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Publication Date: 
June 4, 1968
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AB Copy Approved For Release 2007/10/23 : CIA-RDP72-0045OR000100100024-4 4 dune 1968 25X1 MEMORANDUM FOR: Mr. j'4~- 1I Printing Requirements and Equipment Survey Team 1. Your inquiry as to any possible excessive production of Agency forms touches a few problem areas in which our Forms Management Program is concerned and has only a limited influence: a. Requests to produce copies of any new forms are channeled through this office and as part of the review process we include questions as to copies needed in the operation and the total production requested. We frequently reduce or increase the print- ing order to provide a supply of forms that will last 12 to 18 months. Unfortunately, from that point on this Staff has no con- trol over production. The requester can return to Printing Services for whatever reprints he may desire. We are not consulted again until the form is revised. (As you may note on the attached sta- tistics there are three to five times as many reprints as there are new requests or revisions). We feel all forms requests should channel through this Staff and we have requested such a procedure be established. Such a recommendation by your Committee would be in line with forms management as we see it here. In our last budget we requested additional personnel for this control and for an increased effort in correspondence and reports management con- trols. b. The second problem area is the "homemade" or "bootleg" forms produced on office copy machines, dittos, and in the Printing Services. Such forms production is incalculable. We estimate there are 5 to 10 bootleg forms for every one of the 2,700 official forms. Many bootleg forms are small tests or of little volume and should not become part of the official forms system. But, many require much personnel and office time to create, produce, store, and distribute. Even worse these bootleg efforts are of marginal quality and frequently consume an excess of time whenever they are used, We have requested tighter con- trol in Printing Services Division on all requests to print forms. Likewise internal office reproduction should be controlled by component Records Management Officers. 6 9 hlf I111-'111TIA1 nnair1fr'11ITI A I Approved For Release 2007/10/23 : CIA-RDP72-00450R000100100024-4 25X1 c. In0 are stored the supply of "stock" forms used in more than one office and distributed through the Building Supply Rooms. Most of these stock forms are the heavy volume items of hundreds of thousands of copies per year. Close control by Office of Logistics is maintained over stock levels. New forms and revisions are coordinated with us and the Office of Primary Interest. On revisions we arrange to have old supplies used before the new is issued. Occasionally an organizational or procedural change obsoletes some forms which must then be destroyed. The problem here is the casualness and sometimes indifference with which a change or revision is initi- ated and orders given to dispose of thousands df forms. We recommend against this where appropriate and feasible but we have no authority to override Such operating requirements. 2, In light of the foregoing circumstances I can respond tg your question by the following: The present Forms Management Program does limit and control initial production of new and revised forms but should have similar controls over subsequent reprint production, as well as over non- official temporary forms, and the obsoleting of certain existing forms. The exact magnitude of the excesses in forms production is unknown because it is outside the purview of today's forms control. The Records Management Officer in each component of the Agency should have greater responsibility for the forms produced in his component and should be required to exercise greater control over their creation and reproduction. All forms printing requests should require the approval of the Central Forms Management Staff or the component Records Management Officer. Distribution: Orig - addressee 1 - RAB File 25X1 DDS/SSS/RAB/ fa3 (I+ June 68) GBNFIaEN FhSt MISSING PAGE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT MUSSING PAGE(S): No A71 4c H L'w 1