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April 20, 1964
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000100400013-9
W/161-11N.GTON POS.0
. APR 2 0 1964
' CIAP, with the seven mem-1 Best known of those re-f
hers. under Sara' de Santa,! maining is Paul Rosenstein-;
maria chosen for geographic iiRodan, a British citizen .and 1
representation, will take up ii author. He alone of the
.k t h e Alliance's considerable holds another job simul Nine!
14:_ ?
i tane-
political tasks.
i, ously, as professor of econom-
- ?
Accordingly, new appointees 'ics at 'Massachusetts Institute.
For ? , to the $20,000-6.-year positions.1
Jain Hance
expected to be more techni-
cally than politically oriented.
A nominating committee
Soh the Committee of Nine are - Other memebrs are Brazil-
ian Romulo Almeida, Argen-
tine Ernesto Malaccorto and
Cuban Felipe Pazos, all econ-
drawn from hemispheric ,omists and all as far as is
agencies is expected to meet known planning t stay at
this month after resolving the least throtn7h 1)(
By Lewis H. Diuguid question of the Tole of CIAP Author toff?asked i he
Staff Reporter ,in selecting the new genera-
thought in Alliance aug-
Five of e "Nine Wise Part of the reason for
? the l tion of Wise Men. mented by still another corn-
Men" of the Alliance for exodus from the Committee t Those leaving besides. Saez mittee, could achieve the lofty
Progress hay left or ' seems to be just the lure oflinclude: goals of planned economic
e , soon;
, ,rowth?posed several condi-
other positions, coupled, with l ? Manuel Noriega Morales
the fact that the three-year! already returned to his native Lions base on the mi-nit of.
commitment is now over two-,Guatemala to head a technical theparticipants and said, "At
thirds met. institute. He is an eConomisti s
i t now it has a chance." He
,ailded that he intends to do a
But the changing structure who has liorked closely with,
lot of writing about his Inter-
American experiences.
of Technology.
Co:. mitt e of Nine
will do so.
Among them is Raul .SaeZ,
coordinator of the group ? more
formally known as the Com-
mittee of Nine. Saez, a Chill
ean was one of many hemi:
of the Alliance has played its,
.part, according to sources
pheric leaders mentioned for' close to the Nine.. Founders
the chairmanship of the of the Alliance recall a bi
newly-formed Comite Inter-' bitterly that originally the
americana de la Alianza para Nine were to have been the
el Progreso. "Latinizing" agent, with a
. _
Carlos Sanz de Santamaria :strong mandate allowing them
of Colombia was given the 'virtually to cut off fund S from
CIA:7'. job. Formation 'of that
nations laggard in reforms.
committee, an attempt to.
Latinize" the Alliance, is one The United States reluctant-
of many factors in the depar- 'ly bought the multilateral ap-
thre of the five Wise Men. ..proach, but Argentina, Mexico
The Alliance charter signed ? and Brazil figured they could
three years ago provided for, do better by dealing directly .
the panel of nine experts who with the main source of funds,
would evaluate the national the United States. The result 'Central America's economic
integration. .
plans to be submitted by the' was a compromise that
Latin American nations as sheared off much of the Nine's ? Harvey S. Perloff, author
blueprints of economic and and educator in the field of
social developments. Still, the Nine proved vigor- -economic planning and the
Opinions of the. experts ous not'only in criticizing sub- only U.S.- national amoog the
would largely determine the ? mitted national plans but in -Nine. He has agreed to. serve
amount of foreign aid the na- calling for . changes in the. out his term ending Dec. 31
tions would receive. Nine ex- Alliance itself. The Committee ?if needed before returning to
ports, some with international of Nine suggested the study 'the job he left two years ago,
reputations, were chosen for
three-year terms beginning in
, January, 1962.
T h e original coordinator-
Raul Prebisch. Other
commitments soon. forced hiS
resignation. He is now head
of the . U.N. Conference on
Trade and Development in
? Geneva. Saez, Prebisch's re-*
' placement, will leave by July
to return bo the directorship
of Chile's big government-
owned electrical industry.
United Press .International
Morales ? Perloff
. . . leaving Alliance .
that ..resulted in formation of
Gradually Argentina and
Mexico have swung toward
the position of the smaller
countries and the planners un-
til with' CIAP, a multilateral
direction of the Alliance niay
be possible. Advocates of this
approach; including the Nine,
say the Latins.may be sterner
enforcers of reform among
themselves than the United
States could be.
But even if this power po-
tential is realized it will rest
in CIAP, with the Nine ex-
pected to evolve into a techni-
cal adjunct.
program director for the pri-
vate research foundation here,
Resources for the Future.
? Jorge Grieve, an engineer
who was a Peruvian delegate
to ?the Punta del Este confer-
ence that set up the Alliance.
? Hernando Agudelo Villa,
Columbian lawyer and ,cono-
mist who like many of the
Nine has also held important
political appointments. .,
neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/30 : CIA-RDP73-00475R000100400013-9
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000100400013-9
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000100400013-9