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V. Possible alternative systems, their effectiveness: A. Allocation of printing Services Resources by a S orn of. Publication Priorities A report on Printing Services from Assistant Deputy Director (Intelligence) for Management to Deputy Director (Support), 2 January 1964, presented a concept for assigning reproduction priorities to intelligence products so as to (1) distinguish between production efforts on the basis of urgency of need, and (2) to justify a given level of graphics. (The report noted a trend within the DD/I toward the use of costly graphics to improve the general appearance of publications of all categories; and a general tendency, again within the DD/I, to submit requisitions to PSD with short deadlines and high priorities with too little regard that this practice required overtime work.) Priorities were established in five categories (I, II, III, IV2 V) to govern relative urgency of reproduction, and in five (A, B, C, D, E) to indicate authority to resort to a given level of use of graphics. These two indicators, each with its own message, were to be used in concert, for example, I-B, III-C (See Appendix )? Over time, this concept of publication priorities has been honored more by disuse than by use. As has been indicated before, most Agency components have established their needs and priorities for printing on the basis of the nature of their work and its urgency. This priority is reflected in the deadline date indicated on the Printing Requisition Form. The printing facilities schedule their printing workloads according to these deadlines. Deadline problems under this informal priority system have been minor. User Charge System The Inspector General's Survey of Printing Services Division, September 1966, concluded that present procedures for cost allocation and control provide little incentive for customers to reduce printing and reproduction costs. Possible alternatives were discussed including a "user charge system" which would require customer components to include printing costs in their own budgets. This system was rejected as infeasible in view of the Agency's centralized approach to -4 .y.,~( t L VTrET Approved For Release 2007/10/23 : CIA-RDP72-00450R000100100035-2 budgeting and the fact that the largest single item of cost to PSD is the salaries one which cannot easily he allocated to users. The IG Survey considered that such a "cost accounting case may be more painful than the disease. C. Use of Contractual Printing (GPO, private firms) All printing requirements levied on the Government Printing Office (GPO) are channeled through PSD which approves and signs off on the invoice. These requirements must be unclassified, involve a large quantity of printing -- usually over 20,000 impressions per job, and entail work of a specialty nature which would overtax the facilities of PSD. Few Agency requirements for printing meet these criteria. Private Firms Contracts for printing with provate firms are negotiated by the Procurement Division of the Office of Logistics. Such printing during FY 67 consisted entirely of unclassified forms of a specialty nature. nr-T t4l1 L.1 Approved For Release 2007/10/23 : CIA-RDP72-0045OR000100100035-2 ? s ULUIIL7- External photographic work is handled by PSD. Continuance of these external photographic contracts is felt to be essential, especially during periods of excessively heavy workloads for PSD and to do work for which it would not be economical to equip PSD. Cominercial prices paid for this work are reasonable and in line with in-plant costs.