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Approved For Re~U~,2,QQ2/01NTIAL RDP73B00296R000100110025-2 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Thursday - 7 October 1971 5. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Mr. William Shattuck, House Judiciary Committee, who told me that although he has no documentation it is his understanding that the elating to overpayment of combat pay during the patio an others served with the Agency has been resolved within the Depar men of Army. Until he hears further he has closed his file on the matter which he had been handling for Representative Henderson (D. , N. C.). I thanked Mr. Shattuck for the information and told him we would close out also. 6. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Met with Mary Pat Gaffney, Immigration and Naturalization Subcommittee staff, House Judiciary Committee, who told me that the Committee would be meeting the entire day, afternoon as well as morning. The agenda contains something over 200 items. was such that its ou be consi ere by the Committee today. 7. (Confidential - JGO) Met briefly with Mr. Charles Ducander, Executive Director and Chief Counsel, House Committee on Science and Astronautics, who told me that Chairman Miller was quite satisfied with last week's briefing. Mr. Ducander noted in passing that he was somewhat surprised that the Chairman had requested a briefing before going off on this particular trip to Europe. Chairman Miller is not expected to return to the city until late this month. Mr. Duckett has been advised. 8. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Met briefly with Representative Melvin Price (D., Ill.) who gave me his personal apologies for not attending the Intelligence Subcommittee briefing on Monday. He noted that as much as he would have enjoyed the Agency briefing, the long weekend and celebrations in Italy were very enjoyable. He expects that the Subcommittee will be coming out again and he will be with them at that time. 9. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Met briefly with Representative William Bray who told me that the - tellience Subcommittee of House Armed Services had had a good meeting this morning with Ray C.l ine at State Department an he expects that they will continue these meetings as rapidly as possible with the various elements of the intelligence community. Mr. Bray very much enjoyed his visit to the Agency. AL 25X1A 25X1A 25X1 C Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000100110025-2 Approved For Release 20.Y1&.1A0_; CIA-RDP73B00296R000100110025-2 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Thursday - 7 October 1971 10. (Secret - JGO) Met with Russ Blandford, Chief Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, and gave him a copy of NSCID No. 1 and White House letters of January 16, 1962 and September 24, 1965 concerning the office of the DCI. 11. (Confidential - GLC) Spoke with Bill Woodruff, Counsel, Senate Appropriations Committee, and Jim Woolsey, General Counsel, Senate Armed Services Committee, about the implications in the Symington amendment to the Military Procurement Act. See Memo for the Record. I briefed Mr. Woodruff on a number of current intelligence items. See Memo for Record. 12. (Confidential - GLC) Delivered to John Goldsmith, Senate Armed Services Committee staff, a copy of a draft speech which was prepared for Senator Stennis' use. 13. (Unclassified - PLC) Mr. Vaughan, in the office of Representative Charles A. Vanik (D., Ohio), called concerning an inquiry from a constituent who had just returned from a visit to the Soviet Union. The constituent wanted to verify the bona fides of who claimed he was an 25X1A Agency employee and want o in erview a constituent about his trip. DCS, was called and verified 25X1A employment. Mr. Vaughan was subsequently called an ac,vise accor ingly. cc: ER O/DDCI .wir. tiouston Mr. Goodwin DDS DDS&T DDI OPPB EA/DDP Item 1 = Personnel, IG 25X1A Approved For Rele& L0 /10 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000100110025-2