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S Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/27: CIA-R6P73-00475R000302070002-4 MACAW KIM INF SEP 8 1964 MOBILIZATION for youth?the cortAroversial projectaimed , 'at compatinONelinguency and poverty?is barely tWo 'tears .old awl in trouble SeriouS charges that the project has been, ' ? ._. infiltrated by Communists and agitators -have been leveled;gc,in:::". ' vestigators have descen. ded.:on the $13.2 million Lower East Side agency. What .exactly ibll. Mobilization for Youth de. sign-e&to wig, . be?,What is it today? Aid how did it get _that way? These art4 cleebY reporters Claude Lewis and Sue Peinert, tell the StOriiitivi 044.,x, , - ' ' .- 41-- ttii41,104;11-4 . , 4 , . . ? ? -", ? i .. I anAir,( ...Rlobihzationt. for .11.o.. a - .._ ? -111 All ? ' r By Claude Lewis. or The Herald irtburte Staff { ' It . alid ow' ..? = ? ? ?,:_; - g:n? rri_tra j 'PROJECTS ? projects, and ',Richard A. ect.waS 'to help 16-to-20-Vear- ., . oId higt-school dropouts in Cloward,, who heads Seven years ? ago several Specific 'projects include ' research division. _coffee houses (for social Activities), with emphasis on, Culture and a youth corps to .conduct public works' - In the main, Mobilization is rehabilitation pvogram with It secondary einphasis on pre- Lower East Side social agen- cies began to realize that they were losing their war on poverty. Rehabilitation pro- grams for youths, built around basketball, ? baseball irention. The Lower East Side MFY. employs' more than :300 persons (200, of them are professionals) 13'' run its three-year program, ?which will deflate a $13.2 million budget by the summer of 1965. The original plans for .1VIFY called for a five-year vandalism, violence, thievery 1-area was one of the 10 wdrst -?uration to 'demonstrate areas for youth offenses in' whether it would work. But and drug addiction. Some- the nation, and became a the President's Committe,e on thing ,had to be done, they proving' ground for the idea i.Poverty limited the program decided, something new, 'to a three-year life span. ? that a comprehensive pro- samething dramatic. Their 'ram can turn back the rising. , As of the fiscal year begin- answer, after five years of tide of delinquency across the ?iiing July 1; MFY was to re- thought and study, was an 'nation. experimental project called l :/- .? .. ' .4'4' calve grants totaling $13.2 Mobilization for Youth. Most of the organizitions i million. Funding sources, and ; that sat in onf/the original', 31, 1962,' when President MFY was spawned on May MFY planning sessions axe . e amounts, include the City if - New York millien ,Na- still in existence and re-atialY I , ,, Kennedy announced the plan ' . . . - - 1 tonal Institute of, %Menfdol the lowest 20 Per cent brack4t of the econothic scale, while at the same time devising methods that could be used in other similarly affected areas. 1 ? MFY's target. area encom- passes Jewsi (27 per cent), , other whites (36 pet cent), , Puerto Ricans (26 per cent), ' as a massive attack .on ju- ' oner neir iaciiiies It.LL1CHealth ($5.2 lmillion), Pres*.i MFY project. venile , delinquency on: Man- ? dent's Committee an.Juvefille hattan's Lower East Side, by Winslow Carlton, a health- -',' Delinquenci .,:% and ??? Youth Federal and city ,govern- , insurance executive, has Crime 41.9 million),, and the merits, voluntary agencies,' served as chairman of the Ford Foundation ($1,8 mil- neighborhood workers and I beard for the two years that', lion). 4 4 ?Columbia University. 1, I MFY: 'has been,. operating,z1, The MFY area is boundttli , The program, consists of''' is run 1?1 Jam onon the north by E. 14th St:. oxi 'Intensive and coordinated ? i McCarthy,. 48, an .ex-street7. : ' the south by the Brooklyn t B rojects in employment, corn_ gang fighter and an otitl.:1 Bridge, on the east by the tnunity development, educa- standing social worker for' 1 East ,River and on the west by lion, social services to youths _most of his life. Two of Avenue 13 and East Broadway. , More than 110 000 persons Negroes (8. per Onti and other non-whites (3 per ? cent). In the period' from 1959 to 11)61, Lower East Side crime had soared 70 Per cent'; six youths in each 10 between the ages of 7 and 20 corn- mitt.ed some . offense that brought them into the courts:. Against, this geographic, ethnic, and sociological back- ground, the MFY- objective, developed by Dr. Richard ? Cloward and Dr. Lloyd.Ohlin, is to prevent and control de-1 linquenc.3;,4by expanding op- portunities within 'the area. Two examples of MFY's. panded opportunities can 'be seen at their own. as station and luncheankte; ;both of I which are run by MFY train-' ees, who work from 9 to 4 (at $1,25 an hour). .McCarthy s closest assistants and their families, and re- : ' _parch trainthg. _ __;(4..apf thereLGeogepgraAy.p mBrage,s__xtion r, director . live in the area's 67 blocks. The foremost aim of the p_yoj- s ,. Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/27: CIA-RDP73-00475R000302070002-4 . ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/27: CIA:RDP73-00475R000302070002-4 III This, specifically, ii what to help them." MFY does: One young man named ' MFY's most successful 01)-, Roy, who did very well in eration is its homework help- one of MFY's workshops, or program. Fred Delliquadri, completed the program, then vice-chai In n. of Mobiliz-j a a slipped into a state of with- tion' and dean 'Of Columbia drawal. "We lost him," says University Sdhool of Social Steinlauf. Work, Says the fourth and , fifth grade pupils: in an ex- SUCCESS STORY perimental -group made a 40 One success*ry is pretty. per cent greater gain in read- ?19-year-old Emma Fontaine, Ing proficiency than those in a soft-spoken ierto Rican a Control group. high-school ,dropout. "I just . A variety of work pro- wasn't getting anywhere in grams are now available to school," she says. "A friend once angry youths who stood of mine-. told me ahout ?hands in pockets?on street Mobilization and I came in to corners. And more than. 60 '4,iind out if I could get some youths are now receiving on- help here," she ? said. sitting ? the-job training with wages In a makeshift office. (Their being shared by MFY and rundown regular headquara? the employer. Some 240 others ters at 214 E. Second St., is are tutored in the non-profit, 'Undergoing renovation by a: organization's Urban Youth group of boys in one of 1VIFY's4, Work Corps shops.; In these 4ji-jbP.-:classeS.., Another group shops, which are supervised eenovatinv;t,an East Side by experienced people, the "Synagogue.),-'-': ; Youngsters learn woodwork- Was tested shortly ing sewing-machine opera-; after she appeared- in ?MFY's ion machines contribu- ; offices:gad .shewed,superior by th nte,rnationlilti ability" 11-4- clerical perform- Gar orker's and 'day for five 1114, monhe,Jattended MFY's opt-, cleric she punched a Stes4 *m0 `she fltiould ger e she, ell-NO hs ce skill . ? , 4 remedial math, spelling, and ,Today, runs an,-of- reading. ?akeav- ? , esley Display j "We have many success kl n She ' I stories," said 33-year-old ad- .,4,raeets?with ei Counselor at ministrative assistant Nor- the MFY offide two nights a man Steinlauf,"and we have week. Her counselor instructs f some failure; 1A50, These kids' her in personal hygiene,-. I are unemploYabla when they dress, and good' woWing , come to us iindaelne of them, habits. "I doll% know What have such deep-seated prob-1 -*my, life Would have come to-," lems that we can_ do litti; says Emma happily, "I wish , -1 I could repay MFY for theie. help." I tt ted Urhon), other skil fully prere th Ziornie survival. Other youths train y chirdren in such subjec ?8EPt 1%4 - A Timetable JUNE, 1957?Lower East Side community -leaders decide ' that a new type of social agency is neeessary to rehabili- i , tate youth. . ' MAY 31, 1962?President Kennedy ,announces Mobilization ? for Youth program. Winslow Carlton named board i ? ? chairman. , , , , JUNE 'I, 1962?James .E. McCarthy, MFY administrative , director, announces search for 300 staff members. ? Mayor Wagner announces Ford Foundation is giving $1.8 mil- lion to help program, the city $1.4 million a year and the Federal government $2.1 million a year. . JULY 5, 19637-U. S. endorses on-job-training program for MFY.' FEB. 11, 1964?Four local school board districts open hear- [ ings to air charges that MF,Y, encourages extremist groups I to "war against individual schools ag_ rippipals.".., \ lipti. AUG. 16, 1964-?Daily News breaks sterSct city and are investigating MFY for possible in ration by,Co 41V.T1 munists. . AUG. 17, 1964?MFY director James McCarthy called to 1 , White House. Wagner orders police to investigate WA I and says city will not renew MFY contract, which expired 1 June 30, unless organization is cleared of Red charges. ? AUG. 13, 1964?Mr. Carlton announces MFY is investigat- - in .itself AUG. 19, 1964?Rep. Charles E. Goodell, R.. N.Y., demands pov9ty -difector Sargent Shriver disclose steps he'll take tol(event radicals from entrenching themselves in Fed- eraltnti-poverty program. .? AUG. 20, 1964?U. S. and city threaten to hold back money unless MFY cleans house. AUG. 24, 1964?FBI report reveals two current MFY em- ployees are presently members of Communist party and three others belong to other leftist organizations. Report, also reveals that at least 32 of agency's, employees have been linked in the past to Communist party or front groups. .. AUG. 31, 1964?Sen. Jacob K. Javits says at MFY. rally that he is "confident the essential program" would gain Congressional support but that some personnel changes would have to tbe made and that MFY may have to "con- centrate on Youth actiVitiee." SEPT. 2,--1964,?Cit1 C:OUncil, President Paul R: Screvane --:, anneunces1A, i'? Ipti,.... iitnOt provide "a base of activity ? ,? "'and a sale hive''-; ' -... .versivs." City will hold budget A ? contracts in abeyande until the Investigation is completed. i? ,e- MFY to reCve finances on month-to-month basis until tik,toinclit,ikation is complete. , Screvane disregards deniands by Queens ' Councilailan-at-large Joseph Modugno that he release FBI and city reports on staff of MFY, saying: "I won't make public raw information that could smear or destroy the I eputation of poeplai ..i.?. that would be irresponsible ' and a throwback to McCarthyism." DaRy also reeeived support from 15 clergymen and civil leaders who pre- sentad a petition bearing 13;500 names at City Hall. .,- ? . 11111111 . , . Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/01/27: CIA-RDP73-00475R000302070002-4