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Publication Date: 
January 1, 1964
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Approved & Release 2006/09/25: CIA-RDP73-0COR000100190623-9. ACQUISITION POLICIES FOR THE JOHN F. KENNEDY' LIBRARY The John F. Kennedy Library will he a Presidential archival depository operated by the National Archives and Records Service of the General Services Administration and collaborating closely with Harvard University and the Harvard University Library system. Presidential archival depssitories operate under authority contained in the Federal Pr+perty and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended (44USC 397). The fundamental purpose of the Library will be to preserve the papers and other historical materials of John F. Kennedy and his associates and, in due course, to make them available for scholarly use. It will serve as a research center primarily but not exclusively for the study of the history of the 1960's. The President's materials will include the papers, books, photo- graphs, motion pictures, sound recordings, and mementoes collected and preserved by or for him during his lifetime. A major part of these materials will be the papers accumulated in the White House Office by the President and his immediate staff, supplemented by papers and memorabilia donated .to the Library by persons and nongovernmental organizations associated with him or his administration; and published and audio-visual materials that contribute tc an understanding of the life Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP73-00402R000100190023-9 Approved Is Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP73-00~R000100190023-9 2. and times of the President. particularly during the decade of the 19601 s. Officials charged with the planning and development of the Library therefore should seek to acquire supplementary materials. as indicated below: created by heads cf departments and independent agencies, ambassadors, or other civilian or military officials serving importantly in his adminis- tration; of members of Congress notably associated with the legislative history of the period; and of private persons outstanding in such fields as business, labor, education, sciences and the arts who, while never officially a part of his administration, worked closely with it. 3. Papers of private persons and organizations associated.with Mrs. Kennedy in an advisory capacity in connection with White Huuse programs and activities under her direction. Papers 1. Papers relating to the life and career of John F. Kennedy, in- cluding papers of his family and of his close personal friends and associates; of authors and journalists who have published significantly or extensively on his life and administration; and records of business, philanthropic, social, or other non-governmental organizations in which he has participated actively. 2. Papers relating to national and international affairs during the period of his service in the White House, including any personal papers (as distinguished from 'fficial records) that may be accumulated or Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP73-00402R000100190023-9 Approved9 Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP73-0d*R000100190023-9 3. and administration. 5. Microfilzi or other copies of selected official records of federal 4. Records of the Democratic National Committee,and of related national political organizations actively supporting the Kennedy candidacy departments and agencies' that may be useful in documenting the major policies of the Kennedy administration and which should be available in the Library, although the originals ultimately will be preserved in the National Archives. Published Materials 1. Monographic Works: All books and pamphlets published in the United States or abroad that deal chiefly with President Kennedy, his admin- istration, and its policies and programs; and selected books that deal sig- nificantly with the national and international scene during the 1960's, particularly those achieving wide recognition as influential contributions to the political, social, and economic thought of the period. 2. United States Official Publications: All Congressional documents for the period of the administration (and selected documents for the period of his Congressional career) including the Record. Directory, House and Senate reports, documents, hearings, and committee prints; and selected publications of federal departments and agencies dealing with their his- tory, policies, programs and activities during the Kennedy administration. (Purely routine, tecbnical, and other public and instructional materials Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP73-00402R000100190023-9 Approved Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP73-O R000100190023-9 A will, as a rule, not be acquired.) 3. Publications of Other Governments end of Interna;ional Organiza- tions: Selected documents issued by State and local Governments of the United States and of foreign Governments dealing chiefly and significantly with domestic and foreign policies of the United States; microtexts ? United Nations documents, 1945-70; and microtexts of documents of the Organization of American States and of similar international organizations fir the same period. 4. Periodicals and Newspapers: Files of leading American news- magazines, major American and foreign journals wf opinion, and of selected professional and scientific journals for the period 1955-70 (to be acquired in bound form where possible); and files of selected domestic and foreign newspapers (the New York Times in printed form, others in microtext) f'r the period 1955-70. As a rule collections of press clippings and other ephemera will be acquired only if they are well-arranged, and provide a useful subject approach to the periodical and newspaper literature of the period. 5. General Reference Works: Bibliographies, guides, indexes, and catalogs normally required in any special library; and, in addition, those major publications in the fields of archival, library, and museum administration that will be required by the professional activities of the Library staff.. Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP73-00402R000100190023-9 !? 'Approved Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP73-04R000100190023-9 5. , Other Types -)f Research Materials 1. Still pictures made by leading press and commercial'photog- raphers and collections of privately made photographs which relate to the President, his family, or his administration that significantly supplement the collection of "White House photographs. 2. Motion pictures, kinescopes, and sound recordings produced by commercial organizations which relate to the same subjects and signifi- cantly supplement the White House collections of such materials. Museum Materials Most museum objects will be received in the Library directly from or through the President or members of his family. In supplementing these materials, the Library should accept gift items and collections from private individuals or organizations if (a) they have significant commemora- tive or historical value as Kennedy memorabilia; (b) they are mementoes of leading personalities associated with the administration; or (c) they have special merit because of their artistic or cultural value per se. As a general rule, museum items or collections will not be purchased. Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP73-00402R000100190023-9 Approved For Release 2006/09%25 A-RDP73-00402R000100190023-9 I To PRESIDENT KMQ= UNARY PROJECT AREA IND IWAI DCI Mr. Mtone, Mr. Cline EXEC. DYR/COMP Mr. Iirltpat Mr. Helps, M. COUNSM W. Houston, . Carter, cit, PUBLIC APP'. Col. Gro,nChretien DDS Col. White, LEG. STA?F C TRAL RIFF. Paul Borel H.I.C. W. Pforzheimer Q/SECURITY Director NIPS Mr. Parrott FDD FBI8 Chief NIE Director NPIC Mr. Lundhall Mr. Elder, I Edwards O'1 ER IUVICIM CONTACTS Nat. Archives Dr. Wayne Grover, Karl Trever, Dr. Rhoads, Herman Kahn Dept. of Justice Mr. Robert Kennedy* Mr. Oberdorfer State Mr. Dutton White House Mr. Schlesinger, Gen. Clifton,, Mr. Bundy SECRET TRANSMITTALS TO NATIONAL ARCH FOR THE PRRID ;NT mom= LAY 1. 5 Mar. 64 - Five speeches by Mr. Dulles. Recording of President Kennedy award to Mr. Dulles and 10 other items of Foreign Press Commentaries on various topics of 1961-63. # 2. 16 Mar. 64 - Text and Explanation of Statutes and Executive Orders related ttY a Agency. # 3. 18 Mar. 64 - # 4. 23 Mar. 64 - Another 122 FBIS items. (Middle East, Africa, & West Europe.) 5. 25 Mar. 64 - Another 131 FBIS items. (USSR and East Europe.) # 6. 31 Mar. 64 - Another 148 FBIS items. (Far East ar Latin America) # 7. 26 May6464 - FBIS Analysis Reports on Cuba and Assassination # 8. 15 Sep. 64 - Thirteen photos of Pres. Kennedy at CIA Building # 9. 21 Sep. 64 - Three boxes of FBIS Report (1960-63 on ME, AF, WE, FE, USSR, ER, LA.) #10. 1 Oct. 64 - Eighteen 3-ring binders of Cuba Press Clippings #11. 12 Oct. 64 - Fourteen photos of Pres. Kennedy swearing in new #12. 21 Oct. 64 - #13. 25 Nov. 64 - #14. 16 Feb. 65 - DCI, Mr. McCone. Foreign Radio and Press Treatment Report on Warren Commission Jan. 61 thru Nov. 63 3 binders of Soviet and Chinese reactions to pres. Kennedy Speeches and Press Confe. A list of 46 Reports and Documents retained by the Agency for the Pres. Kennedy Library because of the sensitivity of the matters included in them. (The list itself is classified SECRET.) SECRET Approve Approved For Release 2006/09/25ap 73-00402R000100190023-9 tt Spec. Assist. to Pres., Schlesinger to DCI McCone - 20 Sep 62 (Request for liaison officer on proposed Pras. Kennedy Library) 2. Assist. Dir. Paul Sorel to Archivist Grover - 5 Nov 62 appointed Agency representative) (DCI is overseas and will return 1 Feb.) 8. Mr. Houston Memo on Informal Coordinating Group Plans - 28 Jan 64 (Group to Mr. Houston, ParrottsL '1 Pforzheimer, Edwards 6. Mr. Houston to Atty Gen. Robt. Kennedy - 22 Jan 64 (Reply to L memo of 13 Jan. Agency is progressing.) 7. Mr. Houston to Atty. Gen. Robert Kennedy - 24 Jan 64 0 His meeting at National Archives on Library Plans) 3. Memo for Record - 20 Nov 62 25X1 4. to Assist. to Director 0. 19 Max' 63 0 on Director's participation Jn Library) 5. General Counsel Houston to Exec.Dir lcompt - 20 Jan 64 to participation) (He and Dir. of Sec. meeting with Nat'l Archives and Justice Dept. to explain security of sources and methods and limits 9. Mr. Houston an 3 Feb. meeting of Coordinating Group - 10 Feb 64 (Progress and assignments for action.) 10. Mr. Houston to Assist. Sec. of State Dutton - 24 Mar 64 (DCI and Deputy will participate in Oral History Project when they return) 11. Mr. Houston to HIC - 10 Apr 64 (Approval to spend $500 on foreign book purchases for Library) 12. Mr. Houston to Atty. Gen. Robert Kennedy - 13 Apr 64 (Information about foreign book purchasing prc,ect by Agency) Approved Release 2000 ?, pIA-RDP73-00R000100190023-9 SAMPLING OF THE CORRESPONDENCE FROM THE PRESIDENT KENNEDY LIBRARY PROJECT Spee.Assist. to Press.)Schle/singer to DCI McCone - 20 Sept 62 (Request for liaison offffiicer on proposed Pres. Kennedy Library) 2. Asst. Dir. Paul Borel to Archivist Grover - 5 Nov. 62 ppo~nted Agency representative) 3. Memo for Record - 20 Nov. 62 s meeting at National Archives on Library Plans) 4. to Assistant to Director 19 Mar. 63 (Info on Director's participation in Library) 5. Gen. Counsel Houston to Exec.Dir./Compt - 20 Jan. 64 (He and Dir. of Sec. meeting with Nat'l Archives and Justice Dept. to explain security of sources and methods and limits to participation) 6. Mr. Houston to Atty Gen. Kennedy - a Jan. 64 (Reply to RFK memo of 13 Jan. Agency is progressing.) 7. Mr. Houston to Atty Gen. Kennedy - 24 Jan.r64 (DCI is overseas and will return 1 Feb.) 8. Mr. Houston Memo on Informal Coordinating Grou Flans - 28 Jan. 64 (Group of Mr. Houston, Parrott., Pforzheimer, Edwards & 9. Mr. Houston on 3 Feb. meeting of Coordinating Group - 10 Feb. 64 (Progress and assignments for aetion. ) 25X1 25X1 0 109 Mr. Houston to Asst Sec of State Dutton - 24 Mar. 64 (DCl and Deputy will participate in Oral History Project when thy return) 11. Mr. Houston to HIC - 10 Apr. 64 (Approval to spend $500 en foreign book purchases for Library) 12. Mr. Houston to Atty Gen. Kennedy - 13 Apr. 64 (Information about foreign book purchasing project by Agency) Transmittals by 5 p by /~ //11/~ 111//, for; press. #1: Mar; b4 - Five s eechas b Mr. Dulles and 2. 16 Mar; 64 - Statutes and text and Exec.: Ordersrelated to Agency 3. 18 Mar: 64 - Some 120,FBIS items.. 4; 23 Mar, 64 - Another 122 FBIS items. (Middle East Africa,. &.West Air.) 25 Mar, 64 - Another 131 FBIS items. (USSR and-East Eur.) 6. '31 Mar. 64-- Another 1148 FBIS items.. (Far East and Latin America) ~. 26 May-64 - FB~S Analysis ;Reports on Cuba and Assksination $, 25_SeYp '64 = Thirteen photos of Kennedy at CIA Building 9. 21 Se t. 64-- Three boxes of FBIS Report ((]~$q6O-63 on NMEE Af 10, FE, USSR,FE,LA 2:0. 1 Oct.-64 --w Eighteen'3-ring binders of ba Press Clil5pinjs 'T-Approved For Release 2006/09M : CIA-RDP73-00402R0001001:90023-9