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August 30, 1971
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Approved For Release 20Q~/~S~/~2~~~~CI~A-RDP73B00~>296R000100040024-1 C U~~ ~~~I ? JOURNAL Monday - 30 August 1971 1. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Talked to Mr. Robert Foster, House ,Appropriations Committee staff, who told me that Ralph Preston will not be back on board until probably Tuesday or Wednesday, September 7 or 8, next week. 2. (Unclassified -LLM) Jack Norpel, Senate Internal Security Subcommittee staff, called to relay certain information which he thought would be of interest to us, which I relayed to in Secur~ATOTHR 3. (Unclassified -LLM) Spoke with Mr. Albert Lakeland, Execu- tive Secretary to Senator Jacob Javits (R. , N. Y. ), and he accepted t~TATOTHR invitation to participate in one of the panel sessions before the Advanced Intelligence Seminar on 17 September and OTR, was advised. 4. (Unclassified -LLM) .On referral from the Office of Pers~~i,n~10THR called Jahn Wiener, Administrative Assistant to Representative Thomas Morgan (D. , Pa. ), and explained that the application of has been caught up in the virtual hiring freeze following t e rest ent s announcements and that it would take a little time before we could give her a definite answer. In response to his request, I said we would be glad to call to inform her of this new development, which Personnel will 0. STATOTHR 5. (Unclassified - GLC) Obtained for OSR, a copy of Dr. John Foster's testimony iri June before t e e ense . u committee of the House Appropriations Cornrnittee. Approved For Release 2006/09/25 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100040024-1 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100040024-1 Journal -Office of Legislative Counsel Monday - 9 August 1971 Page 3 ' 9. (Unclassified - JGO) At the request of John Garrity, Hause Appropriations Committee staff, an appointment was made for a personnel STATOTHR interview for with Mr. ~ OP. The appointment w~fATINTL scheduled for 2:15 p, m., 10 August 1971. `A.cting Legislative Gounsel STATOTHR cc: ER O /DDCI DDS& T Mr. Goodwin Mr. Houston EA/DDP O PPB DDI Item. 7 - C /FE, SAVA DD5 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100040024-1 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100040024-1 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Wednesday, 4 August 1971 25X1 Caribbean Area, 1, 25X1 A WH, advised that a posse e s s within WH and CINCLANT, were checked with n sults for ossible information cancerning the 25X1 missing vesse ne of the owners. 25X1A oubted that the vessel ha ~ een seLZe by the Cubans and H t dour inquiry and will notify us immediately e mig a in a uban port. a no should any information develop. Mr. Bill Burke (201-523-5152) in the New Jersey office of Representative Robert A. Roe (D. , N. J. ), who made the inquiry for a constituent was called and notified accordingly. He was most appreciative. Should any information develop in the future he asked that we call him or Olga Wentz (225-5751) in Representative Roe's office who is familiar with the case. 2. Met with Mr. Ralph Preston, House Appropriations Committee staff, who was most interested in the press reports of Representative Lucien Nedzi's (D. , Mich.) statements concerning the new intelligence Sub- committee of House Armed Services. Mr. Preston was certain that these statements corning from Representative Nedzi would be of concern to Chairman Mahon. I provided Mr. Preston with a copy.of the Committee statement of purpose for the Intelligreston told melalso thattonly minor changes notf related Subcommittee. Mr. P to the Radios are anticipated in the continuing resolution on the Senate side which hopefully would be accepted by the House avoiding any need for conference on the continuing resolution. I briefed him on the following items: ChiCorn accelerated MRBM troop training program, wPaki tanilconcern~overvlnd an milt y'preparation; officials visiting Moscow, Soviet Rarn-F, airborne strategic command posts; 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100040024-1 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIS-RDP73B00296R000100040024-1 ~~~~~~ Journal -Office of .Legislative Counsel Tuesday - 3 August 1971 . Page 2 5? Received a call from Mra, Ehringhaus, in the office o rank T. Bow (R. ,Ohio), who requested that an ernpioyment interview be set up for a`constituent, 25X1A ...+..... ~. ~. ----o that an appointment has been scheduled for 10:0.0 a. m. on Thursday, 5 August-wit 6? Met with Miss Rosita Ferandes, Personal Secretary to Representative Lawrence angor Friday morning confirmed the breakfast with Representative Hog at 8:00. Miss Ferandes did not know whether Represent d~uartegsn Sheed to be picked up or whether he would came directly to Hea q will -call and advise as soon as she has been able to check this point with him. Met with Representative William Bray (R. , Ind. ), 7. and briefed him m responser area that there are nolknown strat gi~ivity over p~arnbul and the Talus Rive installations in the area which would appear to make the SovieThe a ea nt to permit western visitors in the city or in the nearby area. is not permanently restricted to western military attaches. .See Journal of 27 July 1971. 8? Met with Mr. John Garrity, House Appropriations Committee s a ~ , w io gave a copy of the "Further Continuing Appropriations, 1972" passed by the House last night extending the continuin~5X1A resolution to "not later than October 15, Other than the change in date, the provisions of the continuing resolution are the same. Staff, has been advised. Mr. Garrity asked, if possible, that he would appreciate one or two copies of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee report referenced intoday's. press for staff use in responding to member s questions. Copies were delivered to the Committee later in the y. s~c~~Y Approved For Release 2006/09/25 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100040024-1