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July 15, 1966
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77771W711141fs ? ? stv;19 ? ? `: ti?j434,0 .14, 47 ? , : . ,s4a4 4 V-?'? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/19: CIA-RDP73-00475R000400890001-6 STAINT-LYL JUL 1 5 iKk Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/19: CIA-RDP73-00475R000400890001-6 "Mr STAT( THE WORLD INDONESIA Vengeance with a Smile (See Ccwer) The lkeya-Seki cornet appeared on fridonesia's eastern horizon early one morning last October. From the base el the volcano Agung, navel of creation and home of the Great Gods, the mystic prophets of the island of Bali watched it streak through the sky for ten days and were alarmed. It was an omen, they warned, of much death and change of. through Djakarta, singing America, seemed to be going the Reds. way. Lin-? government in the land. 'tan of 'the World. Demonstrators still '?der the skilled hand of Secretary-Gen- The prophecy was? all foo . accurate.. ?? surged throuqh the streets, but they?*erai Dipa NuSantara Aidit, the Amid a boiling bloodbath that almost unnoticed took 400,000 lives, Indonesia, the sprawling giant of Southeast Asia,? has done a complete about-face...It ? ??????????????????megrii). The Yellow Jackets. Last. week in 'Djakarta, the fall of Sukarno was made complete. Gone were the giant bill- boards that once portrayed him as a people's hero kicking Uncle San, in the tail. Instead, the city's fences and Walls were covered with ;neatly scrawled slogans such as "Go to Hell, Marxism." Gone were the Communist mobs that had made the U.S. embassy their favor- Newly? Emerging Forces that would de- ? stroy imperialism). To speed the. struction, Stikarno was building a costly, headquarters for a new "U.N." to beN : known as COEFO (Conference of New- dv Emerging Forces). To promote the: ''',?!;?general Cause, the Bung' last .year pro- posed a new Asian power bloc,. a Dja- karta-Peking axis, which he .said was; just the thing "to meet the demands of ..;* de battleground, gone. too the armed ? history." ? youth cadres that had marched daily False Hopes. Everything,' wore the yellow jackets of the Anti-.:::" had risen from virtual oblivion after a ?, Communist Students Action Command,'', 1948 coup attempt to a membership of anct the song they sang?to the tune, of 3,000,000--not including ,the 14 mil- I Michael Row the Boat Ashare??was:.:,lion members of its: labor and ',youth "Sukarno should be pensioned off." :"'.fronts, At the suggestion o( Chu En- The most dramatic scene of all was.::; 'lai, 'Sukarno 'had given the?.green light :in the Moscow-built Bung Karno Sports for. a massive People's Militia, which Palace. There, under the silent, smiling' :, the Communists intended to use to con- gate of General &Marto, the Provi- tam n the army-??their only possible rival sional People's Consultative Congress in any struggle for power. In, addition, ? had been in session since the middle of...? they were infiltrating the army.' On the. June to put the final seal of legality teeming island of Java, home.?of.',65% ?. the great change. It had already con-;;"of the population, the military Was esti- :firmed &alarm's authority to act "on-,':.;trtated to be 40% pro-Communist.'.. ? behalf of" Sukarno. Last week, without:.;':' What happened? " . ?' ? . . ? . . a dissentine voice, it revoked Sukarno s From the Communists point of view,. authority to issue decrees in his own: 'just about everything went wrong: it name. It also formally outlawed any.??,:.turned out that the 'great majority of ? form of 'Marxism, approved Suharto's their card carriers 'were simple:peasants ? ? ? . ? ?, moves to end the Malaysia conflict and ....'who had joined the: party. because it' :his decision to reapply for membership.,'?:??promised them land.' Moreover, -1ndo? in such world organizations as the unitz.) Jiesia's Moslems, 90% ? of .the ? popula- ? SUHARTO Fundamentally, radically, unexpectedly... 'I have no desire to be a king, a king of:.,,:puncturators summoned from Peking' - LII anged not only its government but itS kings, a shah-in??shah," he told the Con-:.:',to treat Sukarno for a ?kidney ailment ;: political direction, fundamentally, radi- gress. "I want to participate in the .7;.reported that the Bung Was failing fast.' ; caily and unexpectedly. President Su-: leadership:" Fortunately,. the Congress Immediately, the party swung into ac- karno, after 20 years of egotistical mis-? had agreed to let him help Suharto..tion, advising the President that they rule, has been stripped of almost every- select a new Cabinet. It was "help" that ,?;,-?? were trying to forestall an army coup.. thing but his palaces and women. A new :'Suharto was not likely to make Sukarno apparently 'gave ?the' plotters: regime has: risen, backed by the army: use of, but still it gave the participation his blessing: In any case, on the morn- but.scrupolously constitutional and corn- the Bung needed to .save face. "Whening of Oct. 1 the youth eadtea hat??? . mantling Vociferous popular support .''..;?I heard this, my heart felt like going?-:''..tation of mobile police and two rem- ? "Indonesia is a state based on law not ????'"plong-plong,' " he said.. ? ?'? gade army battalions set out from Halim' ? on mere power," says its new leader.'.'" Thus spoke the man who less than a Air Force base near Djakarta' to launch. ed Nations, \yhich Bung Karim bad.:?.: lion, were becoming 'increasingly re- contemptuously abandoned. Then, inisentful of the cavalier -treatment they the unkindest. gut of all,. the Cot2greas ,..''were getting at the hands of,the con- stripped the Bung of his lifetim6 presi-fident Reds. Finally, the' patty ignored dency and .ordered national elections ?:::? its basic tactical doctrine: that it would within two years. ? ,..T; never-try to 'seize ? power so long as Me Bow? And what did Indonesia's.:-',..Sukarno was alive.. ? ... first and only President think of it all?.;?? Late in September. three Chinese act'-' ? a quietly determined Javanese general ...yeat ago was a snarling, swaggering the coup. Led by Colonel Untung, whose only name is Suharto, demagogue whose hatred for the. West mander of Sukarno's own palnee, guards,.. Under -Suharto, the nation that last the Kremlin seem a neutralistg.they quickly seized the.government ra- year was a virtual Peking satellite has... True enough, the Bung himself was not';',, dio station and the telephone ortice,.;-:: become a vigorous foe of Red China. It a ? Red ("Me bow down to Moscow?" ; took over the presidential palace,.*.ink has called off its senseless, undeclared Anybody who ever came near Sukarno ':.?' rounded up six leading anti-Communist ? war against Malaysia and revived its ? knows he has too much ego to be a generals, executed 'them and stuffed friendships with other neighbors it has slave to anybody"). Nor. was Indonesia. their bodies down a well. They missed halted the economy-wrecking., prestige a member of the Communist bloc. Su-' the most important officers of all. projects that Sukarno so dearly loved. karno had his own ideas. His govern-' Unmarked Grave. General Abdul ' And in an orgy of flashing knives and. ' ment, he constantly proclaimed, was Hails Nasution, .the man who had built coughing guns, it has virtually wiped out based on the. principle of NASAKOM? the army's power, leaped out of a rear Me Parini Komunis Indonesia -(P.K.1.) the happy union of 'Nationalism, Reli- window when his would-be kidnapers --which under Sukarno had grown to ? gion and Communism. The world was stormed into his home (they killed his be the third largest Communist Party - ;n the world. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/19 : CIA-RDP73-00475R000400890001-6 ? ham.??? 1 1 ;L I 'c . _ divided into NEKOLIm (neo-colonialist six-year-old daughter, instead). General" ? ? ? L : imperialist powers) and NEFOS (the Suharto, who as chief of KOSTRAD (Stra-