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Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R0II002-5 7 SECRET In alls 4 Out 2 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Friday - 28 March 1969 1. (Secret - JMM) Talked with Bill Woodruff, Assistant Chief Clerk, Senate Appropriations Committee, regarding the handling of Senator Symington's request for information on the Agency budget which he could use to refute distorted information on this subject. Woodruff agreed such information should not be surfaced in any form, but recommended we should not try to put all the responsibility on Senator Russell for the holddown; Woodruff would prefer we take the position with Symington that budget figures are especially sensitive for many reasons, that all of our Subcommittees have always insisted on it being very closely held; and that once this issue is opened up there is no way to draw the line on further revelations. 2. (Unclassified - JMM) Assistant Secretary of State for Congressional Relations William B. Macomber told me today that his office has not been called upon to take any action on the Hill regarding the Ervin bill, although there is some concern in the Department about the problems which it would create. 3. (Secret - JMM) Met with Senator Stuart Symington in response to his query about the Agency budget. The Senator explained he wanted to say something to refute the recent seriously exaggerated public statements on the subject. I pointed out the problems this would cause and the Senator agreed to defer any action until he had a chance to raise the matter with the Director at a future formal meeting of the Agency Subcommittees. See Memo for Record for details. 4. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Called Representative John Monagan (D., Conn.) in Waterbury, Connecticut, at the request of his Administrative Assistant, Joe Donahue, concerning an individ re-presenting himself as an Agency employee. Mr. Monagan said he knew personally, 25X1 was sure we would not employ him, but felt that he should check an wa . Later, as agreed with the Congressman and based on the advice of I 25X1 advised Joe Donahue thati as not our employee, but we knew of him through similar misrepresentations by him and past contacts with us. Donahue received this in good humor saying that he, too, had known Ifor some 25X1 time and that if he was one of our employees the Congressman would indeed lose his high esteem for the Agency. I told him I had gotten the same impression from Mr. Monagan. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Friday - 28 March 1969 5. (Secret - JMM) Met with Senator Margaret Chase Smith who had recently mentioned to the Director that she still had some questions in mind about the Soviet bomber problem following a recent Agency briefing on the subject. I told her we would be glad to meet with her privately and try to answer any remaining questions she might have. She said she might call on us for this in the next week or two. See Memo for Record for details. In response to Senator Smith's questions regarding recent developments I briefed her on: a. recent failure of Soviet SL-12 Mars probe; b. Soviet naval vessels being supplied to India; c. large scale Soviet naval exercises in North Atlantic; d. intensified Soviet satellite reconnaissance; e. fragmentary evidence of stresses in Soviet leadership. 6. (Confidential - JMM) Met with Senator Harry F. Byrd and explained to him, in response to an inquiry he had received from Carter Glass, III, General Manager of the Lynchburg newspapers, that 1: 1 ad never been associated wi the Agency. I o Senator Byrd we didn't normally respond to outside inquiries regarding people associated with us, but wanted him to know the facts in this case. I also mentioned briefly to Senator Byrd some facts regarding the Washington Observer Newsletter, which apparently had triggered Glass' query. Senator Byrd volunteered the comment that Glass, although a personal friend, had gotten "pretty far out on a limb, " even to the point of alleging that the Associated Press had fallen under Communist influence. In response to Senator Byrd's question, I said that we had no reliable information on the reasons behind the Soviet failure to complete the originally planned ABM installations around Moscow. The Senator said he still had not made up his mind regarding the Safeguard issue, but present indications were that the Senate would support the Administration position. SECRET 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Friday - 28 March 1969 8. (Secret - JGO) Met with Mr. J.R. Blandford, Chief Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, and reviewed with him responses, for the record, to the questions of Representative Dickinson concerning the number of MIG 21s the Soviets have supplied to Cuba and shipment of SAMs into North Vietnam. Mr. Blandford will review the response to Representative Dickinson. I briefed Mr. Blandford on the Soviet reconnaissance activities in the Chinese border area, Soviet recon satellite activities during March, Soviet space activity and Soviet military equipment to India to include OSA Class guided missile patrol boats. 9. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Representative Glenard P. Lipscomb (R. , Calif.) who advised that he had a letter in his office that is of some interest to him. He would like to discuss it the first of the week. It was also agreed that he would review the Agency responses to his questions concerning shipment of combat materials to North Vietnam, and Soviet, Eastern European, and Communist Chinese economic and military aid to North Korea at that time. Mr. Lipscomb requested an updating of the unclassified paper that was provided for his use last September on the "Soviet threat. " This is an area that he feels is receiving improper emphasis on both the floor of the Congress and in the American press. I advised that I would be pleased to relay his request. 10. (Secret - JGO) Met with Mr. Robert Michaels, House Appropriations Committee staff, and advised that Representative Yates had called the Director and would probably be calling Chairman Mahon concerning Soviet deployment of ABMs around Moscow. The Director advised Mr. Yates that this is classified information but that Chairman Mahon and Chairman Rivers have been briefed. Mr. Michaels advised that he would pass this on to the Chairman. Mr. Michaels requested the Agency's current forecast on the world chromium market. Various items of testimony presented to the Chairman concerning the Rhodesian mines have given rise to a more than mild interest on the Chairman's part as to supplies available to the United States. As follow-up to his request earlier in the week, I provided a copy of the Soviet projected missile forces, 1969 - 1978. I briefed Mr. Michaels on the military equipment supplied to India by the Soviets which was expected to include OSA Class guided missile patrol boats during the next year. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4 Friday - 28 March 1969 11. (Secret - JGO) Met with Mr. Frank Slatinshek, Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, and briefed him on the military equipment supplied to India by the Soviets which was expected to include OSA Class guided missile patrol boats. bOHN M. MAURY -Legislative Counsel cc: Ex/Dir-Compt O /DDCI DD /I DD IS DD /S &T Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin OPPB EA/DDP SECRET 0 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R0003d a,&Q02-5 Calls In SECI t1 Out JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Thursday - 27 March 1969 1. (Secret - JGO) In response to the request of Chairman Rivers, delivered the Committee copy of the transcript of the Director's testimony of 18 March before the Armed Services Committee to Mr. Bllandford, House Armed Services Committee staff, for the Chairman's use during today's hearings of the Secretary of Defense. At the conclusion of the day's hearings, the transcript was returned to the Agency for safekeeping. It was requested that the transcript again be returned to the Committee for Friday's hearing. During the day a technical sweep was made of four of the Committee offices in response to the Chairman's request relayed through Mr. Blandford. 2. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Delivered a personal letter from the Director to Chairman Rivers' office. 3. (Secret - JGO) Met with Mr. Frank Slatinshek, House Armed Services Committee staff, who renewed Representative Otis Pike's, Chairman of the Special Subcommittee on the U. S. S. Pueblo, request for an unclassified version of the Director's testimony of 5 March for publica- tion in the unclassified report of Committee bearings. After discussion of some of the problems inherent in unclassified testimony or appearance in open session by the Director, I advised Mr. Slatinshek that I would relay the request and be back in touch with him. I briefed Mr. Slatinshek on Soviet reconnaissance in Chinese border areas; beginning of preparations for combined Soviet Bulgarian military exercises under Warsaw Pact Commander Yakubovsky; Soviet Naval task force operations in the North Atlantic; and Soviet space activities. 4. (Unclassified. - CEA.) Linda Wahler, in the office of Representative Charles M. Teague (R., Calif. ), called to inquire about communism in the United States on behalf of a constituent. I told her that the Agency has no jurisdiction in this area and suggested she get in touch with the House Committee on Internal Security. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Thursday - 27 March 1969 5. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Mr. David Muchow, Bureau of the Budget, called to ask if we had any views on S. J. Res 75, introduced 11 March, sponsored by Senators Gore and Percy, and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. The resolution establishes a commission for a one-time independent study of weapons technology and factors bearing on strategic decisions. It was agreed that we would review the resolution and determine whether we wished to report to BOB on it. 6. (Internal Use Only - RJK) Delivered FBIS items on an implied Soviet nuclear threat to Red China to Mary Robbins, Senate Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee staff. This information had been requested by Mr. James Gehrig, of the Committee staff. tell us of the results. 7. (Confidential - JMM) Following a discussion Qf the problem with Dr. Proctor, ADDI, I called Robert Michaels, Staff Assistant of the House Appropriations Committee, to say that we were prepared to brief Representative George Andrews (D. , Ala.) in response to his question at a recent hearing before members of the Committee regarding accomplishments of the "Alliance for Progress. " Michaels said he would pass this word to Mr. Andrews and OHN M. MAURY Legislative Couns el cc: Ex/Dir - Compt O/DDCI DD/I DD/S 1717/SRrT D Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin OPPB EA/DDP SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R002-5 4 SECRET I ally 1 I Out 9 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Wednesday - 26 March 1969 1. (Internal Use Only - JGO) In response to his call, met with Mr. Bruce Merkle, Administrative Assistant to Representative William Ind. ), and received from him a personal resume of of Washington. D. C. Mr. Merkle advised that Mr. Bray did not know and,in consequence, was passing the resume as an item of possible interest to the Agency. 2. (Secret - JGO) Met with Mr. Robert Michaels, House Appro- priations Committee staff, who reviewed for the Chairman the chart of Soviet operational launchers, 1960 - 1970, which was used in the briefing of 14 March. Mr. Michaels requested,for the Chairman, advice whether the Agency has completed its forecast for the various missile systems for the period 1971 to 1975. Reviewed with Mr. Michaels response to questions raised during the hearings on 17 March concerning North Korean armistice violations. Mr. Michaels requested that since this question had been raised by Representative Slack, the paper be reviewed with him before inclusion in the transcript. Reviewed with Mr. Michaels, the Agency memorandum concerning shipment of combat material to North Vietnam, which was prepared as a result of questioning by Representative Lipscomb. Mr. Michaels requested that the paper be reviewed with Mr. Lipscomb prior to inclusion in the transcript. 3. (Secret - JGO) In response to his request, met with Mr. J. R. Blandford, Chief Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, who renewed the Chairman's request that a copy of the transcript of the Director's testimony be available at the Committee during Mr. Laird's appearance. Mr. Laird will be appearing tomorrow and Friday before the full Committee. Mr. Blandford also requested a technical sweep of certain of the Committee offices during the day tomorrow. The Office of Security has been advised. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Wednesday - 26 March 1969 4. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Met with Mr. Ralph Devlin, and separately with Mr. Charles Johnson, House Post Office and Civil Service Committee staff, concerning Subcommittee action on the Daniels bills (H. R. 770). It was learned that consideration was given during Sub- committee executive discussion of the bill to the possible need for similar amendment or change in other Federal retirement systems. Their determination was apparently reached that agencies and authority under Foreign Affairs and Armed Services Committees appropriately should be handled by them. The Committee staff is in the process of finalizing the language for inclusion in the amended portions of the bill. 5. (Unclassified - JMM) Talked with Charles Johnson, Staff Director, House Post Office and Civil Service Committee, regarding the Daniels bill (H. R. 770)--he does not think it feasible to try to amend the present version to take care of Agency requirements. See Memo for the Record. cc: Ex/Dir - Compt O/DDCI DD /I DD/S DD/S&T Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin OPPB EA/DDP Item 1 - Personnel SECRET egislative Counsel OHN M. MAURY Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R0Qq,Q702-5 8 Calls 1 ECRET JOURNAL In 2 Out 4 OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Tuesday - 25 March 1969 1. (Secret - GLC) Met with Lieutenant Colonel Seymour Schwiller, on the staff of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. I provided him with briefings on compartmented security categories and obtained secrecy agreements from him on these. 3. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Received a call from Miss Barbara Wells, House Post Office and Civil Service Committee staff, who advised that Representative Daniels will be meeting with the Subcommittee on Retirement, Insurance, and Health Benefits in executive session and is expected to report out H. R. 770 during the afternoon. 4. (Confidential - JMM) Talked to Representative David Henderson re S. 782 (Ervin bill) and showed him copies of our recent correspondence with Senator Ervin re appearing in executive session. See Memo for the Record. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Tuesday - 25 March 1969 5. (Secret - JGO) In response to a request, delivered to Mr. Robert Michaels, House Appropriations Committee staff, a copy of the transcript of the Director's briefing of 13 March. Mr. Michaels was particularly interested in the portions relating to Soviet missiles. After review, he requested a copy of the chart shown by the Director of the numbers and types of operational launchers. I briefed Mr. Michaels on the following items: Soviet deployment of SA.-4 missiles in Eastern Europe; Soviet J-Class missile submarines; Soviet naval forces operating in the Norwegian Sea; and the Soviet satellite launchings during the last month. 6. (Confidential - JGO) Delivered to Mrs. Mary McLaughlin, Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff, transcripts of the Director's briefing of the Foreign Relations Committee of 26 January 1965, 25 and 28 February 1966, and 3 February 1967 for review. Mrs. McLaughlin advised that although the request for the transcripts had come from another member of the staff, the rule will be continued that transcripts returned to the Committee for review will be held in the main Committee room for review and they are not intended to be released to member's offices or other staff members. Upon return of the transcripts late in the day, Mrs. McLaughlin advised that Mr. Marcy had also wanted to review portions of these transcripts but had not had time during the day. 7. (Secret - JGO) Met with Mr. J. R. Blandford, Chief Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, concerning his request for a Committee viewing of a certain Soviet film depicting military hardware. Mr. Blandford requested that the film be made available for viewing by the full Committee at 8:30 a. m, , Wednesday, 16 April. The Office of DD/I has been advised. 8. (Secret - JGO) Met with Mr. Frank Slatinshek, Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, and briefed him on the following items: Soviet deployment of SA-4 missiles in Eastern Europe; Soviet J-Class missile submarines; Soviet naval forces operating in the Norwegian Sea; and the Soviet satellite launching d?r;nry f1- i m c+ cc: Ex/Dir-Compt O/DDCI DD/I DD/S DD/S&T Mr.~ Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin OPPB EA/DDP JOHN M. MAURY Legislative Counsel SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R0@Q3QVS6W02-5 2 Calls 11 In 0 SECRET Out 3 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Monday - 24 March 1969 1. (Secret - JMM) Accompanied Messrs. to brief the Bomber Defense Subcommittee of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Committee members present were Senator John Stennis (D., Miss. Senator Margaret Chase Smith (R. , Maine), Senator Peter Dominick (R.Colo. ), Senator George Murphy (R. , Calif.'), Senator Daniel K. Inouye (D. , Hawaii). Senator Stennis commented "best briefing on the subject we have had': (See Memorandum for the Record.) 25X1 2. (Secret - GLC) advised that a synopsis of the sensitive Agency case Senator Thomas o d's D. , Conn. ) office contacted State Department on is being sent to for his use in contacts with 25X1 the White House. In addition, the DD /P has determined that there is no objection to our providing the State Department with material which would be responsive to the Senator's request. No further action is required on this by OLC at this time. 3. (Secret - GLC) In connection with my inquiry to him concerning the request from the staff of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy for a publication on the Moscow ABM system, Mr. Andy Summers of AEC advised that they were handling this directly with the Joint Committee. 4. (Secret - GLC) William Woodruff, on the staff of the Senate Appropriations Committee, asked if I would look into certain security aspects of a dictating machine which he is interested in using for classified material. I am checking with the Office of Security on this. 5. (Unclassified - GLC) Mary Rita Robbins, on the staff of the Senate Space Committee, called and asked if we could locate the text of a Moscow broadcast allegedly made on March 19 which contained a threat on the part of the Soviets to use atomic weapons against the Chinese. I told her I would check on this and be in touch with her. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Monday - 24 March 1969 6. (Confidential - GLC) Alerted Edward Braswell, on the staff of the Senate Armed Services Committee, to the existence of the anonymous letter supposedly being circulated to certain designated offices on the Hill. The letter has not as yet come to Braswell's attention but he said he would contact me if it did. Braswell asked how things were going on the Ervin bill and I brought him up-to-date mentioning the Director's second letter to Senator Ervin and his conversation with Senator Russell. Braswell said again that our best bet was to contact members of Senator Ervin's Subcommittee especially Senator McClellan since he is a member of our CIA Subcommittee. 7. (Unclassified - GLC) Miss Morella Hansen, on the staff of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, called and asked if we would provide the Committee with transcripts of the Director's briefings to the Committee on 26 January 1965, 25 and 26 February 1966, and 3 February 1967. Arrange- ments were made to have these hand carried to Mrs. Mary McLaughlin tomorrow morning. 8. (Confidential - GLC) Talked with Virginia Laird, Personal Secretary to Senator Stuart Symington (D. , Mo. ), `about the anonymous letter which is supposedly being circulated to Senator Symington and others on the Hill. I did not disclose the contents of the letter but said I was merely alerting her to the fact that the Senator might receive such a letter and that if he had any questions we would be, of course, pleased to discuss them with him. Mrs. Laird said she would check with the mail clerks and call if anything was desired. She added that normally anonymous letters were destroyed. 9. (Confidential - GLC) Talked with Lee Williams, Administrative Assistant to Senator J. W. Fulbright (D. , Ark.), about the anonymous letter which is supposedly being circulated to Senator Fulbright and others on the Hill. I did not disclose the contents of the letter but said I was merely alerting him to the fact that the Senator might receive such a letter and that if he had any questions we would be, of course, pleased to discuss them with him. Williams said he had not seen such a letter and he said that the office had enough trouble answering regular mail and usually destroyed anonymous letters. He thanked me for calling however. 10. (Confidential - JGO) Received a call from Mr. Robert Michaels, House Appropriations Committee staff, who requested a copy of the Director's testimony before the Appropriations Committee for use tomorrow morning. Mr. Michaels advised that there is some interest in reviewing the information pro- vided the Committee on Soviet missile deployment in the light of newspaper reports published over the weekend. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Monday - 24 March 1969 11. (Secret - GLC) Hand carried to the joint Committee on Atomic Energy the corrected transcript of the Director's briefing of the Committee on 20 February 1969. I also hand carried the Director's letter transmitting damage assessment on the s requested by 25X1 the Committee at their briefing. Later in the day, Mr. George Murphy, of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy staff, advised me that a letter had been written to the Agency on the subject of possible commercial use of U. S. secret information by our NATO allies. 25X1 12. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Based on the advice of Chief/E/I/R, that there was a State Department cable in on the question as ed by Mr. Philip Manuel, Investigator, Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, concerning the Italian Socialist Party of Proletarian Unity, I called Mr. John White, Department of State, who agreed that the matter should be referred to the Department. In accordance with my understanding with Mr. White, I called Mr. Manuel and referred him to Mr. White. 13.. (Internal Use Only - LLM) In connection with his inquiry of 20 March 1969, placed a call to Mr. LaVern Duffy, Assistant Counsel, Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, for the purpose of advising him that we were not able to positively identify any information on names of foreign nationals he had provided. His office advised that he was out on a trip, but that his travel abroad had been temporarily delayed. I told his office to pass on the message to him when he returns that we had not been able to come up with any positive information for him and that I would be glad to talk to him if he has any further ques ions on this, cc: Ex/Dir DD/I Mr. Houston OPPB EA/DDP SECRET JOHN M. MAURY Legislative Counsel Compt O/DDCI DD/S DD/S&T 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R002-5 CONFIDENTIAL Calls In Out JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Friday - 21 March 1969 1. (Confidential - GLC) Richard Kimmel, Clerk for the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, called to say that the Atomic Energy Commission had suggested that they get in touch with us to obtain a copy of a "report on the Moscow ABM system dated September 1968 and having something to do with DIA." I told Kimmel I would look into this and be back in touch with him. I talked wit of OSR, who said it would be difficult to identify this document without further informa- tion and at his suggestion I have contacted Mr. Andy Summers in Doctor Riegle's office at AEC in an effort to determine the specifics of the documents and how AEC happened to make this suggestion to the JCAE staff. 2. (Confidential - GLC) In connection with my earlier meeting with him on the subject of student revolt, (see Journal of 11 March 1969). I advised Robert McCaughey, Administrative Assistant to Senator Karl Mundt, that I had been unable to find out anything about the incident which he mentioned supposedly involving a student who was arrested in New York and found to have in his possession a check drawn on a Chinese Communist bank. I asked McCaughey if he could provide any additional details on this and he said he could not. I advised McCaughey further that we would be in touch with him early next week to have someone come up and talk with the Senator about the international aspects of student unrest. In response to my query, he indicated that representatives of the FBI had briefed Senator Mundt on this subject several days ago. 3. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Called Ralph Devlin, House Post Office and Civil Service Committee staff, to obtain his prognosis on the Daniels bill (H.R. 770) dealing with financing of the Civil Service Retire- ment Fund and liberalizing benefits. Devlin feels a compromise version will be reported out. See Memorandum for the Record. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 CONFIDENTIAL Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Friday - 21 March 1969 4. (Confidential - JMM) Jim Kendall, Senate Preparedness Subcom- mittee staff, called to say that the Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Bomber Defense would like an Agency briefing on Soviet strategic bombers at 2:00 P. M., 24 March in room 212 Old Senate Office Building. (Members of this Subcommittee are: Senator Stennis, Chairman; Senators McIntyre, Inouye, Smith, Dominick, Murphy. Mr. Kendall is the staff assistant.) Kendall said that if it was inconvenient for the Director to attend, he was sure a qualified substitute would be acceptable, and mentioned Bruce Clarke as a possibility. After checking with the Director and Mr. Clarke's office, I confirmed to Kendall that Mr. Clarke, I land I will be present. 5. Internal Use Only - LLM) On the basis of advice received from of State, and advised that we substantially followed the practices and policies of the Department in the administration of home leave and like the Department, we assume, exceptions are made. Hull said he was not sure how frequent exceptions are granted from the 15 days home leave rule, but noted that exceptions are provided for by regulations. I reminded Hull that this was for Mr. Mace's background use only and suggested that our Director of Personnel would be pleased to discuss the matter further with Mr. Mace if he should desire. See Journal of 20 March. Results of this conversation were relayed to Mr. Fisher. 25X1 JOHN M. MAURY- Legislative Counsel cc: Ex/Dir-Compt O/DDCI DD/I DD /S DD /S &T D Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin OPPB EA/DD P 25X1 Item 2 - Item 3 & 5 - Personnel Deputy Director Personnel, called Robert Hull, Department CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R09)302-5 5 Calls 6 In 0 CONFIDENTIAL Out 3 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Thursday - 20 March 1969 1. (Internal Use Only - RW) Mr. James Jordan, in the office of Senator Howard H. Baker (R., Tenn.), called to see if we could get him a copy of the story filed about 14 or 15 March by TASS on the President's ABM decision as soon as possible. Advised Mr. Jordan this item is in the FBIS Soviet Union Daily Report of 17 March, and that Senator Percy's office and the Senate Special Subcommittee on Internal Security receive copies of this Report. He said he would check with them and let us know if he was not able to find a copy. 2. (Unclassified - RW) Received a call from the office of Senator Charles Goodell (R., N. Y.) requesting 10 copies each of the CIA pamphlet and the professional and clerical brochures to be sent to the attention of "Cris" which they will use in answering general inquiries about the Agency. 3. (Confidential - JMM) and I met with Senator Birch Bayh (D., Ind.) in connection with the Ervin bill, S. 782. See Memo for the Record. 4. (Confidential - JMM) and I met with Bill Woodruff, Senate Appropriations Committee sta , w o filled us in on the background regarding Senator Russell's health. We also raised the Ervin bill problem and Woodruff said he was confident Russell would indeed take up the matter directly with Senator Ervin, although he had not done so to date. 5. (Confidential - JMM) Delivered to Senator Ervin's office the Director's letter renewing his request to appear in executive session re S. 782. 6. (Unclassified - JMM) Delivered the Director's "get well" letter to Senator John Sherman Cooper's office. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 CONFIDENTIAL Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Thursday - 20 March 1969 7. (Confidential - JMM) Bill Trueheart, State Department, called to ask the membership of our Agency Subcommittees on the Hill. I ran down the list explaining that ink rmation on our House Appropriations Subcommittee was to be very closely held. Trueheart was also interested in the attendance of Senator Fulbright at our recent Senate Subcommittee briefing and I gave him a rundown of the number of our appearances before various committees and subcommittees thus far this year. Trueheart indicated some surprise at the number of Subcommittee members to whom we regularly report, and the number and scope of our appearances before other committees. He did not explain the purpose of his inquiry other than to remark that it was "not official. He commented that our stock on the Hill seems to be particularly good these days. 8. (Confidential - CEA) J. Sourwine, Chief Counsel, Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, called and said that David Martin, on the staff of Senator Dodd, would like to talk to to ascertain if he has 25X1 any information of interest to the Subcommittee. I told Sourwine that we would prefer they contact directly, which was acceptable to Sourwine. 25X1 9. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Met with Mr. Wayne Granquist, Administrative Assistant to Senator Abraham A. Ribicoff (D., Conn.), and LaVern Duffy, Assistant Counsel, Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, who requested such information as we may be able to furnish them on a number of foreign nationals and foreign corporations which they believe are involved in currency manipulations as the outgrowth of an activity in South Vietnam which the Subcommittee has under investigation. The information is desired in connection with further investigations in Singapore and Saigon which will commence 25 March. See Memorandum for the Record. 10. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Philip Manuel, Investigator, Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, has requested such information as we may be able to provide on the Italian Socialist Party and Political Unit (PSIUP). CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 CONFIDENTIAL Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Thursday - 20 March 1969 11. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Mr. Robert Hull, Department of State, requested such information as we may be able to provide him on the Agency's home leave program. This is in connection with a proposed meeting some time next week between Howard Mace, State Department, Office of Personnel, and members of the Foreign Service Association which is urging that the Department liberalize its practice of providing onl 15 da home leave when an individual is returned PCS to the United States. Deputy Director/Pe rsonnel, has been advised. 25X1 JOHN M. MAURY .Legislative Counsel cc: Ex/Dir-Compt O/DDCI DD /I DD /S DD/S&T Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin OPPB EA/DDP Item 11 - Personnel CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337ROD @002-5 5 Calls 0 In 1 [~ G SEGRL~ Out I ADDENDUM TO JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Thursday - 20 March 1969 2. (Secret - GLC) After conferring with FE Division, in view of the complications that were being incurred in sorting out the problems concerning the inquiries received by State Department from Senator Dodd's office on a sensitive Agency case, I met with David Martin, on the Senator's staff, and learned that he had initiated the inquiry to State. I told Martin that we were working with the State Depart- ment in preparing an answer and that he should hear from them shortly. (See Memorandum for the Record for details. ) Martin mentioned the project that he has been working on in Senator Dodd's behalf, concerning a proposal for the convening of a "National Student Conference on Vietnam and World Freedom. " Martin said he had obtained some financial and student support for this program, which also had the blessing of General Ed Lansdale. Martin provided me with a Memorandum on the subject and said he would appreciate any suggestions which our people might have concerning this proposal. This is being sent to FE Division for study. Approved For Release 2006/11/3 : IA-RDP72-00337ROO0300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/ P72-00337R000300090002-5 Addendum to Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page Z Thursday - 20 March 1969 3. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Mr. Frank Slatinshek, Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, and reviewed with him, in part, testimony received by the Committee that appeared to have been taken from an Agency blind memorandum that was furnished for Committee information on Monday, 17 March. (See Memorandum for the Record for details.) Discussed with Mr. Slatinshek the level of classification of the Director's testimony before the Pike Subcommittee and suggested that the Agency would provide safekeeping for the Committee's copies at such time as their immediate use is no longer required by the Committee. Mr. Slatinshek indicated he thought this would be quite acceptable to the Chairman. As to the question of ultimate publication of an unclassified report of the Subcommittee's hearings, Mr. Slatinshek requested, if possible, an unclassified summary of the Director's testimony for inclusion in the hearing report. After discussion at some length, Mr. Slatinshek conceded that if a meaningful summary could not be provided by the Agency, that the report would need to show at a minimum that the Director appeared and provided testimony which was classified. I briefed Mr. Slatinshek on the MIG-19 and MIG-20 aircraft supplied to the North Vietnamese by the Chinese Communists and the Soviet Union. 4. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Mr. Robert Michaels, House Appropriations Committee staff, and briefed him on the MIG-19 and MIG-Zl aircraft supplied to the North Vietnamese by the Chinese Communists and the Soviet Union. 5. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Representative H. R. Gross (R. , Iowa) and discussed briefly with him an anonymous letter relating to the Agency. Mr. Gross thanked me for coming by and indicated he would await my call should there be further developments of interest to-him. cc: Ex/Dir-Compt O/DDCI DD /I, DD /S, DD T OPPB, EA/DDP Mr. Houston, Mr. Goodwin Para. 2 of Item 2 - FE Division Legislative Counsel JOHN M. MAURY SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release V10 MP72-00337ROC~9@b099002-5 Calls SEM, In JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Wednesday - 19 March 1969 2. (Unclassified - CEA) In response to a request from Scott Cohen, in the office of Senator Charles Percy (R. , Ill. ), maq,, nprcmnnj i"view appointments for at 1530 today and 3. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Mr. J. R. Blandford, Chief Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, and reviewed briefly with him the transcript of the Director's testimony of 18 March before the full Armed Services Committee. Mr. Blandford agreed, on behalf of the Chairman, that the transcripts be retained by the Agency on call for Committee use. Mr. Blandford also requested that the visual aid material be inserted at the appropriate places in the transcript. He also requested that I stand by on Thursday, 25 March, while Mr. Laird is present before the Committee, with a copy of the transcript for the Chairman's use. 4. (Internal Use Only - JGO) In response to his query, advised Mr. Vincent Augliere, House Subcommittee on Foreign Operations and Government Information staff, that I lentered on duty on 13 September 1948 but is not now an Agency employee. Mr. Augliere noted thati is an individual Chairman Moss met in the Far East and will be seeing again in the near future. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337RO00300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Wednesday - 19 March 1969 5. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Met with DIA, and discussed DIA's reports to congressional committees concerning free world shipping into North Vietnam. The two principal officers kept up-to-date on this matter on a monthly basis are Representative Charles Chamberlain (R., Mich.) and Senator Harry Byrd (D., Va.). 6. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Spoke with Mr. Robert Hull, Depart- ment of State, to determine whether the Department is considering action on comparable benefits if any or all of the Daniels bill amendments (increasing Civil Service benefits) receive favorable action. Hull said there had been some tentative consideration of the matter, but felt that their preoccupation with problems facing the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund is a major obstacle in any further liberalization of the system. See Memo for the Record. 7. (Confidential - LLM) OSI, reported that Bernard F. Coggan, North American Rockwell Corporation, had called for Agency assistance in connection with a briefing he will be giving on a film, controlled by the Agency, at the Department of Navy tomorrow. Coggan did not press for a response to his previous inquiry regarding Chairman Rivers' interest in viewing this film. s turning Mr. Coggan's instant request over to DDI channels. 9. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Mr. Wayne Granquist, Administrative Assistant to Senator Abraham Ribicoff (D., Conn.), called asking that I drop by the office tomorrow in connection with matters he feels are within the Agency's jurisdiction and involving an investigation by the Senate Permanent Investigating Subcommittee, which is being headed by Senator Ribicoff. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Wednesday - 19 March 1969 10. (Unclassified - JMM) Bill Miller, of Senator John Sherman Cooper's (R. , Kentucky) office, says the Senator suffers "from complete exhaustion" and will be recuperating in "Walter Reed" for sometime. 11. (Confidential - JMM) Told Russ Blandford, Chief Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, that we understood Chairman Rivers is interested in a Soviet film depicting Soviet military hardware and that we had this film and we will gladly show it, and provide commentary, for the Chairman, Committee members and staff per his wishes. Blandford will discuss with the Chairman and let us know the results. 12. (Secret - JMM) Frank Slatinshek, of the House Armed Services Committee staff, called for clarification of the "risk criteria" mentioned in our memo supplementing the Director's testimony before the Pike Sub- committee on the Pueblo. After checking with DDI, I explained to Slatinshek so far as this Agency was concerned each of these criteria is carefully considered in each case, but I could not speak for other agencies. Slatinshek volunteered the remark that Chairman Pike had found the Director's testimony and the follow-up memo very helpful and that the Director had won the complete confidence of the Committee. 13. (Secret - GLC) Hand carried to George Murphy, on the staff of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, updated I orksheets 25X1 dated 11 March 1969. It had also been my intention to brief Co onel Schwiller in certain compartmented security areas and obtain secrecy agreements from him; however, Schwiller was unable to keep our appointment and this will be arranged again in the next day or so. 25X1 14. (Secret - GLC) Hand carried to Samuel Shaw, on the staff of the Senate Subcommittee on Preparedness Investigation, updated 25X1 Worksheets dated 11 March 1969. cc: Ex/ Dir-Compt O/DDCI DD/ I DD/S DD/S&T OPPB 25X1 EA / DDP JOHN M. MAURY Legislative Counsel SECRET fir. Housto Mr. Goodwin Item 8- pprove For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R00 3WG90002-5 Calls In SECRET Out JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Tuesday - 18 March 1969 interview for Mr. David Withers with I (Office of Personnel 25X1 who was taken sick on the day when he was first scheduled to see 1 I I absence he was seen b Arrangements have been made for Ito se tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. come out of the Subcommittee since their appearance in executive session. pointed out that with increasing frequency members of the Pike Subcommittee are commenting in open session on testimony given by NSA. in executive session. I also queriedi on the subject of the Ervin bill (S. 782) and specifically what action NSA. has taken on this. It is clear from comment that NSA is doing nothing on the Hill regarding the bill. I Hey, are apparently under instructions from DOD and are also preoccupied with the Pueblo hearings. I brought~tp-to-date on the status of our work on S. 782 and asked if NSA had asked to appear before the Ervin Subcommittee in executive session. He said they had not but they would seize on such an opportunity if it became available. 1. (Secret - GLC) Talked with Legal Advisor at NSA, and asked him about NSA's testimony before the Pike Subcommittee. indicated that the briefings went well, in fact, from his viewpoint, they went too well. They are very much concerned about leaks which have 3. (Unclassified - GLC) Dee Kirbow, on the staff of Representative William Scherle (R. , Iowa), called and asked if we could arrange a follow up SECRET 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Tuesday - 18 March 1969 4. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Robert Hull, Department of State, called in connection with my earlier inquiry and reported that the Foreign Service Association Hospital Plan will be amended effective 1 January 1970 to place overseas and domestic Foreign Service personnel on the same footing with respect to' reimbursement under the medical insurance plan and the overseas medical statutory benefit program. This will place the Foreign Service plan into major compliance with the suggestions of the Comptroller General's report and will involve probably a 20 percent increase in premium costs. Mr. C. W. Hall, Jr., who is with the Foreign Service Prot ection Association as further details. This information was passed on to Personnel. 25X1 Ito J. Sourwine, Senate Internal Security Subcommittee sta , in 5. (Confidential - CEA) Delivered a memorandum on response to his earlier request. 7. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Met with Mr. Sam Freedman and Mr. Tom Blackenship, Capitol Reporting Company, and finalized the arrange- ments for security control for the transcripts of the Director's testimony before the House Armed Services Committee. Only two copies of the transcripts will be made. 8. (Confidential - JGO) In response to his call, met with Mr. Vincent Augliere, House Subcommittee on Foreign Operations and Government 25X1 Information. Mr. Augliere requested a check of the name t e attention of Chairman Moss Mr- liere advised that the Chairman would like to ascertain whether is an Agency employee before proceeding further. presently employed by the Government in Saigon who has come to SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Tuesday - 18 March 1969 9. (Secret - JMM) Accompanied the Director who briefed the full House Armed Services Committee. See Memo for Record and transcript. 10. (Secret - JGO) Met with Mr. Robert Michaels, House Appropriations Committee staff, and reviewed with him an unsigned letter addressed to Chairman Mahon. Mr. Michaels indicated that Mr. Sprankle thought it might be of interest to the Agency and was forwarding it for our information. I asked Mr. Michaels to thank Ken on our behalf. cc: Ex/Dir-Comet O /DDCI DD /I DD /S DD /S & T Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin OPPB EA/DDP JOHN M. MAURY Legislative Counsel SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R0@P1ti002-5 7 {,~ Calls 5 In 0 )L!fL 1 1 O ut 4 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Monday - 17 March 1969 1. (Unclassified - CEA in the office of Representative Henry Schadeberg R. , Wis. ), called with regard to summer employment. I explained the Agency policy to her which she understood. 2. (Confidential - CEA) Donald A.ppell, Chief Investigator, House Committee on Internal Security, called to inform me that Representative Richard Ichord, Chairman of the Committee, has decided that he will not ask for F I to appear before the Committee. 3. (Secret - GLC) Following the briefing of the McIntyre Sub- committee on Research and Development, I talked with Colonel Everett Harper, of the Subcommittee's staff, on the question of staff personnel attendance at CIA briefings and follow up material requested in answer to written questions submitted to Mr. Duckett. On the first question, Harper said he felt this issue had resolved itself since members of the personal staffs of the senators had been excluded from yesterday's briefing. Since this is an ad hoc Subcommittee which has no further plans for Agency briefings, the question should not arise again in this context. On the matter of answers to the written questions, Harper agreed with our proposal which was to submit two versions: one classified and one unclassified. The classified response will be retained under Colonel Harper's control while the unclassified version can be given to members, such as Senator Stephen Young, for their own use without attribution to the Agency. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Monday - 17 March 1969 5. (Secret - JGO) Met with Mr. J. R. Blandford, Chief Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, and discussed with him arrangements for handling of the transcripts and the arrangements for meeting of the full Committee to hear the Director on Tuesday, 18 March. It was Mr. Blandford's very firm suggestion that the Director speak directly to the Chairman at the beginning of the session so that there be no question of Chairman's approval of an uninterrupted presentation of the Director's prepared material with questions by the Committee members to follow. 6. (Secret - JGO) Delivered, to Mr. Frank Slatinshek, Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, a blind memorandum containing responses to questions posed during the Director's appearance before the Pike Subcommittee on 5 March 1969. 7. (Secret - JMM) Accompanied the Director who briefed the Defense and Military Construction Subcommittees of House Appropriations; See Memo for Record and transcript. 8. (Secret - JMM) Accompanied Carl Duckett, DD/S&T, who briefed the Senate Armed Services ad hoc Subcommittee on Research and Development on the subject of Soviet R&D programs. See Memo for the Record. 9. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Robert Hull, Department of State, called back on my inquiry of 14 March and advised that the Department had made a compromise to eliminate certain duplications in the statutory Overseas Medical Benefit Program and the Foreign Service Association Hospital Plan. He said he was still getting together the details and would let me know the outcome in a couple of days. I Personnel, 10. (Confidential - LLM) Informed Philip Manuel, Investigator, Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, in connection with his request of 13 March, that there was no FBIS compilation on Robert F. Williams, and that we did not have the two overseas news items on Williams in which he had expressed specific interest. I advised him that we had no objection to including the "Black Panther" message broadcast from Havana 23 October 1968 in the Subcommittee's hearings SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30:CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Monday - 17 March 1969 11. (Confidential - LLM) Delivered to Dorothy Fosdick, Staff Director on Senator Jackson's Subcommittee on National Security and Inter- national Operations, a blind confidential memorandum in response to the Senator's questions concerning the USSR/ChiCom border disputes. See Journal of 13 March. 12. (Confidential - JMM) The Director met with Senator Richard Russell to discuss the Ervin bill, S. 782. See Memo for the Record. 25X1 JOHN M. MAURY Legislative Counsel cc: Ex/Dir-Compt O/DDCI DD/I DD/S DD/S&T Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin OPPB EA/DDP SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R002-5 8 Calls 4 In I ut 2 SECRET O JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Friday - 14 March 1969 1. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Mr. Frank Slatinshek, Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, who advised that the Pike Subcommittee will be hearing General Carroll on Wednesday and Thursday of next week and will need the responses to the questions to Mr. Helms on assessment of risk and related problems for review prior to General Carroll's appearance. I advised Mr. Slatinshek that I would relay the request and be back in touch with him on Monday. 2. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Mr. Robert McFadden, Administra- tive Assistant to Representative Charles Chamberlain (R. , Mich. ), and reviewed with him the Congressman's floor statement of 6 March concerning free world shipping into North Vietnam. Mr. McFadden pointed out that there had been a typographical error in the report of Mr. Chamberlain's statements indicating 23 rather than 21 ships for this year. He also advised that information on free world shipping into North Vietnam is being pro- vided on a monthly basis by DIA in keeping with the letter request from Chairman Rivers of about a year ago. The information is furnished directly to Mr. Chamberlain, who was the principal requester in the Armed Services Committee. 3. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Mrs. Mary McLaughlin, Secre- tary to Mr. Carl Marcy, Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff, and received from her the blind memorandum dated 11 March, which was furnished in response to questions raised by Chairman Fulbright and Senators Case and Cooper during the Director's appearance before the Foreign Relations Committee on 26 February. No comment was made by Mr. Marcy or the Committee members concerning this response to their questions. The memorandum is returned to the Agency for inclusion in the transcript, which is held by the Agency for safekeeping. ECREi Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Friday - 14 March 1969 4. (Internal Use Only -JGO) Delivered copies of the transcript of the Director's briefing on Thursday to the House Appropriations Committee for use during the day and received them back for safekeeping by the Agency. Arrangements were made to relay requests of Committee members for review of the Thursday and Frida testimony of the DCI to There is some indication thati and possibly 25X1 another member might desire to review the transcripts on Saturday or Sunday. 5. (Secret - GLC) Hand carried to Bill Woodruff, on the staff of the Senate Appropriations Committee, a list of the problems which would be created for the Agency by S. 782. Woodruff said this was just what he needed for the preparation of a memorandum to Senator Russell on the subject in anticipation of the Director's meeting with the Senator on Monday. Woodruff said he had heard nothing from NSA about the bill this year and wondered if they still had problems with it. I assured him that NSA was as concerned about the bill as we were but in view of their consideration on the Pueblo matter, had probably been unable to pursue the S. 782 problem 25X1 as much as they would like. In my presence, Woodruff placed a call to Comptroller, NSA, and asked for NSA's position on the bill. Shortly thereafter, Legal Counsel, NS.A, called and confirmed what I had sai 25X1 0o ru to the effect that NSA, is opposed to the bill and desires a flat exemption from it. 6. (Internal Use Only - CEA) Steven Horn, a Dean at American University, called to ask if the Agency would furnish information on II a Polish expert on plant radiation who is presently in the United States and whom Horn would like to approach to join the faculty of American University if she is politically all right. I told Horn the Agency is unable to furnish such information to non-Governmental agencies and suggested he get in touch with the agency sponsoring in the United States. 25X1 7. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Spoke with Mr. Robert Hull, Depart- ment of State, to obtain information on the agreement of the Department to certain recommendations of the Comptroller General's concerning the interrelationship between statutory overseas medical benefits and medical insurance. Mr. Hull said he would be back in touch when he had further information. SEuxE Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Friday - 14 March 1969 Page 3 9. (Confidential - LLM) OSI, at the suggestion of Mr. James Murphy, DCS, advised of the letter from Chairman Mendel Rivers to Bernard F. "Sandy" Coogan, Vice President, North American Aviation, for a showing of a film which Coogan in the past has used in various briefings and is made available to him by the Agency. There is --nflir ;4-n nil tstanding legal problem in connection with this film and OGC, is working with CRS, and DCS, to resolve it in connection with the request from airman avers. 10. (Secret - JMM) Discussed with Representative Glen Lipscomb, of House Appropriations Committee, the problem of misunderstandings which sometimes arise over our briefings on the relative percentages of Soviet and U. S. GNP devoted to military programs. Lipscomb said he would be glad to sit down with Agency representatives, examine our basic inputs on these matters, and offer suggestions which might make our presentations more meaningful and responsive in terms of the interests of our congressional audiences. 11. (Secret - JMM) Accompanied the Director to a briefing of a joint session of Defense and Military Construction Subcommittees, of House Appropriations Committee. See Memo for Record and Transcript. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4 Friday - 14 March 1969 12. (Secret - GLC) Met with Mr. Milton Wernstrom, former employee of the staff of Senator Thomas J. Dodd (D., Conn.) who is now in private business and is representing Mr. 25X1 I advised Wernstrom that, as I had indicated, a sensitive relationship has existed between [and the Agency; that we are giving some support to his organization, but that this relationship is 25X1 extremely sensitive and should not be discussed in any of his contacts in furtherance of efforts to obtain financial support for an expansion of the 2 I gave him none. He then asked if there was someone at the Agency he might talk with on this subject. I told him that there were established points of contact with this organization and that it could be counterproductive to short circuit those points. I am inclined to think that Wernstrom might continue to be troublesome on this and that it may become necessary to be absolutely blunt with him on this matter. OHN M. MAURY egislative Counsel Mr. cc: Ex/Dir-Compt DD /S DD/S&T DD /I O/DDCI Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin OPPB EA/DDP Item 12 SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R0RO Q 9p02-5 11 Calls 6 SECRET In 5 Out 5 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Thursday - 13 March 1969 1. (Unclassified - GLC) Kathy Nelson, in the office of Senator Stuart Symington (D., Mo.), called to say that the Senator's Foreign Relations Subcommittee staff members had decided that they had no real need for the Agency publication which she had discussed with me previously. 3. (Unclassified - GLC) Colonel Everett Harper, on the staff of the Senate Preparedness Subcommittee, called and asked if someone (not necessarily the Director) would come up on Monday, the 17th, at 9:00 a. m. to brief the ad hoc Subcommittee on Research and Development on Soviet research and development capabilities and trends in the weapons and defensive fields. This Subcommittee is one of several groups appointed by Senator Stennis in an effort to involve more members of the full Committee in Committee business. The Subcommittee is composed of Senators McIntyre (Chairman), Stephen Young, Harry Byrd, Murphy, and Brooke. This Sub- committee is trying to get up-to-date in the research and development field prior to and in anticipation of the military posture hearings. I told Colonel Harper that I would check on this and contact him as soon as possible. 4. (Confidential - GLC) Bill Woodruff, Senate Appropriations Committee staff, called to ask me if we had set a firm date for the Director's meeting with Senator Russell. I indicated that it had been set for 11:00 a.m. on Monday. Woodruff said Senator Russell had called him and said that the Director had asked to see him and wondered if Woodruff knew what it was about. Woodruff speculated that it was in connection with the Ervin bill, S. 78Z. Woodruff is reviewing both the bill and the floor debate in the Senate in 1967. I promised to have a brief paper for him available tomorrow. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Thursday - 13 March 1969 Page 2 5. (Secret - GLC) Accompaniedi ONE, to 25X1 a meeting with Representative Richard McCarthy (D., N. Y.) on the subject of chemical, bacteriological, and radiological warfare. The meeting was very relaxed and consisted primarily of the Congressman asking questions of The discussion naturally centered largely on the CBR Program in the Soviet Union, but McCarthy also asked about satellite countries, the UAR, and Communist China. The Congressman indicated that he had become involved in this subject largely as a result of his wife's interest in it, but indicated that he was genuinely concerned about it. He expressed his appreciation for riefing and said it had 25X1 been most helpful. He also mentioned in passing that his contact with us had been triggered by the receipt of an FBIS item which we had sent him on the subject. He said he was very much interested in receiving texts of broadcasts mentioning him and would like to continue to receive them in the future. 6. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Mr. John R. Blandford, Chief Counsel, House Armed Services, who advised that the Chairman is concerned about the deliberate overflight of the Aleutian Islands by a Soviet BEAR. Questions undoubtedly will arise on this subject at Tuesday's briefing. Mr. Blandford also noted the full Armed Services Committee of 40 men tends at times to confuse internal matters of importance in their constituencies with the responsibilities of Federal agencies. In consequence, some questions which can be anticipated relate to the responsibility of Justice Department and FBI. He recommended for the Director's consideration a short statement at the outset of the Agency responsibility and authority which of itself would be beneficial to all members of the Committee. 7. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Met with Mr. Peter Scrivner, Adminis- trative Assistant to Representative Melvin Price (D., Ill.), concerning the request for information on Air America employment. This correspondence was forwarded for Agency action from the Department of State. Mr. Scrivner was somewhat apologetic about the handling of this constituent request and agreed that he would supply the individual with information from the local office of Air America without further reference to the Agency. No further action is required on this matter. Department of State has been notified. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Thursday - 13 March 1969 8. (Secret - JGO) Met with Mr. Kenneth Sprankle, Staff Director, House Appropriations Committee, who had received a call during the day from Frank Sanders, Assistant Secretary of Navy, concerning security clearances granted during his tenure with the Committee. Mr. Sprankle observed that in all probability Mr. Sanders would need continuation of clearances since he would be operating in almost the same sphere as he was while with the Committee. Mr. Sprankle will review the matter with AEC. This office will handle the matter directly with the Department of Navy as regards compartmented clearances. 9. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Mr. Robert C. Nicholas III, Military Construction Subcommittee, House Appropriations Committee, and received necessary biographical information for security processing. Mr. Nicholas now holds the staff position formerly held by Frank Sanders. 10. (Confidential - LLM) Met with Dorothy Fosdick, Staff Director on Senator Jackson's Subcommittee on National Security and International Operations, who said the Senator was interested in knowing why the USSR made public the border dispute with the Chinese, why previous border fracases had been downplayed and how all this perhaps related to the Berlin 25X1 crisis. This apparently is in connection with a speech that Senator Jackson will be giving shortly. DD/I, is working on the require- Also picked up several books: "How Communists Negotiate, " "Policies Toward China, " "China in Crisis, " and " The Politics of the Chinese Red Army." These books had been previously lent to the Committee. 11. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Met with Representative Otis G. Pike (D., N. Y.) and gave him the material which had been compiled by FBIS on Pyongyang broadcasts following the seizure of the Pueblo. The Asia and Pacific Area Books of January 1968, which had been loaned to him previously, were returned and we will forward them to FBIS as they are the "official record copies." Mr. Pike expressed his deep appreciation to us for supplying this material in such a complete and prompt fashion. I said I would pass on his thanks to those who had done the work. I advised IDDS&T, of this most recent request by Mr. Pike and his interest in statements relating to the mission and orders of the Pueblo as contained in the release from Pyongyang and he is relaying this to Admiral Lester O'Brien, Department of Navy. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4 Thursday - 13 March 1969 12. (Confidential - LLM) Met with Philip Manuel, Investigator, Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, and delivered the three special FBIS bulletins containing overseas reportage and comment on Stokely Carmichael's remarks while abroad. Mr. Manuel said he com letel understood Manuel asked if we had a similar compilation on Robert F. Williams. I said that I doubted that we did, but that I would check. He said he was particularly interested in two items--a TV interview in June of 1968 in Dar es Salaam, and an interview carried in the July 21 issue of the Sunday News a supplement of the Tanzanian Standard. FBIS, has 25X1 been advised of these requirements. Manuel asked if we had any objection to the inclusion in the Sub- committee's hearings of the George Mason Murray "Black Panther" message broadcast from Havana 23 October 1968 to the Americas in English. I told him that I could foresee no objection 25X1 ut that I 25X1 would verify this with appropriate officials and be back in touch with him. 13. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Ernest C. Baynard, Staff Director, Government Activities Subcommittee and principal advisor to Rep. Jack Brooks on ADP matters, called in connection with an ADP standards Board of Review which has been operating for some eight months now under the aegis of the National Academy of Science and funded by ARPA and chaired by Ottinger of Harvard. Baynard said he had been invited to attend some of the meetings, felt that the Board's work was unnecessarily duplicative of the responsibilities of the National Bureau of Standards and Executive agencies, and thus a waste of time and money. He said he felt he was only seeing part of the iceberg and believed there were a number of sessions to which he was not being invited and which he believed dealt in part with computer export and national security interest. Baynard was obviously on a fishing expedition and we are under no obligation to reply. Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET 25X1 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 5 Thursday - 13 March 1969 14. (Secret - JMM) Accompanied the Director to a briefing of a joint session of Defense and Military Construction Subcommittees of House Appropriations Committee. (See Memo for the Record and transcript.) After consulting with the Director, informed Robert Michaels, House Appropriations Committee staff, that it would be virtually impossible for the Director to appear before the Subcommittees on Monday morning (17 March) but that as an alternative the Director would be glad to try to cover his remaining material and permit adequate opportunity for questions on Friday morning 14 March or meet with the Subcommittees on the afternoon of 17 March. Michaels indicated that one or the other of these solutions probably would solve the problem and the Director should take the matter up with the Chairman tomorrow. 15. (Unclassified - RW) Mrs. Graves, in the office of Senator 25X1 Stuart Symington (D., Mo.), called to obtain the address of information, we were advised that she had called the Director's office and already had the address. Before we could return the ca to give her this 16.. (Internal Use Only - JGO) After the day's hearings, met with Mr. Robert Michaels, House Appropriations Committee staff, and learned that it was the Chairman's desire that the Director appear on Monday as well as tomorrow morning at 10:30. The Director has been advised. Overall, the Chairman and other members appeared highly appreciative. 17. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Returned film of Senator Allen J. Ellender's (D., La.) trip to the USSR to his office. cc: M. Ex/Dir-Compt DD/S '--'Legislative Counsel DD/S&T DD/I O/DDCI Mr. Houston Item 13 - Mr. Goodwin OPPB EA/DDP Item. 5 - FBIS Items 8 & 9 - Security Item 11 - FBIS Item 12 - FBIS & Security SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337RO90~pp!}PP102-5 7 Calls 11 In I SECRET O ut 3 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Wednesday - 12 March 1969 1. (Confidential - GLC) Talked with Ed Braswell, Staff Director, Senate Armed Services Committee, about the pending nomination of Lieutenant General Cushman. Braswell indicated that General Haynes, Legislative Liaison for the Marine Corps, had been in touch with him on the subject of confirmation hearings and the alleged problem pertaining to the maintenance of General Cushman's three-star status. The Marine Corps has apparently explored the possibility of having General Cushman confirmed without a hearing in advance of his departure from his present position in Vietnam. Braswell is obviously quite irritated about the way the Marine Corps is handling this and sees no reason for it. He said that it was possible for the Committee to do what General Haynes suggested, but he sees no reason for it. As Braswell put it, the Marine Corps "has not made its case" to him. I told Braswell that this was obviously a Marine Corps problem with which we were not familiar. Braswell added that he was quite certain that the Committee would want to have General Cushman make a personal appearance since it would appear that he could be made available between the 25th of March and the 15th of April. 2. (Confidential - GLC) Established contact with Brigadier General F. E. Haynes, Legislative Liaison for the Marine Corps, in connection with General Cushman's pending nomination. General Haynes appears quite confused about the whole situation to the point of saying that according to information he received from Ed Braswell, Staff Director, Senate Armed Services Committee, General Cushman's nomination had not been received by the Committee. (This was published in the Congressional Record of Friday, 7 March 1969.) General Haynes appeared pleasant enough, however, and in reviewing the problem of maintaining General Cushman's three-star status acknowledged that this was a Marine Corps problem. No action by this office appears indicated at this time. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Wednesday - 12 March 1969 3. (Confidential - GLC) Talked with Mr. Bob Michaels, House Appropriations Committee staff, about Representative Richard McCarthy (D., N. Y.) who contacted the Director today and asked to have our people talk with him on the subject of the involvement of foreign countries in chemical and biological warfare. Michaels knows little about McCarthy except that he had on his own initiative requested a briefing from the Army on this subject and such a briefing was subsequently given (according to a Washington Post article of 5 March 1969) to three senators and 18 representa- tives. It appears that McCarthy is attempting to eliminate any military program which, in his opinion, is not absolutely justified. 4. (Secret - GLC) and I met with Mr. William Woodruff, Senate Appropriations ommi ee staff, and reviewed with him the data on Agency research grants which had been prepared pursuant to Bureau of the Budget Bulletin 69-8. Woodruff appeared completely satisfied with his review of this material and Eagle's responses to his questions. Woodruff made notes on the number of contracts by general categories and the cost of programs by categories (without mentioning specific projects). He said he would transmit this information to Senator Russell in a Top Secret memorandum with a suggestion that he (Woodruff) meet with Senator Mansfield advising him that he had reviewed the material and had reached the judgment that none of this information could be included in the Democratic Policy Committee's study on this subject because of the sensitive nature of the projects themselves. Advised Woodruff that the Director wished to meet with Senator Russell on Monday to discuss with him the matter of his response to Senator Ervin regarding the question of his appearance before the Ervin Subcommittee on S. 782. Woodruff said he thought this was a good idea and merely asked that we provide him (Woodruff) with a one-page statement of our specific objection to specific sections of the bill without referring to any meeting with the Director. Woodruff will give this to Senator Russell on Saturday as an aide-memoire on a subject of concern to the Agency. 5. (Confidential - GLC) Contacted Mr. Proctor Jones, on the staff of Senator Richard Russell (D., Ga.), and asked if the Senator could see the Director sometime during the day on Monday, 17 March. Jones tentatively suggested that the Director meet with the Senator in the latter's office at 11:00 a. m. on that day. Mr. Jones will confirm this with us later. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Wednesday - 1Z March 1969 6. (Unclassified - CEA) Left the Agency pamphlet and the Raborn interview with Penelope Schreiner, in the office or Frank Church (D., Idaho), for use in replying to a constituent, 7. (Unclassified - CEA) Left with Carolyn Peachey, in the office of Representative Sam Steiger (R., Ariz.), the Agency' rofessional brochure for use in replying to a constituent, 8. (Unclassified - CEA) Spoke with George R. Berdes, Administrative Assistant to Representative Clement J. Zablocki (D., Wis.), concerning n whose behalf Berdes had written to the Agency. I noted that uis known to the Agency as a serious scholar, but that the work he is proposing is not of such a nature that the Agency could sponsor him. I suggested that Berdes might wish to contact the Department of Defense in this regard as to whether the Rand Corporation or the Institute for Defense Analysis might be interested in the subject matter. 10. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Mrs. Woolbert, Administrative Assistant to Representative Otis G. Pike (D., N.Y.), called to express the Congressman's appreciation for the FBIS material covering the period prior to the seizure of the Pueblo, and asked if we could provide a similar compilation following the seizure and dealing primarily with the Pueblo's mission and orders as broadcast by Pyongyang, Korea. She said the Congressman would appreciate this material prior to his next Subcommittee meeting which is scheduled for 10:00 a. m. on 14 March. FBIS, said the material would be pulled together and at least part o it would be available for delivery to Pike's office tomorrow. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4 Wednesday - 12 March 1969 11. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Philip Manuel, Investigator, Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (Urban Disturbances), asked if he could get a copy of an FBIS publication dated 15 December 1967 concerning Stokely Carmichael's statements abroad during the period 6 October through 12 December 1967. FBIS, advises that this report does exist and I will deliver a copy of it to Mr. Manuel on condition that he observe the "official use only" nature of the material 13. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Mr. Robert Michaels, House Appropriations Committee staff, and received from him additional questions for possible consideration in tomorrow's briefing concerning construction of an American base in the Indian Ocean. Mr. Michaels also advised that Mr. Robert Foster has not officially transferred from the Small Business Administration to the staff and in consequence will not be sitting in on the Director's briefing tomorrow. 14. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Mr. Boyd Crawford, Staff Administrator, House Foreign Affairs Committee, and provided an outline of the circumstances surrounding the resignation of Mr. 5X1 25X1 25X1 a contract employee, in October 1967. Mr. Crawford was most appreciative. 15. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Mrs. Mary McLaughlin, Personal Secretary to Carl Marcy, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations staff, and provided a copy of a blind memorandum dated 11 March on the "Cost of Certain Soviet Military Programs. " After review by Mr. Marcy the memorandum will be returned for inclusion in the briefing transcript of 26 February. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 5 Wednesday - 12 March 1969 16. (Confidential - JGO) Received a call frorri Miss Jane Schweiker, in the office of Senator Jack Miller (R., Iowa), who advised that the Selective Service is forwarding thel case to the Presidential Appeals Board for extension of deferment. OSI and the Office of Personnel have been advised. 25X1 25X1 17. (Secret - JMM) Accompanied Messrs. Bruce Clarke an o brief Chairman John Stennis and Mr. Ed Braswell, Chief of 6taff, Senate Armed Services Committee, on ChiCom strategic weapons and the Soviet ABM program. See Memo for Record for details. 18. (Confidential - JMM) In response to a call received by the Director from Representative Richard D. McCarthy (D. , N. Y.) requesting a briefing on chemical, bacteriological and biological warfare, I called the Con ressman's office and, in his absence, told Miss Nancy Tolson that I lof this Office, and an Agency specialist in this field would be avai a e to meet with Mr. McCarthy on the afternoon of 13 March. Subsequently, Miss Tolson called to say the Congressman would like the .. _ _ 25X1 f JOHN M. MAURY Legislative Counsel cc: Ex /Dir - Compt DD/S DD/S&T DD /I O/DDCI I Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin OPPB EA/DDP Item 10 - SECRET C7- -Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Tuesday - 11 March 1969 1. ( Confidential - CEA) Jay Sourwine, Staff Director, Senate Sub- co for any available information on I told Sourwine I would check and be back in touch with him. Sourwine said the Subcommittee plans to subpoena=who is presently traveling in the United States. STAT Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337ROOD090902-5 Calls SECRET In Out 2. (Internal Use Only - CEA) Talked to Homer Krout, Administrative 25X1 Assistant to Representative Joel T. Broyhill (R. , Va. ), about) a retired Agency employee who is attempting to establis a BEG c aim and who has enlisted the aid of Broyhill's office. It was agreed that the Agency would prepare a letter to Broyhill setting forth what BEG requires, what the Agency can furnish in the way of information, and what Krout must obtain himself. 3. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Received a call from Miss Helen Boyle, Personal Secretary to Chairman George H. Mahon (D. , Texas), who advised thatF :1 a constituent, is in town although she had not yet received notification t at her processing for Agency employment has been completed. Helen described her as a nice young girl from Lubbock, Texas. After checking with the Office of Personnel, advised Miss Boyle that the processing has not been completed, but that everything appeared at this time to be in order for EOD later in the month. I also advised that a close check was being made to see whether an earlier date for EOD is possible. 4. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Received a call from Bill Woodruff, Senate Appropriations Committee staff, on behalf of Senator Russell, requesting verification of a news article by Ralph de Toledano, dateline 25 February, from a West Coast paper concerning the 8 January 1969 Soviet- Cuba nuclear and scientific agreement. A brief outline of the background and current status of the agreement with comment on other information contained in the news item, which was furnished by OCI and OSI, was hand-carried to Mr. Woodruff for Senator Russell's use on the floor. Also furnished was a copy of a 15 February column by Mr. de Toledano on this same subject published in the Indianapolis, Indiana News. Mr. Woodruff advised later in the day that the material furnished was what was wanted and was appreciated by Senator Russell. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Tuesday - 11 March 1969 5. (Confidential - JMM) Told Robert Michaels, Staff Assistant, r riations Committee, that our Personnel Office had interviewed I I in w rman Mahon had expressed personal interest and that we had provided ~'ith application forms for submission. 25X1 Michaels said he would pass this word on to the Chairman. Michaels advised that members of the Subcommittee on Military Construction had been invited to sit in, but not ask questions, at the 13 March Agency briefing of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee. He reaffirmed his opinion that the session will last most of the day on the 13th and we should also keep the morning of the 14th open in case it runs over. He said he was sure the Subcommittee would want a briefing in considerable depth as in the past. 6. (Confidential - JMM) Talked by phone with Chairman David N. Henderson, Subcommittee on Manpower and Civil Service, House Post Office and Civil Service Committee, regarding the Ervin bill (S. 782) and told him of the letters the Director had received from Ervin. Henderson, among other things, suggested we should promptly bring the situation to the attention of Senator Russell. See Memo for the Record. see Woodruff at 2:00 P. M. tomorrow. 7. (Secret - GLC) At his request met with Bill Woodruff, Senate Appropriations Committee staff. Woodruff showed me an informal memorandum which Senator Mansfield has sent to Senator Russell regarding the Agency's listing of research grants in compliance with BOB Bulletin 69-8. In his memo Mansfield expressed complete agreement with the Agency's submission of this material to the CIA Subcommittee in view of its sensitivity. Mansfield has requested, however, that a member of the Subcommittee staff review the material and make a determination as to whether any of it might be included in the overall report being prepared by the Democratic Policy Committee. Woodruff asked if .I would have someone make this material available to him tomorrow so he might conduct such a review. He will then speak to Senator Mansfield. Arrangements have been made for OPPB, and me to SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Tuesday - 11 March 1969 8. (Internal Use Only - JGO) In the absence of Homer McMurray, Clerk, Official Reporters to House Committees, met with Mr. Charles C. Dudley, who advised that he and Mr. Joseph Gimelli will be the reporters and Mrs. Phyllis V. Morgan and Allene G. Johnson the transcribers for the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee hearings on Thursday and Friday, 13 and 14 March. Security clearances on the above are being verified. 9. (Internal Use Only - JGO) In response to his call of yesterday, talked to Mr. Bruce Merkle, Administrative Assistant to Representative William Bray (R. , Ind.), and advised that has no record of an employment application or other contact by A check with our recruiting office indicated that he had not been tested at Indiana University with regard to Agency employment. Mr. Merkle advised that no further checks would be necessary unless he is able to gain additional information from their Indianapolis office. 10 . (Confidential - JGO) Met with Mr. Robert Michaels, House Appropriations Committee staff, and reviewed the tentative agenda of topics for the Defense Subcommittee briefing on Thursday and confirmed the arrangements for security procedures used at the hearing. 11. (Secret -GLC) Bill Woodruff, Senate Appropriations Committee staff, and I met with Bob McCoy, Administrative Assistant to Senator Karl Mundt, at McCoy's request. He said now that the F-111 issue is over, Mundt is concentrating his attention on the subject of student uprisings and is particularly interested in the possibility of the involvement of an interna- tional conspiracy in these situations. McCoy asked if the Agency had any information on this. I told him that any information which we would have on student uprisings in foreign areas would be passed to the FBI in view of its possible relationship to similar cases in the U. S. McCoy mentioned at this point that Senator Mundt had an appointment to meet with FBI officials on this subject on Monday. He said either DeLoach or Mr. Hoover himself would be seeing the Senator. McCoy went on to say if we had any information on the subject which we felt Mundt should know about he would appreciate our making it available to him. He also mentioned a specific instance where someone involved in student unrest in the New York City area was known to have cashed a check which was drawn on a bank in Communist China. He was particularly interested in knowing whether we had any information about this. I said I would look into these areas and be in touch with him. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4 Tuesday - 11 March 1969 12. (Unclassified - GLC) Chris Sylvester, in the office of Senator Milton Youn , called to say the Senator had received a copy of the letter that ad written to Mr. Maury expressing continued interest in employment possibilities with the Agency. S lvester said he wanted to make it clear that Senator Young had suggested tha rite to Mr. Maury and had not requested that he write as ad indicated in his letter. Sylvester would like us to keep him advised as to t e status of 0 case, however. JOHN M. MAURY Legislative Counsel cc: Ex/Dir- Compt O/DDCI DD/I DD IS DD/S&T Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin OPPB EA/DDP 25X1 Item 2 - Item 5, para 1 - Personnel Item 7 - OPPB Item 12 - Personnel SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R002-5 7 Calls 6 In 0 SECRET Out 4 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Monday - 10 March 1969 1. (Unclassified - JGO) In response to the request of Mr. Gordon Uremovic, Administrative Assistant to Representative B. F. Sisk (D. , Calif.), delivered a copy of the Agency's map portfolio of Communist China for the Congressman's use. 2. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Mr. Russ Blandford, Chief Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, and briefed him orally on the Director's correspondence with Senator Ervin. Mr. Blandford's reaction was somewhat strong concerning the position taken by Senator Ervin. He requested copies be made available, if possible, for briefing the Chairman and members of the House Armed Services Committee. 3. (Secret - JGO) Met with Representative William Bates R. , Mass. ) and updated the information previously provided concerning systems. 4. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Met with Mr. Bun Bray, Manpower Subcommittee of House Post Office and Civil Service Committee staff, and discussed the Ervin bill with him at some length. Mr. Bray advised that Chairman Henderson appears stronger than ever in his resolve that appro- priate exemption must be provided in any legislation of this nature for the protection of the security agencies. 5. (Internal Use Only - JGO) In response to his call, met with Mr. Boyd Crawford, Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Committee, who requested assistance on behalf of the Chairman on the case of Thomas J. Simpson of Hatboro, Pennsylvania.. Mr. Crawford furnished the correspondence on this file forwarded to Chairman Morgan by Mr. Thomas Minehart, Chairman of the Pennsylvania Democratic State Committee. The Office of Personnel has been advised. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Monday - 10 March 1969 6. (Internal Use Only - JGO) In response to his call, met with Mr. Bruce Merkle, Administrative Assistant to Representative William Bray (R. , Ind.) who advised that 1hei office has been queried concerning the em loyment application of Mr a constituent. Mr. s a blind person who took the CIA. "entrance exam" and has had 25X1 no response. It would be appreciated if information could be provided 25X1 for use by Representative Bray in responding to the query he has received on this matter. The Office of Personnel has been advised. _ 7. (Confidential - CEA) Called J. Sourwine, Senate Internal Security Subcommittee and informed him that the Agency has no record 25X1 on 8. (Unclassified - CEA) Miss Puishis, in the office of Representative Floyd Hicks (D. , Washington), called on behalf of a constituent to inquire about summer employment. I pointed out the problems connected with this and she readily understood and withdrew the request. 9. (Confidential - GLC) Talked with Ed Braswell, Staff Director, Senate Armed Services Committee, about Senator Ervin's responses to the Director's letter requesting an opportunity to appear before Ervin's Subcommittee in executive session to present the Agency's views on S. 782. Braswell repeated his feeling that the Director should now meet privately with Senator Ervin again, expressing in specific terms the Agency's objections to the bill and offering suggested language which would meet the Agency's needs. Braswell urged that we be absolutely certain that there is no way possible for the Agency to live with this bill with anything short of a full exemption. In this connection Braswell mentioned again that senators will not accept the fact that this is a serious Agency problem unless the Director is willing to express the Agency's position personally to them. In this connection Braswell asked about NSA's position on the bill at this time. He said he had not heard anything from them this year and the assumption is that perhaps NSA is finding ways to adjust to the bill. I told him I was confident this was not the case. He said he might be talking with Jack Stempler, DOD, in an effort to stimulate him into action. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Monday - 10 March 1969 10. (Confidential - GLC) Talked with Ed Braswell, Staff Director, Senate Armed Services Committee, about the pending nomination of General Cushman and the timing of Committee hearings on the nomination. I told him it was my understanding that the General would be leaving Vietnam on or about 25 March and was scheduled to assume his duties as DDCI around 15 April. Braswell said he assumed the Chairman would want General Cushman to appear before the Committee, but said there was no urgency on this. It can be arranged sometime between 26 March and 15 April. 11. (Unclassified - GLC) Called Homer Krout, Administrative 25X1 Assistant to Representative Joel T. Broyhill (R., Va. regarding the Congressman's telegram to the Director on behalf of and his pending BEC claim. I told Krout that I had been in touch with our Personnel people who were pulling Jones' file and that when the case had been reviewed we would be in touch with him tomorrow morning. Krout acknowl- edged tha4 lwas a very confused individual, but said he had been pressing them for some time to have them again contact the Agency. Krout said they had also sent a telegram to the Bureau of Employees' Compensation. He said they wanted to cooperate with us in every way and appreciated the nature of this case. 12. (Secret - GLC) Talked with William Woodruff, Senate Appropriations Committee staff, about Senator Ervin's response to the Director's letter to Senator Ervin on S. 782. Woodruff offered little encouragement, but said he thought it essential that the Director see Senator Ervin again this year in an attempt to reconcile our problems over the bill. If this fails ( as he expects it will), he feels that the Director should then meet privately with Senator Russell and spell out to him the Agency's problems with this bill. Woodruff said that senators are most reluctant to interfere with the business of another senator in his committee capacity, but he recognized that our Subcommittee members should be forced to focus on Agency problems since they have asserted legislative oversight jurisdiction over CIA. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4 Monday - 10 March 1969 13. (Confidential - JMM) Accompanied Mr. Houston in meeting with Assistant Attorney General Walter J. Yeagley, Associate Deputy Attorney General for Legislation John W. Dean, and Mr. Kevin Maroney of Justice Department regarding the Ervin bill, S. 782. See Mr. Houston's Memo for the Record for details25X1 t JOHN M. MAURY Legislative Counsel cc: Ex/Dir- Compt O/DDCI DD/I DD/S DD/S&T Mr. Mr. Mr. Goodwin OPPB EA/DDP Item 10 - Personnel SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R0C@3A0,Wg02-5 CONFIDENTIAL Calls In Out JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Friday - 7 March 1969 1. (Unclassified - GLC) Mourine Dantzic, Senate Armed Services Committee staff, called and asked if we could provide the Committee with 75 copies of a background on General Cushman, whose nomination as DDCI was received today. I later talked with Charles Kirbow, of the Committee staff, who agreed that this information should be obtained from the Marine Corps. 2. (Confidential - GLC) Talked with Ed Hartung, Minority Counsel, Senate Appropriations Committee, about the status of the a lication of I I I explained to Hartung that, despitel qualifications and experience, we could not offer her a position above grade GS-5 (GS-6 if she will go overseas). Positions in grades GS-7 and GS-9 are filled by selections of qualified secretaries already in the Agency. I told him I would check further on this, however, and be in touch with him. 3. (Confidential - GLC) Personnel, called to advise that I I whose father is an employee of the staff of House has been tentatively selected for a position with NPIC at grade GS-7. STAT CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 CONFIDENTIAL Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Friday - 7 March 1969 5. (Confidential - CEA) Accompanied 1E R, to the office of Representative Paul Findley (R. , Ill. or a brie briefing on the status of Czechoslovakian arms shipments to the Middle East and Vietnam. Findley had requested the briefing because he is interested in promoting more favored nation's treatment for Czechoslovakia and is aware that Czechoslovakia military aid to Vietnam and the Middle East will be a factor in any chance of success. Findley was satisfied with the briefing and there are no follow-up questions to be answered. 6. (Confidential - CEA) At the request of Representative Donald Riegle (R., Mich.), Mr. Carver and met with Riegle and his Administrative Assistant, Carl Blake, in Riegle's office to discuss Riegle's recent trip to Vietnam. He feels that it is necessary that the United States make some reduction in its forces in Vietnam within the near future, princi- pally for U. S. political reasons. Riegle said he had met with President Thieu who agrees that reduction in the neighborhood of 50, 000 men would be in order. Riegle also feels, although he has not reached a personal position, that a strong argument can be made for resuming the bombing of North Vietnam over a specified period of time. He does not feel that the Paris peace talks will result in any agreements. It was apparent that one of Riegle's principal reasons for the meeting was to attempt to find out, if possible, from whom President Nixon is getting his advice. Carver pointed out the obvious as being Kissinger, Rogers and Laird and said beyond that, he did not know. Riegle made it plain that he plans to push his ideas with those people who advise Nixon, if he can find out who they are. 25X1 JOHN M. MAURY Legislative Counsel cc: Ex /Dir--C ompt O/DDCI Mr. Goodwin OPPB DD/I DD/S DD/S&T EA/DDP . lvir. Mr. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R00 % J2-5 11 Calls 12 In I ut 6 SECRET O L_ JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Thursday - 6 March 1969 1. (Confidential - CEA) Carl Blake, in the office of Representa- tive Donald Riegle (R. , Mich. ), called to arrange a meeting with George Carver, SAVA, to discuss the Congressman's trip to Vietnam. After checking with Carver, it was agreed that we would meet in Riegle's office at 4:30 p.m. , 7 March. 2. (Internal Use Only - CEA) J. Sourwine, Senate Internal Securit Subcommitte, called to request information on who is travelling in the United States wit head of the SDS. I told Sourwine I would check and be ac in ouc . 3. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Paul Karody, Legislative Assistant to Senator Stephen M. Young (D. , Ohio), called on behalf of the Senator to find out the amount of the Agency budget and the number of Agency personnel. I told Mr. Karody that I was not able to supply this informa- tion and cited the statutory proscriptions involved. I suggested that it may be reasonable from his position and if he wishes to, to suggest to the Senator that he deal with Senators Russell and Stennis on this matter and he seemed to be agreeable to this suggestion commenting that it would get both of us "off the hook." Then, in the absence of Ed Braswell, I alerted Mr. Charles K.irbow, Chief Clerk, Senate Armed Services Committee. 4. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Spoke with Colonel Banks, in the office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower, concerning H. R. 4204, amendments to the War Claims Act of 1948, and learned that the bill will be reported out in amended fashion and that it is DOD's position that expansion of the bill to include American citizens, among other things, would be best accomplished on the Senate side. SECRET 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Thursday - 6 March 1969 5. (Unclassified - JGO) Met with Mr. A. J. Montgomery, Special Assistant to Senator Jack Miller, who advised that the FBIS White Book is a very useful office tool and that the office would appreciate receiving it on a continuing basis. 6. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Mr. Robert Michaels, House Appropriations Committee staff, who advised that as of the moment, he does not foresee time for scheduling a meeting of the CIA Subcommittee for the next two weeks. I also reviewed with Mr. Michaels the classified handling of the transcripts of the Director's briefing of the Defense Subcommittee on 13 and 14 March. Mr. Michaels noted that the Chairman and members of the Subcommittee will undoubtedly have questions on Vietnam and Southeast Asia that will be generated by Secretary Laird's trip to the Far East. 7. (Internal Use Only JGO) Met with Mr. Homer McMurray, Clerk, Office of Official Reporters to House Committees, and made the preliminary arrangements for Agency control of the reporters' notes, and transcripts of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee hearings for 13 and 14 March. I will meet again with Mr. McMurray prior to the meetings to ascertain the names of the reporters and transcribers to be used for the hearing. 8. (Confidential - JGO) Received from Miss Berniece Kalinowski, House Armed Services Committee staff, the Agency copy of the transcript of the Director's testimony of 5 March before the Pike Subcommittee. 9 . (Internal Use Only - JGO) Received a call from Mr. Borstein, in the office of Representative Leonard Farbstein (D. , N. Y. ) concerning the membership of the Soviet Politbureau and other persons in the present government of the Soviet Union. I referred Mr. Borstein to the Department of State. 10. (Secret - JGO) Met with Mary McLaughlin, Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff, and advised that the additional material concerning cost of certain Soviet military programs for inclusion in the record of the hearing of 26 February will be forwarded on Tuesday, 11 March. Miss McLaughlin will relay this advice to Mr. Marcy but indicated that she is certain this will be satisfactory. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Thursday - 6 March 1969 11. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Mr. Frank Slatinshek, Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, and provided a copy of the Congressional Record material covering Senator Symington's remarks on the Pueblo incident of 4 February and pointed out particular paragraphs of interest. Mr. Slatinshek noted that he would put it with his material for inclusion in the record. He advised that after the completion of today's hearings, Chairman Pike intends to make a short press release on the hearings to date. Since it had not yet been dictated by the Chairman, however, Mr. Slatinshek could not detail the content. It is the Chairman's intention to include a statement to the effect that the Agency was not involved in the responsibility of the Pueblo incident. 12. (Secret - GLC) Hand carried to the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy two copies of NIE 13-8-69, Communist China's Strategic Weapons Program. One copy is to be retained by the Joint Committee for the use of the Senate Preparedness Subcommittee. 13. (Secret - GLC) Hand carried to William Woodruff, on the staff of the Senate Appropriations Committee, a letter from the Director to Senator Russell transmitting a copy of his prepared statement as given before the Pike Subcommittee on the Pueblo. Mr. Woodruff hastily reviewed the statement commenting that it looked good to him and consistent with the briefing papers which Admiral O'Brien had made available to him. He also said that the statement would be very useful to him in preparing his memo- randum to Senator Russell on the subject. It is Woodruff's feeling that protracted and repetition on the Pueblo by numerous congressional committees will serve no useful purpose. He proposes to suggest to Senator Russell that the Senator call the Director, General Carter, and Admiral Moorer before the CIA. Subcommittees to review the situation in the light of steps which might be taken to avoid this kind of situation in the future. I passed on to Woodruff the data on Soviet SO-1 class subchasers and P-4 class motor torpedo boats which he had requested and which were provided for us by Bruce Clarke, OSR. I returned to Woodruff the map book which we had prepared for him some years ago. DDI Graphics is preparing six new books for the use of Woodruff, Braswell, and our Subcommittee chairmen. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30 - CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4 Thursday - 6 March 1969 14. (Secret - GLC) Hand carried to Mr. Edward Braswell, Staff Director of the Senate Armed Services Committee, the Director's letter to Senator Stennis transmitting a copy of the statement which the Director gave before the Pike Subcommittee on the Pueblo. Braswell said he had not devoted any time trf study to the Pueblo case and added that this would be a useful summary for him. I. had the impression from Braswell's remarks that he feels Senator Stennis would like to avoid hearings on the Pueblo but is under some pressure from certain of his members to schedule them. He also has outstanding the request from Senator Fulbright that any hearings on the Pueblo be conducted with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Braswell reviewed again his conversation with Senator Ervin on S. 782. He indicated that he would like the Agency to be in touch with him before we respond to the letter which Senator Ervin is sending us. 15. (Secret - GLC) During the course of a conversation with Charles Kirbow, of the Senate Armed Services Committee staff, the subject of the Ervin bill came up. We reviewed the membership of Senator Ervin's Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights and Kirbow admitted that Senator Thurmond was a member of that Subcommittee. In response to my light query Kirbow said he thought Senator Thurmond would be sympathetic to the Agency's position on the bill and suggested that we discuss it with James Lucier, of Senator Strom Thurmond's (R., S. Car.) staff, in whom the Senator has great confidence. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 5 Thursday - 6 March 1969 17. (Secret - GLC) Talked with James Knowles, Research Director of the Joint Economic Committee staff, regarding the Committee's proposed study on the National Economy and Military Programs in the USSR. I told Knowles that it would create problems for us in terms of workload and security b3 attempt to assist in this study and asked if the Committee was firmly committed to this project. Knowles said that the Chairman and Vice Chairman have indicated considerable interest in this but no commitment has been made as yet. He suggested that we convey our problems in rather general terms to Leon Herman, of the Library of Congress, who is handling this. If this does not take care of the matter, he ('Knowles) will advise us and we can discuss the matter further. 18. (Unclassified - GLC) Scott Cohen, on the staff of Senator Charles Percy, called and asked if we would give him a "rundown" on a foreign company, I told him we would check on this and be back in touch with him. 19. (Confidential - GLC) Kathy Nelson, on the staff of Senator Stuart Symington, called and asked if we had a publication covering world- wide developments which was referred to as "green sheets. " She said that members of Senator Symington's new Foreign Relations Subcommittee staff were interested in obtaining this information if it was available. I told her I would check on this. 20. (Confidential -JMM) Called Dr. NSA, and told him highlights of the questions and answers at the Director s appearance yesterday before the House Subcommittee on the Pueblo. He asked if they could see our co of the transcript. After checkin with the Director, I called Dr. I pack to say that Mr. could come over and look at it 25X1 and ma e notes. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Off ice of Legislative Counsel Page 6 Thursday - 6 March 1969 21. (Unclassified - CEA) Called Rosetta Pagnella, in the office of Representative William Hungate (D. , Mo. ), and told her Air America is the organization to which she should refer constituent who had inquired about a position as a pilot in Laos. cc: Ex/Dir-Compt O/DDCI DD/I DD/S 25X1 DD/S&T Mr. Mr. Goodwin Mr. Houston OPPB EA/DDP Legislative Counsel JOHN M. MAURY SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R0QZ!360Q@t }02-5 8 Calls 13 In 2 SECRET Out 8 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Wednesday - 5 March 1969 1. (Confidential - GLC) Robert Michaels, on the staff of the House Appropriations Committee, called and said that although the Chairman would not be able to schedule hearings on the 1970 defense budget for awhile he would like to proceed with the intelligence briefing which the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee has customarily received before considering the defense budget. Michaels suggested as possible dates next Tuesday or Wednesday, 11 or 12 March, or Thursday, 13 March, if this would better suit the Director. I mentioned that Wednesday is generally the National Security Council meeting day and after checking with the Director advised Michaels that Thursday was by far the prefer4ble date for Mr. Helms. This will be the usual worldwide round up briefing. Ihas been notified. 3. (Unclassified - GLC) In connection with the current review of congressional offices receiving the FBIS daily reports, the following offices were contacted and their desires regarding the continuing receipt of the daily reports were determined: a. Senator Robert P. Griffin (R. , Mich), continue. b. Senator Edward J. Gurney (R., Fla. ), continue to the attention of Mr. Martin, Senate Office Building. c. Senator Strom Thurmond (R. , S. Car. ), continue addressed to Room 3311, New Senate Office Building. d. Foreign Relations Committee, continue. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Wednesday - 5 March 1969 4. (Confidential - GLC) Edward Braswell, Staff Director of the Senate Armed Services Committee, called to say that Senator Sam J. Ervin (D. , N. Car.) talked to him about the Agency's problems with S. 782.. The Senator mentioned that Agency representatives had met with him but according to Braswell their comments concerning the bill had been extremely general in nature. He told Braswell that he planned to reply to Mr. Helms' letter requesting an Agency appearance in executive session. In his reply he will suggest that the Agency propose specific language which it would like to have included in the bill. Senator Ervin also told Braswell that he would want the Agency to be more specific with regard to our problems with S. 782. Braswell recommended that we do nothing further until we receive Senator Ervin's letter. When we respond he feels that this should include a personal visit from the Director to the Senator. 5. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Mr. Robert Michaels, House Appropriations Committee staff, concerning Chairman Mahon's request for a worldwide intelligence presentation for the Defense Subcommittee of Appropriations. Mr. Michaels advised that the Chairman has scheduled the 13th and the morning of the 14th for the Director's presentation but that we had been successful last year and the year before in completing the Committee's questioning in one day. In keeping with the Chairman's schedule, however, he would appreciate it if the Director's schedule could be blocked for the morning of the 14th in the event it is necessary to carry over. He indicated that the Chairman and Committee would be particularly interested in ABM and ICBM, both Soviet and ChiCom; South East Asia; South America, with some emphasis on Peru; the Middle East; and, Berlin depending on the status of that problem at the time of meeting. He noted the Chairman is quite interested in Spain and would be interested in our estimate as to what may happen on the question of succession on General Franco's death and whether the succession question has any bearing on the present negotiations with Spain. Mr. Michaels will advise if other specific questions are identified by the Chairman. as been advised. Mr. Michaels also requested a thorough security check of the Committee staff rooms as well as the hearing rooms on the morning of the 13th of March. The Office of Security has been advised. I briefed Mr. Michaels on the number of Soviet operational ICBMs on launcher. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Wednesday - 5 March 1969 6. (Unclassified - CEA) Talked to Baron Shacklette, Administra- tive Assistant to Representative Wright Patman (D. , Texas), concerning their re uest for information on the Minutemen on behalf of a constituent, I I informed Shacklette that this is an organization which operates within the United States and that the Agency has no records on it. I suggested that he contact the FBI and the House Committee on Internal Security. 7 . (Unclassified - CEA) At their request, returned to Nancy Stamberger, in the office of Senator William Saxbe (R. , Ohio), the orginal letter from I Iwho had written to Saxbe requesting informa- tion on Agency employment. 8. (Unclassified - CEA) Delivered to Nancy Eklund, in the office of Senator Ted Stevens (R. , Alaska), the Agency pamphlet and the Raborn interview together with a suggested reply for a constituent who had asked for information on the Agency. 9. (Secret - JGO) Delivered to Mr. Carl Marcy as follow up of questioning by Senator Gore during the Director's briefing of Senate Foreign Relations Committee of 26 February, a Memorandum titled, "CIA Estimates of Enemy Strength in South Vietnam." Mr. Marcy advised that he would show the paper to Senator Gore during the day and if possible return it for insertion in the transcript. The paper was picked up late in the day and returned to the Agency. 10. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Mr. Frank Slatinshek, Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, at various times during the day. After the Director's appearance, Mr. Slatinshek advised that the Chairman felt the Director had made an impressive appearance and that his statement was an excellent one. He will provide our copy of the transcript the first thing in the morning and indicated that we might discuss some of the questions further after the transcript has been reviewed. I also briefed Mr. Slatinshek on the present estimate of Soviet operational ICBMs on launcher. 11. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Mr. J. R. Blandford, Chief Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, concerning the physical and security arrangements for today's briefing of the Pike Subcommittee. I also briefed Mr. Blandford on the number of Soviet ICBMs on launcher. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4 Wednesday - 5 March 1969 12. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Met with Mr. Bun Bray, House Post Office and Civil Service Committee staff, who advised that at Chairman Henderson's direction, the Committee staff is continuing a rewrite of the Ervin bill which originated before the close of the last session. The new bill will include specific exemption for the CIA and additional provision authorizing that the President may exempt such other agencies or components as may be necessary in the interest of national security. Mr. Bray noted that although there appears to be no more pressure at this time on the House side than in the past, that Senator Ervin appears to be exerting considerable pressure himself from the Senate side. 13. (Confidential - CEA) In response to a request from Representative Paul Findley (R. , Ill.) for a briefing on the status of Czechoslovakia's arms shipments to the Middle East and Vietnam, arranged for , OER, to conduct the briefing in Findley's office on 7 March at 10:30 a. m. 14. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Spoke with Colonel Banks, Office of the Secretary of Defense for Manpower, concerning the DOD position on H. R. 4204, amendments to War Claims Act of 1948. Colonel Banks informed me that DOD representatives were not scheduled to testify at the hearing today but that they would sit in; DOD will today deliver to the Committee a letter pointing out certain deficiencies in the bill, primarily related to date and criteria for coverage and authorizing settle- ment prior to return of POWs. He does not feel the bill will be reported out as introduced and is hopeful that a more comprehensive measure along the lines of H. R. 15545 (90th Congress) would emerge. 15. (Internal Use Only - KEF) Received a call from Beth Minter, in the office of Representative Marvin Esch (R. , Mich.), who requested maps of the Provinces of Vietnam. These maps were provided by the Map Library and forwarded to Miss Minter. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 5 Wednesday - 5 March 1969 16. (Unclassified - JMD) Called Peggy Rapking, in the office of Senator Baker, who advised that the Senator will not be able to come out to the Agency for dinner tomorrow evening. She said the Senator is going out of the country on 7 March and will return on 13 March. They will be in touch at that time to set another date. 17. (Secret - JMM) Accompanied the Director in appearing before the House Armed Services Committee's Special Subcommittee on Inquiry of USS Pueblo. (A transcript was taken and is available in OLC. ) 18. (Secret - JMM) rLaIlled Admiral Leslie J. O'Brien (OP/NAV), Charles Havens (OSD), and o advise them of the highlights of the Director's appearance before the Subcommittee on Inquiry of USS Pueblo, and forwarded copies of the Director's prepared statement to O'Brien and Havens will have access to O'Brien's copy). 25X1 -JOHN M. MAURY Legislative Counsel cc: Ex/Dir O/DDCI DD /I DD/S DD / Mr. Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin OPPB EA /DDP 25X1 Item 14 - SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R00SQ9Q02-5 7 Calls 6 In 0 SECRET O ut 2 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Tuesday - 4 March 1969 1. (Secret - GLC) Met with Edward Braswell, Chief of Staff of the Senate Armed. Services Committee, and brought him up-to-date on developments on the Ervin bill (S. 782). I mentioned that Messrs. Maury and Houston had talked with Senator Ervin without any apparent success, that we had discussed our problems with the bill with Senators Jackson and McClellan during their-visit to the Agency last Saturday and that we had also talked with Senator Eastland. I pointed out that Senators Jackson, McClellan, and Eastland seemed sympathetic to our position and we hoped for their support. Braswell now shares our concern that Senator Ervin may report this bill out of his Subcommittee without further hearings. In this connection, I mentioned that the Director had written to Senator Ervin regarding an opportunity to appear before his Subcommittee in executive session to state the Agency's problem. Braswell also agrees with us that the best place to try to accomplish our purpose is within the Judiciary Committee framework. I mentioned to Braswell the Director's reference to possible retirement legislation in his conversation with Senator Stennis last Monday and Senator Stennis' suggestion that we take this up with Braswell. I indicated that we would be in touch with him in the very near future. Braswell suggested that we submit material to him in advance of any meeting so that he could have an opportunity to study it. I advised Braswell that we were looking into the possibility of an investment plan for Agency employees which could be tied into our retirement program. I emphasized that this was in the exploratory stages and that we would be back in touch with him before any action is taken to establish such a program. Braswell's only question was whether or not there would be an Agency contribution to the plan and I told him there.would not. In the framework of this conversation, Braswell expressed some knowledge of and some interest in our United Benefits Insurance Program. I told him I would obtain some material on this program for him. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Tuesday - 4 March 1969 2. (Secret - LLM) D S caileA in connection with an intelligence exploitation requirement on a and requested that we alert Representative Florence P. Dwyer (R., N. J.) 25X1 who apparently has had an official interest in this individual who now holds an American passport but was a former i itlent in the USSR. will contact Dwyer's office and informi of the results. 25X1 25X1 3. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Met with Agency member of the POW Intelligence Committee, and Messrs. Personnel, concerning the upcoming hearings on to amend the War Claims Act of 1948, in connection with developing an Agency position with respect to this and related legislation. 4_ (internal Use Only - LLMI L. FBIS, advised that Mrs. Woolbert, Administrative Assistant to Representative Otis G. Pike (D., N. Y.), had requested the Asia and Pacific Area Books for the month of January 1968. Ultimately, I hand-carried to Mrs. Woolbert these Area Books which constituted the "Official Record Copy" which she said she would treat accordingly and return. I also delivered the FBIS compilation from the Area Books on North Korean radio comment regarding allege8TATSPEC territorial intrusions covering the period from January 1964 until the seizure of the Pueblo. She said Congressman Pike greatly annremat ssistance. Mrs. Woolbert said she had been told by Mr. FBIS, that FBIS could not provide the Congressman with classified information pertaining to alleged South Korean warnings to its allies prior to the seizure of the Pueblo that North Korea was "tightening up. " I explained that what Fas most probably referring to was that the coverage in the Area Books for the most part primarily deals with foreign broadcasts which are on the open airways and not classified, and reiterated our desire to .,e fully responsive to Mr. Pike's requirements where we could be helpful. She said Mr. Pike was particularly concerned with the alleged South Korean warnings as a result of Admiral Mooret's earlier testimony and she felt that he would be pursuing this further when Mr. Helms testified before Mr. Pike's Subcommittee. This information was related to Mr. Maury. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Tuesday - 4 March 1969 Page 3 11 8 . (Confidential - JGO) Met with Mr. Frank Slatinshek, Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, and advised that we had forwarded copies of the various FBIS intercepts of North Korean "warnings" during the weeks preceding the Pueblo capture to Chairman Pike's Administrative Assistant, Mrs. Robert G. Woolbert. Later talked to Mr. Slatinshek at the close of today's hearings and was advised that it had not been possible to complete the testimony of Admiral Moorer and. that the Chairman had requested that the Admiral return in the morning. Chairman Pike would appreciate it if the Director could be available at 11:00 a. m. rather than 10:00 a. m. The Director has been advised. I also requested a Committee authorization to purchase a copy of the transcript of the Director's testimony. Mr. Sla q.s~}g .14dicated it would be necessary to check with the Chairman. Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R0003C 50'90U02-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SLLRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4 Tuesday - 4 March 1969 9. (Unclassified - JMM) Talked with Chairman Henderson, Manpower and Civil Service Subcommittee, and brought him up-to-date on our activities re the Ervin bill (S. 782). See Memo for the Record for details. 10. (Secret - JMM) Called Robert Michaels, House Appropriations Committee staff, following up his inquiry of yesterday to say we had been unable to get any information regarding the possible supplying of U. S. 1 -1 He thanked me and said he would seek his 11. (Unclassified - JMM) Carl Marcy, Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff, called to ask about employment opportunities for= I said we would be glad to look into this and asked him to provide a biographic profile. 12. (Secret - JMM) I General Counsel, NSA, called to say that he thought the Pueblo hearings today had gone fairly well and he would particularly like to see the transcript or get a copy of the Director's prepared statement regarding our appearance tomorrow. I said we would l - ., _ , ~- ----- I- : --- ---1--1 ----- ----, -3 25X1 cc: O/DDCI Ex/ Dir- Compt OPPB DD/ I DD/S DD/S&T EA/DDP Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin I SECRE] Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Legislative Counsel Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R00Q ,O1QQ9-QQ02-5 Calls In SERET Out JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Monday - 3 March 1969 1. (Confidential - GLC) Hand carried to Mr. Edward Braswell, Staff Director, Senate Armed Services Committee, a copy of the Director's response to the inquiry from Senator Strom Thurmond (R. , S. Car.) on the subject of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. 2. (Secret - GLC) Picked up from Mr. William Woodruff, on the staff of the Senate Appropriations Committee, a copy of the Director's prepared statement on "threshold" countries and the nuclear Non-Prolifer- ation Treaty as given in the briefing to the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. Mr. Woodruff asked if I would obtain information for him on these North Korean naval vessels: the SO-I subchaser and the P-4 torpedo boat. I told Woodruff I would check on this and be back in touch with him. 3. (Secret - GLC) Picked up from the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy two copies of the transcript of the Director's briefing to the Committee. One copy is being forwarded to OSI for review and correction. 4. (Unclassified - GLC) In response to his inquiry of Friday, I provided Mr. James Gehrig, Staff Director of the Senate Space Committee, with the name of Mr. Eugene Pronko of the National Science Foundation, Science Information Service, as the person he should contact on the subject of machine translation. 5. (Secret - GLC) Obtained from Mr. Edmund Hartung, of the Senate Appropriations Committee staff, secrecy oaths on several areas of compartmented information. Mr. Hartung was given a security indoctrination on this type of material. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Monday - 3 March 1969 6. (Secret - GLC) Gave to George Murphy, on the st~ ittee on Atomic Energy, biographic information on about whom he had made inquiry. I told Murphy that aside from this io raphic material we had no pertinent identifiable information on 7. (Confidential - JMM) On Saturday (1 March) I escorted Senator John McClellan (D. , Ark.) and Senator Henry Jackson (D. , Wash. ) to a breakfast and briefing at Headquarters, presided over by the Director. The Director explained the Agency's organization, missions and functions. The DDI and DDP explained the organization and functions of their respective components. Time did not permit a formal briefing by the DDS&T but he participated in the general discussions. On departing, Senator McClellan indicated he found the briefing extremely interesting and would like to return for more some Saturday in the near future. In the course of the discussions our problems with the Ervin bill were mentioned and Senator McClellan indicated a sympathetic understanding of the difficulties this bill poses for the Agency's security safeguards. After I dropped Senator McClellan off at his office, Senator Jackson remarked that he thought the briefing had been a great success and that Senator McClellan could be counted on as an influential friend of the Agency. 8. (Unclassified - JMM) Mr. Carl Duckett, DDS&T, responded to a request from Senator Stuart Symington (D. , Mo.) for a meeting this afternoon presumably stimulated by some points made by Senator Jackson in his appearance on "Meet the Press. 1" 9. (Secret - JMM) Mr. Robert Michaels, Staff Assistant, House Appropriations Committee, called to say he had been asked to find out if there was anything to the rumor that the United States was negotiating to provide the with the technology to construct the I land wondered whether the Agency could help. He would like to know whether, if such negotiations are in progress, are they being conducted on the government, defense department, or private contractual level. He said this was not a proper problem for the Agency but would appreciate anything we could tell him in confidence. I said I would look into the matter. SECRtI Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Monday - 3 March 1969 - 10. (Confidential - CEA) Handcarried a letter from the Director to Senator Sam Ervin (D. , N. C.) and left it with the Senator's receptionist. 11. (Unclassified - CEA) Left with Linda Hook, in the office of Senator Strom Thurmond (R., S. C.), the U. S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT reprint of the Raborn interview and the Agency pamphlet for use in reply to a constituent, JOHN M. MAURY Legislative Counsel cc: O /DDCI Ex/Dir- Compt OPPB DD/I DD /S DD/S&T EA /DDP Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin SECRET STAT Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5 Approved For Release 2006/111 RDP72-00337ROQCa02-5 3 Calls 1 ADDENDUM TO JOURNAL In 0 Out 1 OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Monday - 3 March 1969 1. (Secret - JGO) Delivered to Mr. Arthur Kuhl, Chief Clerk, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the transcripts of the Director's appearance on 3 February 1967 and Z6 February 1969. The transcripts were returned to the Agency late in the day for safekeeping. 2. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Received a call from Mr. Mel Christopher, ACDA, who advised that their review of SIG Minutes does not indicate NPT consideration by the Group. In consequence, their response to Senator Thurmond's letter of 17 February will probably not 25X1 include reference to SIG. The Office of DD/I has been advised. 3. (Secret - JGO) Met with Mr. Robert Michaels, House Appro- priations Committee staff, and reviewed with him the Agency correspon- dence relating to the employment application of of Purcellville, Virginia. Mr. Michaels advised that no word had been received through the Chairman's office. Should any question be raised, he will advise. I briefed Mr. Michaels concerning Soviet intensification of intelligence effort against ChiComs and the South Vietnamese Communist offensive. 4. (Secret - JGO) Met with Mr. Frank Slatinshek, Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, in response to his request of last week and briefed him in some detail on the progress of the Also discussed with him some of the arrangements for the Director's appearance on Wednesday. Mr. Slatinshek noted with apparent approval the Chairman's determination that the Director would appear in executive session. Chinese Communists. I also briefed Mr. Slatinshek on the Communist offensive in South Vietnam and the Soviet intensified intelligence effort against the f JOHN M. MAURY '""'Legislative Counsel r. Goodwin Item 25X1 'F P,7`7 7- T cc: O/DDCI; Ex/Dir-Compt OPPB, DD/I, DD/S DD/S&T, EA/DDP Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090002-5