
M r-
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Approved For Release S,/WM. CIA-RDP73B00296R000100180036-3
Wednesday - 14 July 1971
1. (Internal Use Only - RJK) D/S, called to ask 25X1A
for details on what was said about it merica at the Director's briefing
before the Intelligence Operations Subcommittee of 11 June 1971. After
checking the Memo for the Record and conferring with Mr. Maury, I called
him back and gave him a summary of what was said.
2. (Unclassified - RJK) Talked to Ellen Laden, in the office of Senator
Lawton Chiles (D. , Fla. ), who asked for the "CIA report on drugs in Southeast
Asia." I explained to her that the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs
was the action agency on drug problems. I told her that the report she
was interested in had appeared in the Congressional Record on either 2 June 1971
or 9 June 1971. She appreciated the assistance and said nothing further was
required of this Agency.
3. (Unclassified - RCR) In response to his request, forwarded
application forms and brochr t
in the office of 25X1A
enn Beall (R. , Md. ).
4. (Unclassified - JMM) Bill Kats, Administrative Assistant
to Senator Robert Dole (R. , Kans. ), called to say that they had a highly 25X1A
qualified young lady from Kansas, who was interested 25X1A
in exploring Agency employment possibilities. I called
and asked him to
t i
directly wit
a ts
, ca
ed to say that r
will be in
with him when she comes to Washington.
5. (Secret - JMM) Accompanied Colonel White and John Clarke
who provided an informal briefing on the Agency budget for Senator John
Stennis and Senator Margaret Chase Smith. See Memo for the Record
for details.
6. (Confidential - GLC) Office of Security, called
about contacts he has had with Tom Latimer, on the White House staff, about
our procedures in the handling of clearances for congressional staff members.
I reviewed these for and gave him, for Latimer, the names-of the
congressional committees with whom we have our most frequent contact.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4
Monday - 12 July 1971
12-. (Confidential - GLC) Ed Braswell, Chief Counsel, Senate Armed
Services Committee, called and asked if we could be available to brief Senator
Stennis and Senator Margaret Chase Smith on the Agency's budget tomorrow
morning. I told Braswell that the Director and all of our budget people would
be attending a budget hearing with the House Appropriations Committee
tomorrow, making the session with the Senators impossible. I emphasized,
however, that we were not only willing but anxious to brief Senator Smith on
the Agency's budget since she had been unable to attend the budget hearing
with the Senate Appropriations Intelligence Operations Subcommittee. Braswell
said he would explain the problem to Senator Stennis and added t at e would
probably ask us to do this sometime before the end of the week.
Braswell suggested that we be marshaling our arguments against
S. 2224, Senator Cooper's bill to require the Agency to transmit to the
Congress intelligence information and the Agency's analysis of it. We
discussed the impact of this legislation at some length, but Braswell suggested
that we wait until we had had further contact with the Committee before we
submitted views on the bill.
25X1 A ER
Mr. Goodwin
Mr. Houston
'Legislative Counsel
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3
Monday - 12 July 1971
8. (Unclassified - GLC) After checking with the Acting DDI on the
procedure followed in a similar situation in 1969, I called Larry McHugh,
on the staff of the Joint Economic Committee, concerning the JEC's request
to have the Director appear at an open Committee session next month to
testify on the Soviet economy. I advised McHugh of Senator Proxmire's call
to the Director, the Director's consultation with Senator Stennis, and our
understanding of the latter's contact with Senator Proxmire on the subject
with the ultimate understanding that the Director would not testify but that
the Agency would cooperate by assisting the State Department in the prepara-
tion of testimony on the subject. McHugh was not aware of any of these
contacts and thanked me for advising him. I indicated that if there were any
further questions to let me know.
9. (Confidential - GLC) Checked with Ralph Preston and Austin
Smith, of the House Appropriations Committee staff, on arrangements for
tomorrow's budget hearing.
10. (Unclassified - GLC) At their request I gave copies of the
pocketbook edition of the "Pentagon Papers" to Bill Woodruff, Counsel,
Senate Appropriations Committee, and to Ralph Preston, House Appropria-
tions Committee staff.
.11. (Confidential - GLC) In response to an earlier inquiry, I advised
George Murphy, Joint Committee ff, that we had received
in une computer
field other than some familiarity with the M 220 computer which
we understand
to be an outdated model. Murphy said this covered his request.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2
Friday - 9 July 1971
5. (Unclassified - GLC) Ed Braswell, Chief Counsel, Senate Armed
Services Committee, called regarding the article by Tad Szulc in the New
York Times discussing a document reportedly prepared by the Agency on the
latest Viet Cong peace proposal. Braswell commented that this appeared to
be a leak from an Administration source and added it was very difficult for
people on the Hill to take a stand against indiscriminate leaks of classified
information when it appears that the Administration is engaging in the same
practice. I told him we were very concerned about the article also and added
Mr. Maury was on the Hill and would be seeing Senator Stennis and him during
the course of the day. I told him Mr. Maury might have some further thoughts
on this.
6. (Secret - GLC) Mr. John Clarke, D/PPB, called to advise he had
notified Bill Woodruff, Counsel, Senate Appropriations Committee, that a
careful review of the situation has brought us to the conclusion that if it should
become necessary to terminate Radio Liberty and Radio Free Europe the
estimated termination cost was
Memorandum for the Record (see Mr. Clarke's
). i. =Lirs is e figure that will be used in the
budget briefing of the House Appropriations Committee on 13 July.
7. (Secret - GLC) Picked up from Bill Woodruff, Counsel, Senate
Appropriations Committee, Senator Ellender's letter to the Director (with
a similar letter to Assistant Secretary of Defense Packard) asking that
Defense and the Agency make a decision in favor of either the DOD or Agency
sensitive readout systems. This has been forwarded to the Director and copies
sent to Colonel White and Mr. Duckett.
8. (Unclassified - GLC) Bill Shinn, a State Department intern now
working in the office of Senator Adlai Stevenson III (D. , Ill), called in connection
with the bill introduced by Senator Cooper. Shinn recalled the briefing we had
given Representative Brad Morse (R., Mass.) on Africa prior to the Congress-
man's travel there and asked if the Agency did this with other members. I
told Shinn that we try to be responsive to requests of this sort whenever we
could do so. Shinn obviously was concerned with the impact of the Cooper
25X1 C
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2
Friday - 9 July 1971
5. (Unclassified - GLC) Ed Braswell, Chief Counsel, Senate Armed
Services Committee, called regarding the article by Tad Szulc in the New
York Times discussing a document reportedly prepared by the Agency on the
latest Viet Cong peace proposal. Braswell commented that this appeared to
be a leak from an Administration source and added it was very difficult for
people on the Hill to take a stand against indiscriminate leaks of classified
information when it appears that the Administration is engaging in the same
practice. I told him we were very concerned about the article also and added
Mr. Maury was on the Hill and would be seeing Senator Stennis and him during
the course of the day. I told him Mr. Maury might have some further thoughts
on this.
6. (Secret - GLC) Mr. John Clarke, D/PPB, called to advise he had
notified Bill Woodruff, Counsel, Senate Appropriations Committee, that a
careful review of the situation has brought us to the conclusion that if it should
become necessary to terminate Radio Liberty and Radio Free Europe the
estimated termination cost was see Mr. Clarke's 25X1 C
Memorandum for the Record). is is the figure that will be used in the
budget briefing of the House Appropriations Committee on 13 July.
7. (Secret - GLC) Picked up from Bill Woodruff, Counsel, Senate
Appropriations Committee, Senator Ellender's letter to the Director (with
a similar letter to Assistant Secretary of Defense Packard) asking that
Defense and the Agency make a decision in favor of either the DOD or Agency
sensitive readout systems. This has been forwarded to the Director and copies
sent to Colonel White and Mr. Duckett.
8. (Unclassified - GLC) Bill Shinn, a State Department intern now
working in the office of Senator Adlai Stevenson III (D. , Ill), called in connection
with the bill introduced by Senator Cooper. Shinn recalled the briefing we had
given Representative Brad Morse (R., Mass.) on Africa prior to the Congress-
man's travel there and asked if the Agency did this with other members. I
told Shinn that we try to be responsive to requests of this sort whenever we
could do so. Shinn obviously was concerned with the impact of the Cooper
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SEu i
Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3
Thursday - 8 July 1971
7. (Secret - GLC) Met with Bill Woodruff, Counsel, Senate
Appropriations Committee, and briefed him on several current intelligence
items including ChiCom MIG-19 production, latest information on the "Back-
STATSPEere" bomber, the Soyuz 11 problem, the nuclear test on 30 June, and the
atest evidence of ICBM silo construction.
9. (Secret - GLC) Met briefly with Ralph Preston, House Appropria-
tions Committee staff, and firmed up arrangements for the Director's meeting
with Chairman Mahon tomorrow morning and our budget hearing next Tuesday,
13 July. Both meetings will be held in Room H-140 of the Capitol at 10 a. m.
No transcript will be taken at either of these sessions.
10. (Confidential - JMM) In a telephone conversation I explained to
Senator John Stennis that the Director wished me to consult him about two
problems, one involving a request from Senator Proxmire for the Director's
appearance before an open session of the Joint Economic Committee, and one
involving a request from Senator Muskie for E
Senator Stennis said he would call me later to ax a a e or a meeting but in
the meantime wanted to tell me he was concerned about Senator Cooper's bill
to make CIA information available to the Senate as a whole, and wanted to
speak against this bill, and at the same time pay tribute to the Agency. He
asked that we prepare material suitable for this purpose to be available
early next week.
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