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Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000100040013-3 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Thursday - 18 November 1971 Senator Young said Senator Ellender was pushing bills through and they might adjourn as early as 8 December. 25X1A 3. 1 1 Met with Ralph Preston, House Appropriations Committee staff, and discussed the Defense Appropriations bill, H. R. 11731, sent to the Senate this week. Mr. Preston was most helpful. 4. I I Met briefly with Al Westphal, House Foreign Affairs Committee staff, who told me that the Radios bill has now been scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, Friday, November 19, for discussion by the House. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000100040013-3 Approved For Release 2006/Q9 ECriRDP73BOO296ROOOl 00040013-3 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4 Tuesday - 9 November 1971 10. 1 1 In a chance meeting in the Capitol, Harry Symmes, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Congressional Relations, said he understood that when General Westmoreland was testifying before the Foreign Relations Committee he was asked if the Agency had any interest According to Symmes' information, F 25X1A I told Symmes we had been in touch with the Pentagon in advance of the appearance of the Joint Chiefs and that General Lambert was well briefed on this. He suggested we might want to check with Defense on this. s looking into this. 11. Talked with Bill Woodruff, Counsel, Senate Appropriations Committee, who said there was some concern in the Senate over the recent changes in the intelligence setup. See Memorandum for the Record. Received a call from Mr. John Lally, Assistant Counsel, Special Subcommittee on Armed Services Investigating of the House Committee on Armed Services, who asked if we could verify for Chairman Hebert information given to the Committee a few moments before in hearings that are being conducted today concerning the Cuban International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists who arrived in New Orleans on 26 October 1971 and are being held for deportation. See Memorandum for the Record. 14. Met with Mr. William Phillips, Staff Director, u comma ee on oreign Operations and Government Information of the House Committee on Government Operations, and reviewed with him the draft Agency response to the Chairman's request of 26 October 1971 concerning "the degree of public participation in formal meetings and hearings conducted within the Executive Branch and other agencies. " Mr. Phillips indicated that the response, in his opinion, would be completely acceptable. He noted in passing that this was the first response of any kind the Committee has had to the questionnaire. X1A kW M4 Approved For Releas CIA-RDP73B00296R000100040013-3 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000100040013-3 SER . JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Friday - 5 November 1971 1. Received a call from Mr. Frank Slatinshek, Assistant Chief Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, who told me that he has a draft of language for the conference report and wants to insure that it meets our needs as much as possible. I told him that Mr. Maury and Iwere on the Hill and I would have one of them meet with him a ossible. 25X1A 2. 1 1 Received a call from John Clarke, OPPB, who told should be made with Senator Stennis, Chairman, Senate Armed Services Committee, for this information. I told Mr. Clarke that it would be necessary to check with Senator Stennis before such a report is forwarded back to the Committee to insure his approval. Mr. Clarke indicated that probably nothing much can happen before Monday. He will keep our office advised. and Margaret Chase mit and Representative Mahon whom he briefed on the White House announcement regarding the intelligence community. See Memo for the Record. 1)Co R E I 25X1A Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000100040013-3 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000100040013-3 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Thursday - 4 November 1971 I. I I Met with Mr. Robert Lockhart, House Post Office and Civil Service Committee staff, who told me that the regular meeting of the full Committee has been scheduled for 10:00 a. m. , Thursday, 18 November with the same agenda including H. R. 11150, the Ervin bill, that was scheduled for the last meeting when the Committee was unable to reach a quorum. 2. Met with Miss Valerie Duval, Legislative Assistant to Representative John E, Moss (D. , Calif. ), and gave her a copy of the unclassified pamphlet "The Central Intelligence Agency" and a copy of Mr. Helms' speech of 14 April 1971. This was in response to her call of yesterday in response to a constituent inquiry. Miss Duval was most appreciative. 75X1A 4, Talked to Dr. Al Westphal, House Foreign Affairs Committee staff, who told me that the Committee Chairman is ready to appear before the Rules Committee whenever he is called to testify on S. 18. The bill is pending in Rules Committee but no date is scheduled for consideration. He does expect, however, that they will have the measure cleared through the House this year. advised. CA Staff, has been 25X1A 5. et briefly with Carol Berdes, Administrative Assistant to Representative Ogden Reid (R. , N. Y. ), who told me that her final day in the office will be the 16th. I told her I will be by before she leaves to close out her secret clearance. SECRE T Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000100040013-3 Approved For Release qp fig( ~? 73B00296R00p100040013-3 ived a call from Miss Valerie R ece 1,. moss (D., Calif. )o Duval, Legislative Assistant to Nez s Int lligence John Sub Subcommittee, and who' inquired whether Chairman nse, would be the proper n*nmitte ti i o a Chairman Mahon, House_pP_opr learning that legislative members of Congress for a constituent to contact concerning was a oversight of the Central I teig I t that I had several items ld Miss DuvalAfter o student who was doing a paper, e help to the student of an unclassified nature that might wools dmor rop by and give them to hher on contacting other members and that Friday. orge Gerdes, Staff Consultant, G d t e o 2. Talke National Security Policy and c entific Developments Subcommittee mittee staff that I would and in response to his question, told him oom 2255 but that there would not be an electronic check of inspection of R the room, Administrative Assistant ndrick K l , e es Char ator was interested in an itsM 3.1 S en the Ito Vet6i Damn iek, called to say in he t cil to bcio er Washington Report of the American. Se cg ri11 _Floats in a couple the k d "The Soviet Iceb l e of prominent Cuban emigres entit tha Caribbean. " Kendrick said the SenataA enmem from thet Agen-inf cy o and a w uldas h g considerably more than anything he like our. comments. I called Kendrick back to say the WH Division, f , After consulting Chie author's of the article were prominent, right-wing Cuban refugees and that their much was based rate in many respects, but was substantially accu embellished by information .,,, ,,,,confirmed refugee reports and had been exagge+ ht,r_,seint comment, we the authors. l said if Senator JJ j4n la to n i 'aide fit, , , : , extdrick said he thought this was not neces sa l b g and appreciated our.prompt response. 6ON IDENT1A Approvedfor Release 20025 :. CIA-RDP73B00296R0001000400,13-3 Approved For Release 2~Q6/Q9/ IA-RDP73B00296R000100040013-3 LJ L ?r % Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4 Tuesday - 2 November 1971 11. Met with Mr. Ralph Preston, House Appropriations Committee staff, who told me that he has not received a comeback copy from Chairman Mahon of the letter to Chairman Dulski, House Post Office and Civil Service Committee, concerning H. R. 11150. He assumes the letter did go out, however. He asked that I hold off on delivery of the safe probably until after the 11th when the Committee is scheduled to go to the floor with the Defense Appropriations bill. In response to my question he agreed that this will be a good time to clear out the back documents that have been held by the Committee for return to the Agency. Legislative Counsel cc: ER O/DDI Mr. Thuermer DDI DDS DDS&T EA/DDP OPPB 25X1A g6Approved For Releas 5:CIA-RDP73B00296R000100040013-3