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Publication Date: 
October 20, 1997
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Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP72-00450R000100100038-9 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Agency printing requirements in FY 1967 amounted to just over 300 million impressions and 5.6 million photo- graphic items at a cost of some Fifty-six percent of the impressions and 90 percent of the photo- graphic items were produced by the Printing Services Division, Office of Logistics. The remainder is produced by several smaller facilities within the Agency as well as by the Government Printing Office and private firms. Agency printing facilities in general appear adequate to the task of serving printing requirements at a cost which is reasonable and compares favorably with printing costs outside the Agency. The Study Group attempted to examine the problem of unnecessary printing, seeking out material which shouldn't be printed or which is printed in too many copies. Very little of this type of printing was uncovered. Undoubtedly there is some unnecessary printing being produced but it would appear that it is quite small and in comparison to the total, insignificant. The present rather informal method of establishing printing priorities by negotiation is apparently working quite well. We recommend that the present system of establishing printing priorities be continued and that the Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP72-00450R000100100038-9 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP72-0045OR000100100038-9 system of constraints on the use of graphics established within the DDI also be continued. In order to realize any significant savings in printing costs, reductions would have to be made in the major programs such as the National Intelligence Surveys which take nearly 30 percent of PSD's budget, current intelligence reporting (almost 16 percent), Central Reference Service requirements for photographs and (7 percent) or NPIC printing which has a separate annual printed forms (12 percent), the No other Agency program requires as much as 4 percent of PSD's budget. NIS production is the most expensive volume printing job in the Agency. At roughly $.ll per page it is 55 times more costly than the least expensive, the NIS publications contain high quality printing with an extensive use of pictures, graphics and tabular material. NIS publications are gradually being phased into the EPIC system of automatic composing. While this conversion will eventually reduce the cost of an NIS page to approximately $.098 it will by the standards of other Agency publications, still be expensive. While the Study Group does not recommend the deliberate cheapening Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP72-0045OR000100100038-9 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP72-0045OR000100100038-9 of NIS printing standards, it does urge that consideration be given to at least reducing the use of graphics which is an important factor in the overall costs. at $ .002 per page is the least expensive volume printing in the Agency. Nevertheless, there are problems with the printing. The sheer volume and the timeliness with which it must be printed requires second shift cil"-ration and long press runs. The capacity of the presses and collators limit the number of pages which can be published daily. = has requested an increase in the daily page limit of some 60 pages which would require an increase in the number of printers employed. The Study Group has examined the feasibility of this request, keeping in mind the tight budget situation which currently prevails. While sympathetic to the feelings of that useful information must now be left out because of the limitation, we have not been able to establish that a significant loss of important information is involved. A study now underway in the DDI is examining the feasibility of automating the publication cycle. If this turns out to be feasible, the automatic composer which will be used will be capable of virtually doubling the number of words per page thus Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP72-0045OR000100100038-9 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP72-00450R000100100038-9 making the present request unnecessary. We recommend, therefore, that the present daily page limitation on the be continued until such time as an automated system is adopted. NPIC's present composing system is comprised of a computer-driven chain printer for publications with short deadlines and a rather antiquated ATF composer for more formal publications. NPIC has completed a cost study which reveals that by switching to a Photon 713 automatic composer, there would be a cost saving over the next ten years of more than $135 thousand. In addition, because NPIC reports composed on a Photon 713 would consist of far fewer pages, savings in the Government in top secret storage costs might well exceed $100 thousand. In any event, the implementation of the National Tasking Plan over the next few years will increase NPIC's printing load considerably and will necessitate some new faster method of composing. For these reasons we recommend that NPIC be authorized to purchase a Photon 713 composer. While the origination of Agency forms requires the approval ~; of the Central F Man gemen?t Staff there "s been a proliferation of unofficial forms over which little or control is exercised. We recor.,:n:o.;?d ` he Records Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP72-0045OR000100100038-9 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP72-00450R000100100038-9 - U -4 V Mana? ement officer in each component of the Agency hose a 6reater responsibility for the forms _produced in his component etad be required to exercise greater control over their creation and reproduction and that all forms r_nting requests including reprints require the approval of e h en ,ra Forms Management Staff. An examination of the publishing of current intelli- gence reports does not reveal any urgent need for change although it seems to the Study Group that a greater use of the IB1',I Selectromatic Composer which OCI presently has would permit the publishing of consid:rably fewer pages with a resulting savings in cost. Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP72-00450R000100100038-9