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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/10: CIA-RDP73B00296R000100160010-3 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Wednesday - 28 April 1971 --o-- -- -- 25X1 indicates that Irwin will be confronted with questions Page 2 6. I checked again with Mr. Bill Casselman's office at the White House about clearing our reply to Representative Koch's letter on personal files. I was advised Mr. Casselman's office was expect- ing a decision on this today and hopefully they will be in touch with us tomorrow. 7. Mr. Harry Symmes,. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Congressional Relations, called and expressed some concern about cable traffic on the Moose-Lowenstein trip in connection with an appearance by Under Secretary of State John Irwin before the Senate that the Director, or someone from the Agency, talk to Senator Fulbright to "turn this off. " After checking with Chief, FE, I told 25X1 before the Committee. Symmes was suggesting Symme impression from conversation with Mark Pratt, in the Department, was at Dave Abshire would be covering this in his meeting with Senator Fulbright on Friday. Symmes tried to press on the point of having the Director take this up with Fulbright and I responded that the Director was in no position to ask to talk with Fulbright about control of hearings with a State Department witness. Symmes said he would talk further with Abshire about this. 8. Accompanied Mr. Carl Duckett, DDS&T, and Mr. Dave Brandwein, FIVISAC, to a meeting with Representative George Miller (D. , Calif.), Chairman of House Science and Astronautics Committee, for an updating of information previously supplied the Chairman on Soviet space vehicles, Mr. Duckett also briefed Chairman Miller on current information available on Salyut space mission. Chairman Miller will be leaving this weekend for an, international conference on space in Rome,, Italy. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/10: CIA-RDP73B00296R000100160010-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/10: CIA-RDP73B00296R000100160010-3 SECRET 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 I Page 2 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel :Tuesday - 27 April 1971 3. Talked to Harry- Symmes, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Congressional Relations, who said: a. He had just seen Senator Lowell P. Weicker who agreed to hold off taking any action on the John Downey case for the present, and b. He understood that State's response to Senator McGovern regarding the drug problem in Southeast Asia had been coordinated with of my Office, adding that State was preparing only an interim response cast in generalities and not addressed to the specific points contained in McGovern's inquiry. I said I planned to see Senator McGovern in the near future and try to satisfy him with an oral response. 4. Received a call from Mr. James Wilson, House Science and Astronautics Committee staff, who told me that Chairman George Miller will be leaving the country this weekend for an international space convention in Rome and would appreciate an updating of information previously provided on space programs. After checking with Messrs. Maury and Duckett, the meeting was scheduled for 10:30 a. m. , Wednesday, 28 April, in Chairman Miller's office, room 2364 Rayburn House Office Building. 5. In response to his request of yesterday, I scheduled a meeting for 3:00 p. m. Wednesday, 28 April, with Mr. Arthur Kuhl, Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff, for current situation briefing on Pakistan. Messrs. Lehman and OCI, have been advised. 6. Met with Mrs. Dorothy Quarker, Administrative Assistant to Representative Charles C. Diggs, Jr. (D. , Mich. ), and left with her a sealed envelope from Mr. Maury containing a name and address of I did not identify the content of the envelope This was in response to Representative Diggs' request to Mr. Maury. Met with Margaret Sugg and William 25X1 7. STATOTHR McPhearson, in the office of Representative Nick Galifianakis (D. , N. C. , in response to Representative Galifianakis' letter to the Director concerning the I explained to Mrs. Sugg and Mr. McPhearson the legislative inhibitions on internal security matters and gave them an extract STATOTHR t for the Year 1970 R epor from the Committee on Internal Security Annual Mrs. Sugg and which contains a discussion of the origins of the Mr. McPhearson were most appreciative. No further action or written response is necessary. ~P _PFT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/10: CIA-RDP73B00296R000100160010-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/10: CIA-RDP73B00296R000100160010-3 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Tuesday - 13 April 1971 25X1 25X1; 25X1 25X1 8. I Talked with Mr. Ed Braswell, Chief Counsel, Senate Armed Services Committee, who is recovering from surgery performed earlier in the year. I mentioned our conversation with Jim Woolsey yesterday and said that Carl Duckett would be briefing Woolsey on Soviet strategic defen- sive systems on Friday morning and that in response to his (Braswell`s) request we were giving both Woolsey and Ticer clearances for access to 9. Mr. Ralph Preston, House Appropriations Committee staff, and Mr. William Woodruff, Senate Appropriations Committee staff, visited the Headquarters building for briefing on the Agency budget for FY 1972. Due to another commitment, Mr. Woodruff was unable to stay for lunch which was hosted by the Director. Mr. Preston was given copy number two of the 1972 Congressional Budget submission and the OPPB paper "Major Intelligence Resources (Dollars and Manpower). " 10. I I Talked to Mr. Harold Gould, House cience and Astronautics Committee staff, concerning Chairman George Miller's (D. , Calif.) travel to Rome, Italy next month to an international space conference. Mr. Gould told me that the Chairman does not know Dr. Glauco A. Partel, President of the Conference, personally. The association has been by correspondence in arranging for Chairman Miller to appear as the keynote speaker at the conference. Mr. Gould told me that eight officials from NASA will also be participating in the conference. has been advised. See Journal of 1 April 1971. 25X1 25X1 11. I I Talked tol (General Counsel, NSA, who told me that Mr. James Lowenstein and Mr. Richard Moose, Subcommittee on Security Agreements and Commitments Abroad, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, will be given the clearance briefing today at the Pentagon. He also indicated that a meeting is scheduled in the White House for Wednesday to decide the areas of information that may be covered with the Subcommittee in the upcoming scheduled hearings. Admiral Gayler, Director, NSA, will be meeting with Chairman Hanley of the House Employee Benefits Subcommittee, House Post Office and Civil Service Committee, on Tuesday, 20 April, to discuss the matter of protection of rights of Federal employees. I thanked for the call. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/10: CIA-RDP73B00296R000100160010-3 1I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/10: CIA-RDP73B00296R000100160010-3 JOU RNA L OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSE'L Monday - 12 April. 1971 25X1 25X1 2. Met with Miss Suuy Mo rise , Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff, who returned to me- the FBIS paper"Khruschev's'We Will Bury You'll for inclusion in the transcript of the Director's testimony of 29 March.' 25X1 I Science and Astronautics Committee staff, who told me that Chairman Downing, of the NASA Oversight Subcommittee, is considering hteaiiig3 some time next month to take testimony from NASA and DOD on the space shuttle. Mr. Boone indicated that Chairman Downing may well request an Agency briefing for the Subcommittee which would include the Chairman of the full Committee and chairmen of the other Subcommittees on the Soviet and Chinese space programs. Mr. Boone indicated this was merely an alert and that he would keep me advised as the matter develops. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/10: CIA-RDP73B00296R000100160010-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/10: CIA-RDP73B00296R000100160010-3 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Friday - 9 April 1971 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 i 1. I called to say that ACDA Director Gerard Smith had used a top secret code word Agency chart in briefing Senators Pastore and Symington at the SALT talks and Symington requested a copy of the chart. to whom the request was made, advised this was a matter which would have to be taken up at Headquarters on the Senator's return. The graphic is identified by 2. I I Attended a meeting of DDP and Air Force representatives on the case of Air Force representatives agreed that discussion of this case with Chairman George Miller, House Space Committee, should be undertaken by the Air Force, but I offered to check through the Committee staff to determine the relationship which exists between and Chairman Miller. 3. I I In response to my query DIA, advised that DOD had given Mr. James Woolsey, Senate Armed Services Committee staff, only a one time access clearance for code word material and had not processed a full compartmented clearance on him. They are delaying this pending a written request from Chairman Stennis. 4. ;.chard Perle, of the staff of the Subcommittee on National Security and International Operations, requested information on Soviet research and development regarding lasers. I said I would try to provide this information. ya~ n~~rr 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/10: CIA-RDP73B00296R000100160010-3 1 i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/10: CIA-RDP73B00296R000100160010-3 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Thursday - 1 April 1971 1. I I Mrs. Ward, Secretary to Senator John Stennis, called to check on the Director's availability for a meeting with the Senator at noon today. In view of schedule difficulties, it was agreed the Director should come up to the Senator's office at 10:30 a, m. on Monday, 5 April 1971, at which time the Senator will leave a committee meeting to see the Director. If there is any change in this, Mrs. Ward will let us know. 2. I Asked Ed Braswell, Senate Armed Services Committee staff, if he could see any problem in having the proposed Civil Service retirement bill on cost-of-living allowances worded so as to amend both the CIA Retirement Act and the Foreign Service Retirement Act to provide comparable provisions for those systems. Braswell acknowledged the convenience of such an arrange- ment but said his "reaction" was negative. He said he was very much concerned about establishing a precedent which would permit the Post Office and Civil Service Committee to amend the CIA Reitrement Act. to a briefing of Re Accompanied presentative Bradford Morse in anticipation of his trip to Chile later this month. Mr. Morse was most grateful to for her advice and assistance. 4. called about a situation which has developed with an Italian national who has invited an unnamed member of the House Space Committee o a conference in Italy. All of this is connected with an Air Force FTD program. is to keep us informed when they determine the identity of te member involved. 5. I Mrs. Neese, in the office of Representative Thaddeus J. Dulski (D. , N.Y.),, called and requested application forms and brochures to be sent to a constituent. The material was sent to her. RT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/10: CIA-RDP73B00296R000100160010-3