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Publication Date: 
October 13, 1965
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3TAT .F;Eio Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/19: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401960001-7 L.J.114./1;. IWV$1, \i%? ? . ? . ' ARKANSAS GAZETTE. . iL. 96,820 S. 110,936 OCT 1 :31963 -----r-----::::--.3-----" 'also? hinted at this fact in one'7,1 YAF v. SACPEAF ? . ' of his speeches on the floor of ; . the ? House, when he said; ; To the Editor of the Gazette: "There are those in this con.) :! For some time now, our Com-' try who do not love the Amer. i-'; 'mittee has been concerned by' can flag as we do.") j the outlandish, unjudicious, and- However, the YAF Leaders,.':. ' gperating under the guise of!? ? 7---.oatriotism," sabotaged this 'eh( _. _. t ----------' for which was painstakingly pre-/ 4 irrational play on words by cc:- ' I tam n organizations that bill 3ared to strike a crippling blow t 41 . themselves as?being "patriotic.?;4o the Moscow Planners. Crum- 1 oling erasers, flaccid rubber l'.. These organizations are char:: , ? acterized by control from the bands, and leaky hoses would? I .. top, exaggerated statements andll'7`7 i2. soon plagued the Romani... _ ' 1 ' the ' use of words without deft; an economy. nitions. Another main charac; In our educational program, 1; teristic of these hypocritical or we have tried to bring truth outs ' ... ganizations is their lack of aq of ignorence, light out of dark-1 .1, recognizable logic in their pub.. ness. We have ?neither accused ' ;.. lie statements. the YAF of being Communistic, i or even dupes of the Kremlin. 1. ? Over the past years we have '.' taken great pride in the fact''' We know, of many? : 1'.that our comrades, the Young.truly patriotic Americans in the. ? ? . --, !.... . Americans for Freedom, have, YAP'. .::: ''. ? . ; . been waging a battle against', Yet, we feel that this gravel : , : the Godless International Cont. :error of judgement, on the part; .. . I. munist Conspiracy and Master'. of the leadership of this once; ? 1. Plan. However, recent actions:true and unquestionable .organi-1, l' on the part of their leadersization must be brought to- the'.: I have led us to question their! public eye as it is, and to warnf,, l sincerity, and lend some evi..! the general membership. ; .: dence to the possibility that they; We know that the American', ..! themselves may be dupe,s of the.; people in their great wisdom'', ;?; Moscow-Peking axis. . ; and democratic knowledge will; L We refer, of course, to the i judge this case and return a ; 1, ?recent endeavor by that great: true verdict. . ? . . I American company,. Firestone? It 'would be well if the YAP, I. Rubber, to sell, for profit (the; would refrain from trying to, I cornerstone of the American i control American foreign policy; 1 capitalistic system), a rubber- ; and restrict themselves to their,: 1. processing plant to the Com-I traditional and noble activities:! t munist regime of Romania. j of presenting American flags, f In doing so the company would I to high schools and Boy Scout': ( ' j? have received excellent profits ; troops. 1 k-and ridded itself of second-rate, : Honest patriotism is an ads' i used equipment which in effect, ; mirable virtue, but a malicious,' 1. would have been sabotage of: unreasonable attack upon . a 1. the Romanian economy. This .company of the American profit. I. ! operation had the backing, not.;?system, which is attempting to' ? only of the State 'Department, . fulfil the 'American dream of. f. but of the CIA. (We need' not , making money is unpatriotic.:, ., 1.identify ouorike of informa- 3 : , . it: tion for any patriotic American '' "SACPEAF.".:::.: r, knows a fact when he sees one., ,.. (Student Anti-Communist ''! ? c,'. .: Committee for the In addition to this, a congress- .' ? Preservation and ?.man, recently elected for his 1,.. ..? - ' Encouragement of ;'. first term, whom we,' will not;. .- American Freedoms). it..xlentifY.: for, :se ethty kreasc44,..;. . ? 'Hendrix College. r'.Conway.?-.? L;;:e:. .. , - .......,........_, ?,... ? ? , ? ? ? , ? ? ? .. ? ? , ? ? nprlaccifipri in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/19: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401960001-7 '