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Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for?Kelease?g 50-Yr 2013/12/20 CIA-RDP73-00475R000102310002-9 SEPTEMBER 1964 STAT Y. AVDEYEV, ? .. VLADIMIROV: erialist Spy Consortium N his book, The Craft of Intelligence, could otherwise take some steps to ease world 1:1 Allen Dulles writes that "One of the. tension. i most gratifying features of recent work At the same time, they are trying to make i in ntelligence ... has been the growing use of the favourable geographical position of co-operaticn established between the American ?: some capitalist countries and their political and intelligence services and their counterparts ....economic ties with other states so as to turn throughout the Free World which make common. ...them into a jumping-off ground for subversion -cause. with us".'.. ? "-? , ? against the Socialist Countries and the young Indeed, as the relation of world forces national states? In order tO conceal their direct participation ence of the Communist and Workers'parties ? tr ? 'changes in favour.. of Socialism, the influ- ? ""' in international plots, revolts and coups, they Creases and the national-liberation movement in- also compel small capitalist countries to partic- : rises, it becomes increasingly clear that the re- ipate in intelligence and subversive .activities. actionary forces are striving to rally closer Acting through their allies and puppets, the U.S. imperialists want to disguise their irnplica- ,?together. An imperialist. consortium of "cloak .- . lion in conflicts provoked. by them in various and-dagger knights" to carry out intelligence... :.and subversive activities throughout the world. parts of the world. :is regarded by reaction in. the West .as one of ? In other words, to achieve their aims. the - :the 'conditions- for the implementation cf its and world reactionaries spare no effort to aggressive plans. organise, to use Allen Dulles's words, "a close- knit,. co-ordinated. intelligence service", capable . .And .the?more Western militarist circles ap--.?:' So-., l of acting "in almost any part of the globe".3 ; preciate the, growing military 'might of the So- The total intelligence system set up in the cialist countries, especially the Soviet Union's United States in the early post-war years with ? increasing nuclear-rocket??potential, the more' ..the Central Intelligence Agency at its head they are inclined to give preference to secret ; served as an iniportant? ? organisational pre-.. forms of struggle, primarily spying and subver-'. I. requisite for the gradual establishment of an im- sion. . . : perialist spy consortium under the aegis of the . Major-General J.F.C. Fuller, British military .. United States. From the very outset, the CIA 'expert; expressed himself on this trend in im- j: has undertaken to co-ordinate the activities of perialist. policy quite frankly when he wrote .'the intelligence services of the countries con- that it is necessary to "realise that in this nu- ;?-nected with the United States by treaty. oblio-a- 'clear.age subversive warfare is progressively.'. tions, and to direct subversion on a wrrid scale. replacing traditional warfare is .the positive ..- Back in April 1947; in his brief on the funcla- instrument of pOlicy.... This mode Of conflict':. mental problems of intelligence in peacetime, is waged on the enemy's inner front?that is, by , Allen Dulles, according to British researchers attacking him internally instead- of externallY."3 -.. Edwards and Dunne, proposed to entrust the By creating an international' spy consortium, ? ?American central intelligence service with the the United States and the other imperialist tisk of being "the recognised agency for deal- ? (....'N L.,../ Powers are mainly. trying to draw into the se- ? ing with the central intelligence agencies. of ' cret War against the Socialist and young nelf- 'other countries".' . tralist states those capitalist countries which This tendency -- -... ..,... told on the activity of the other U.S. intelligence agencies. The De- Allen Dulles, The Craft of Intelligence, New York, 1963. in. 53-54. a Allen Dulles, op. cit., pp. 50-511 2 The Royal United Service Institution louquil, May 4 B. Edwards, K. Dunne, A Study' of a Master Sou 1962, p. 150. ' ? /Aft-- "..re__% r ? - im,,,i,ecifiarl in Part - Sanitized CODV Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/20 CIA-RDP73-00475R000102310002-9