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April 14, 1971
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25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/09/25: CIA-RDP73600296R000100040041-2 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Wednesday - 14 April 1971 11. Delivered to Mr. William Sullivan, in the office of Senator Bob Dole (R. Kans. ), a series of supplements to the daily report - Soviet Union which were not included in the daily reports forwarded to the Senator's office over the last ten days. I suggested to Mr. Sullivan that in the future any questions on the material or whatever should be referred to me rather than attempting to locate the individual clerks or staff personnel within the Agency who might be involved in forwarding such material to the Hill. 12 Met with Mr. Ralph Preston, House Approatios Committee staff, and gave him a copy of the Soviet Union daily report supplement 71-67-22 and comments on the 7 April New York Times column on Soviet defense costs. In discussion Mr. Preston told me that he met with Chairman Mahon late yesterday afternoon and briefed him on yesterday's meeting on the Agency budget. See Memorandum for the Record. cc: 25X1A ER 0/DDCI 25X1A Mr. Goodwin Mr. Houston DDI DDS DDS&T EA/DDP OPPB Item # 5 - Item #11 - JOHN M. MAURY _Jegislative Counsel, Approved For Release 0M5414126: CIA-RDP73600296R000100040041-2 25X1A STATINTL STATINTL - Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDF&31300296R000100040041-2 1 r) A j t)s. cazt Kosygin's statement regarding defense spendi merely reports the Soviet announced defense budget data of about 80 billion rubles for 1966-70. Our estimates?which include spending for R&D and space programs amount to 113 billion rubles for the same period. Without the full text it is difficult to evaluate Kosygin's comments on national income, but -7/ the New York Times atricle does make the old error of stating that the Soviet defense budget "burden" is twice that of the US. This arises when the share of GNP is calculated in dollars which distorts the internal Soviet price relationships. When calculated in rubles, the share of Soviet GNP allocated to defense is about 7 percent, roughly that of the US. A,AJ Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP73600296R000100040041-2 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP73600296R000100040041-2 8 April 1971 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Intelligence SUBJECT New York Times Article on Soviet Defense Spending 1. The front page story on Soviet defense spending in the New York Times, is hardly a "disclosure" as claimed by Ted Shabad. In discussing budget allocations over the last five years, 1966-70, Soviet Premier Nosygin yesterday announced that a total of 80 billion rubles ($88 billion of the official exchange rate) had gone for defense purposes. This is the total of announced Soviet defense spending, exclusive of the research and development portion carried in the allocation for science. 2. Shabad gets into the complicated question of the relative burden of US versus Soviet defense ex- penditures on the two economies. He does this in a very simplistic fashion -- the overall ratio of defense outlays to GNP, implicitly in dollars. However, "burden" cannot be very meaningfully measured in this way. The relative efficiencies of producing various types of goods must be taken into account, which Shabad does not do. 3. Our impression of Kosygin's presentation of the allocation question is that once again a careful balance is being made between the pressures from the Soviet defense establishment and the need to appease the Soviet consumer. The process of dealing ad hoc with overcommitments will almost certainly continue in the next plan period. irec or Economic Researc Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000100040041-2 25X1A 'r r ? ; ? , Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP73600296R000100040041-2 itt.4.1?304.%\o'PS C4.1' .1:1 CIS )1,461.' .d) ,a*d":i".1" eat international situation," Mr. THE ODORE SHABAD Kosygin said, "must be stead- . MOSCOW, April so. lastly concerned with strength- Viet Union disclosed today that ening of the country's defense 1ti--iiiifiie-e--37-e-ifieblisli-ei-e-ee-wee capability. Over the last five elegi5izgen:g--erifiThi'..ii-Te-eTal: years .80 -billion rubles [1'p88.0- o all_the_luncIsLavailable_effir billion at the official exchange the_gow0AL. Or thee_ Jatiefs rate; has been spent idi de- r ; ectmoiny fense." e '13teefigeee. itsellwaseloteeew, for it repeesented the total bud- get allocations in _eal etee7eLlee the mainteacmge_efemiljeepe_per- , , . 'NEWS INDEX:-. This unusual information on ? Premiertheb iiien ltlailAnvilatesu :ro containedf- fi ee. pura-slied text of an economic fojrikifv_e reel_y_es_terel V .by fore the current congress of the Soviet, Communist party. It appeared to be one of the mosorthrhta?nfted most 'forthright.' acknowledg- tkeP91Lcer_eke_Leff__Leefeethe maintenance of the' country's armed .forces.k ,1!-2.?;:e ? : "The Soviet ?state in/ the pets- Art .. . Cooks j. 43 Bridge ? 44 Business 71 Chess ? ? 44 Crossword . ; 43 Obituaries '42 Op?Ed ' 41 Society .? 50 Sports ' 51.55 Theaters .......'' 32-3'? Transportation 74 Editorials .. TV and Radio ? ..75 Financial .. 57-72 U. N. Proceedings.. 5 Man in the News. ?20 WashIngt.on Record .27 ; .32-37 Weather' Music.;?...32-37 Women's News 49 ? News Sunnhary and Index, Page 39 eettleetteceepetecenement oll_iclalansesysteres. ? - 1,11e_g_tf-',_e_Q.DICeleeefee t)e 119717?i3.k. 21) -1- at de- the activities absorbed .24.4 per, cent of the portion of na- Purposes, or 7 per centti5T5"-15-qfflif615.1.air c orieHa1aii-6aTTrIc5In7e. science,If expenditures for amounting to 3?yes cent of. national- income, i'vere in- eluded in ,the defense share, it- wouTd-rTs6--1;5711 ler?Enf.-of This roughly with estimates ot Western, analysts, who -hold that a large proportlon of Sovi-t scien'T'ic ereseerel' 11111 A.111. is s go. a Soviet Union is general- Continued on Page 4,Colemo. 4 i( Soviet Discloses Extent of Defense Costs , Continued From Pagel, Col. 4 ly assumed to shoulder defense expenditures roughly equiva- lent to those .of the United States, However, because the Soviet Union's gross national product is only about half that of the United States, the share of the military-oriented sector of the Soviet economy is about twice as large as the share of the defense establishment 4n the American economy. Mr. ?Kosygin's disclosure, made in the context of new national income statistics, ap- peered to be part of an effort by the Soviet leadership to justify the current economic policy of a. better deal for the consumer combined with con- tinued emphasis on heavy in- dustry and defense. ? Leonid L ?Brezhnev, the par- ty leader, appeared to go out of his way in lids keynote speech to the congress last week in affirming that increased attention to consu- mer welfare in the new five- year plan "does not mean that we are slackening our concern for heavy, industry," which is the basis of the defense effort. Mr. Brezhnev and Mr. 1