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In. STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 UlkLASSIFIED r---1 INTERNAL USE ONLY El CONFIDENTIAL j SECRET / ,? ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) FROM: EXTENSION NO. DATE R1 March 1964 so/ 4E50 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S INITIALS COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) RECEIVED FORWARDED . Mr. Paul M. Chretien Assist to the Director 1 P 08 31MAR 1964 e / The attached American Whig-Cliosophic indicates that tends to ask (apparently on other nations). letter from this have received The previous they notified pated being in oriented groups. information would the FBI we sent FBI and notified copy attached. letter from the Society the organization in- us for information student leaders of This is the second organization we 1 in recent months. ;..-- letter, copy attached, us that they antici- touch with Communist Since we felt this be of interest to the letter to the him of the referra3 2. , -Ntr/61-etko-ct- . . . ' ? ? I . \ The present letter appears more appropriately your office. i 1. Reply should be coordinated DDS. 2. Should office recommends write the Princeton his second letter referred to Agency would such as he requests Assistant to be one that would be answered from ? . OS 10. to this letter with DDP by DDP concur this 11. 12. society that has also been the FBI. That this not furnish informatl - 11 -I la. - r Paul M. Chretien to the DirectOr for Public Affairs 15. 'm 610 usEagics'us E] SECRET E CONFIDENTIAL E INTERNAL 3-62 USE ONLY j UNCLASSIFIED STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release '@ .50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 WHIG 1769 STAT STAT ? AMERICAN WHIG-CLIOSOPHIC SOCIETY THE OLDEST COLLEGE POLITICAL AND DEBATING SOCIETY IN THE WORLD PRINCETON UNIVERSITY March 11, 1964 The Central Intelligence Agency 2430 E Street, N.W. Washington 25, D.C. Dear Thank you for your letter of 9 March 1964. We are interesting in cooperating with the United States Government as much as is possible in that we are, in a sense, representing the United States in out contacts with other nations. CLIO 1765 I would also like to give you a brief sketch of what we are planning to do with this research project of ours. We are doing this research on the student or- ganizations of the world in preparation for the es- tablishment of an international student leader exch- ange program. Details at this point are useless but we can give you an idea of. what these exchanges might be like. We are interested in having small groups of student leaders visit their counterparts in nations racing similar problems in economic, social, and po- litical development. These visits would be to colleges and universities in the country and would include a planned series of seminars. We feel that there is a very definite need for more contact between the stu- dent leaders of all countries. There are a great many problems in a plan like this. Questions like who is a student leader? What is an of- ficial student organization? How to keep the Program an educational, neutral politically, student run, op- portunity to learn more about their counterparts? We have to find answers to all these questions. Thus, our study of student organizations is not just going to be a summary of their face or propoganda material; rather it will have to include detailed information about the structure, the membership, the leaders, the affiliations of all these organizations. In the case of the student leaders themselves we will have to have very detailed information, partly so we can have balanced groups pol- itically, partly because we want to be able to antici- pate any problems we might run into. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 We would appreciate any help you could give us in this respect. We wouldnit'be ready for the in- formation I have mentioned until later this Spring, but when we are I hope you can be of some help to us. ' We will approach asking for detailed information, in late April; but it would be a considerable contribution to our project if we knew how much you would be able to help us on this matter, be- fore the end of April. Thank you again for your time and effort. Hoping to hear from you soon, I am Respectfully yours, Executive Secretary The Princeton Asian Affairs Committee The American Whig-Cliosophic Society Whig Hall Princeton University Princeton, New Jersey STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 - - - ? . ."" ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30 : CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 ?. v/H?c; 1'764 s.t ) t 'A. ??"/ 1;!-? 61 . %! t . t. TrEOLrr ;it ANL' CE...olertN'C SS. cY V:ORLO . . ,PFUNCZTON 1..:40./%:F)S1TY ? J;7;r1rif,%,:.p - ?.111 - The Pri:Ioeton Asian Affsit.a Cv?tnit tee, 3 St.11.1::.' " of Prinooton Univordatro Amorloan Whig-Cliodoohic .v,onir:ty,. is uncloTt4kinr! n letetind study of the tu- ,14-u*:-!'.. .,9?1 ?-kf. ? ute ??ror 1(' . in (I- r?n !,but 4.,:roufio v,.trAcols cl%W,rins- tnp United it:it,,!3 DonArtMenl. 4)f r 04 h&s i on:3, ;,11.1 the' 9t1r:ont-,1):::ATit Li (1)19 .1, ? tne 'ilrocess of .con'teotinP: Velp. stuelont ?'! !",n13, '.'1111 be. in toueli with 'npv.-n-n't '101111 I only InrenJer1- ? roina,...t.tAch, if we- (160.1.(!e,..- thE! Vut,ure, to .177.:ird cr)ltnots, we- will. inform you .of our intention bnforn .do 3(:)4, We, hcir,o? by. contaostint'l you in tlilvrinenwc n V be) 9hI4 to elinInate?, some noshible eonfusion in to cur oro.ject:, An 1ii71Ce.or information. you .:3:3T?71fity,:to 7r)?!., "t].l be',7:reri 1.1 y ?*,:-7?!1Fit!?t.i. : ? ? ?,?-ou for you7 Yours truly, Whig Hall Ch,1 rictrin !iXeqUtiVe Se.%rnt:Iry STA-I STA STAT JLLEGH nprlaccifipri in Part - Sanitized Com/ Approved for Release_ @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 ?.. . . , ,,,...?,,..4,?...;,,,:??x;,,,. N.::.-44- :,?-... ` ? ,-,?..,.....::S::'?:?;!?:?Cvi; i: ii':4??,...,,,s, 1. 2'.' ':::f?':.--2'1'.:%.1?".i .1::.7:::::'1:7::-:?:,i'i.:: :;.'; ' ;? ' :=;.:.:`,?;?'.::::;t.,:i.;'''l "k` !?",- . , - ? -- , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30 : CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 . - ? . . . . . , ? ? Pr-jr,?.:.'"Al,"--k to ? V.5, ? 14i 4/v1 r,..??'?cr; "y7.ca 17= ? " ?? ...v ? so c. . ? 'k ? r, ? 4?171.0.- 1.r77.7". trIt= 11% C'7,-;17Y to t;".?.'2 CO ....h.. 5..14 STAT STAT EGIB Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 / 1-7 , COMMITTEE FOR SELF-DETERMINATION, INC. 124 EAST 406 STREET, NEW YORK 16, N.Y. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30 : CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 I COMMITTEE FOR SELF- DETERMINATION, INC. 124 East 40th Street New York 16, New York Telephone: YUkon 6-8128 "...continuing tide of self-determination which runs so sirang has our sympathy and our support." President John F. Kennedy "Within the limits of our responsibility in such matters, my country intends to be a participant and not merely an observer in the peaceful expeditious movement of nations from the status of colonies to the partnership of equals. That continuing tide of self-determination which runs so strong has our sympathy and our support. But colonialist?: in uit?ailhest foints is not only the exploitation of new nations by old, of dark skins by light, or the subjugation of the poor by the rich. My nation was once a colony, and we know what colonialism means: the exploitation and subjuga- tion of the weak by the powerful, of the many by the few, of the governed who have given no consent to be governed, whatever their continent, their class or their color." (From President Kennedy's address to the United Nations General Assembly, September 25, 1961.) Purpose and Aims 1. The universal urge for national self-determination has grown into an overwhelming force which can no longer be disregarded or suppressed. 2. The achievement of self-determination by all the nations of the world constitutes one of the main pre- requisites for the maintenance of peace and the build- ing of a better world. 3. It is the duty of all people of good will to press for the prompt realization of full self-determination on the part of the few remaining western colonies and other ethnic nationalities willing and able to assume all the responsibilities of statehood. 4. It is also imperative to focus attention on the Sino- Soviet imperialistic policy of colonial expansion, now the greatest threat to peace in the world and to the freedom of peoples everywhere. 5. The countries of East-Central Europe, many of which had for centuries been free and sovereign states and were incorporated into the Soviet colonial system after World War II, must regain their independence. 6. The peoples of the Soviet Union, over A per cent of whom are of non-Russian nationality, should be. given a free choice in the matter of self-determination. 7. All progressive elements in the world should unite their forces to press for realization of the principle of self-determination in those parts of the world where it is still lacking. nRclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30 : CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 LJ LJ El LJ Actibities a. To study and elaborate .the principle of self-deter- mination for all peoples. b. To educate public opinion at home and abroad, especially in the uncommitted and former colonial countries, regarding the clear danger of the new type of Sino-Soviet colonialism. c. To mobilize people at home and abroad for united, harmonious cooperation aiming at achieving self- determination for all. d. To encourage local committees to organize meet- ings, lectures, T.V. and radio programs, round table discussions and other activities to further the objective of self-determination for all peoples. Organizational Liaison The first Committee for Self-Determination in this hemisphere was formed in Buenos Aires last year. It consists of Argentinian personalities of varying back- grounds and convictions who, despite these differ- ences, considered it to be their duty to unite in a com- mittee which would express their own and their fellow citizens' grave concm for the peoples' rights to self- determination throughout the world. This Argentinian initiative was soon followed by the formation of similar bodies in Brazil, Colombia and Peru; there are also indications that, because the issue of self-determi- nation has caught the imagination of people every- where, other national committees will soon be formed both in this hemisphere and elsewhere. The American Committee is therefore not alone in trying to promote the ideals of genuine self-determination, and it will of course cooperate in the fulfillment of its mission with similarly motivated national committees abroad. Some Views on the Principle of Self-Determination "I considered it my duty to join the Committee as a way to collaborate in the effort by free men to have government systems which truly represent the prin- ciples of democracy. . (Dr. Carlos A. Adrogue, former Minister of Education and Justice, Professor of Law at the University of Buenos Aires, member of the Argentinian Committee for Self-Determination, over Radio Belgrano, January 20, 1962) * * * * ". . The Argentinian Committee for Self-Determina- tion appeals to the universal conscience so that all citizens from all parts of the world participate actively in the application of that wise principle and that each government becomes its defender and supporter. (Declaration of the Argentinian Committee for Self Determination) * . * * ". . . In the aim of safeguarding free political, cultural, economic and social development for all countries, we must deploy all forces and influence at our disposal so that all peoples may in the near future enjoy the full right to self-determination. MAY OUR CHILDREN INHERIT A FREE AND INDEPENDENT WORLD. .." (Declaration of the Chilean Preparatory Committee for Self-Determination) * * * * "... The Committee for Self-Determination is being founded with the aim to protect the peoples who, in the irresistible desire for national emancipation now sweeping through the world demand liberation from alien yoke. .." (Jornal do Comercio, Rio de Janeiro, January 7, 1962, editorial on the tasks of the Brazilian Committee for Self-Determination) ".. . Just application of free self-determination is the last hope not only of trade unionists but of all peoples subjugated by the Communists?it is the most powerful weapon against Communism ..." (Justicia Social, Bogota, January 1962) npriaccifipri in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 LJ A-4 COMMITTEE FOR SELF-DETERMINATION, INC. NEW YORK List of Members of the Advisory, Board Cardinal Richard Cushing Archbishop of Boston Mr. Cass Canfield President, Harper & Bros. Mr. John Dos Passos Author Dr. Harry Gideonse President, Brooklyn College Dr. Hilton Goss Director of Research, TEMPO (General Electric) Mr. William L. Graham President, Private Enterprise, Inc. Julie C. Herzog Executive Director of Woodrow Wilson Foundation Professor Sidney Hook Head of Dept. of Philosophy New York University Dr. Max Lerner Professor, writer and educator Very Rev. Laurence J. Mc Ginley S. J. President, Fordham University Professor Roger Paul Peters Professor of Constitutional Law Notre Dame University Mr. Drew Pearson Political commentator Mr. Eustace Seligman Senior Partner, Sullivan & Cromwell Mr. William L. Shirer Author of "Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" Mr. Norman Thomas Chairman, Union for Democratic Socialism Mr. Bertram D. Wolfe Educator and writer, expert on Soviet & Mexican affairs Professor Arnold J. Zurcher Executive Director of Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Inc. k7-1 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 COMMITTEE FOR SELF-DETERMINATION, IN LATIN AMERICA List of Members ARGENTINA Dr. Jorge Walter PERKINS President Deputy of the People's Radical Party (UCRP) Sr. Andres BONAFINA DORREGO Secretary Journalist, reporter for Argent. Radio Network 7 Dr. Carlos ADROGUE Former Minister of Justice & Education, Deputy UCRP r- r" LJ Dr. Eduardo Augusto GARCIA Former Ambassador to DEA in Washington Dr. Rodolfo WEIDMANN Senator UCRI, Chairman of Senate Foreign Relations Com. Dr. Palmiro BOGLIANO Deputy UCRI Dr. Adolfo VICCHI - Senator from Mendoza Dr. Hector LAGOS BEITIA Editor-in-chief of La Maiiana, Mar del Plata Dr. Rodolfo MARTINEZ Deputy, Argent. Christian Democratic Party Sr. Hernandez RAMIREZ Deputy, UCRP Dr. Adolfo CONTTO _J Deputy, Corriente Liberal Party -1 LJ Dr. Walter CONSTANZA Buenos Aires City Councilman Sr. Juan CORRAL 7 Trade Union Leader Sr. Juan C. BRUNETTI Trade Union Leader LJ Sr. Nelson COOPER Student Leader, Liberal Dr. Juan Fercsey journalist BRAZIL Sr. Hamilton NOGUEIRA Deputy, former Senator Dr. Elmano CARDIN Journalist, former editor-in-chief of Jornal de Comercio Sr. Deanilo de CUNHA NUNES Dep. Secretary of Ministry of Agriculture, retired General Sr. Augusto Frederico SCHMIDT Ambassador, headed various delegations Dr. Francisco de SOUZA BRASIL Professor, journalist Sr. Floriano da SILVEIRA MACIEL President of Chemical Workers' Union Dr. Carlos RIZZINI Secretary of Education, Sao Paulo-former editor of Jornal de Comercio Dr. Prado KELLY Deputy, Lawyer, former Minister of Justice Sr. Adauto Lucio CARDOSO Lawyer, Deputy Dr. Celestino SA FREIRE BASILIO Professor of Social Science, Catholic University Sr. Vicente PAULO BARRETO Editor-in-chief of Acao Democratica Dr. Carlos BANDEIRA DE MELLO Lawyer Father Fernando B. AVILA Professor of Sociology, Catholic University Dr. Kristof Kallay former diplomat COLOMBIA Dr. Fernando GUILLEN MARTINEZ University Professor Dr. Ottoniel MAHECHA Lawyer Dr Victor NAVARRO Assistant Professor President Vice President Secretary Dr. Spruille BRADEN .President of ColOmbo-American Chamber of Commerce Dr. Jose NABUCO President Dr. Jose LIBARDO MAYORGA HERRERA Lawyer, Vice President of International Bar Association University Professor Sr. Hugo BORGHI Vice President Dr. SimOn R. HURTAFO Deputy for Sao Paulo, Industrialist Professor of History Dr. Austragesilo de ATHAYDE Dr. Guillermo LANAO Director of Diarios Asociados, President of Brazilian Academy Editor-in-chief of Espectador Dr. Claudio BRAGA COSTA Secretary Dr. Nestor E. NINO Cruz Lawyer Editor-in-chief of Republica Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 Li Dr. Leonidas OJEDA Madero Assistant Professor of Medicine Dr. Carlos Jaime PERILLA Griese University Professor and writer Dr. Alfredo QUADROS Perilla Lawyer, Member of the House of Representatives Dr. Eduardo BORJA ILLESCAS Director of Diario de Ecuador Dr. Luis BOSSANO former Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Diego BUSTAMANTE CARDENAS Lawyer Sr. Virgilio CONDE Dr. Alfonso ROMA DAVILA M.D., Secretary General of the Colombian Trade Union Congress President of Railroad Company Dr. Roberto RODRIGUEZ Rangel Dr. Julio TOBAR DONOSO, Lawyer ex-Minister of For. Affairs, Dean of Law Faculty, Judge of Supreme Court Dr. Erwin SALOMON Director of Rundschau Sr. Jorge FERNANDEZ journalist, Director of Int'l Center of Journalism Dr. Imre MEGYESI -7 .1 Geologist Dr. Manuel ELICIO FLOR Professor, Judge of Supreme Court Senorita Olga RINCON Journalist Dr. Aurelio GARCIA Professor, Member of State Council Sr. Juan de J. VASQUEZ Industrialist Lic. Francisco TOBAR GARCIA Professor, writer Dr. Roberto URIBE Pinto Lawyer, University Professor Dr. Bodog STEINER Agronomist, University Professor lag. Pablo RAGO Engineer Sr. Eusse OVIDIO Journalist Dona Carmen ORTEGA Director of Women's Classes at the University Sr. Antonio DIAZ President of UTC (Trade Unions) Dr. Rafael GARCIA VELASCO Professor, member of the President's Advisory Board Sr. Ernesto Alban GOMEZ student Sr. Jose RUMAZO GONZALEZ former Ambassador, writer Sr. Francisco GUARDERAS former Minister of Foreign Affairs Srta Laura JIMENEZ Secretary of Institute of Social Security Dr. Jorge Salvador LARA Professor Sr. Ern C; KISZIVATH Engineer Dr. Pedro Jose LARREA Professor Prof. Dr. Bela Mindszenti educator Srta Piedad LARREA BORJA Deputy, writer ECUADOR Lic. Jorge Salvador LOPEZ student leader Dr. Isidro AYORA Ex-President of the Republic Dr. Julio ENDARA M.D., Professor Dr. Manuel de GUZMAN POLANCO Prof.,former diplomat Dr. Isabel ROBALINO BOLLE Lawyer Dr. Jose/ Ignacio DONOSO VELASCO Professor Honorary President President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Dr. Hugo MERINO Secretary of Ecuadorian Red Cross Lic. J. Roberto PAEZ Banker, writer Dr. Jorge PEREZ SERRANO Professor, former diplomat Dr. Enrique PONCE CARBO Legal Councillor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sr. Jaime PONCE YEPEZ Businessman Dr. Jaime BARRERA Dr. Alfredo LUNA TOBAR Journalist, Sect. Gen. of Institute of Social Security Professor Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 1-1 7 fl 7 Dr. Luis TOBAR RIVADENEIRA Professor ? ? Sr. Cesar BOLIVAR TORRES student leader Dr. Luis TOBAR TRUJILLO Professor Sr. Humberto VALDEZ President of Christian Unions .* P. Jose Maria VARGAS O.P. Priest, Member of Casa de la Cultura Dr. Mariano SUAREZ VEINTIMILLA Ex-President of the Republic ?? Dr. Jorge LUNA YEPEZ President of the Hispanic Institute of Ecuador PERU ? Hernan BELIDO former Ambassador to Argentina ? Enrique GARCIA-SAYAN Lawyer, former Minister of Foreign Affairs President ? Javier CORREA ELIAS Notary, diplomat, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, former President of the Christian Democratic Party Augusto DAMMERT LEON former diplomat, Head of Public Relations for Grace Line Carlos ESPINOSA journalist, editor of Expreso Carmen MEZA INGAR Lawyer, President of Peruvian youth organizations (ORJUPE) Jose/ ROLDAN Leader of the Christian Social Movement Walter PENALOZA RAMELLA . Pedagogue, philosopher, Professor at the Catholic University editor of Expreso Carlos RAMIREZ ALZAMORA Lawyer, former President of the Peruvian youth Organization (ORJUPE) ? Carmen ORTIZ de ZEVALLOS Director of the bookshop "Plaisir de France." Irene Silva de SANTOLALLA Senator, Director of School of Home Economics Cornelia Irene Loga de RUSZKOWSKI Lawyer Andres RUSZKOWSKI Professor at the Catholic University, editor of Actualidad Macedonio dela TORRE Painter, leader of APRISTA Party Nicholas MARA Leader of the Hungarian Colony ? Maria Rosario ARAOZ Teacher, former Principal of the School of Social Sciences Candidate for the Senate Karoly BENEDEK Auditor URUGUAY Dr. Luis GIORDANO President Lawyer, Professor, President of the Ateneo Laura CORTINAS Writer, Vice President of Ateneo GracieIla GENTA Secretary General writer Dr. Antonio Gustavo FUSCO Former Minister of the Interior,Senator Sen. Eduardo RODRIGUEZ Larretta former Minister of Foreign Affairs owner tk director of El Pais Dr. Alejandro SORILLA DE SAN MARTIN Deputy Dr. Nehru VINA Lawyer Sr. Roberto LAGARMILLA Music critic of El Dia Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 7 J LI COMMITTEE FOR SELF-DETERMINATION, INC. 124 EAST 40th STREET, ROOM S 01 NEW YORK 16 N. Y. The Committee for Self-Determination,Ihc., has been formed to take up the cause of peoples everywhere who, despite the irresistible movement of national emancipation which has swept through the world in the post-World war II.era have so far been 7-1 unable to free themselves from foreign control. The Western world today is not competing successfully with the Soviets in terms of winning the understanding and moral support of the uncommitted and underdeveloped countries. Despite our earnest efforts in the United Nations to associate ourselves with the cause of self-determination, despite our vast expenditures for economic aid and technical assistance to underdeveloped countries, t_ the United States, in association with the former colonial powers in Europe, has become the object of growing anti-Westermism in various parts of the globe. It is little realized nowadays that the revolt of the English colonies in North America was perhaps the first genuine assertion of the right of national democratic self-determination in the history of the world. No people has traditionally supported the idea of self-determination more enthusiastically or proudly than the people of the United States. Since World War II, the United States has encouraged its European allies to grant self-rule to their colonial territories. Since 1946, 34 countries with over 775 million people, thus attained independence. The final goal has still not been achieved: our aim is to press for the prompt realization of full self- determination for the remaining Western colonies, such as Kenya, Mozambique and Angola, as soon as the peoples of such countries have reached the appropriate level of maturity necessary for independent statehood. Our task will not be finished until colonialism is completely abolished. We sincerely believe that mankind has reached the stage of development where national self- determination must go into effect everywhere. This is the primary task of the campaign we are now initiating. The task we have set for ourselves is arduous for while the Western powers are slowly but steadily progressing toward the realization of this principle, the Soviet Union is following a policy diametrically opposed to it. Never before has the world seen so swift and vast an imperialistic expansion. Since World War II., the Soviet Union has subjugated -- in Eastern Europe,Central Asia and the Far East( excluding Communist China) -- no fewer than 125 million people, and conquered an area of about 2 million square miles. Ten countries of East Central Europe,which before the war were sovereign states, were incorporated into the Soviet colonial system. This new Russian imperialism has made a mockery of the Li r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 -7 right to self-determination of those once-free peoples. The Soviet colonial system was forcibly imposed on peoples of many races who for centuries had been members of free and independent states. Moreover, within the USSR itself there are a great number of non- Russian peoples, such as Ukrainians,White Russians, Uzbeks,Tatars, Kazakhs, Azerbaijans,Georgians, Tadzhiks,Armenians and many others, who yearn to be free. Soviet colonialism aims to destroy the national independence and peculiarities of its subjugated peoples. To achieve this end, the Soviets use mass deportations, the distortion of truth, the elimination of national traditions, the suppression of religion, and the imposition of an alien culture and language. Soviet colonialism leads to the complete destruction of the social and moral order of the subjugated peoples. Soviet colonies are obliged to reorient their economies irrespective of the vital requirements of their own people, often with disastrous effect on the people's standard of living. Yet the USSR has managed to avoid being stigmatized as imperialist. Few ex-colonial peoples put the Soviet Union or Communist ?China in the category of colonial imperialists. It will, therefore, be a major concern of the Committee for Self-Determination of All Nations to convince the uncommitted peoples of the truth about Soviet colonialism and to win their support and understanding. We intend to draw the attention of our friends in the ex-colonial and neutral countries to the fact that over 50 per cent of the people inhabiting the Soviet Union are of non-Russian nationality, that many of them were victims of mass deportations to remote areas of the USSR, that entire ethnic groups were annihilated. We intend to prove that the Soviets use the concept of national self- determination as a mere tool in their ideological warfare. We intend to show that Sino-soviet policy constitutes the very denial of the right of self-determination. We shall aim to expose the Soviet-propagated fallacy,so evident in the tragic case of Cuba, that there can be genuine self- deter- mination in the absence of internal democracy,especially when the system is an emulation of the Soviet example, when the economy is deliberately mortgaged to the Soviets, and the local dictator is a Soviet puppet. We shall also hammer home the fact that every nation that loses its rights to self-determination as a result of Sino-Soviet aggression or infiltration in turn becomes itself an immediate threat to its neighbors. In this sense the fate of Tibet is of intimate concern to the Indians,just as that of Cuba is to the other countries of Latin America. Our program, in short, will seek to appeal not only to the natural aspirations and prevalent ideals of people all over the world, but also to their self-interest. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30 : CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 L_, -J - 3 We shall point out to our potential neutralist friends overseas that nationalism, one of the strongest forces of our time, by its very nature conflicts with the Communist ideal of a central- ized,monolithic world movement -- and that self-determination adds substance to nationalism as such. We shall try to persuade our friends that Communism encourages nationalism and self-determination for the peoples under Western control only to weaken the West and to add to the Soviet domain. The Communists accuse the West of capitalistic imperialism, pointing out that independence is meaningless if the people are at the foreigners' mercy in obtaining their daily bread. We shall acknowledge that economic dependence does exist, ?that it is deplorable, but that it is on the decrease. We' shall stress that self-determination can, through internal reforms, international arbitration and mutual agreements,gradually but successfully overcome economic dependence. It will be our aim to convince our friends abroad that we want to work with them in a partnership, that we believe in the importance of economic assistance, in private as well as public investment, and in all truly constructive programs which, while improving the people's lot, do not restrict or endanger their basic freedoms. We shall lend all possible efforts to win for our cause political personalities, scholars and intellectuals, including artists, journalists, scientists, and professional men. Our intention is to cooperate with local national committees dedicated to the aforementioned goals and ideals,in sponsoring public meetings, lectures,TV and radio programs, round table discussions, articles in the press, the signing of petitions, etc.,to bring to the attention of the general public the need for self-determination for all. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 A 'LI f*- 0. 41 r. ';03 ? 0,4,4cos ,AiRK *Atetw tor. OE. EPTIE:mioa fa' flitt eabecerti de la nti, de ftentei Io i Ottiate Walter V. Constanta, Jorge Waiter ..11orklo11,RIllolfo 6inifin#%, tire; CarlOi Adrogue y EdUardo Augusto Garcia, mientras 4' n't IiiiittElere do tilos formulaba decfaraciones ,ke el 'City .ftoter se`.0feettio '-i er, pot: i la tarde, ' title re- ;Mu, , etocep o smia; de !niteStra tileri'd?Prenia?en cuy0 trip- tra'",42; lttitlestWeTpdt,nrePnlillbel413- tote se,_,ailpnciO la ;eOristitU- irafatisableli lueliadores apor in lin. 44' del, dOttAlto Argentine 'Pro bertad eolit0_11Sorge Washington. todeterrei6c1,60 de, log Ptie- 1:811?delS14, flxvillim.,Atim.6!1,d10.1/211vap 100 y' so d16 tit eitideer 10 de.10'lligglinl, --in ''il.'llitig iak- a ig ata,ti.40. inipia e la Silt1444 itOdos eiletilloi SIVirte en la bi ter. OA del nerebbb de libte_ deternii. , En el, dOeUrnen Or Otti feetleit: da0 la Oita 'flfil Atifilttipei (It "11?6?, 4. 1?16.1)tlebi?8* i. -? , Ade en 1941; le -Carte dl la; Pitt! 00104:Indeplendlenfet Naciones linidas, tie 104 'A* sigise . X;r13riger'ilftrir ?4" :01411- Deelareciao' de Ion rterec'hos sus per Antermedio de gtierras so- ItillilliSOS,?' de 1040; ,le Declat Inagetelinirilitee 9ue SI peter di:M.11- ;106n de Bandung, de 19551 nueves toeftitlir elpnin1411:17eolitino: g resettici4n. de las Naelennt Mundial preinunida.dw Utta nueve 17, nidps acerca de - la antodei/ rrloatl ,00lerreincoltPlo' 14,104116: rhoittit6' tormtnacitn :'0-0 los 131101g 70efOrtiluteldn tideelaa Natien'ei? Mc- AanciOned en 100, Y la Ca gam en ISO,. aprelmidamente 04 , ile/Tos ilteire indenendientes ae non afire ad !Lin lista do loa at- e Punta,. del Este reciente- n ?into atordadii, k'se &firma ?tie Icidos ' lilos ,,onstittiyeri i , iMportarites aporteciones.para el futitro desarrollo de' jos pueblos. Mas adelante la declaracian express: " - , , ;? , , "Aunque lag reaolucionee . acir- doe en estos documentos se to- run en difereotes ocasiones y ? .men distintoa propOsitps, todaa concuerdari en no iniote: todas proclamen Is libertad del Indivt. duo el .1 .,...I.. dil, pbre deter- ?idescontente Y de rebellon luelonei de ; .ttn p1101310 , iROn de cenitanteltinienazat de *eve.. hrte de 1.eigitea eqUiVocoil de ,thith' anhelante y ereciente elpitatiOn per Conaegidi?cu .11bertad. ' "Ei destio de loir_pueblea, mitt. abides per obtenee eLgtice del de, tech? de-11brideterminacidti cc irresistible: a tui como.una hug. ari! Sethi el exe rior intend? unit tettaider eonstiinfe, bort& gidente? ponlend on ipeligre In paz thUndlal.? . "En Orden a asegurar 1011WIN tar el deaarrollo econditaled y, cul. Lira de los paiset,? debemos dog- plegr todos nuestres esfueries cf? InfluenCia ea esta direecion pare' :qIle todos los pueblos en Un futth: ro inlay eereano gocen plerlainentS del iidereehe de libro; deterreraf J,,P100111tIleilie!' IS 'tleclirae16111 expresa la ueCesidad, de "ie'i ;gar a?nuestros, bijos un ilium.; do libre' e indePendiente en el que impere la justiciat; pat ytel bienestargeneridlY anuncia realizacien de t crusade paeifica, pore tuerte, eon la ayuda de the sola. art Ma: In tonvice16/111., intearimitei '.Presidola linos VHUI1OtII detor 'Jorge Walter.?peritina ,Ie int,egran, adeitias, les dee, Ores" Walter V. Constanza, del .partido Socialista Demo- cratico; Palmiro Bogliano, de la UCRI; Carlos A. Adrogna, de la UCRP; Adolfo Conte, del partido. Liberal, de Co-, trientes; Rafael Hernandez ? -----irez, de la IJCRP; Adolfo ee 7 0 e er "LAS condi co seciales acre- Vic hi, de la Pederaciam de vorablea tie debeh ser el pro io-partidog do ma exclusive de los liaises en ..,,_,_.c.,?., 1.4,4?,, , rs,nno,,A. Centro; Rodolfo citesilen. Pero tilde estuivzO Fiera satg_tw-uvfi _ 644Ju , 4Ac .-"", lobi e pare in?omover a,.-el .? creel- ffriiiiiiio-iit-einarde---.ptar--y; erecter; de artidos de Ceti-, 0, y sehores Juan Corral,' en representacien del greinia-' listno, y Nelson Coopert del de elle. El interearribio 061o.puede 1 realizarse positivamantis entre toe tastudiantado universitario. , __Acerch de la filiacien de, pendiente puede itacer bueri ' use paisen rine goeeti de libertad e Ooss irantiesgniroasrites se aclara qua independeheia y de gobierno re- ?representan co- ayedit, no benefielitra rrientes de opinien, pero no presentative; de lo contrail?, la ri? sine. owe Pamir* a servir polareen , al pueblo o....ialmente a, las agrupecio- te loS intereses de un pattido nes mencionaoas. mi"t6 eerni6mim 1?" tiej?rat 'duardo uoto Garc ro, el hive!! de 01,4 e los ntlebles Atliodeiernilinteldn y liberisci , , ! uMitidii, ehetive, aolaniente la puede dar' ihanifiesta m50 Ade. lante-..- un tate libte e intlepen- (Smite, y s lo en pueblo, lode- te. Estee, iptludablemente, no son ESCiiirticer lo opinion pukitca Mee o de la catitarilla gobernalt Asistieron a in conferencia an preconte'onesal. sea ridem in pas mundbrea que formari st4 para establecer de prensa los doctores Per-i .! instititeldn. Este Aittntfica el dere-' Solamente un pats independien. Wits, Atirogue, Constanza, Gar- , te, en el libre goce de formas re- eta y Martinez. " elm del bre determinacinn nara 800 millones de onreonna. Thinbien Prosehtativax de eolderrini-nenew, Al iniciarse is reunion, el significa la Ube tad pare dos ter/manes por consultas rot la via de?sufragio, erloulcas Moe de Africa, junto eon In for. !puede trabajar con entusiasmo y mad.% de 21 nuevos estados en este solo continents. perseverancia, d o a condlciones fundamentales pare el crecimien- "A 13esar de todo, no reina IrL ,i doctor Athogue explico que el proposito de- la entidad es- tribe en el deseo de esclare- pas eh el universe; pot el contra- e.uuunIwni. cer in opinien publica acerca Ile, el mundo WA en mu estsdo Rebellen y descontento del verdadero significado de de aeltnelen e inauletud debide ' Express despues que f`tina on. autodetermiacien de 105 principalmente a dos canoes: el .cion oprimida no puede contri- denterabie estado de las condicio.l!buir M desarrollO cultural tam- nes econ6mice-seciales en In ma.; price, pues is culture es in esen- voria de los poises y el hectio de cia de las caracteristicas de una nue varies pueblos exten privados' naclen y de los talentos conce- de su libertad y llbre determi. bides en el seno de la libertad. pueblos, que incluye, tifirmO, la posibilidad de que los pue- blos referidos - efectuen con SUltAs publicas y periddicas, hacien. de roloodci que los hombres quel onhrnan cpan mitAntiea- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release :tvf, ? @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 ?tu?"be' imiinui:tiitc. ' ? . . ....,6.1..:Tr.t.11,...*.....? 1. tlite:sejii dospovor Oprt? ?, ? ? ....irticloir;de-Obte414' littalqUei ? bust*, AMA autOdeterminit? ' E!--'? 080 .6' fore? ;.terrivelmente"-?:-,, -derirttptiva,, qtte niantent .0 --1 , . ?AUTODETERMINACAO.'.'Mundo Modern? ?? trianente 'inquietacio; ?, ? .ent ., per. ? , ??,'-, - etrYteaci 'pat interned?. eux,r77-1777-Oto pr ximo dia , art,17 :horas,Lnit ? ABI, urngrimo de ihistree ? btasileiros ?para' debater eselatater, perarite a-opi- , Warr publita micional,-. -11 qtkr ire deire entender or ? direito de ? outodetermina- cao, principib da nito-ina tervenOrto ? e anticolonia,- ilinho, a ,fini de que fiquern bent esclarecidos seu con- , teed? 0- fins :preCiptiois, tanto quanta stta aplica- ? cao victoria sua nesacao eamufirtdri'f . :.'E'. que, erubora sciarnAte. i tes ternasi ,os ?mais:impor..!, - 'tantes "da..... Politica 'inter- nacional ; ,clit ' ? atualidade; ; seus .? prineipios tem ?sido ?r?freqiientemerate diseuti?T 'dos a ?einpregadoir .de for-. , ma ? eontraditeria t , enga- how , extrentamente? pre- jUdicial A ' Unjicagio efe- ?i?tiva da.lirtha de 'acao.que [? defendem,?'; -.., i ,, ',' . ,: .? ? -' !:. 0 ?,direite .' de autOdeter- miriscao . nrticeu corn, us, Antall libertariade.s nal. : gees Medernasf os? 4 privos ???do seculo XX, todavia; tent' conquistadp ,sua ? liberdade? 1 ' nEci tante atravei de guer-.. .r.eas e lidereg militares, mas, pelo impaeto politico das id 6 la s dclefenciidati por aquele s ;Mean. ,Desde ' a 1 ? ? fundageo'das Nagees ? d,as. em., 946,,1 baseandose em. 'anti ? priticiplo,nada Mottos de 34 riovos ?Eitados indeperidentes ,,,se forma- - ram,..?..totnandO-Se Mem- . bras da 01.111, 0 que flea liberdade. para 800 milhOes de ? individuos que viviain..sob as tenazes do '? colonialism? ,parasita.' ' ? ??.E, contudo, convenient') filo .esqueder que' "auto. ? deterzninaelo" ? Signifies, entre ? trutras coisas, a 11- vie ntanifestrteao .da von-.? 'We'comufddade Olitica atrav?de eleleties. Vres, entendendo-se as- aim realizadas corn su- tra& secret?, ? dentro de um .sistema multi-partidal. rio, onde baja indepen- dencia na forma*, de plataformas e livre pro- paganda- eleitoral.?? ? . E o prinolpio da autode- terininalao dos ? povos tent que ser facultado a tecias ? rta nacoes. ?? Segundo reza ? trecho do Manifesto que .0 Comit6 . de Direito de . ?41,utodeterm1nagito dos Po- ? ?fos,,, .-quar "trabalha em Arte103.0', can 0 t entre ? Brasileiro da Europa Li- vre, dara a publico em sua ? Besse? de Abertura: 'temente tint povo livre ? e Independents pode tra- balhar corn ? entusiasmo 0 diligencia os esteios do progress? .econemico-pare, ?a coniecucio de seu Teal bem-estar. ? ??nal. ' .'???? eicatent. enti per ?Osta ? de pas je de prOgreatio ? economic? e cultural, .dOs .potioi,. ? que tudo' devemot hoer, ? pare qua rade povii possa. eXer cer aquOle clireit? to ,antes";, ?? Entre as?erninentes per. sonalidades que 10rmain o Con4te, estiO: .4ustreges1.6 0 de ? -,Athttycle; s"Augusto Frederlio 'behritide,' Carlos Bandeirit. de Melo, Carlos Rizzini, Claudio ? ?Braga Costa,, ? Death) Nunes, lose Nabucc, Pep... Hamilton .Nogueira, Dep.. Hugo ?Oor- 8h1,. Prado Vicente 'Paula' Barreloi!:.:6 oetros..," " " (.? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30 : CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 LJ 7 fl n n if i art ' . ? 1''''?AutodeterintriacLon . Son muy;reSpeta es. los .concePtoss!q0e. ??dado a conocer Ia,Cancilleria brasilera ? en con las?teSis qUe,ese SOStend?ri ",`'efl la pnikinia reunibn. de Minittros de 'Velar 6ones Exteriores respect? del caso cubarib, k, tobre.-el: cual considera que se trate:Ale WI ? ,caso tlpiCo de autodeterminadion, y que corm) ,. ;);L?tal debe :ter reconocido -en la plenitud "tiels? c, validez internacional. ? No 'se ?requieren; sin embargo, dernasladas razones doctrinarlas eobre la: materia, para concluit que 'se trata de Una tesis de ? valor , inuy relativo, y desde .luego indefensable, en ?'- ;; todos stis aspectoz. En primer terminnporque no hace muthaa ?semanes ?el pronid Pidel! 'c-Castro?manifeste, en una de sus habituales y7 " .desorbitadas Perore4as, que /labia ocultado yerdaderos lines' tie as camPafia, 'guerrera para.:. ,asegurat el?respaldn.publico a au ?revolucibn. f.:Aceptar.tma farm: de tan aberrantes propor- . -;:biones coma- product? autention de ? la autot2 ? determinaclem, serla par 10 menos un COritraT Aeritido. . ? ? . ? . : , ? ? Por demaS, .es tamblen Oslo qiie no ? ? t:puede hablarse? .del principle -de -autodeter ?MinaciOn tespecto de un pais, cuybS, habltan- ? en' altisima . proporcion,. se encuentran'? On el exilio terms?, y.los reitantes.'sOmetid4, ? un pprobloso sistema de sojuzgamiento ab.4r- 1:soluto, bajo,.el imperio del regimen policivb Y: ? del paredOn do fusilainientO. Y sobre' todp;'?,' Uando .?grupo..qiie deteilta et poder..hit; ?espontaneamente, .toda clage ?de , e 'conipromisos hiternacionales, en el Prden Altar y politico, con el imperialismo cuyas consignas son las que ahora ,orientart , ?todos los campos tie la actividartsinterna' etis ! 4.`. Cuba. ?-? ' '' ? ? No existe, puei;'en la calificaolOn del caso.: . ?euban0,?la autodeterminaPion que se pretende; . un escandaloso episodio de Imposicidn , !ftlolenta,--Prigida spbre ? el crimen de Estado .1 sisterna de dominaciOn? contra un ? pueblo que erey6 ester' 1?0hando par su libertad, y ??' ?? cuyos ideales \fueron .abominablemente trait. .!Olor2ados. La lesis? del Brasil en este ?sentido .-Parece? par completo de zustintacion, lo mis- mo que .sus apreciaciones acerca de que el 'regimen cubano no puede ser corisiderado coma .un loco de infiltracion comtinista ' en - America, precisamente cuando su exporfente autbrizado se empefia en ratificar, diaria- ? inente, que, sti inspiracion no es otra que la . marxista-leninista, y que su pais es el primer ?.estado socialista dp America Latina. 'Si estas apreciaCiones encontraran 'en is ? reunion de consulta. de CancillereS alguna pa- .- Sibilidad de aceptaciOn, sin duda las nacio-: 'nes americanas ?quedarian: enfrentadas a la ".thayor amenaza de su historia. Cuestieri que ? ziertamente, par fortuna, no parece ester 'en el animo de ninguno de los gobiernos demo- in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 Fn COMER00.?. Quito Ecuador, Viernis 13 de Abril de 1962 Cor'r10,,' Pro Lilierstaq de 'Qs Pu?bloq oreguni4ctse Laboraiii por todos los meclios a su aleanee por el reSpeto de los 6rechos humanoi El Dr. Julio Eudora fue,..electO Presklbide ? . ."Nc1aract(n.? ? El Stglo ICX 'esti eonteni eland? tuict toma . de .Conciencia aglida, de las attelones que ban olcattzando all madurez, Para deter miacirse libtemente y Wetter soe oomPleta sobera a a. In3pottanteS doeumentas ? por las PO taxies a ..?aleh proclaman libertad a ? ' individuo y el dere-, chd a ta libre determined& de los pueblos.. 4 . Des& tiv'consiitucits de las Natiodes 'Unidas, en 1945, eproxialadamente .37 .nuevos *Es- lades ,Independientes se tan afgregado ? a la lista de los Este. dos Mie,mibros dela Organize- d& Mundial, ilo que signifbcit el dereoho de libre cbeterntinal ?ten pare 000 millotnes . de personas. Comporta )a lihertad pare los dos tercios de Africa con . ? ' Attache, en el Sala% Bat-, var del Hotel "Quito" tuvo lu-or gar is sesion constituyenteL ? del "Comite por la Libertacl ? de los Pueblos" qhe se ? pose' "laborer por todos Ids'. ? ? tnedios pare alcanzar el res.? pet? y culnplimiento de lost ? derechos humanos", "investP1 ,gar y difundir el verdadero . ooneepto del principio de au- , todelerminacien y trabajar ; ? ? por Obtener su aplicacion ? practice que ;implies is pro... ? !mod& de la democracia re presentative" "unir los es-i fuerzos tc;laa las personase de buena voltintad pare 14. ? pro,mocilm de la justicia en 14. ? convivencia Interne e internka _naclonal", seem. rezan ' 164. /Estatutos. \ El Comae estae , /Iblecera contactos internaciero nales con entidades simila- ?1 Bajo is Direcci& del doctor Ai?inuel Elicio Plot as instal6 la is a las 7.p.m. El doctor Plot 1....016? de los fines del Cattle, de la defense di los derechot hu- pianos, de la vigencia del asteme democratic? representative que coadicionaVrogreso?en el cam- po tico, y de la defen- ? se de la rtad fundada en la , moral y is justicia 'que no es le 4 libertad que proclame el cam- , asmo, l que quire liberted sol? lepers el peal& y pars views son comunistas. A to sesion ,conctuTieroa profe- Sores (universitarios, legisladores, escritores, ? representanted obre- ros y estudiantiles y resolvieron constituir el COMITE POR LA LIBERTAD DE LOS PUEBLOS, ouyos Estatutos quedaroa Apr?. bados. Se eligi6 is Directive y despues de varies delibezaciones qued6 constituida en is 'siguiente forma: Presidente doctor Julio Endara, Vicepresidente; doctor Manuel de Guzman Polanco, Secretaria dec- lare Isabel. Robalino, Tesorero, doctor Jose ,Ignacio Donoso Ve- lasco. Vocales: doctor Mariano Suittez senor Fran- cisco Guarderas, doctor Luis Bos- sane, docto,r Aurelio Gar,cia, doc- tor Jaime Herrera, 'senorita 'Pie- dad Larrea? Borja, doctor Rafael Garcia Velasco, doctor Pedro Jo- si T.arrea, Die. Francisco Iobar ? la, doctor' Jorge Salvador Lott, senor Humberto ,.Valdez, senor Jorge Salvador 1.4pez. Co. ordinador fue designed? el doctor Diego Bustamante Cardenas. . El Cornigte aprob6 por unanimi- dad la si iente' DECLARACION. I ? vvvrnysm ? ri.? la formed& de"23 nuevos Ester dos en ese C.ontinente. "III.? Si por una parte ntievas naciones han adquiride Merl tad, por otra parte no mina la paz .en el cnundo. Graves fensio- nes que van creciendo dia a dfa Is en Pell.gre, Y?elk) Prinet- P te pot dos rezones: el de- plorable esteldo social de /mutes pueblos, Is existencia de graves injusticias socieles y el heoho de que ntunerosos palses se enctten- tran privacies de an ilibetted e In- dependencia. "IV,? El deseo de los paises oprimidos por obtener goce de an detect? de libre determined& es irresistible y actdit come dna fuerza hacia el exterior, creando una leash% constante. . "V.1,- Ante estas realidadea es deber Ide ,todos ? los hombres de buena vaunted; el unir, sus es,- fuerzos por alcanzar, mayor. jus- Lida dentro' de las naciones Y en is convivencia internacional. Por tante, obrar en main pare obte. net ',la complete autonothia ? de las pocai3, _colonies, anti existentes en el Ooddente y quo luchan por su libertad. De lnanera especial es neceserio dirigir is .atencitan sabre' sabre iniperia- lista de la Mina y de la .URSS, que est?realizando una? nueva forma de expansion . colonial, Subyugando a pueblos per mu- chos siglos libres e independien- tea y con ello cqnstituyendo aho. ra la ?Infts? grave amenaza a la paz mtmdial y a la liberted de los pueblos del cnundo. Los mis- mos pueblos, hey incorperados a le MI& Sovieticai,y que no son de nacionalidad reclaman an autodeterminaciOn. Si 14 jksticia exige qua lot 'paint roes altamente desa- trollados aYuden a, 10 Oases en via de desarrollo pate aUmentar an riqueza Y SuPritnir taint- tides sociales; 'solaniente en con- diciones de .libertad dicta ayuda reaknente beneficiara a los pm-, blos, y no, sera insbuinento del dominaci& politics por unci par to ? o bewitch) .eAclusivo ? de 'un; partido, o clase gobernaate, por aro. , ? ? ? ? .r ? "VII.?. Una tacien oprimidal podra'ademati contribuir al de- sarrolla de la ettltura, qua crece en un ambient? de libaUd. ? "viu, Todos debemos antler nuestrci mei& pita convertir en realidad el /pAnciplo de fibre de- terininacilm de las naciones, quo ea la antftosis del totalitarismo, que requiere &Utak pars an real ' efectividad la consults a los %Sue- blos, ? quo lion los que tienen el derecho a, detentninarse fibre- monte". ?, ? Fan actierde a. to eaterlotmente expretado nnestro Condte, ? :Ai constituye' pare trabajar bajo as. bil.triterlos especialmente 'per -el principio ? de la ilbre determine. don pare lodes las naciones y pueblos.' Hay' quo Organizer line gran amide Pacifica con ht ayuy da de una Sole arma; la tonvic- e'en, ? pars bustja %Mien ptIbli9a el alcance vordadero del princmio de autodetertainaan, 3T en 'vista del evidente peligro del colonialistrio sovieticO y chino. ' Sorneteremos nueitros Puntos de vista a todas las, organized?. nes intemacionales ,interesedas en fomenter' el derecho de , Libre determined& , de los pueblos ,oprimidok. ' ? Solicitamos la ayude y el apoyO de todos aquellos que estin por la paz, y libertad de los pueblos.. . En el Salon Bolivar, .del Rotel Quito, s Comite por Libertad de los pueblos, euy agent? de los dereohos humanos. En?la gra, man Polanco, Dr. Jorge Luna Yopez,,doctor no, doctor Makiano Sui;es Veinthnilla doe (Foto EL COMEROI0i, de Pacheco). e reunieren los miembros y oonatituaerot el a finalidad es la de velar por curmli- flea, de 44(, a der.: doctor Manuel de thz- Manuel Elicio Plot, doctors Isabel Robai- tor Enrique Arroyo. Se designe el director. r. . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release Jr. . _ @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 LJ L_I SEMANARIO INFORMATIVO Y DE OPINION ANO II ? Limo, Domingo 25 de Febrero de 1962 N9 8 (39) LIBRE DETERMINACION DE -LOS-.PUEBLOS' ? , ? ES tnuy .atisfactorio :clue se ay.a instatado un CoMitel.PerUano en pro de lci . Libre Detertninacion de los .Pue- blos, para..informar a ..la opinion ptiblica acerca., de 14. vetda- deea .situacion. .mundia 1 en este aspecto.- ? Desde Wee afios asistitnos a un despiicgue de tnentiras ,por'. parte de la propaganda sovietica que juegci con la modem ? de .la independenaa nacional frente al: imperialismo yan.ki" 6 al "dolonialismo europeo" y presenta. a los paises comazistas coino garantes de la "libre determinaciOn", ocultando el hecho ? de que ningtin,pais occidental hizo en 'el Ultimo siglo cOn.luis- tas .cotnparables :a la 'Union Sovietica y que dentro de este nuet)o imperio centenares de tnillones de hombres viven sin derecho de libre determinackin aiguno. .Serd pues tarea. dei nuevo Comite presentar un cuadro ? completo del peoblema. Denunciar. Was las formas -de opre- ? skin, sin justificar los abismos que existian, existen .todavia ? y .pOtIrcin existir, en el Occidente., pero tambien reclamar jus- : ticia y libertad para .los pueblos esclavizados del bloque rojo. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30 : CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 Willa de Correo 890 Brae. Mitre eett Be. Aires Cedes Maned Rios , Director -COMITE URUGUAY0 SE HA FORMADO ' 1 BREGAN POR LA LIBRE DETERMINACION CONTRA EL .COLONIALISNIO SIDVIETICO ' -EL Comite Urugilayo Pro Autodeterminacidn. de los Pueblos que tient) su sede en' el Ate- neo. de Montevideo; ha dado layer la. siguiente declaraol6p: Rsoluclones acordadas en diferentes opor- tunidades y contenidaa en documentos sus- critos por . las .potenciati mundiales concuerdan ten un punto fundamental pare el desarrollo de los Estados: la'.1ibertad del individuo y el derecho de libre.determinadidn de los pueblos, este Ultimo tan 'antiguo como la lucha de los ? pueblos por la libertad. George Washington, Siman Bolivar, Jose de San Martin, Bernardo O'Higgins y Jose Arti- gas, . Oen todos .capitulos en la historia .del Derepho. de, Libre. DeterminaciOn. .? Sin 'embargo, . la Itch& por- tad en el .siglo ..actUal. 'el. 'factor dOminante perecp sr nies nien una nueva. fuerza; la, jopiniOn pUblica. Mundial prenoutilda del prinr ,ciplo moral e.hist6rico de fibre determinaci6n. Desde la formaciOn de. las Naciones Unidas en el' ado 1945, aproximadamente 84 nuevos Estados lndependientes se baa agregado a la Bata de loa paises miembros que 1?u:inn esta organIzaciOn. Est? significa el dereclio dc fibre ? determinacion para. 800 millones de personas. On oposisiOn at estado de .soinetimiento y de. anulaci6n de .todo derecho individual,que .sub- slate en los palace totallt,atioii. Actualment,e el mundo viva' en. permanents , agitadien debido principalmente ci deplorable estado de las condiciones eodiales en. determi-- ? nados paises, situacidn aprovechada nor los ? activistas del ImperialisMo Sovietico.?? ? , ? Solamente un pals. fibre e independiente puede trabajar con entuslairmo y perseveran- cis pare et crecimiento econdmico y social, :. line naciOn oprimida no puede contribuir al ',? desarrollocultural y moral, esenples de les ? caracteristicas de un pais. ,. El deseo de los paises oprimidos por el .,. Colonialism? Sovietico por recibir el goce del derecho de libre.determinarldn actiut core? nue .. filerza hacia el exterior, creando una tension ? ? constants y-ponlendo en peligro is pats? 1111111.. dial por la vielenta represien ,que,eejrce el re-' .! &nen' Waldeck comunista dentro:de sus. iron- .' teras. ? ?. En Ordert de .asegurer,y fomenter Cl desarro. . . . . llo econdinico y. cultural de los paises, debe- ? mos desplegar todos nuestros esfUerzos a In, fluencia en tat direccien pars que TODOS 10e 'pueblos, e nun futuro inmediato. obten:gau, plenamente el derechO de fibre determinaeldn. La suscriben: Alejandro Zorrilla de San Wer- th?, Dr. Luis Giordano, Laura Oortinas, Arqui- tecto Harm% . Menchaca,. Profesorte. ,Gradela Gents y Luis A. Tealdi. 0? ' npHacsified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 lr 1 flr `. r r r (-1 f I t" r r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30 : CIA-RDP73-00475R000401290005-7 ? Pit ilErlanAk C MINOS JAA2723 13 01 OHM te 1E1 P. nice affreitedidataliaze_ . Coseite polo WIN, landr? Pita aw* El Coiniti Awaiting) Pre Deeneinacidedis ? Pueblos ha formula& me rieclarociani v dos povos ? - .--- ? ;9 Vt. 5,....ebre de MI d.:fg ,414:447e,ti?dIS?rimm. ? adeddide I conamerlijornA . 0 -remil. reeeer At, ? NM.. ? do De ??? ? onstitimise an Conn e Argentin? que Defensa de la Democracia ESTADO DE Se PAULOLA - tandem k Libertid de los Pueblos,: ? I.e. Obrmsos NTACION ... 4,411 'XXXII JUIJO MESQUITA ris.91 - 292; NN 1 ? CAMEO, 23 DE mimeo DE 1961 rDINITITIDS NT". odeterminen s..- \VI. ? .7,?, re la ee ram tunda entai de la es?rtenna de D I ? WEAPAND.,? ? , Carrel() da A ? Ale f. .????? ? .;; -fermi:: aria Fete:leder SO M NODSIT TENCOUR ? ' 'mance:rm. worrames. o4-4?? ? or t peer.oe de ? - m? IMMZ17,174E,d4 Tht ent 91.17 relimparse6 eeberan1; mbre ell. 1,..e? ? aratn? ?? la Nueva GUM.. 1.101 mmemdele ? lihertacao r -1 DE IA TARDE_ .0111.11111. d7a. doped . SW -ate- Cab. Its e? tem 4 SI PAGNAS EN DOS SECC1ONES amigos AIRES. 76651E5 19 DE SEPTIEPAISRE DE 1161 ? Ma ?le; ear 0,, ? ?? aa? krill MS PESOS ? ur ? /4. -an,. 1 5111 di EL mTTND La Autodeterminacik rorivrr C0/1111,4I NIIIT MASI* MAIM1311 . 8813111-? :i- f i berl at:a. ? EXPLIC.ARA 0 no elee VW- die 111, es IP bat. 1148. -76 AMA= Prate di Pram aana ralptAke= temdIMILTO. peos. damns. ? ammo ft at 'Veld j ani Os a It Se 30 veadaddlide ma Ames owes. la aaa. maw.. d2Cdiakiitipmera Pia .68681?2803Y. PINK 17 It. anal* MO& I and?lonlinna Er Mein. ininifin Jut 1Paabia 'Sao sadaddras wimp. Mk mnan? ono? dameasm I dal AIM* me at. AMP mar ?? ma =Ma do Oda maw vaaia? 010 dadm: ? Tat In slow d? nEk V' an la Own 4I ~en twin ????? fa Vann ? la Inn ?nnen. swan d? ann??? pa? Iddla eml..1 7 adadel. 1? Tan at d? ~Nan otakatant /a raw Ian pelnlin wear MO ~Wan Oman aDA1410 DEL INTEMOR CON PROTECCION NACIONAL -- 7.1111 DEL PIATA, Marma 19 de 5:t6mbre dr 19 anani MEM WIENIIIIIE Ism 1-.---02001111 IMUIRIAY0 ? ERMAN PO LIBRE DETER/UNA 14 Gentd lgeolleas Pro Hielomal?Ixopee der ea am mem IMMINNIM et ere >web qt. tun .1 MN 03 0 am. Amman.* a ??????? IN. al.pri=1.n.01 Cm .? 110.101100.11.. ???? 00. 10 610010.1? selleeMo ?-ue- ' . ,,,.... d? 41??????????. ? -..? ? ar,gdado. 7 ? ?,..,?? ' ? '''' .. - r-dame. amemeinned pa., de . ...... ? "Odns 11101 eromearter.i. ? , : kilial 0 7=.1101edm a Maw fat' dente illaillivietdirem ? - elms balm tie do Ilas. ; 11.10,11.00: mum es egr hanIncloo? ?151?????? ???????rwas? ?por- ????. pan in flipitlin WEI e dat P???? "'""!!.... ....rr."7"lione-y li .';ir.-- ? --' ....1..74... P ... ** r '...... ddlderible. ? 1 Ill yak rates agnidn. ? '00.0 _ demerollo dt leti.,--, ? 7 ' _ _ . ,.. ....emme,mmairlIse ls W.- .as. y spats 189 ?Iiii? lie diseese Alms. de Is Fue Integrad o an Organismf, Antrconzanuta ? ? aenc.L.? It trip el ? mama hay el, es, .00,1 be ham 1001.010 31 mladed ladepentemage A pAa, es .141 Cornunismo BO 0.110 ./11 1/01 60 01 1.110010: ace Id 01011101. 7 Ad ? CI" Imeene el SoUnee 1011. ?? 4111?111 a?d, pr. Da?????????. fade, eg', ? CP. Dmikrats gee nude e nuedrs Nem ?-Comae cteSolombia. en Pro mr'=0:Scd-Tsr-ai,...,.'": jiJjjiLLJe la