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May 5, 1964
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MAY 5194 2
elated state" in relation to the'
United States.
It is believed that Mr. Mos-
coso will submit his resignation
before the Alliance committee
;holds its second meeting, sched-
uled for July 10 in Mexico City.
itncgd States, t eesr, a leading in tich thel
year cooperative program inau-
gurated by President Kennedy
Will Return to Private Life
in Puerto Rico
Sp.-. al to The New York Times
doro Moscoso has resigned as
United States representative on
? the Inter-American Committee
?for the Alliance for Progress, it
became known today.
, Mr. Moscoso, who for two
i years personified alliance goals,
:is returning to private life in
,Puerto Rico. He will also serve,
!however, as a member of the
'Puerto Rican-United States
commission charged with study-
ing the island's status.
He cabled his resignation to
President Johnson last week
from Paris, where he. is on a
private visit. Earlier last week
the accepted an appointment by
IGov. Luis Munoz Marin of Puer-
to Rico to the status commis-
It is understood that Mr. Mos-
coso had felt for some time that
he was no longer able to con-
tribute adequately to the alli-
ance, which he had, helped to
set in motion.
?His. departure. is viewed as
in 1961, sought to encourage
social and political reform in
Latin America. '
Under the Johnson Adminis-
tration the alliance, in the eyes
of Latin Americans, has lost
much of the content that had
so much appeal. They view it as
gradually turning into a stand-
ard program of economic assist-
ance on a highly selective basis.
Mr. Moscoso was the last top-
.level member of the Kennedy
team for Latin America to re-
main in the Johnson Adminis-
tration. He had agreed to stay
long enough to see the newly
created Inter-American Com-
mittee, designed to coordinate
alliance programs, take shape.
His itsignation comes at a
time of growing disillusionment
in Latin America and among
Latin-American officials of the
alliance in Washington over
present conduct of the program
by the United States.
? The consensus in those quar-
ters is that the alliance as con-
ceived by President Kennedy no
longer exists, and that Wash-
ington seems to have returned
I to its unilateral approach to
'problems of the hemisphere.
' Mr. Muscoso, who' has served
as Ambassador to Venezuela,
,was for more than two years
? the United States coordinator
for the alliance, and was its
tireless advocate. He was shift-
ed early this year to be the rep-
resentative to the new Inter-
American Committee. .
' The move was a part' of
'President Johnson's reorganiza-
tion of the Latin-American pol-
icy command. Thomas C. Mann
was given the posts of Assistant
Secretary of State for Inter-
American Affairs and United
States coordinator of the Alli-
' Mr. Moscoso is vacationing in
:Paris and could not be reached
,for comment. It was understood
?that he planned to return to the
management of his family's
pharmaceutical company in
Puerto Rico.
Governor Munoz Marin an-
nounced in San Juan last night
Mr. Moscoso 's appointment as
one of the six Puerto Rican
members of? the commission.
:Under a Congressional resolu-
tion it has the task of formu-
lating proposals for an improve-
ment in the present status of
Puerto Rico as a "free asso-
The first meetings were held
' here in March when the coin-
. m ittee was organized, with Car-
los Sans de Santamaria of Co-
lombia as its chairman. At that
time President Johnson spoke
:before the Organization of
;American States, pledging con-
; tinuing United States support
for the Alliance.
i However, some Latin-Ameri-
can and United States officials
1?and some members of Con-
gress?consider that the 'atti-
tude of. United States has
changed markedly.
The first inconsistency, these
critics say, appeared almost
simultaneously with his speech
to the Organization of Ameri-
can States praising the new
multinational character of the
Alliance. Mr. Johnson sent his
foreign-aid message to Congress
singling out Colombia and Chile
as two of six countries in the
world to which two-thirds of
United States development lend-
ing would be earmarked in the
fiscal year 1965.
Alliance officials then ex-
pressed the view that if the
United States selects two Latin-
American countries beforehand
for the bulk of aid under the
Alliance, the functions of the
new committee are made almost
I As an example of what Latin-
American officials call Wash-
ington's attitude in by-passing
Alliance machinery, they cited
the dispatch of an economic
mission to Panama to study
Panamanian economic develop-
ment needs. This was done
immediately _after the resump-
tion of diplomatic relations last
The step was taken, Latin
officials said, without any ref-
erence to the seven-year Pana-
manian economic development
plan that the Alliance's Com-
mittee of Nine had just re-
But the major Latin-Ameri-
can criticism, heard here and
apparent in editorial comments
in the Latin press, deals With
the charge that the Johnson
Administration has completely
de-emphasized the Alliance and
its political character in favor
of what the new team calls the
"pragmatic approach."
This "pragmatism," which in
the view of many observers in-
cludes a passive United States
attitude toward military take-
overs in Latin America has
come under public criticism by
such Congressional leaders ,as
Senator Hubert H. Humphrey of
Minnesota, the majority whip.
rIca-laccifipri in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/30: CIA-RDP73-00475R000100400010-2