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Suite Declassified and Approved For Release e 50-Yr 2014/01/30 : CIA-RDP73-00475R000102940001-1 ? December 3, 1965 MEMORANDUM To: Re: Members Cin-d Friends Report Vr/L;;;;;WiWW's 0 IJJLION Again,42the' of Communist China to the United Nations On November 17th, 1965, Red China was again denied a seat in the United Nations. Thus, the sentiment of the overwhelming majority of the American people and leadership -- as reflected in the Committee of One Million -- prevailed. We enclose copies of three full page advertisements -- all directed to the members of the General Assembly -- which were published prior and during the debate. One of these was published directly by the Committee of One Million; the other two were published in cooperation with the Committee. We have been told that publication of these advertisements was most effective in counteracting the pro-Peiping statements of a number of influential American organizations, church groups and publications. The vote this year was closer than ever -- 47 to 47 with 20 abstentions (see reverse side). This narrow victory is an indication that the defunct philosophy of appeasement is gaining ground. One factor in the vote which has been virtually ignored is that the 47 countries who voted to seat Red China also voted to expel Nationalist China. This extraordinary action to expel a founding member of the United Nations -- and a member in good standing -- points out the hypocrisy and double standard which governs much of the international diplomacy of our day. If the United States is to survive, the American people must recognize the mortal dangers inherent in policies of appeasement which can only further the Communist aim of world conquest. And it is the American people who must hold the line against appeasement of Red China in particular, in whatever form it may take: UN admission; diplomatic recognition; trade; or acceptance of Peiping's aggression and subversion. This is not only our responsibility as free men. Our national security and survival depends on it. Because of its unique bi-partisan character, the Committee of One Million has seen its point of view become an integral part of American foreign policy. This is in spite of increasing pressures on the Administration to change this policy toward one of accommodation and concession. We believe it vital that our present position be maintained. We hope that you will agree and join in supporting the Committee of One Million's efforts to mobilize and articulate American public opinion against appeasement of Communist China. Honorary Chairman: Hon. H. Alexander Smith Steering Committee: Rep. John M. Ashbrook Sen. Peter H. Dominick Hon. Charles Edison Hon. Walter H. Judd Sen. William Proxmire Sen. Thomas J. Dodd Sen. Paul H. Douglas Sen. Bourke B. Hickenlooper Rep. Thomas E. Morgan Sen. Hugh Scott Treasurer: Dr. B. A. Garside Secretary: Mr. Marvin Liebman Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000102940001-1 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000102940001-1 UNITED NATIONS ROLL CALL On the Admission of Red China Resolution to seat Communist China and expel Nationalist China Afghanistan Albania Algeria Britain Bulgaria Burma Byelorussia Cambodia Cen. African Rep. Ceylon Congo (Brazzaville) Cuba Argentina Australia Belgium Bolivia Brazil Canada China Colombia Costa Rica Dominican Rep. Ecuador Gabon Austria Burundi Cameroon Chad Chi le Congo (Leopoldville) In Favor - 47 Czechoslovakia Denmark Ethiopia Finland France Ghana Guinea Hungary India Iraq Kenya Mali Gambia Greece Guatemala Haiti Honduras Ireland Israel Italy Ivory Coast Japan Jordan Liberia Cyprus Iceland Iran Jamaica Kuwait Opposed - 47 Abstentions - 20 Not Voting - 3 Mauritania Mongolia Morocco Nepal Nigeria Norway Pakistan Poland Rumania Sierra Leone Singapore Somalia Soviet Union Sudan Sweden Syria Tanzania Uganda Ukraine United Arab Republic Yemen Yugoslavia Zambia Luxembourg Philippines Madagascar Salvador Malawi South Africa Malaysia Spain Malta Thailand Mexico Togo New Zealand Turkey Nicaragua United States Niger Upper Volta Panama Uruguay Paraguay Venezuela Peru Lebanon Libya Maldive Islands Netherlands Portugal Dahomey Rawanda Saudi Arabia Senegal Trinidad-Tobago Tunisia Laos Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000102940001-1 Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: ? CIA-RDP73-00475R000102940001-1 Steering Committee Committee of One Million 79 Madison Avenue New York, N. Y. Gentlemen: Although Red China was again denied membership at the current session of the United Nations, I recognize that the drive to appease Red China through other means still continues. I wish to join in helping the Committee of One Million carry out its fight against such appeasement of an avowed enemy of our country. To this end, I enclose my contri- bution of: $1,000 $250 $25 $ 750 $100 $10 $ 500 $ 50 Name (please print) Address City State Zip (Please make all checks payable to the COMMITTEE OF ONE MILLION) Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000102940001-1 Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000102940001-1 FIRST CLASS Permit No. 4097 New York, N.Y. BUSINESS REPLY MAIL No Postage Stamp Necessary if Mailed in the United States POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY Steering Committee Committee of One Million Against the Admission of Communist China to the United Nations 79 Madison Avenue New York, N.Y. 10016 - - Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000102940001-1 "- 7, '? "-- Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2014/01/30 : CiA-RDP73-00475R000102940001-1 THE - NEW YORK tiME8,, MONDAY, ? NOVEMBER 8, -96.- A message to 8,11:membeisiotqffe?General Assembly Of- -, - - - - - - the United.Nations .concerning the isentiments of .the, overwhelniing niajority of: he'Americattpe-Ople united in HE question of the admission of Communist China -tO the United -Nations will soon again be brought before the General 'Assembly. Sound arguments againS't such admission have been and will continue to be articd: lated by the United States delegatiOn and by other delega- tions who refuse 'to-participate in a betrayal of both the spirit and the' letter of the Charter of the United Nations by admitting an aggressive and renegaderegime-Ta regime which has openly expressed contempt for the United'Na- tions in both word and deed. It is therefore unnecessary to repeat the arguments. You have all heard them; And it is you Who must make the final decision which will either destroy the effectiveness Of the United Nations through the admission of the Peiping regime or maintain the value of the international body by preserving and honoring' the obligations of the Charter. However; we want to herewith emphasize and make clear the firm opposition of the American people and lead-- &ship against the admission of the Peiping 'regime to the United Nations. Why -shotildAmerican 'opposition be of particular Concern to you? After all, the United States 'has but one vote among Many in the General Aa;sembly.? , But the sentiment of the American people towards The _United Nations, is of particular concern .to that organiza- tion, as is the sentiment and-support of all free peoples. In times past, some nations and international organizations have underestimated American dedication to those prin- ciples to which it was committed. They have &me so to their ultimate regret. If Communist China is given a seat in the United Na- -i?tions, then American public support for the World organiza- tion will be consequently diminished. The same will be true of other free peoples who now support the United Nations and its Charter: And the United Nations cannot survive without the support of free peoples. If the General Assembly is prepared to -ignore the , ',Charter-L.-the raison d'etre of the organization?by admit- ''-ting the Peiping reginie, then it must be also prepared to accept the consequences of seriously jeopardizing the- sup- - , port for the United Nations from those peoples and nations ' -who predicate such support in the Charter. - As an indication of the sentiment of the American people on this historic issue, we cite a Declaration in oppo- sition to any concessions to 'Communist China which_ has been endorsed by a majority of the Membersof the Congress - of the United States of America representing tens of mu- lions of the American people. 2 position to any Concessions to Communist China ? American. steadfastness in refusing to bow before the threats, and blandishments 9f Red China?or the pressUres frbm at home and abroad miging United States concessions to the Peiping regime?has been an effective cornerstone of American foreign policy ever, since the Communists usurped power on Mainland China This position has the overwhelming support of the American people and its leadership ; the Administrations Of Presidents Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson; the 1956, 1960 and 1964 Na- tional Platforms s,of the Democratic and Republican Parties:Yet, in spite of this sentiment, it becomes necessary once again to emphasize our considered opposition to any steps which would bad the power, and prestige of Communist China to the detriment of our friends and allies in Asia and of our national security.' To this end, we join in the _following Declaration; ?.? We are opposed to the admission of Communiat China to the United .Nations. ? We are opposed to granting United States diplomatic recognition to the Peiping regime. We are _OpPOSed to trade relations between the -United 'States ,and -Communist China. _ ? We are opposed to any policy of accommodation which might [be:interpreted as U.S. acquiescence in, or approval of Communist China's aggression, direct or iridirea, against her neighbor' s. In endorsing the above, we earnestly believe we are acting in Our national inter eat and the interest of freedom throughout the world and that -this statement represents the thinking of the great majority of the American people. Members of the 89th Congress Who Have Endorsed The Declaration Prior to November, 1965 The Senators and Representatives listed below have signed the DECLARATIqm_which was drafted and circulated by the COMMITTEE OF ONE MILLION. This is not intended to imply that the legislators have read pressed approval or disapproval of the remaining text of this advertisment. ALABAMA Sen. John J. Sparkman Rep. George W. Andrews Rep. Glenn Andrews Rep. John H. Buchanan, Jr. Rep. William L. Dickinson, Rep. Jack Edwards Rep. Robert B. Jones Rep James Martin Rep. A. I. Selden, Jr: ALASKA Rep: Ralph J. Rivers ARIZONA Sen. Paul Fannin Rep. John J. Rhodes Rep. G F. Senner, Jr. ARKANSAS:,. Rep. E. C Gathings _ Rep. Oren Harris Rep. James W. Trimble ' CALIFORNIA, - Sen Thomas H. Kuchel Sen. George Murphy Rep. John F. Baldwin Rep. Alphonzo E. Bell Rep. Don H. Clausen Rep. Del Clawson - Rep. Ken W Dyal - Rep. Charles S. Gubser - Rep. Harlan Hagen, - Rep. Richard L. Hnna Rep, Craig Hosmer Rep. Harold T. Johnson Rep. Glenard P. Lipscomb Rep. William S/Mailliard Rep. George P. Miller Rep. Ed Reinecke Rep. B. F. Sisk -, Rep. El. Allen Smith - Rep. Burt L. Talcott _ Rep. Charles M. Teague t _Rep. John V. Tunney - Rep. James B Litt Rep. Lionel Van Deerlin 'Rep. Bob Wilson, - - Rep. Charles H. Wilson Rep. J. Arthur Younger COLORADO Sen. Gordon Allott Sen. Peter H. Dominick Rep. 'Byron G. Rogers CONNECTICUT ? Sen. Thomas J. Dodd , Sen. Abraham A. Ribicoff Rep. Bernard F'. Grabowski Rep. John S-Monagan DELAWARE Sen. J. Calet Bogs Sen. John J. Williams Rep. H. B. McDowell, Sr. GEORGIA Rep. Howard H. Callaway Rep. John J. Flynt, Jr. Rep. Elliott Hagan - -:Rep. It. G. Stephens, Jr. _ HAWAII Sen. Hiram L. Fong , IDAHO ? Sen. Len B. Jordan Rep. George V. Hansen - , ILLINOIS , -Sen. Everett M.'Dirksen Sen, Paul H. Douglas Rep. John B. Anderson Rep. Frank Annunzio Rep. Leslie C. Arends Rep. Harold R. Collier Rep. Edward J. Derwinski Rep. John N. Erlenborn 'Rep. Paul Findley Rep. John C. Kluczynski 'Rep. Robert McClory " - Rep. Robert H. Michel . Rep. William T. IVIurpny , Rep. Melvin Price Rep. Roman C. Pucinski Rep. Charlotte T. Reid . Rep. Daniel Rostenkowski Rep. Donald Rumsfeld , Rep. Gale Schisler ? Rep. George E. Shipley Rep. William L. Springer INDIANA Sen. Birch E. Bayh Sen. R. Vance Ilartke Rep. Lee H. Hamilton Rep. E. Ross Adair " Rep. William G. Bray FLORIDA - . Sen. Spessaacl L. Holland Sen. George A. Smathers , Rep. Charles E. Bennett Rep. William C. Cramer Rep. Dante B. Fascell Rep. Don Fuqua Rep. Sam M. Gibbons Rep. Edward J. Gurney Rep. James A. 'Haley Rep. A. S. Herlong, Jr. , -- Rep. D. R. Matthews ' Rep. Claude Pepper Rep. Paul G. Rogers Rep. Robert L. F. Sikes Rep. Ralph Harvey Rep."Andrew,Jacobs, Jr. Rep. Ray J. Madden Rep. Richard Rondebush Rep. J. Edward Roush _ IOWA - Sen. B. B. Hickenlooper Sen. Jack Miller Rep. II. R. Gross KANSAS Sen. Frank Carlson 'Sen. James B. Pearson Rep. Bob Dole Rep. Robert F. Ellsworth Rep. Chester L. Mize _ Rep. Garner E. Shriver -KENTUCKY Sen John S. Cooper ' ? - LOUISIANA _ Sen:Allen J. Ellender Rep. Hale Boggs Rep. Speedy O. Long Rep, James H. Morrison Rep. Otto E. Passman - Rep. J. D. Waggonner MARYLAND Rep. George H. Fallon , Rep. Samuel N. Friedel Rep. 'Edward A. Garmatz Rep. Clarence D. Long MASSACHUSETTS Rep. William H. Bates Rep. Edward P. Boland Rep. James A. Burke Rep. Silvio 0. Conte Rep, Harold D. Donohue Rep.' Hastings Keith Rep. T. H. MacDonald _ Rep. Joseph W. Martin, Jr. Rep. ,F. Bradford Morse - _ Rep. 'Thomas P. O'Neill Rep. Philip J. Philbin 'MICHIGAN Rep. William S. Broomfield Rep. Elford A., Cederberg Rep Charles E. Chamberlain Rep. Gerald R. Ford, Jr. Rep. Robert P. Griffin - Rep. Martha W. Griffiths , Rep. James Harvey - Rep. Edward Hutchinson , MINNESOTA Rep. Odin Langen -'1tep. Clark MacGregor , Rep. Ancher Nelsen Rep. Albert H. Quie MISSISSIPPI: ? ? Sen. James O. Eastland Rep. Thomas G. Abernathy' Rep. William M. Colmer Rep. Prentiss Walker Rep. Jamie L. Whitten ? Rep. John Bell WilliamS MISSOURI - Rep. Thomas B. Curtis - Rep. Durward G. Hall -- Rep W. R. Hull Jr. - - Rep. Paul C. Jones Rep. William J. Randall " MONTANA - Rep. James F. Battin Rep. Arnold Olsen -- - , NEBRASKA ' Sen. Carl T. Curtis Sen. Roman L. Hruska Rep.' Clair A. Callan - Rep. Glenn Cunningham Rep. David T. Mai tin ?NEVADA Sen. Alan Bible Sen. Howard W. Cannon Rep. Walter S. Baring NEW HAMPSHIRE Sen. Norris Cotton - - Sen. Thomas J. McIntyre Rep. Jarnes C. Cleveland Rep.' J. Olivia Huot NEW JERSEY Rep. William T. Cahill Rep. Dominick V. Daniels Rep. Florence P. Dwyer Frelingliuysen, Jr. Rep Henry Helstoski Rep. Thomas McGrath, Jr. Rep. Joseph G Minish Rep. Peter NV,- Rodin?, Jr. Rep. William B. Widnall NEW MEXICO Sen. Clinton P. Anderson Sen-. Joseph'M, Alontoys. Rep. Thomas G. Morris Rep E. S. Johnny Walker NEW YORK , Seri, Jacob Javits - Rep. Joseph `P. Addabbo Rep. Hugh L. Carey , Rep. James J Delaney Rep. Thaddeus J. Dulskt Rep.'_Paul A. Fino- - Rep. CharlesE, Goodell - Rep. James R. Grover, Jr, ' Rep. Clarence J. Brown Rep. Seymor Halpern , ',Rep. Donald D. Clancy Rep. fames M. Hanley Rep. Samuel L. Devine Rep. Frank J. Horton . Rep. Michael A. Feighan Rep. Edna F. Kelly -,--., Rep. John J. Gilligan Rep. Eugene J. Keogh' Rep. William H. Harsha, Jr. Rep. Carleton J. King Rep. Wayne L. Hays Rep. Abraham J. Mutter Rep. Delbert L. Latta -Rep. John M Murphy Rep. William M. McCulloch Rep. Leo W: O'Brien - Rep. William E. Mtnshall Rep Alexander Pirnie Rep. Walter H. Moeller Rep. Howard W. Robison Rep. Robert T. Secrest - Rep. J. William Stanton Rep. John J. Rooney Rep. Samuel S. Stratton Rep. L. L. Wolff Rep. John W. Wydler NORTH CAROLINA Sen. Sam J. Ervin, Jr., Rep Herbert C. Bonner Red -L. H. Fountain , Rep. David N. Henderson Rep. Charles Raper Jonas _ Rep. Horace H Kornegay Rep. Alton Lennon Rep. Ralph J. Scott Rep. Roy A. Taylor ' Rep. Basil L. Whitener NORTH DAKOTA Sen. Quentin N. Burdick Sen. Milton It. Young Rep. Mark Andrews Rep. Rolland Redlin OHIO Sen. Frank J. Lausche Rep. John ,M Ashbrook Rep H Ayres Rep. Jackson E. Betts Rep. Frances 1'. Bolton " Rep. Frank T. Bow -OKLAHOMA Sen. Fred R. Harris Rep. Carl Albert Rep. Page Belcher Rep. Ed Edmondson Rep. John Jarman OREGON Rep: Wendell Wyatt PENNSYLVANIA Sen. Hugh Scott _ Rep. William A. Barrett Rep. James A. Byrne Rep. Robert J. Corbett Rep. Willard S. ,Curtin Rep. Paul B. Dague Rep. John H. Dent Rep. Daniel J. Flood Rep. James G. Fulton Rep Albert W. Johnson Rep. J. M McDade , Rep. Thomas E. Morgan Rep. George M. Rhodes ' Rep. John P. Saylor - -"- Rep. Herman T. Schneebell , Rep. Richard S. Schweiker Rep. Herman Toll Rep. Joseph P Vigorito Rep. J. Irving Whalley RHODE ISLAND Sen. John O. Pastore Rep. John E. Fogarty Rep. Fernand J. St. Germain SOUTH CAROLINA Sen. Strom Thurniond Rep. Robert T. Ashmore Rep. W. J. Bryan Dorn Rep. Thomas S. Gettys Rep. L. Mendel Rivers Rep. Albert W. Watson SOUTH DAKOTA Sen. Karl E. Mundt Rep. E. Y. Berry Rep. Ben Reifel TENNESSEE Rep. W. E. Brock Rep. John J. Duncan Rep. Joe L. Evins Rep. Richard Fulton Rep. Tom Murray Rep. James H. Quillen TEXAS Sen. John G. Tower Sen. Ralph W. Yarborough Rep. Lindley Beckworth Rep. Earle Cabell Rep. Bob Casey Rep. E. de La Garza Rep. John Dowdy Rep O. Clark Fisher Rep. George H Mahon Rep. Wright Patton Rep. William R. Poage Rep. Joe R. Pool . Rep. Graham Purcell Rep. Ray Roberts Rep. Walter E. Rogers Rep. Richard C. White Rep. James C. Wright 0 UTAH' Sen. Wallace F. Benne Rep. L. J. Burton Rep. David S. King VERMONT -- Sen. Winston L. ProuQ Rep. Robert T. Staffon VIRGINA Sen. Harry Flood Byrd Sen. A. Willis Robertsc Rep. Joel T. Broyhill Rep. Thomas N. Downi Rep. Porter Hardy, Jr. Rep. W. Pat Jennings Rep. John O.-Marsh Rep. Richard H. Poff Rep. David E. Satterfie Rep. William M. Tuck WASHINGTON Rep. Julia B. Hansen Rep. Catherine May Rep. Thomas M. Pelly WEST VIRGINIA Rep. Ken Hechler Rep. James Kee Rep, Arch A. Moore Jr Rep. Harley O. Stagger WISCONSIN Sen. William Proxmire Rep. John W. Byrnes Rep. Melvin It. Laird __Rep. Alvin B. O'Konsk Rep. John A. Race . Rep. Vernon W. ,Thonu Rep. Clement J. Zabloc - WYOMING , Milwaird L. Simpsi THE COMMITTEE OF ONE'MaLION Against the Admission of Communist China to' the United Nations - cll 905 79 MADISON AVENuG ? Rep. John M. Ashbrook Sen. 'Thomas J. Dijdd , Sen. Peter H., Dominiek ? Sen. Paul H. boUglaa; ,. =- _ ? . ,- Treasurer: Honorary' Chairman Hon.' H. --Alelander Smith Steering ',Committee Hon. Charles Edison -' -Hon..Walter,H. Judd . - Seh.'BoUrke' B. Hickenlgiver ? Rep. Thomas E. Morgan Garside ? Sec i tai :g: Mr. Marvin Liebman , - C Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2014/01/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000102940001-1 NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10016 MURRAY HILL 5. Sen. Williarn Proxmire Sen. Hugh Scott 3?! 7'4;", ? ? r(-:t?f -!4t,. ? r