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STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/23: CIA-RDP73-00475R000300530003-4 I V- Cl NEW YORK TIMES P?r?N March 20, 1964 ? ? C ext of President Johnson's Foreign Aid Message to Congress . ' The best way fin the United ' recommend $335- -Million for . -Cents out of every tax dollar. 1VASHINGTON, March 19 States to stimulate this ; supporting assistance, ? $225 If there is any alternative: '(AP)?Following is the text of growth and to broaden this million for technical coopera- , insurance against war, it : ? President Johnson's foreign aid partnership in freedom is to , Pon, $134 million for con- ' might be found in ' an in. make our own example an in- :tributions to international or. crease in the defense budget. Message to Ccmgrcss: ,. . . centive to our friends and ..ganizations, $150 million for But that would require not . ' The? most important in- allies. the President's contingency. only many times more than :- gredient in the development. ? We need the assurance and ? fund, and $73 million for ad. ;$3.4 billion, for a: military, of a ' nation is neither the ? stability and progress In a ; ministrative and miscellane- :budget which already takes reccenmend that the congress ' ress ? :./nore than 50 cents out of several-fold increase in out every tax dollar, but also a ' . 1. alga assistance. It is the will dangers and anxieties. ? world restless with many i OtIS expenses. I I ; - For military assistance, ' amonnt nor the nature of for- !' and commitment of the Gov- - Prudent and Responsible ;provide a continuing authori-own military manpower. ? li i . . ? , ernment and people directly Programs ? ' zation, subject to an annual , The foreign assistance re-; .. :review of each year's pro- : quested will provide. , ' s involved. In this program we do not To those nations which do 'seek to cover the whole world. ? !, commit themselves to Aid on a world-wide scale is : iprogress under, freedom, help no part of our purpose. from us and from others can u Wdentseekd instead, through ibl r , posals by the authorizing ; ?The crucialassistance we , committee in both houses. :have promised the people of rn i' For fiscal 1965, I recom- Latin America who are co- r ... mend no additional authoriza- mitted to programs of eco-' tions for the Alliance for inomic and social progress; - .nue economic do- provide the margin of differ--1 i grams, ta help carefully se_ ,Progress or for development ? ?Con' ! ? i ence between ? failures and lected countries whose sur- lending assistance in Asia or velopment. in India, Pakistan and Turkey under the major ? ;success. ' ,.vival in freedom is essential Africa. Existing authorization< International aid-consortia to ?and whose collapse' 'would for these programs are': i , which we are a party; : This is the heart of ' the . ? bring new opportunities for adequate. ?The United States share , ? - . ' ? matter. :Communist expansion. The appropriations recom- 1 the voluntary contributions .to . . There are no easy victories mended for fiscal 1965 total ' e United Nations technical ? i; The proposals contained in The this message express our in this campaign. But there $1 billion for military assist- cm- ! cooperation programs and to : ance and $2.4 billion for self-interest at the same time can be sudden disasters. We 'such special international' ' cannot ask for a reprieve 'c assistance . programs as the work of the:' freedom responsibility while nom. .. . In fiscal 1964, the initial United Nations Children's: ''that they proclaim our i ' :from 'national ideals. ? ,freedom is in danger. The vi- I request was $4,9 billion, later Fund, and the development of ;tal interests of the United reduced to $4.5 billion. This fiscal year, the request the Indus Basin; ' We will be laying up a ' . harvest of woe for us and our Funds to meet our corn-.. ? ? :States require us to stay in of $3.4 billion is $1.1 billion 7 rintments to the freedom of children if we shrink from :the battle. We dare not less than list year's request, the people of South Vietnam, . the task of grappling in the ,desert. although about the same as Korea, and for the other obli-i, . world community with pover- , ? _ . I Economic and military as- was available last year, tak- ty and ignorance. These are the grim re- :sistance, used at the right Ing into consideration the un- P expended balance from the. e in Asia and Aft'caf ations we have undertakaem They flourish wherever w nj, . Africa. ' cruiting? sergeants of Com- time and in the right way, ?can provide indispensable Year before. . Second: The i funds 1 " munism. ? help to our foreign policy in Moreover, more than 80 per requesting will be concen- e trated where they will pro- i enabling the United States to cent of aid f 'rids will be duce the best results and : falter. If we default on our .influence events instead of spent in the U,iited Statest. speed - the transition from ' 'obligations, Communism will ;merely reacting to them. By ; The impact of the program on. United States assistance to ? ?:expand its ambitions. 'committing a small part of 1 our balance of payments will, self-support wherever possible. ' ? That is the stem equation our resources before crises'. be less than ever before. 1 Two-thirds of the proposed' which dominates our age, and actually occur, we reduce the escape in logic or 'in honot. crises. . :.21111"it from Which there can be no nations ons assistance along willth e g o. p to. ; danger and frequency of those , Insurance to Avoid Corn- ii of the Sino-Soviet Our foresig-ht becomes a milling American - No Waste, No Retreat i shield against misfortune. !bloc, from Greece and Turkey : i The recommendations con- Men to War :through Thailand and Viet-: ? - e S.: lc pyramid ' ;name to the Republic of China: ? It is a*gainst our national. tained in this program for , These requests reflect a de? ? and Korea. These funds are a : termination to continue to 'Inefficiency or extravagance to. move the aid program in.' Improve the aid program both : key to the maintenance of .. in concept and ?administra- 'over 3.5 million men under' ' tion. The over-all re. ? arms ( raised and supported in . : quest represents a great deal . large measure by the coun- ?,i ' of ? money?but . it is an i tries receiving the assistance. , ; amount which we should; in The need for supporting ; all prudence, provide to serva ',assistance?funds used pri- ' ; essential United States inter- I manly in countries facing de...! 'ests and commitments ?fense -or security emergen- ' !throughout the World. l'cies?will continue to be ye- More than one million ';'dliced. Fourteen countries ! 'American men in ' uniform. Which received supporting as-.; are now stationed outside the ';'sistance three years ago will , United States. As insurance ! receive none in fiscal year to 'avoid involving them and '1.961 i . , - ? 'the nation in a major conflict, :. 'Four-fifths of the present % ' ' growing.; .., ., .2. ? .i...:... recommendecl,,Specifteally, j. owe i ? ? .propose to spend through i.' .. request win go to four cowl-. - Pr.ogrArliA. .. ... .. . . tries. 'Korea, Vietnam, less than ..44, .. -Laos ? . ? iAnd Jordan. 03 , ., . :? . . ' ..t . ? interest to tolerate waste or fiscal year 1965 are designed !An any of these programs. Bui that direction. ? it is equally repugnant to our, They reflect views and ex- national interest to retreat perience of the Congress, of from our obligations and corn- the: Executive Branch and of mitments while freedom re- informed private citizens. , mains under siege. We recognize that the Unit. 'Five Fundamental Con- ed States cannot 'and should ; .cepts for a' Successful not sustain the burden .of ; these programs alone. ' Program Other nations are needed! First: the request for funds -in this enterprise of mutual 'niust be realistic. help. Encouraging signs ex-, For economic assistance, 1st that the process of shar-.new authorizations of $917 ing the, burden is steadily, million for fiscal 1965 arc Continual! ? Declassified in Part: Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2044/01/23 : CIA-RDP73-004:75R000300530003-4