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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/29: CIA-RDP73-00402R000100250007-0 CIA ARCHIVES'AND RECORDS CENTER December 1969 ME'ORANDUII FOR: Chief, Records Administration Branch SUBJECT : Space to Store Agency Records 1. I have reviewed the various studies of alternatives for addi- tional space for the storage of records. I cannot help but come to the same conclusions I did in June of 1968; that is, the most practi- cal and economical lace to store Agency records outside of the Head- quarters area Since we are not permitted to construct new space, I have two recommendations that will provide for at least 5 years of 25X1 continuing storage and save the Agency about 1 million dollars. in addition to the established fact that a centralised records storage facility is the most economical in terms of both manpower and space, the following advantages F___]should be considered: are no transportation or courier problems. are no Support problems. are no telephone or communication problemis* are no security or cover problems. are no personnel or housing problems. F. E::::Jhe records are under the control of Agency per- sonnel, and there is less risk of disclosure to unauthorized personnel. 2. Recommendation Number 1 for the Supplemental Distribution material now at the u an Annex. This space will accommodate 18,000 cu. ft. of records and barring any new programs, will last indefinitely for Supplemental Distribution. The building is already equipped with a fire alarm system, electrical current and water. It is definitely not a vault; however, with a S REVRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/29: CIA-RDP73-00402R000100250007-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/29: CIA-RDP73-00402R000100250007-0 SECRET security alarm system and a new door, it should be suitable for Secret Supplemental Distribution. The building is inside a fenced-in area that is patrolled by Agency guards. Also, the response time to an alarm would be less than two minutes. Considering the fact that Security recommended transferring the custody of some of our Office records to GSA, I think they would approve this building for Supplemental Distribution. The building is close enough to the that it would not require rest rooms, office space or work areas. We would also be able to utilize the personnel for other functions when the Supplemental Distribution did not require both of them full time. This will be particularly important if we go to moveable shelving or follow recom- mendation #2 in paragraph 3 below. This building is currently being used 25X1 bedding and related items. (Also, T observed that there is quite a bit of wasted space in the building.) Most of the requirements for these items are 15-17 years old. In view of the changing emergency program, I think each of these requirements should be reviewed very carefully and the obsolete items removed. If there are items that must be retained, they can be stored in This area is not 25X1 suitable for records storage because of the weight; however, it would be suitable for such things as clothing and bedding. The cost to get this building ready for records storage is outlined in paragraph 4 below: These supplies consist of canned rations, clothing, Double more of the existing shelving in the present A&RC building. This action will provide about 20,000 additional cu. ft. of storage space. This is only about 50% of the increase we can obtain with moveable shelving; however, the cost will only be about 5% of the cost of moveable shelving. It takes a little longer to service requests from double shelving, but it will also take longer to service requests from moveable shelving. In addition to the cost factor, the following items should be considered: A. Floors will not have to be raised. B. Alarm system will not be affected. C. heating and air-conditioning will not be affected. D. Only minor adjustments will be necessary for lighting. E. The building will not be altered to prevent future changes in equipment. SGT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/29: CIA-RDP73-00402R000100250007-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/29: CIA-RDP73-00402R000100250007-0 The double shelving can be installed and can be accomplished over a period of two years. a matter fact, ire have shelving on hand for 3,000 cu. ft. of records, and we can start immediately installing it. Additional laborers will not be needed to move the boxes; by spreading this project over 2 years we can move the boxes around using our building laborer and perhaps summer employees. The cost estimates for this program are outlined in paragraph 4 below: 4. Cost Estimates to use Apace .... $55,000 space for records. WANNIMINNIMUMMS TOTAL COST.........$72,000 Security Alarms..... ? .............$30,000 Doors ............................. 2,000 Lighting .......................... 5,000 Shelving (18,000 cu. ft.)......... 1.8,000 Double Shelving in~ Building Shelving(20,000 Cu. ft.)..........$20,000 -3,000 On Hand TOTAL ....................... 17,000 Items that Security or Logistics may come up with ...................$28,000 COST FOR 5 YEARS PLUS STORAGE .........................0.$100,000 5. This five years will give us time to implement programs and systems that will reduce the volume of records necessary for storage. Other programs may change that will affect the volume of records 25X1 necessary to store the Vital Records may be moved to a *vb basement of the new building at Headquarters; an Archival facility may be established at another location; and Supplemental Distribution may be reduced to film or electronic storage. If all or some of these things take place, we may never need to look for additional storage .ET Deputy Ch e ; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/29: CIA-RDP73-00402R000100250007-0