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Approved For Release 2005/06/09 :CIA-RDP72-003378000400020043-6 . S 19586 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE December 8; .T 970 tion, executive office, 81st Congress, first session. I ask unanimous consent that the report be printed; together with trio individual views of the senior Senator from ~Tew York (Mr. JAVIxs). The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. SPONG), The report will be received, and .trio convention will be placed on the Ex- ecutive Calendar; and without objectioxr, the report-will be printed, as requested by the Senator from Idaho. '. BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS INTRODUCED OR REPORTED Bills and joint resolutions were intro- duced, read the first time, and, by unani- mous consent, trio second time, and re- ferred or placed on the calendar, as fol- lows: B.y Mr. MONDALE: . ~ S. 4bfi9. A bill for the relief a4 Freny Rus- tom Irani; to the Gbmmittee on the Judi- oiary, By Mr. HART: S. 4b70. A bill to amend the Wild and Sceuto Rivers Act by dcait;nating certain rivers in trio State oi' Michigan for potential additions to the National Wild and Scenic River Systems; to the Committee on interior .and Insular Affairs. -~ (The remarks of Mr. HART when he intro-. duced the bill appear below under the ap-. propriate heading. ) By Mr. STF7NNIS: S. 4b71. A bill . to amend trio Central Iu- fl?om Loud Reservoir to the source of trio river, including the principal tributaries but excluding Mio and Bamfield Reser- voirs; and the Manistee, upstream from Manistee Lake to the river's source, in- cluding its principal tributaries but ex- cluding Tippy and Hadenpyl Reservoirs. These rivers and wildlands through which they pass are great resources for the people of Michigan and the Nation. They are, however, greatly endangered by the all-too-common threat of devel- opments that would mar their scenic beauty and dilute their wild character. Much of the land along the Au Sable and the .Manistee-including its tributary, the Pine River-is owned by the Con- sumels Power Co. They have in the past leased some of these lands for private development. Proposals fol? further leas- ing this spring focused widespread atten- tion on the endangered future of these river lands. To its credit, the power com- pany has delayed its leasing plans for rile moment. Nevertheless, the threatened ftiture of these rivers is clear. Wo must move rapidly to forestall that threat, and I am most eager, as are Michigan's conserva- tion-minded citizens, to cooperate in this endeavor. Development is prohibited while a riv- er is under study. If it is determined that a river should be protected permanently, tclligence Agency Retirement Act o! 1004 for additional legislation i5 requil'ed to add Certain Exnploycos, as amended, and for other it to the wild rivers system. purposes; placed on trio calendar. The Departments of Interior and Ag- (Itoforonco- is made W trio brill when ro- riCUltut'C, which administer the wild riv- ported by Mr. STENNI9, which appears earlier ers program,'llave indicated interest in in the RECORD under the heading "Raporta. trio Michigan rivers. " of Committees :) By Mr. BYRD of West Virglnfa (for Mr. YOIIND of Ohio) S. 4b72. A bill authorizing the construc- tion, repair, and preservation of certain pub- lic works on rivers and harbors for naviga- tion, flood control, and for other purposes; placed on the calendar, (Reference is" made to the bill when re- ported by Mr. BYRD of West Virginia; which appears earlier in the RECOI,D under the head- i'ug "Reports of Committees.") By Mr. JAVITS (by request) S.S. Res.,246. Joint resolution?to provide for a temporary prohibition of strikes or lockouts with respect to the current railway labor-management dispute; to the Commit- tee on Labor and Public Welfare. (The remarks of Mr. JAVIT9 when he in- troduced the ioint resolution appear earlier in the RECORD under the appropriate head- ing. ) By-Mr. RANDOLPH: S.J. Res. 247. Joint resolution expressing the support of the Congress that the United States should convene in 1971 an Interna- tional Conference oix Ocean Dumping; to trio Committee on Foreign Relations. I am introducing the legislation at this time, not expecting that it will be passed iii the few remaining days of natural beauty attracts canoeists, camp- ers, and cabin dwellers. The kind of excel- lence typified by the Au Sable, however, is fragile and can easily deteriorate through neglect, mismanagement, and apathy. Once again, in March of this year, in .its response to Michigan Ilouse Con- current Resolution 356, the Michigan De- partment of Natural Resources rester- . ated its previously stated recominenda- . tion that substantial sections of the Au Sable and Manistee riverfronts be left undeveloped. Specifically, the DNR re- sponse indicated that the lands consum- ers proposed to lease fell within the sec- tions DNR had recommended for preser- vation. Early in the new Congress, I will in- troduce similar legislation and will urge early consideration of it. The PRESIDING OFFICER (M2?, SPONG). The bill will be received and ap- propriately referred. Trio bill (S. 4570) to amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act by designating cortaiti I?ivcrs in the State of 1Vfichign.u far potbntial additions to rile National Wild and Scenic River Systems, intro- duced by Mr. HART, was received, read twice 'by its title and referred to trio , Committee on Interior and Insular Af- fairs. ADDITIONAL COSPONSOR OF A BILL s. aaaa At the request o~f the Srnatar (roan Hawaii (Mr. INOUYE), the Senator fx?oln Now Jersey (Mr. WIrnlnlvls) was added as a cosponsor of S. 423$, the Universal Ei~ro]1me11t Act. this session, but in hopes that it will ESTABLISHMENT OF A FEDERAL afford the rivers some degree of protec- BROKER-DEALER .INSURANCE tion and will encourage the Consumers CORPORATION-AMENDMENT Power Co., to discontinue further leasing oP its lands and perhaps gradually tO AMENDMENT NO, x096 phase out existing leases. MI?. BROOKE. Mr. President, I rise to- The Manistee and Au Sable Rivers day to discuss matters of utmost im- have long been recognized as among the portance to all Americans the health and outstanding recreational 1?ivers in the stability of our national securities mar- 1VIidwest. At the national level, the Man- kets and investor confidence in these in- istee River was recognized in .the 1963- stitutiolis. G4 wild river study conducted by the In recent years, the number of Amer- U.S. Department of Interior and Agri- icons owning securities has grown sig- culture as meeting national criteria, and nificantly to the point wYlere more than the wild and scenic rivets bills intro- 30 million Americans presently own duced in Congress by the administi?a- shares in U.S, industry including 1,214,- tfon in 1967 and 1968 included the Man- 000 citizens of my own State. This growth istee in the study category on rivers. has been possible because of trio trust and At the State leve], both trio Au Sable confidence investors have placed in our and Manistee were recognized in a 1965 national securities markets, the brokel?s Michigan Department of Natural Re- -and dealers who represent them, and the sources report to have natural and rec- 1?egulatol?y bodies which protect the pub- lie interests. Congress has contributed reational values of major significan e , c S. 4570-INTRODUCTION OF A' BILL and it was recommended that sevel?al to this confidence by its belief that in- TO AMEND THE WILD AND SCENIC. stretches of riverfront be kept free of dustrys~lf-regulation, coupled with over- RIVERS ACT development. Again, in the foreword to .. sight by the Securities and Exchange a Department of Natux?al Resources Bul- ? Commission produces an effective regula- - Mr. HART. Mr. President, I am intro- let]n entitled, "Michigan's Au Sable Riv- tol?y stiuctul?e. duciiig a bill designed to stop develop- et: Today and Tomorrow," written by Events have taken place in recent ment temporarily on scenic sections of 'G. E. Hendrickson and published in 1966, months involving the failure of a number Michigan's Au Sable and Manistee Riv- . Gerald E. Eddy, 'then Chairman of trio of larger brokerage firms-as well as the ors. The bill would add those sections to Michigan Water Res urces Commission, "shotgun marriages" of still others-- the list of 27 rivets under study for pos- .stated: 9 which have, however, weakened investor Bible addition to the National Wild and ,cast a cloud on industry Scenic Rivers r~?~@~p~yQd FOr R@I@as~ ~QQ~~o~~'~~0~~4~ Rs a viable concept: An .:The sections"d'R'hdted by this legislation Michigan' river. Cool clean flowing water, estimated 150 brokerage firms have en- would be; the Au Sable, downstl?eam natural cover, ana gravel spawning beds tered into liquidation. Hundl?eds of oth- frozi} ~'fI9~ ~alll ~ pseq~a gz}~ U~s~l?@~~, Fil~k~ it ~ti outststlding trout i~Great~l, zta ors ,have lied to mores m? ~?t nA.~r~ ~n_ . Approved For Release 2005/06/09 :CIA-RDP72-003378000400020043-6 'December 8, Y9T0 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -- SENATE and other sources before the Senate is asked to take action. Serious question has been raised as to what the real pur- pose was, and I would not like- to see the Senate egmmit itself without more knowledge as ' to _ what really was the background. I do not wish to sidetrack .the resolution altogether. I think is is significant, and I would undertake to report it back to the Senate within 10 days. j Ml?, DOLE. As the Senator from Ar- kansas has pointed out,. we have dis- cussed Senate Resolution 486 and some of the questions raised by the Senator from Arkansas. As I indicates: to him, my purpose and my hope is that the entire' Senate will have the opportunity to. ex- press its will on the resolution, I have no objection to its going to the commit- tee to be reported back prior to adjoul;n- ment, with the understanding that the Senator from Kansas believes we will be here 10 more days. For that reason, T have no objection to the Senator's re- quest. Mr, FULBRIGHT, `Mr. President, I move that the pending resolution-be re- ferred to the Committee on Foreign Re-' lotions with instructions to report it? .back within 10 days. Tho PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr: BYRD of Virginia) . Without objection, it is so ordered. COMMUNICATIONS FROM EXECU- TIVE DEPARTMENTS; ETC. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- pore (Mr, ALLEN) laid before the Senate the following letters, which were re- ferred as indicated: UNITED ~'rATEa AIR FORCE FLYING PAY REPORT A letter Prom the Secretary, Departmenb oY tiro Air Force, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Air Force flying pay report as of October 31, 1970 (with an accompanying report); to the Committee on Armed Services,. PROPOSED LEGI6LATION SOR AVERTING THIi' THREATENED NATIONWIDE RAIL DI$PiJTH' A letter Yrom the Secretary oP Labor, trans- mitting a draft of proposed legislation to provide Tor a temporary prohibition oY strikes or lockottta with respect to the cur- rent railway labor-management dispute (with oat accompanying pnper) ; to the Cotn- mlttee on Lh,bor and Public Welfare, Interior and Insular Afliairs, without amendment: H.R. 14421. An sot to provide for the con- veyance of certain property of the United States located in Lawrence County, S. Dak., to John and Ruth Rachetto (Refit. No, 91-1418). By Mr. FULBRIGHT, from the Committee on Foreign Relations, without amend- ment ?H.R. 18012. An act to amend the For- eign Service Building Act, 1020, to autitarize additional tipproprlationa (Rcpt. No, 91- 1420). S I9585 EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF COMMLx'TEES As in executive session, the following favorable reports of nominations were submitted: By Mr. FULBRIGHT, Pram the Committee on Foreign Relations: Robert O. Blake; of Califorula, a Foreign Service officer oY class 1, to be Ambassador . Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 'to the Re- public of Mali; and John A. McKesson 3d, of the Disl;rtct of Columbia, a Foreign Service ofilcer of class 1, to be Ambassador Extraordinary ,and Pleni- AMENDMENT_~F! -_CENTRAL _LNTEL- potentiary to the Gabon Republic. E AGENCY RETIREMEIV~ Mrs. SMITH. Mr. President, from the "AO~?OP 1964_-FOR CERTAIN EM-; Committee on Armed Services, I report ?ISI CS"YEES REPORT OF . - A COM- `~2I'I"FEE (S. KEPT. NO. 91-1419) Mr, STENNIS, from the Committee on Armed Services, reported an original bill (S. 4571) to amend the Central Intel- ligence Agency Retirement Act of 19G4 for certain employees, as amended, and for other pu1?poses, and submitted a re- port. thereon, which bill was placed on the calendar, and the report was ordered to be printed. THE FEDERAL INSURANCE GUAR- ANTY AGENCY ACT-REPORT OF A GOIdIIVIITTEE-MINORITY AND SUPPLEMENTAL VIEWS (S. KEPT. NO. 91-1421) Mr. MAGNUSON. Mr. President, from the Committee on Commerce, I report favorably, with amendments, the bill (S. 2236) to create a Federal Insurance Guaranty -Corp., to protect the Amer1- can public against certain insurance. celnpany insolvencies. I ask unanimous consent that the report be printed, to- gether with minority and supplemental views. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr, SPONG). The report will be received, and the bill will be placed on the calendar; and, without objection, the report w11T be printed, as requested by the Senator from Washington. OMNIBUS RIVERS .AND HARBORS AND FLOOD CONTROL FILL OF 1970-REPORT OF A COMMITTEE-- INDIVIDUAL VIEWS (S. REPT. NO, 91-1422) e egu ar Army in the grade of majo REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Pres- and below. Since these names have al The following reports of committees ident, at the request of my senior col- ready been printed in the CONGRESSIONAL were submitted: league (Mr. RANDOLPH), and on behalf of RECORD, I ask unanimous consent tha By Mr. BIBLE, from the Committee on In- the 'senior Senator from Ohio (Mr. they be ordered to lie on the Secreta.ry's terior and Insular Aifaira, with an amend-. YOUNG), from the Committee on Public desk for the information of any Senator ment: Works, ~ report favorably an original bill The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without S. 4. A bill to establish the Big Thicket (S? 4572) authorizing the construction, objection, it is so ordered. National Park in Texas (Kept. No. 91-141b)? repair, and preservatiolY of certain pub- The nominations, ordered to lie on the By Ivlr. HART,. from the committee on the lie works on rivers and harbors for navi- desk, are as follows: Judiciary, without amendment: gation, flood control, and for other pur- S. 2299. A bill granting jttrisdiction to the Edward A. Fedok, and sundry other per- Court of Claims to render judgmellt on cer- poses. I ask unanimous consent that the sons, for appointment in the Regular Army twin claims of the Algonao Manufacturing report be printed, together with the indi- Company and John A. Maxwell against the victual views of file Senator Prom Kansas United states (91-141x), (Mr. DOLE), and the individual views of ,GENOCIDE CONVENTION-EXECU- By Mrs, SMITH, from the Committee on the Senator from Delaware (Mr. I30GC5), T1VE REPORT OF A COMMI7'7.'li.L:- Arnmd Services, without amcnchnont: The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. IP7DIVIDUAL VIEWS (EXECU'I'IV.E II.R. 8063. An act to amend the Act of SroNG) .The report will be received REPT. N0.91-25) September 20, 1988 (Public Law 90-b02), to ,and provide relief to cer n former ra the bill Will ~e,~ p oer~ t~ President, from the Supply Corps andlrQ1~86,ev~~tu~i3oiaq~~'c~~-`~3~~~1~~~4~r~,oign Relations, I oY the Navy (Kept. No. 91-1417). be printed, as requested by the Senator report favorably,. with understandiligs By Mr. cz3URCx, frown the Committee on from West Virginia. and a. declaration, the genocide conven- favorably on. the nomination of eight " flag and general officers in the Army and Marine Corps. I ask that these names be placed on the Executive Calendar, .The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. BELL- MoNT. Without objection, ft is so ordered. The nominations, ordered placed on the Executive Calendar, are as follows: Maj. Gen. William Charles Gribble, Jr. , V,S. Army, to? be assigned to a position of importance and responsibility designated by the President, in the grade of lieutenant gen- eral; Lt. Gen. Henry Augustine Miley, Jr., Army of the United States (major general, U.S. Army), to be assigned to positions oY im- portance and responsibility designated by the President, in the grade of general; Nfaj-, Gen. Woodrow Wilson Vaughan, U.S. Army, to be assigned to positions of impor- tance and responsibility designated by the President, in the grade oP lieutenant general; Maj, Gen, Robert Ray Williams, U.S. Army, _, to be assigned to a position of importance and responsibility designated by the Presi- dent, in the grado of lieutonatit general.; Maj, Gens, Hugh M, Elwood and Donn J. Robertson, U,S. Marine Corps, for commands and other dtttics determined by the Presi- dent to bo within tiro contemplation of salcl section, fo}? appointment to the grado of lieutenant genm?al while so serving; Lt. Gen. Keith B. McCutcheon, U.S. Marine Corps, for appointment to the grado oY general while serving as Assistant Com-. mandant of the Marine Corps; ' Gen. Lewis W, Walt, U.S. Marine CoI?ps, when retired, to be placed on the retired list Sn the grado oP general; and Lt. Gen. Wlllinm J, Van Ryzht, U.S. iLiarlttc Corps, when retired, to be placed on the re- tired list in the grade of lieutenant general. Mrs. SMITH, Mr. President, in addition I report favorably 225 appointments in th R l r - t . .