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Publication Date: 
June 27, 1965
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/19 : CIA-RDP73-00475R000101360002-5 TIM ORI( frly1" itINDAIn "JUNE 0, MS. I , We, the undersigned, painters ,and sculptors, writers and edit? s, musicians and t eate ? United S9teP1 feel w must protest the power being exercised in our names and those Of all the American people. We can not remain silent about a foreign policy grOwn more nakedly inhuman with each passing day. A decade ago, when the people of Vietnam were fighting Fretich colonialism, the artists and intcl ec from Sartre to Mauriac. from Picasso to Cam us?called on the french people's conscience to ,protest :immoral and to demand an end to that dirty war?Pla sale gure." Today, we in our oWnrCouniri can Our President Must be made a'44?are- that his words of "peace" will not be heard above the din of the bombs falling o Vietnam; that his 'concern for 'freedom" in South Vietnam, is InOcked by eleven years' maintenance there ,of brutal police regimes assisted by American money, American guns, and finally. .,'American blood. Our President must be told that our actions in the Dominican Iepublic are nothing less than aimed intervention in a civi another nation. Our !eiders Intuit be reminded that in VIETNAM and the DOMINICAN REPUBLIC they ail violating international law, the charter of the UN, and, indeed, the spirit of our own constitution. They must learn that their plans for United States hegemony. . . for a "Pax Americana" ... must lead not to peace but to death and destruction. They ,must accept the fact that they have no more right in Vietnam than did the Frenc colonialists before them; further, that their intrusion in Latin America is justifiably interpreted, both abroad and her at home as aggression. American artists wish once more to have faith in the United States of America. We Will not remain silent in the face 9 our country's shame. We call on all citizens of our nation to join with us: , George Abbe Leone Adelson Irving Adler ? Abe Ajay 'L. Alcopley Lewis Allan ?, 'Charles R. Allen,jr;' Gerald AMes-, ____Jack:1?AnclersortZ ? ,,-Lennart AnderiOn Geort'e. 'Anthony. Niilo Antila ? David Antin Benjamin .Appel - 'James Aranson Rudolf Arnheim M, -'S.' Arnani Aaron 5her Elise Asher ? ? ? Isaac _Aiirnov .? . Edward Auert 'Joan 'Baez Dorothy Gillian! Baker James1 Baldwin-111' :ROOK Baranik 't Richard, Barbara D. Barrie: Saul Bass Jonathan Baumbach Lee Baxandall ? '? Carleton, Deals : ? ' Margit 'Beck Harold Becker ' Maurice Becker Sally Belfrage ' Charles' G. Bell ? Jerry' Benjamin Stephen Berg Carol Berge Dorothy Berger Josef Berger . Sylvia Berkman Wendell Berry Rick Besoyan .. Alvah Bessie , :Herbert Biberman', -Jack f3ilander - ;Paul Blackburn , Arnold Blanch ? -Robin Blazer ' R. 0. Blechman' 1 'Dorothy,Olock, 1-,SaritTltim , Peter Blyne Leonard ,i3o,cour. t Ruth Boc.our ? , Abbe Bogin , Phillip Bonosky Philip 'Booth .?? Jean Boudin ." Faubion BoWeri Richard, 0. Boyer .'Key,Beyle , PaUl Brach ? , Anne Braden ? Aliki Brandenberg ?? George Braziller John,Malcolni.Brinnin 'Conrad BrOmberg' , Claire Brook Patricia Brooks, James Broughton : Lloyd, 1. Brown ., Robert Brustein Charles Cajori GOdfreY'Cambridgs . Angus Cameron- ' Victor Candell Ernile Capouya !; Morris 'Cartiovski Charlotte...I.:LC.0Y (nerney Alice Childres,s Peter Chinni Robert M. Chute Robert Claiborne ? Eleanor Clymer -; Aoloert M. Coates ';'Alexander H. Cohen' Arthur A. Cohen . Hildy Parks Cohen? Robert David,Cohen Hila C. Colman Morris Colman'4,, , Bruce Conner' ' EdWard.,Corbett, ROsamond Corbett Martin J. Corbin . ? ...Philip Corner ? ? ? Russell Cowles - Martin Craig . ? M. Jean Craig ? Crienptan ) Robert CreeleY Alexander L. Crosby , Sarah Cunningharn Mary 1 DOyleturran Ralph A. Dale Guy Daniels Allen M. D'Arcangelo Robert : ' Howard Di Silva Carson Davidson Buster Davis 0,ssie Davis Hugh'Deape ? Emile DeAntcinio Christine Debuskey , Merle Debtiskey Robert De Cormier Ruby June Op* begnan Dorothy Dehner ,1 ? , Elaine De Kooning' Salvatere"Del Deo ??)erry De Muth ?,- George Dennisen' ,Edwin Dickinson, ? Richard Dieb,enkorn' ? .; Mark Di Suvero ?Art D'Lugoff John' B.Dobbi AlaXander Dobkin ?: JorCoth,sii, Dolger Robert Duncan -Jess Duncan , Barrows Dunham Lydia Edwards 'Jim'EglesOn - Jean Einbeck Robert Ekins Elaine Eldridge Edward Eliscu .? GeOrge P. Elliot ' ? ?? Kenward Elmslie Mary Elting Sylvette Engel, ? Robert Engler David Epstein , 'llseErythropel David Evanier ? Philjp.Evergeod kWeril; ' , ?'.1uleS.Feiffer .Morton Feldnien, 'Ben Field Tully Filmui1 'Mae Finkelstein -Sidney Finkelstein: Richard B. Fisher. ? Folsoin: Philip,S;FOner . Karl E.'Fortess, David Franks 1:Antonio Frasconi Ronald Freelander 'Ann Freilich? ? Michael LiOnFreilich - Theodore Frie,d Betty Friedan ,Elies Friedensohn..; 'Robert Friedman ,. ?.Norm Fruchter ; '',Howard Fussinei 'MoitOrfGarehik ? Sonia Gichtoff Will, Geer - Maxwell GeiSrhar Jack Gelber , ? Hugo Gellert , ? Martha Gellhorn ?Paul Georges' -John Gereisi William Gibson ? Ruth Gikow Miriam Gideen Lou Gilbert' `,? , Mira Gilbert Ronnie Gilbert Teel Gilien ?; 'Barbara Giles ' Allen Ginsberg ?` Martin Glass - , Harry Glickrnan ? Norman W. Goldberg ? Leon Goldin ?., ?,Leon Gojub , ? Maurice Golubov,' Aaroni. Goodelman -RuthGoodelman GOaelmen Paul GOO Men. ' Sidney G9O4rilan Sidney Gordin Lorraine' Gordon , 'Robert Goyer ? Balcomb Greene Jonathan Greene ?? Alan Grrshman ,1-Porter Groff 'AntOni ,GronOviicz ,Red,GrOorhi? 'William ,r9ppr . , - -Werner GroShans ,Sidney Gross :1 - ' I Albert J. Guerard ? Lena 'Gun , Robert Gviathiney ? Nicholas Halasz ,?Donald Hall , James Baker Hall ? '-?'Margaret,Halsel' Hammer' :2,;?5ally Haniniah',Hareri Harliurg Sheldon Harnick' Kay Harris. , -1 'Abraham Harriton ' Jean L.' Hart 1' Burt Hasen ' ? TheodoreG. Haupt HOffman R. Hays. 'S. W, Hayter Rosa P. Hecht ? 'Zoltan Hecht ' 'Fred Hellerman "'Nat Hentoff , 'Hugh' B. Hester, ? , Brig. Gen. U.S.A.R. Charles S. Hirsch JosePh Hirsch George, Hitchcock ,;Carroll Hollister ? ) Holinel? "William H. Honan ? - Budd Hopkins Serge Hovey ; , Fanny Howe Florence Howe Leo Huberman ? Faith Hubley 'John Hubley' ? leo Hurwitz' , ? David Ignatow Harold Isbell ?? ? Joan Isserman Ward Jackson ,:"Janejaeobs Paul Jacobs ?Fritz Jahoda Jarrico 'Eddie Johnson ? LeRoi Jones --POI Haller Jones "Norton Juster -H.. Peter Kahn' Samuel Kamen Joseph Kaplan,., ? Bernard Kassoy Hortense Kassay 'Alex Katz Leandro Kati ., Donald Kaufman - ? Stanley Kauffman' ? Hershy Kay ? .Lannes Kinfield, Jr. Eliot Kenin -,Rockviell Kent ,Frank Kessler . Harold Kiminelman ; -Erik Kiviat Frank Kleinholi Karl Knaths Christopher Koch ? 'Bernice Kohn Arthur Kop,it 'Maxine KOpit, Chaim KoPpelman :Anatol Kovariky Hy Kraft ,'Paul Krassner ''Albei't Kreich ?';Seymour Krirn A "I LOuise"Krt?'- Anton Kueri iger, Kuh Maxine. Kiirriin: Stanley Kunitz .1 Tuli.KuPferberg , Labovitz . -r Corliss Larnprit Kenneth Lamett Lampell Jacob Landed , Edward Landon ? Elaine May , Rollo May E. ,,'Tho'mas. ? Eve Merriam . 'Jean F.Merrill - Bob..,- -;?,-?-,;,,iGrarribi Miller Richard A.Niller --," .ariren Miller' '- Dorotl*Mone't ,.Sonye -MonOSOff Lilian Moore Ira Morris ? ' .Frederic Morton ,,!.? ? Leo Mueller - Robert Mueller - Lewis Mumford' John Murray'. - ? Bernice Myers ' . Henry Myers Lou Myers . Fredric Myrow Otte Nathan ' 1 ? .Bernird Nathanson , ,'Alice Neel Trunien Nelsen-- Robert Nemiroff Anais. Nin Iris Noble ,: r Lewis Normen ? Joseph North., . ? lobed M. Ockene Harvey O'Connor Elliot Offner,. Santos Ojeda ? - Tillie 'Olsen , Peter Orlovsky ? Robert Osborn ? Grace Paley ? Joseph Papp ? Robert Andrew parker' - , Ellen Peirce: Waldo Peirce ? ? Simon Perchik Henri Pereikow ? Victor Perlo Sidney Peterson Irving Petlin Sam Pe,vzner' Tillie S. Pine r Marianna Pineda .David Platt ? 'Nancy R. Polteek; Ralph Popkin,-..- ,? . John Hyde PrestOri Gregorio Prestopino James'D; Proetor ? - Jules Rabin -? ? Beatrice Rainer Hilda Rainer s" "..TOny Randall John Randolph; ,Matirice'Rauch ?Lillian.Shapero'RaPoh- Fred Rayfield 'Anton Refregier, Ad Reinhardt Philip,ReiSinan , Ettore Rella , ? . ? 'Sarnuel.RhodeS lAdrienne Rich Shay ,Rieger; 'Ann Lane. ,Marion Lane,. Ring Lardner, Jr. Nancy Larrick ' John Howard Lawson 'James Lechay Will Lee Ned Lebec Berbaralekberg ,sLouis Lerman 'Alfred Leslie Denise Levertov David Levine Jack' Levine Philip Levine ? ? LeV.Landau Si Lewen Leonard C. Lewin ? . Arthur Liebers 'Ruth Liebers Jan-et G. Liebowitz -Linda Lindebeig ,Saul Lishinsky . David J. Loeb, Sylvia Lopez , ? Boris Lurie. , Bix Lye Peter Lyon' Ann 'McGOvern Thomas 'McGrath Robin.McKoWn , David McReynolds, Dwight MacDonald Lezak MacLow 'Jackson MacLew ? 'Ethel Maga-fan Norman Mailer Robert Mallary William M. Mandel, ? , Irving Marantz :Abraham Marcus ' - Marcia Marcus 'Rebecca B. Marcus BOAS Margo, , J. G. Margo ?, , ? ,-,DimitrY-Markeviteh .Lenore Marshall Fletcher Martin . r.` Jercirne'Martin Carl Marzani Dexter Masters . David Matis , .?Charles Mattox,, Marin Riley. Beatrice Rippy ; Eslanda RObeson Paul Robeson Robinson'' Julie` Rogers Rogotin eyers4 Rolieswiky Roslyn Roose ' Ha.rold,R9knberi_,.." , ? rrN,Y0ef.RRsen.bktrn ' -Robert,RoienVea.10 -?Henry Roth r ''Peggy Roth Philj Roth' Richard,' Roth-' ' 'Marc Rothko, ? ."`Jereme_Rothenberg ? James Ruben ? . Richards Ruben Ruth Rubin,'? , AnhetteT.'Rbinstein ? Muriel Rukeyser ' .Theodore Saidenbers Morris U,, Schappes.? :Jprnes Schevill Eva, Schlosser , ? , rCarolee Schneemann i? Ethel K. Schwa Weber -Alice Schweloke- Armand Schwerner, Jarnes Scully Pete Seeger, Norman J. Seaman Bernard Seeman -Judith E.'Seidel Peter 'Selz ?'MaUriee'Sendak' ?6,nne SextOn 'Mary Shaier? ' Seymour Shapiro , '-Judith Shatnoff E. Shepherd Peter Shepherd Arthig Sherman 'Sherman. ? 'Blanche A. Sherwood Madeleine SheriVood ' Viola Brothers Shore, .ElieSiegrneister , eurice. ? BurtonSitverMan 'Alvin Sirnen ? ? -?Eric Simon - John 1, Simon ? ArthOr"Singer ? ? ? -Camille Skrivanek , -Joel SIomIn_ 'Jeanne Srnith ? Michael Smith 'Harvey SollIperger ' Joseph Sohpiln Maynard Solomon :Theodore Solotaroff 'Gale Sondergaard . Jack Sonenberg Phoebe Sonehberg ? Gilbert Sorrentino' Raphael Soyer Barry Specks Laura Speiser B. Spellman Nancy Sp,ero "11. -1 , ToSay SpivakO.,?skY", Phi-1.10.0PP; = , HarrisOn,Truitt*e.c!' Robert Steele Steint,ei1,1 Sten ,5teirier': Franies Steleff Ruth Steph ' May`,SteVe6 ? David ,C. Stone Stcine, -, Nils Strom, Lyle Stuart Michelle Stuart George Sugarman Yuri Sub! " Harvey ,Swados AlarcS,WalloW Sahl ? Morris Sweetkind Paul M. Sweezy Peter Takal Estelle TaMbak -; M?Tarcai T. Teteni ' Milton Thorna's John W. TOrnlinsan, Anthony Toney I Nereid. Toyish 'Maurice Tuchman John R.-Tunis' ? Louis Tytell Leopard Unger Torni Ungerer:' ? LoUis,Unterrneyer Stuyvesant, Van' Veen Robert `lei Dias 'AMOS Vogel .?.; Hak Yogrin ? Ivan Von Auw, jr., - 'Sylvia Wald ' ' Ira Wallach '? Brett Warren Hilde Weingarten Leonard Weisgard Millie Weitz Hairy IC: Wells Nat Werner ? Tom Wesselman ' Cherles,White'-' John Wilceck.', C. K.Y/illiami. , Martin 1. Williams Edmund Wilson Philip Wittenberg t Martin.WoIfson Sarah Wright Rose Wyler Marguerite Young NOrmanj.Zierold !' - Paul, P. Zimmerman' Harrieilinnes r .? , The Artists Protest Committee of Los Angeles, representing two hundred working ar'Ssti, expresses its full support for ,the ?ebove. statement. ,? ?. ,? Further contributions to Continue cirir?work are-,needecl.- Make' Cheeks payable Lydia Edwards', 'SecretarY,Treasurer P,.0., Box No. 339, Old Chelsea Station , -2!7 West 18 St., New "York,- . . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/19: CIA-RDP73-00475R000101360002-5