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Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000t 001090001-6 2 CONFIDENTIAL Calls 7 In 0 Out 3 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Wednesday - 30 April 1969 25X1 1. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Mr. I nd I met with Ed Braswell, Senate Armed Services Committee staff (who was preoccupied with the military procurement hearings) concerning the impact of the Daniels bill on the CIA retirement system. On the positive side Braswell agreed to the necessity for similar adjustment of the benefit structure of the CIA system. His offhand reaction to riding piggyback on the Daniels bill in the Senate Post Office and Civil Service Committee concerned the jurisdictional problem. He also indicated that early action by the Senate on the Daniels bill is not a foregone conclusion at this time. We said we would like to meet with him again to explore this matter further, and he agreed that this would be a good 2. (Unclassified - CEA) In concerning the I informed M' e employment status of an applicant, in the office of Representative Robert Mollohan (D. , W. P. ), that Mis processing should be completed in mid-Ma M$ss Fye asked if we would send a copy of whatever letter we send to Miss Ito the Congressman, which 25X1 I arranged with the Office of Personnel. 25X1 3. (Internal Use Only - CD) Received a call from Mrs. Booher, in the office of Senator George Murphy (R., Calif.), who requested an employment interview fo After making arrangements with Mr. Office of Personnel, I advised Mrs. Booher that an appointment 25X1 had been scheduled for 11:00 this morning. 4. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Spoke with Mr. Gene Hegarty, Adminis- trative Assistant to Representative Daniel J. Flood (D. , Pa. ), to advise that the Civil Service Commission had approved the disability retirement of the subject of their inquiry to us in September of 1968. Mr. Hegarty thanked us for this information and requested that we send Flood a letter when the first annuity check is sent, possibly some time in June or July. Office of Personnel, has been requested to monitor this with the Commission. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 CONFIDENTIAL Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Wednesday - 30 April 1969 5. (Unclassified - JMD) Charlotte Kludzuweit, Personal Secretary to Representative Edward J. Derwinski, called and said the Congressman would like either Mr. Maury or to drop by and see him on Monday, 25X1 5 May at 10:30. She was advised that one or the other would be there. 6. (Unclassified - GLC) Miss Judith Spahr , on the staff of the Senate Subcommittee on National Security and International Operations, called and expressed an interest in another article which appeared in the same issue of Kommunist as the article by General Yepishev. The new article deals with the Brezhnev doctrine and defends the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia. 7. (Confidential - GLC) Met with Mr. Dean Pohlenz, Administrative Assistant to Senator Roman L. Hruska (R. , Neb.), for a preliminary discussion of our problems with S. 782. (Senator Milton Young (R. , N. Dak.) had suggested that we talk with Pohlenz before talking with Senator Hruska personally.) Pohlenz appeared interested and sympathetic to our situation. He also gave some constructive suggestions and information on the Constitutional Rights Subcommittee's procedures. He plans to talk to Senator Hruska about this with a view to arranging for us to meet with the Senator some time next week. (See Memorandum for the Record for details.) 25 9. (Confidential - JGO) Talked to Mrs. Mary McLaughlin, Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff, and received from her the current address for Mr. William Bader who recently left the Committee staff. During the conversation I advised Mrs. McLaughlin that Mr. Maury had talked to Senator Pell and that Senator Pell's question to her concerning Agency response to questions during the Directors appearance April 23 related to the listing of questions provided by the Committee staff for response by the Agency. She appreciated the advice. 25X1 cc: Ex/Dir-Compt O/DDCI DD/I DD/S DD/S&T 5X1 Mr. Houston JOHN Legislative Counsel Mr. Goodwin OPPB EA/DDP CONFIDENTIAL Item 3 - Personnel 11 Item 4 R 2009/MIiItF3:rIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337RC@Q 1aQ9Q001-6 7 Calls 7 SECRET OIn 0 ut 2 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATION COUNSEL Tuesday - 29 April 1969 1. (Secret - GLC) Mr. Frank Hand, in the Office of Secretary of Defense, called to say that at Secretary Laird's request he was sending to the Director a list of congressional staff clearances. Mr. Hand thought we would be interested in this. 2. (Unclassified - GLC) Mr. Arnold Brustin, on the staff of Senator Gaylord Nelson (D. , Wis. ), called and suggested Thursday afternoon, 6 May, for our briefing of the Senator. After checking with the Director's office, this was set up for 2:30 p.m. on that day. 25X1 3. (Confidential - GLC) Messrs. Maury and~alked with William Woodruff, on the staff of the Senate Appropriations Committee, regarding the Agency's problems in the retirement field generally and with regard to congressional action on the Daniels bill in particular. Mr. Woodruff said he could see objections to our obtaining any legislation through the Foreign Relations and Foreign Affairs Committees (as part of any joint effort on our part with the State Department) but was inclined to feel that there would be no serious objection if we and the State Department were to get an amendment to the Daniels bill in the Senate Post Office and Civil Service Committee which would extend this benefit to both Foreign Service and CIA. retirees. Mr. Woodruff was inclined to look with favor on an approach which would grant to the Director the authority to adopt administrative provisions of other retirement acts for the CIA, retirement system as he deemed those provisions appropriate. In this connection, he mentioned he thought it would be much easier for us to obtain legislation through the Armed Services Committee under Senator Stennis' chairmanship than it was while Senator Russell was chairman of this Committee. We acknowledged that this was a subject which we would have to take up with Ed Braswell, on the Armed Services Committee staff, but expressed an interest in and an appreciation for Woodruff's views on the subject. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Tuesday - 29 April 1969 4. (Secret - GLC) Briefed Mr. Woodruff on the Soviet MRV test of 26 April and on the continuing indications of uncertainty in the Soviet leadership situation. 5. (Confidential - JMM) Mr. Cary and I called on Senator Ernest F. Hollings (D., S. C.) regarding our problems with the Ervin bill (S. 782). We recalled how helpful Senator Hollings had been on this matter during the last session of Congress and explained to him the status of the bill in this session. We said we would appreciate Senator Hollings' advice on whether, and if so how, we might raise the matter with Senator Strom Thurmond, who is a member of Senator Ervin's Subcommittee of the Judiciary Committee which has jurisdiction over the bill. Senator Hollings said that because of political differences, he would prefer not to contact Senator Thurmond in our behalf, but thought it would be useful for us to do so directly. Senator Hollings felt we had a strong case and should not hesitate to present it to most or all members of the Subcommittee despite the fact that Senator Ervin would, as in the past, accuse us of lobbying. Hollings indicated that we shouldn't expect much help from Senators Russell or Stennis, remarking that Russell's effectiveness has suffered from his bad health and Stennis was "overwhelmed" by the problems he had inherited as Chairman of the Armed Services Committee. Hollings said he would like to get a world roundup briefing from us at the first opportunity, and will call us as soon as he can fit it into his schedule. 6. (Internal Use Only - CD) Received a call from Mrs. Carr, in the office of Representative Frank T. Bow (R., Ohio), who requested an employment interview for Mrs. Janet Klenk:o. After checking with Mr. Saverance, Office of Personnel, I advised Mrs. Carr that an appointment has been scheduled for Wednesday, 7 May at 3:00. 7. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Met with Harry Cromer, House Foreign Affairs Committee staff, who requested an updating of the ChiCom VIP listings and biographic sketches that had been provided for the Far East Subcommittee. I advised I would relay his request and be back in touch with him. O/DD/I has been advised. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Tuesday - 29 April 1969 8. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Delivered to William Sullivan, in the office of Representative Glenard P. Lipscomb, a recent Pravda article on the "military-industrial complex" theme. Sullivan advised that the various materials provided on this subject did not cover the earlier pronouncement believed to have been made in the Moscow press probably in November or December 1968. I advised Sullivan I would relay his request and be back in touch with him. 9. (Unclassified - JGO) Met with Mr. Paul Goulding, in the off' of Senator Claiborne Pell, and reviewed with him the current status of the case. Goulding advised that the Senator was requesting the Department o t e Army to review their files for possible employment records during the period I I 10. (Secret - JGO) Met with Robert Michaels, House Appropriations Committee staff, and confirmed with him the briefing for Michaels and Bill Woodruff, Senate Appropriations Committee staff, on Thursday, 9:00 a. m. , at the Agency. I briefed Michaels on the following items: a. Soviet extended range tests of SS-9; b. Soviet maneuverable satellite program; c. Moscow May Day parade; d. ChiCom naval spring training exercises; 11. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Received a call from Colonel Roy Steele, Chief, Investigations Division, Army Office of Legislation. Colonel Steele advised he had talked with John Reddan, House Armed Services Investigations Subcommittee, during the day and that he will be arranging to have Army Operations personnel meet with Reddan on the question of E&E procurement by the Department of the Army. I thanked Colonel Steele for the advice. 12. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Called Robert Hull, Department of State, to get a current reading on the Department's efforts to obtain the benefit provisions of the Daniels bill for the Foreign Service retirement system (see Memorandum for the Record). tCRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4 Tuesday - 29 April 1969 13. (Unclassified - CEA) Delivered a China Map Folio to Bernard Dobranski, Administrative Assistant to Representative William Murphy (D. , Ill.). 14. (Internal Use Only - CEA) Talked to Mrs. Susie M 'hqn- in the office of Representative Joel Broyhill (R. , Va. ), concerning an Agency employee who had been in to see the Congressman about his failure to obtain a raise at the Agency. I explained that there are at present no slots into which can be put, but that in due course he should receive a 25X1 promotion. Mrs. Monahan understood the situation and no further action is necessary. 15. (Confidential - CEA) Talked to J. Sourwine, Chief Counsel, Senate Special Subcommittee on Internal Securit concerning his request for information on Mr. and c I noted that at this time I am unable to give him any information other than that which has already appeared in the press, but that I would keep him in mind if this situation should change in the future. I also provided him with additional information on about whom he had previously inquired. 25X1 JOHN URY Legislative Counsel cc: Ex/ Dir-Compt O/DDCI DD/I DD/ S 25X1 DD/S&T Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin OPPB EA/DDP Item 6 - Personnel SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R00Q f Q 001-6 3 Calls 4 In I ut 3 SECRET O JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Monday - 28 April 1969 1. (Unclassified - GLC) Miss Judith Spahr, on the staff of the Subcommittee on National Security and International Operations, called and asked if we could provide them with a copy of the article by Alexei Yepishev which appeared in the Soviet publication Kommunist and referred to in Anatole Shub's article in the Sunday Washington Post. After checking with the Library, I advised Miss Spahr that the article probably would not be available in English before the end of this week but we would forward it to them when it is received. 3. (Secret - GLC) Hand carried to Dorothy Fosdick, Staff Director, Subcommittee on National Security and International Operations, an excerpt from the Director's testimony before the Senate Preparedness Subcommittee on 8 April 1968 on the subject of the SS-9. Miss Fosdick said this was precisely what Senator Henry Jackson (D. , Wash.) wanted and thanked us for providing this information. 4. (Unclassified - GLC) Called Arnold Brustin, on the staff of Senator Gaylord Nelson (D. , Wis. ), about the dates which we had suggested for the Director to brief the Senator. He said that both of these dates were impossible for Senator Nelson. I suggested that he talk with the Senator and suggest some alternate dates which I would then check with the Director's calendar. The initiative rests with Mr. Brustin at this point. sECREr Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Monday - 28 April 1969 5. (Internal Use Only - LLM) At his invitation extended last week, had lunch with Representative William T. Murphy (D. , Ill.) and his Adminis- trative Assistant, Bernard Dobranski, and I reviewed with him several ways in which the Agency could be of help to him in his capacity as Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Asian and Pacific Affairs. Mr. Murphy was very courteous and outgoing and offered me the use of his office facilities whenever I was up on the Hill. I FBIS, will temporarily send copies of the FBIS White Book and the Asia and Pacific and Communist China Daily Reports to Mr. Murphy for his review so that he can select those which he would like to receive on a permanent basis. 6. (Confidential - JMM) Per the Director's instructions, I called Senator Claiborne Pell to clarify an inquiry we had received in his behalf from the staff of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, indicating the Senator wanted to know when he could expect the "answers to some questions" which had come up during the Director's recent appearance before the Gore Subcommittee. Pell said he was interested only in the answers to questions contained in a questionnaire prepared by the Committee staff. I said these answers (presently being prepared by DD/S&T and OSR) would SECRET STAT probably be ready this week. cc: Ex/Dir- Compt DDCI DD/I DD/S DD/S&T M. MAURY Legislative Counsel I Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin OPPB EA/DDP SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R0 Q J 001-6 2 Calls 2 In 0 CONFIDENTIAL Out: 0 ADDENDUM TO JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Monday - 28 April 1969 1. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Due to conflicts in schedule, both Mr. Robert Michaels, House Appropriations Committee staff, and Mr. William Woodruff, Senate Appropriations Committee staff, desired to change their meeting at the Agency to Thursday, 1 May. The Offices of the DD/I and DD/S&T have been advised. 25X1 25X1 2. of OCI, to a meeting with Mr. Darre St. Claire, Clerk of the Senate, for a debriefing concerning Mr. St. Claire's recent trip to Belgrade, Yugoslovia, as Executive Secretary to the American delegation to the Parlimentary Union meeting in Vienna, Austria. (See Memo for the Record.. ) 3. Met with Mr. Frank Slatinshek, Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, and briefed him on the following items: (Confidential - JGO) Accompanied Mr. and a. Recent Soviet extended range tests of the SS-9; c. Chinese Communist naval spring training exercises; d. Suslov's speech of 25 March. JJOHN M. MAURY "Legislative Counsel cc: Ex/ Dir- Compt O / DDCI DD/I DD/ S DD/S&T Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin QPPB EA/DDP CONFIDENTIAL STAT Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R~Ogq~VP001-6 5 (~ ~`( ~ T Calls 7 2 L J VRL + Out JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Friday - 25 April 1969 1. (Confidential - JMM) This morning, before 8:00 A.M., Miss Dorothy Fosdick, Staff Director of the Subcommittee on National Security and International Operations, phoned me at home to say that Senator Henry M. Jackson, now in New York, had called last night to express concern over word being leaked to the press regarding the SS-9. According to Miss Fosdick, Senator Jackson has been told by press friends that opponents of the U. S. ABM system are circulating word that the intelligence community has only recently--since December--been describing the SS-9 as designed primarily to hit hard targets. Miss Fosdick said Senator Jackson was sure this was not the case but he wished a briefing on the subject, including a review of past estimates dealing with the SS-9, when he returns to Washington on Tuesday. Miss Fosdick will call us next week to set a time. Later in the morning, I called Miss Fosdick to say that on checking records of the Director's testimony, I could confirm that just one year ago-- testifying before the Senate Preparedness Investigating Subcommittee on 9 April 1968--he had described the SS-9 as suitable for attacking hardened targets. 2. (Unclassified - LLM) Mr. Arnold Brustin, in the office of Senator Gaylord Nelson (D. , Wis. ), called to check the status of the briefing for Senator Nelson which he had discussed with earlier in the week. 25X1 He said the Senator may at any time ask him about the status of the arrange- ments for the briefing and I said we would be back in touch before the close of the day. 3. (Internal Use Only - CD) Received a call from Lacey Gude, in the office of Charles McC. Mathias (R. , Md.), who requested a personnel interview forl After making the arrangements with the Office of Personnel, advised Lacey Gude that the interview was scheduled for 10:00 A. M. this morning. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Friday - 25 April 1969 4. (Unclassified - GLC) Called Arnold Brustin, on the staff of Senator Gaylord Nelson, regarding his outstanding request on behalf of the Senator for a briefing on the Soviet and Chinese Communist threats. I explained to Brustin that the Director had been extremely busy but wanted to be responsive to the Senator's request and suggested two possible dates for a briefing--Tuesday, 29 April or Friday, 2 May in the afternoon. I told him we could work out the details next week but laid down the ground rules that this was a briefing for the Senator only and we would ask that the fact of the briefing not be advertised. Brustin pressed the question of his attending the briefing in view of the fact that he has a Top Secret clearance but I told him because of the sensitivity of this subject matter we were briefing only members and committee staff. Brustin seemed to accept this. He will check out the dates with the Senator and be back in touch with me. 5. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Mr. Bun Benton Bray and Mr. E. Hugler, House Subcommittee on Manpower and Civil Service staff. Mr. Bray said that Chairman Henderson had reviewed his proposed bill with the Subcommittee during their meeting yesterday and that it was now ready for introduction whenever such introduction might be appropriate. All copies are with the Chairman at present. Mr. Bray also noted that from information available to the Committee it appears that there is little pressure from the Unions at this time for consideration of the Ervin bill and that pressure could continue to decrease in the light of other matters of legislative importance to the Unions. 6. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Russ Blandford, Chief Counsel, House Armed Services Committee. Mr. Blandford advised that there does not appear to be any need for testimony by the Director with regard to the current hearings by the Pike Subcommittee on the EC121 and that to his knowledge no consideration has been given by Chairman Pike to calling the Director. I thanked Mr. Blandford for the advice. 7. (Confidential - JGO) Mrs. Mary McLaughlin, on the staff of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, called in response to a question she received from Senator Claiborne Pell (D. , R. I.) about responses from the Agency to questions posed by the Senator during the Director's briefing on 23 April. I advised Mrs. McLaughlin that responses to the list of questions presented by the Committee were in preparation and would probably be returned to the Committee late in the coming week. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 EUR ET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Friday - 25 April 1969 8. (Secret - JGO) In keeping with arrangements for safekeeping of the transcript of the Director's briefing on 23 April, I delivered the original of the transcript to the Committee for use by the Chairman and members during the day and received it back from Mr. Carl Marcy, Chief of Staff, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, at the end of the day. Mr. Marcy advised that the system of retention by the Agency and delivery to the Committee as needed appears to be working well. The transcript will not be needed again for Committee review unless called for. It was re- affirmed that the transcript is kept in the main Committee room and members or Committee staff who desire to review it come to the Committee room. This avoids the problems that occurred in the past in sending such transcripts to members' offices or to the offices of the Committee. 9. (Internal Use Only - JGO) In response to a request relayed through Representative Glenard Lipscomb (R. , Calif. ), I met with Representative Clarence Brown, Jr. (R. , Ohio) and discussed a possible employment applica- tion of tired from the military. Arrangements will be made to interview in Ohio. 25X1 10. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Talked to Representative Lipscomb and advised him that the paper he requested on the Soviet threat will be ready early in the week. 11. (Unclassified - JGO) Delivered various FBIS items to Judith Spahr and Richard Brown, on the staff of the Senate Subcommittee on National Security and International Operations. 25X1 j JOHN M. MAURY ?" Legislative Counsel cc: Ex/ Dir-Compt O/DDCI DD/ I DD/S MCI/S&T Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin OPPB SECRET Item A ONE Item #3 & 9 - Personnel Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R00@3 Q QQ01-6 4 SECRET I ally 0 Out 3 Thursday - 24 April 1969 1. (Secret - JMM) This afternoon Mr. and I stopped by to see Mr. William Woodruff, Assistant Chief Clerk, Senate Appropriations Committee, and I gave a brief rundown on the Director's appearance yesterday before the International Organization and Disarmament Affairs Subcommittee of Senate Foreign Relations Committee. I said the Director, in his prepared statement, had carefully avoided going beyond the conclusions covered in his previous briefings of the Agency Subcommittees, or getting into sensitive or controversial details. I mentioned that the Director had been questioned on whether the community had ever estimated regarding the Soviet first-strike capability, and had replied that in the preparation of National Estimates we stuck to what was indicated by available evidence and this did not permit conclusions as to what the situation might be a number of years hence--for example in the late 1970's. 2. (Confidential - JMM) Mr. Woodruff confided that it now appears that the Administration cannot win on the ABM issue and if it came up today the Safeguard project would be defeated by at least four or five votes. Woodruff feels it was unfortunate that Laird and Packard had gotten so far "out on a limb" and it would have been much better to have Foster and Starbird carry the ball. Woodruff remarked that Secretary Rogers' comment on the subject had been exactly right. Woodruff said he had personally tried to get Senator Russell to "back off" when he realized the probable outcome. 3. (Unclassified - JMM) In response to his request, on behalf of Senator Henry M. Jackson, Mr. Richard Brown, on the staff of the Sub- committee on National Security and International Operations, was kept informed of the ticker items regarding the closing of the Chinese Communist Party meeting. Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Thursday - 24 April 1969 4. (Secret - GLC) Messrs. Maury and I frmet with Senator Milton Young (R. , N. Dak. ). We reviewed the action which has been taken by the Agency in contacts with Senator Ervin on S. 782 this year and refreshed the Senator's memory concerning the problems which this legislation poses for the Agency. We pointed out that our problems with this legislation have been discussed with Senators Richard Russell (D. , Ga. ) and John Stennis (D., Miss.) as well as Senator John McClellan (D. , Ark. ), who'is a member of our CIA Subcommittee and Senator Sam Ervin's (D. , N. Car. ) Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights which is considering S. 782. We asked Senator Young if he would be willing to approach Senator Roman Hruska (R. , Neb. ), ranking minority leader of the Ervin Subcommittee, on our behalf indicating his (Young's) support of our position with respect to the bill as it effects the Agency and asking Senator Hruska if he would be willing to hear the Agency state its case on the legislation. Senator Young said he would be happy to do this and would expect to see Hruska early next week. We will contact Senator Young on Tuesday if we have not heard from him before that time. 5. (Secret - GLC) Mr. Maury briefed Senator Milton Young (R., N. Dak.) on a number of matters of current intelligence including speculation with regard to the May Day pe.radein Moscow and what this portends, Soviet naval activity in the Mediterranean, and the continuation of friction between the Soviets and Communist Chinese and indicators which we have that the Soviets are keeping a close eye on the situation on the Sino-Soviet border. 6. (Secret - JGO) In keeping with prior arrangements, delivered the original of the transcript of the Director's testimony of 23 April to the Foreign Relations Committee for use of the Chairman and members during the day. The transcript was returned to the Agency at the end of the day for safekeeping. 7. (Secret - JGO) Received a call from James Lowenstein, Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff, who commented that the Director's briefing was possibly the most interesting session he had ever attended. He found the Director most impressive. The purpose of his call was to advise that although the questions furnished the Director for written response had been approved by the Chairman, he would be pleased to provide clarification should the wording or format prove troublesome. I thanked Mr. Lowenstein for his offer. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Thursday - Z4 April 1969 SECRET 8. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Talked with Roger Currier, Office of Legislation, Secretary of the Army, who advised their investigation staff would be in contact with John Reddan, House Armed Services Committee staff, during the day. See Journal of 22 April. 9. (Unclassified - LLM) Representative William Murphy (D., Ill.) called to ask if I could lunch with him on Monday, but did not volunteer the reason for the invitation. He is now Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Sub- committee on Asian and Pacific Affairs, formerly chaired by Representative Zablocki (D. , Wis.). I said I would meet him at his office at 12 noon. 11. (Unclassified - RJK) Delivered some FBIS material to William Sullivan, Assistant to Representative Glenard P. Lipscomb (R. , Calif. ), per his request. ST JOHN M. MAURY Legislative Counsel cc: Ex/Dir-Compt O/DDCI DD/I DD/S DD/S&T Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin OPPB EA/DDP Item 10 - SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 STAT STAT Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337ROB6MMQ69}001-6 11 Calls 1 In 0 SECRET Out 14 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Wednesday - 23 April 1969 1. (Secret - GLC) Hand carried to George Murphy, on the staff of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, Mr. Bruce Clarke's response to questions posed by Representative William H. Bates (R. , Mass.) and Senator John O. Pastore (D. , R. I.) at the Director's briefing of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. These questions had to do with the amount of Soviet GNP devoted to the A.BM problem and to weaponry. 3. (Secret - GLC) Hand carried to Colonel Everett Harper, on the staff of the Senate Preparedness Subcommittee, DD/P's answers to the 20 Questions given to Mr. Carl Duckett, DD/S&T, in writing at the time of his briefing to the Subcommittee on Research and Development, Senate Armed Services Committee. These answers were given in classified and unclassified form. 4. (Unclassified - GLC) Hand carried letters from Lieutenant General R. E. Cushman, Jr., to the offices of Senator Peter Dominick (R. , Colo.) and Representatives Bob Wilson (R. , Calif.) and Charles E. Bennett (D. , Fla.). SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Wednesday - 23 April 1969 25X1 5. (Secret - JMM The Director, accompanied by Messrs. Duckett, Bruce Clarke, nd Maury, briefed the Subcommittee on International Organization and Disarmament Affairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. See transcript and Memo for Record. 6. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Advised Bill Sullivan, in the office of Representative Glenard Lipscomb (R. , Calif. ), regarding his earlier request that we were not able to find reference to the "military-industrial complex" in any December 1968 Pravda articles, but will continue to search for it in later Pravda editions. FBIS is continuing their search. 7. (Confidential - JGO) Accompanied Mr. I of DD/S&T, to brief Mr. Robert Michaels, on the staff of the House ppropriations Committee, on certain radar programs. The briefing was very well received. (See Memo for the Record. ) 8. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Mr. Arthur Kuhl, on the staff of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, who advised that Senator John Sherman Cooper (R. , Ky.) is reported to have invited Senator Robert W. Packwood (R. , Oreg.) and Senator William Spong (D. , Va.) to attend the Director's briefing of the Subcommittee. Mr. Kuhl also advised that Messrs. Marcy, Holt, Lowenstein, and he would probably be in attendance. He noted in passing that no personal staff people will be in attendance. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Wednesday - 23 April 1969 10. (Secret - JGO) Met with Mr. Robert Michaels, on the staff of the House Appropriations Committee, who advised that in the next Sub- committee meeting Chairman Mahon would be interested in a briefing on the subject of radar order of battle: what is it and what is its importance . Mr. Michaels also noted that the Chairman is very interested in the EC121 mission; what is this type of mission looking at, what is it that they are after, and is it necessary that they fly "up and down" everyday. 11. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Mr. Darrell St. Claire, Clerk in the Office of the Secretary of the Senate, who recently traveled to Vienna, Austria as Administrative Secretary to the Interparliamentary Union. He was Administrative Secretary to the U. S. delegation. Mr. St. Claire noted that the delegation's visit to Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslovia were each interesting in themselves but that the reception they received and the people they met with in Yugoslovia might be of interest to our Yugoslovian experts. Time did not allow further discussion but Mr. St. Claire advised that, if it would be of interest, he would be pleased to meet with one of our Yugoslovian experts and relate the delegation's experiences. I thanked Mr. St. Claire for his kind offer25and told him that I would be back in touch JOHN M. MAURY -Legislative Counsel cc: Ex/ Dir-Compt C)/DDCI D Mr. Goodwin Mr. Houston DD/I DD/ S DD/S&T OPPB EA/DDP Item #10- DD/S&T Item #11 - EA/ DDP SECkEJ Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337RC@Q qQ?Q001-6 2 Calls 10 SECRET Out 0 1 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Tuesday - 22 April 1969 1. (Secret - GLC) George Murphy, on the staff of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, called again on statements made on the ABM situation. This time Murphy was interested. in any elaboration which I could give on Secretary Roger's statement last night regarding the Soviet testing of the SS-9. After checking wit of OSI, I reviewed with Murphy pertinent points regarding the Soviet tests of 18 and 19 April. Later in the day, Murphy called and left a message regarding comment on the "West German espionage story" in the New York Times. I have discussed this with 1 -1 EA./DDP; I have not been back in touch with Murphy on this, 2. (Secret - JGO) Accompanied Mr. OCI, who briefed Representative Ogden Reid (R. , N. Y.) on the Middle East and touched Memo for the on certain highlights of current events. (See Record.) 3. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Mr. Arthur Kuhl, Chief Clerk, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and finalized the arrangements for the Gore Subcommittee briefing by the Director on Wednesday, 23 April, in the main committee room S 116 of the Capitol. Mr. Kuhl confirmed the previous listing of staff personnel who are expected to be present and advised that Mr. William Miller, of Senator John Sherman Cooper's (R., Ky. ) s would not be present. 4. (Secret - JGO) Talked to Mr. Francis Matchett, on the staff of the Subcommittee on Manpower and Civil Service of the House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service. Mr. Matchett advised that the Subcommittee would be meeting on Thursday. He also noted that Chairman Henderson might well take up his new draft bill on protection of the constitutional rights of Federal employees with the Subcommittee at that time. No copies of the draft are available as yet. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 SECRET 25X1 25X1 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Tuesday - 22 April 1969 touch with him. 5. (Confidential - CEA) J. Sourwine, Chief Counsel, Senate Special Subcommittee on internal Security, called to ask for any information we could give him on Mr. and who were reported by the press to have been questioned by Scotland Yard concerning espionage activities. Subsequently, Sourwine called again and asked for any available information on I told Sourwine I would check and be back in 6. (Internal Use Only - CEA) William Crawford, in the office of Representative Charles H. Griffin (D. , Miss.), called and said he and the Congressman would like a briefing on strategic deployment of troops and materiel in Communist China. Crawford said they wanted unclassified information and when I told him that the Agency would not have unclassified information which is not also available to the Library of Congress it was agreed he would withdraw his request for a briefing by the Agency. 7. (Unclassified - LLM) Bill Sullivan, in the office of Representative Glenard Lipscomb (R. , Calif. ), requested copies of Pravda articles in December 1968 which carried reference to the "military-industrial complex. " FBIS, is working on this. 8. (Unclassified - LLM) In response to Representative William Cahill's (R. , N. J.) letter request to the Director, made arrangements through Mrs. Virginia Pickett, of the Congressman's office, for a personnel interview for byl Personnel, at 2:00 p. m. today. certain radar techniques. 9. (Confidential - JGO) Talked with Mr. Robert Michaels, House Appropriations Committee statf, and confirmed the meeting for 10:30 a. m. tomorrow, 23 April, with Mr. of DD/S&T, concerning SECRET STAT Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R0EonggaQ gO01-6 4 Calls 8 In 0 SECRET Out 4 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Monday - 21 April 1969 SECRET 1. (Confidential - CEA) Accompanied byl , NE Division, escorted Mr. n a tour of Capitol Hill, the Library of Congress, and the Supreme Court bui ding. I)rvl I informed J. Sourwine Chief Counsel, Senate Special Subcommittee on Internal Security, that about whom Sourwine had previously inquired, does not have a good record and that I seriously questioned whether Sourwine would want to call him as a witness. Sourwine thanked me and said he had assumed as much. 2. (Confidential - CEA) After checking with 3. (Internal Use Only -LLM) The administrative assistant to Representative William T. Murphy (D. , Ill.) called in connection with FBIS Daily Reports. He will check with Mr. Murphy to determine whether either in addition to, or in lieu of, the White Book he would like to receive the Asia and Pacific and the Communist China Area Reports now that he is Chair- man of the Subcommittee on Asian and Pacific Affairs. Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Monday - 21 April 1969 6. (Secret - GLC) Hand carried to William Woodruff, on the staff of the Senate Appropriations Committee, "fact sheets" and photographs on the Harke and Homer Soviet helicopters in response to his earlier request. Woodruff asked if I knew the status of the Army's assessment of the Harke and I responded by indicating that we did not keep up with this on a day-to-day basis but it was my understanding that a substantial assessment had been made by the Army's Foreign Science and Technology Center and a report prepared on the basis of this which was probably available through Army channels. Talked with Woodruff about arranging for him and Robert Michaels, on the staff of the House Appropriations Committee, to visit the Agency to view the Soviet film, "True Sons of the People" and to receive a briefing on a special project. This has been set for Thursday at 9:00 a. m. I briefed Woodruff on the following items: a. Soviet naval exercises in the Mediterranean. b. Soviet satellite reconnaissance. c. Soviet propaganda attacks on Yugoslovia and Romania. d. Strategic arms talks. e. Recent developments in Soviet attitude toward China. f. North Korean exploitation of U. S. aircraft shoot-down. g. "Realists" in new Czechoslovakian Government. h. Soviet leadership difficulties. i. Soviet SS-9 tests. 7. (Secret - GLC) Hand carried to George Mur h , on the staff of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, the lates orksheets 25X1 dated 11 April 1969. Talked further with George Murphy regarding recent Soviet tests of the SS-9 in connection with his query regarding Secretary Laird's statement "that the Soviets have tested in the last two weeks a very new and sophisticated A.BM weapons system. "' Murphy expressed continuing interest in statements being made by Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (ACDA) officials regarding our national verification capability with respect to undeclared facilities. He said he understood that ACDA had recently finished a study on this subject. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Monday - 21 April 1969 Page 3 8. (Internal Use Only - JGO) After checking with the Office of the Director, OSR, I scheduled a showing of the Soviet film, "True Sons of the People" for Mr. Robert Michaels, on the staff of the House Appropriations Committee and Mr. William Woodruff, on the staff of the Senate Appropriations Committee, for Thursday morning at 9:00 a. m. and confirmed the time of the 25X1 9. (Secret - JGO) After consulting with Mr. DD/S&T, I scheduled a meeting for 10:30 a. m. , Wednesday, 23 April 1969, with Mr. Robert Michaels, on the staff of the House Appropriations Committee, for a briefing on certain radar techniques that had been requested by Mr. Michaels. showing with Mr. Michaels. 10. (Secret - JGO) Received a call from Carl Marcy, Chief of Staff, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, concerning the meeting this afternoon between the Director and Chairman Fulbright. (See Memo for the Record. ) Later in the day, I received a call from Mrs. Mary McLaughlin, on Mr. Marcy's behalf, requesting advice on whether the Director would approve Mr. Marcy's attendance at today's meeting with Chairman Fulbright. It was indicated that Mr. Marcy had discussed the matter with the Chairman but that his attendance would be sub'ect to the Director's determination. After checking with Office of the Director, I advised Mrs. Mary McLaughlin that the Director had no objection to Mr. Marcy's attendance at the meeting. 11. (Confidential - JGO) Talked to Mr. William Birdsall, Congressional Reporting Firm of Ward and Paul and finalized arrangements for security control of the transcript of the Director's meeting with the Gore's Disarmament Sub- committee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee which is scheduled for Wednesday, 23 April. 25X1 JOHN M. MAURY Legislative Counsel cc: Ex/ Dir-Compt O / DDCI 0 Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin DD/I OPPB DD/S EA/DDP DD/8&T SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R0 C I J01-6 1 SECRET In alls 0 Out 0 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Saturday - 19 April 1969 1. (Secret - JGO) Mr. William Woodruff, on the staff of the Senate Appropriations Committee, called and requested information concerning the reported construction of a fisl-4-- in land for the North Koreans. After checking with Mr. in the 25X1 office of the DD/I, I briefed Mr. Woodruff to te effect that the vessel is enroute to North Korea. (See Memo for the Record. ) 25X1 2. (Secret - JGO) Accompanied Mr. for a briefing of Senator Henry M. Jacks on (D. , Wash.) on the Soviet leadership and related problems. Senator Jackson was most responsive and cordial. Present from the Senator's staff was Miss Dorothy Fosdick. (See Memo for the Record. ) t JOHN M. MAURY ,Legislative Counsel cc: Ex/Dir-Compt O/DDCI Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin DD I DD/S DD/S&T OPPB EA/DDP SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R001-6 2 Calls alls 4 SECRET 0 Out 0 ADDENDUM TO JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Friday - 18 April 1969 1. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Mr. Harris, House Subcommittee on Manpower and Civil Service, who advised that the draft of Chairman Henderson's bill on protection of constitutional rights of Federal employees has been completed. The Chairman has it with him this weekend for study and may introduce it in the coming week. No copies of the draft are available at present. 2. (Secret - JGO) Met with Mr. James Lowenstein, on the staff of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, concerning the Director's scheduled appearance before the Gore Disarmament Subcommittee next Wednesday, 23 April. Mr. Lowenstein advised that he is in the process of preparing questions for the Chairman's use (See Memo for the Record) but noted that the Chairman's principal objective is to ascertain what happened in terms of new intelligence or otherwise between the time of JCS approval of the Sentinel program and JCS approval of Safeguard. Tentative agreement was reached with Mr. Lowenstein for security control of the transcript. Mr. Lowenstein advised that staff members to be present on Wednesday will be Messrs. Marcy and Kuhl, Mr. William Miller and himself. In response to my question concerning Mr. Miller's status in attending a Committee briefing, Mr. Lowenstein advised that Mr. Miller with others has applied for the staff vacancy created by Bill Bader's departure and that there is some possibility that Mr. Miller could be appointed before next Wednesday. In that event, he (Mr. Lowenstein) would turn the whole matter of the Subcommittee briefing which he is handling over to Mr. Miller. Mr. Lowenstein also advised that "Bill Miller is the one that started all of this anyway. " Mr. Lowenstein said that the Committee does not plan to announce the Wednesday briefing in the Committee schedule but that members will be notified on Monday and should question arise concerning the fact of the briefing, the Committee staff would respond in the affirmative about the hearing. Mr.I OCI, and the Office of Security have been notified. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 SECREI Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Friday - 18 April 1969 3. (Confidential - JGO) Talked with Mr. Robert Michaels, on the staff of the House Appropriations Committee, who advised that he would appreciate a viewing of the film, "True Sons of the People" and suggested that next Wednesday morning would be a good time for him, if it could be worked out with Mr. William Woodruff, on the staff of the Senate Appropriations Committee. Mr. Michaels also advised that he would try to be available at a time convenient for Mr. 25X1 of DD/S&T, for a briefing on certain radar techniques. The time for both meetings will be confirmed with Mr. Michaels the first of next week. 4. (Confidential - JGO) Received a call from the office of Senator Claiborne Pell (D. , R.I. ) requesting that I contact Mr. Harold Burman, in the office of Legal Advisors, Department of State, concerning the claim on In the hbsence of Senator Pell and his Adminis- trative Aide, Paul Go ing, it was requested that I contact the State Department on the Senator's behalf and provide whatever information is required pending the Senator's return. (See Journal of 26 February and 4 April 1969. ) I talked with Mr. Ha n1d m n and advised him of Senator 25X1 Pell's interest in the claim on Mr Mr. Burman thanked me for the advice and indicated he would ra a response from the Department to the Senator that would not inhibit the Senator's ability to introduce private legislation in this matter even though there is no support that can be provided by the Department or the Agency in identifying the individual with employment by American intelligence services during the period in question. Mr. Burman will call me during the coming week. 5. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Talked with Representative Glenard Lipscomb (R. , Calif.) and advised that the updated information on the Soviet threat which he had requested would be available late in the coming week. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Friday - 18 April 1969 6. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Talked with Mr. Roger Currier, Office of Legislative Liaison, Department of the Army, who advised that he did not know whether Colonel Steele, of the Investigations Branch of the Legislative Office, had been back in contact with Mr. John Reddan, Counsel, House Armed Services Investigations Subcommittee, but that he would check the matter as soon as he had new information. JOHN M. MAURY Legislative Counsel cc: Ex/Dir-Compt O/DDCI Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin DD/I DD/S DD/S&T OPPB EA./ DDP SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R0@;I QR(J01-6 0 Calls 11 SECRET out 0 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Friday - 18 April 1969 1. (Confidential - CE.A) Talked to J. Sourwine, Chief Counsel, Senate Special Subcommittee on Internal Security, about certain aspects of the back- ground of which the Agency would prefer he not get into if he calls s a witness. Sourwine assured me that he would avoid this area of questioning and if by chance the information should come out he would assure that it is not printed. 2. (Confidential - CEA) J. Sourwine, Chief Counsel, Senate Special Subcommittee on Internal Security, called to request any information he could get on a Cuban refugee who is presently in Miami running an Esso station. had been recommended to Sourwine as a witness. I told Sourwine I would check and be back in touch. 4. (Secret - GLC) George Murphy, on the staff of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, called and expressed interest and some concern over the article in this morning's Washington Post quoting Secretary Laird as saying, "that the Soviets have tested in the last few weeks a very new and sophisticated weapons system. 11 Murphy was interested in knowing if there was anything significant which had developed since the Director's briefing of the Joint 25X1 Committee on 20 February. After checking withi OSI, I told Murphy it was difficult for us to comment on Laird's statement, since we did not know precisely what he had in mind, and adding that any changes which had taken place were more a matter of degree than variety. Murphy asked if I would see him on Monday to discuss this further. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Friday - 18 April 1969 Page 2 5. (Secret - GLC) Talked with William Woodruff, on the staff of the Senate Appropriations Committee, about the problem which had developed An appointment was made for the Director to see Senator Yulbriglit on Monday at 3:00 p. m. 6. (Unclassified - GLC) Called Arnold Brustin, on the staff of Senator Gaylord Nelson (D. , Wis. ), with further reference to his request to brief the Senator on the Russian and ChiCom threats. I told Brustin that the Director wanted the Senator to understand that his suggestion which he discussed with Senator John Stennis (D. , Miss.) regarding his request for a briefing should not be construed as a refusal on the part of the Director to give the Senator an Agency briefing. I went on to say that this was something that the Director normally would personally oversee if he did not do the briefing himself and that, in view of his extremely busy schedule, he was trying to see if some satisfactory arrangement could be worked out to handle requests for individual briefings of members of the Congress. I told Brustin that this was not a commitment to give a briefing but an indication that we were trying to work out some arrangement and we would be in touch with him. At his suggestion I agreed to call him again some time next week. 8. (Secret - GLC) Milton Wernstrom, formerly of Senator Thomas Dodd's (D., Conn. again in an effort to press further for Agency assistance to Mr. I made it clear to Wernstrom that the Agency was doing all it felt it could do for this project through appropriate channels and that further pressure from him could prove harmful to the overall effort. 25X1 SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Friday - 18 April 1969 9. (Confidential - LLM) George Murphy, Joint Committee on Atomic Energy Committee staff called in connection with the possibility of arranging for him to be briefed by OLC, either late this afternoon or Monday, presumably in connection with new Soviet weapons systems develop- ment reported in the press and attributed to Secretary Laird. 11. (Confidential - JMM) Dorothy Fosdick, Staff Director, Subcommittee on National Security and International Operations, called to say Senator Henry Jackson would like a briefing tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon at 4:00 P. M. on the increasing influence of the Soviet marshals, particularly as described in the Anatole Shub article in today's Wa Post a e 20). With the Director's approval, DD/I is assigning OCI, to conduct the briefing, carefully following the line laid down in the Director's previous 25X1 briefings and our current publicatto%on this subject. cc: Ex/Dir-Comet O/DDCI DD/I DD/S& T 2.9 /S Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin 25X1 OPPB EA/DD12 Item 1 JOHN M. MAURY Legislative Counsel SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R0( }36O 8f)001-6 5 Calls 3 SECRET OIn 0 ut 1 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Thursday - 17 April 1969 1. (Secret- JMM) Called on Senator Stuart Symington in connection with his interest in figures on the Agency budget. See Memo for Record. 2. (Unclassified - JMM) Accompanied Mr< ho briefed Chairman John Stennis, Senate Armed Services Committee, on the EC121 incident. The Senator's main concern focused on the scope and value of reconnaissance operations like the EC121. The facts regarding the current incident were explained, and it was made clear to the Senator that the Agency was in no way involved in the conduct of the operation. 3. (Unclassified - JMM) Accompanied General Cushman who appeared before the Senate Armed Services Committee. All comments were favorable. Transcript available in OLC. 4. (Secret - JMM) In the absence of Senator Milton Young, I briefed his Administrative Assistant Mr. Chris Sylvester on some current developments which he could pass on to the Senator. Included were: a. Soviet activity in the Atlantic and Mediterranean; b. Indications of upcoming ChiCom nuclear tests; c. Current North Korean military posture. 5. (Unclassified - JMM) Ken BeLieu, Deputy Assistant to the President for Congressional Relations, called this afternoon to say he still had been unable to get hold of regarding the question of whether or not we brief Senator Gaylord Ne son see Journal of 16 April). I said we were trying to find out Senator Russell's views in the matter, and BeLieu said he would like very much to know the results. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Thursday - 17 April 1969 6. (Secret - JMM) Met with Senator Albert Gore (D. , Tenn.) regarding the Director's briefing of Gore's Disarmament Subcommittee of Senate Foreign Relations Committee on 23 April. Senator Gore said: a. subjects covered should include Soviet and--to a lesser extent--ChiCom nuclear weapons and delivery capabilities, including all strategic missiles, submarine launched missiles, Long Range Air Force, etc. b. also Soviet ABM system. c. Gore explained he wanted to know not only what the Soviets and ChiComs could do to hit the U. S. but what they had which could hit U. S. bases abroad in areas like "Turkey, Japan and Western Europe. " d. Gore said the hearing would probably run from 1430 to 1700 hours and we should allow time for questions. f. Gore explained all members of te full Committee would be invitees and many might attend. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Thursday - 17 April 1969 8. (Secret - GLC) Larry Garcia, on the staff of the Senate Armed Services Committee, called to say that he had been expelled from hearings (presumably today) because he did not have special clearances required for the hearing. Garcia was quite irritated and said it was embarrassing to be placed in this situation and asked if there was anything he could do about this. I talked with Edward Braswell, Chief of Staff of the Senate Armed Services Committee, about this and suggested that unless it was anticipated that Garcia would attend CIA briefings, the question to his access in special security classifications should be taken up through DOD channels. Braswell agreed with this and said that this in fact should have been taken up with Colonel of DIA. 25X1 JOHN M. MAURY Legislative Counsel cc: Ex/ Dir- Compt DD/I DD/S O/DDCI nn/s&-T-- Item 6 - Mr. Goodwin Mr. Houston OPPB EA/ DDP 25X1 SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R0@~01-6 3 Calls 16 In Z SECRET O ut 4 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Wednesday - 16 April 1969 1. (Secret - JMM) James Lowenstein, Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff, called to say that Senator Albert Gore would like the Director to brief the Disarmament Subcommittee of which Senator Gore is Chairman on the Soviet ABM system on Wednesday, 23 April at 2:00 P. M. in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing room, S116 in the Capitol. With the Director's approval I called Lowenstein back to confirm the Director's appearance. 2. (Secret - JMM) Frank Hand, DOD Liaison, called to say that Deputy Secretary of Defense Packard was appearing before the House Armed Services Committee tomorrow and would very much appreciate a look at the transcript of the Director's testimony before this Committee last month. After checking with the Director, I had a copy of the transcript hand carried to Mr. Hand for Mr. Packard's use on an "Eyes Only" basis. 3. (Unclassified - LLM) Gladyce Sumida, in the office of Representative Richard Bolling (D. , Mo.), called on behalf of a State Department courier applicant who was turned down because he was over age 30 and asked if the Agency had any employment opportunities and similar age limitations. I said that I knew of no such age limitations, but that openings were limited and our need was in highly specialized fields. It was agreed that we would send her the professional employment brochure which she in turn could send on to the constituent. 4. (Confidential - LLM) Advised Mr. Wayne Granquist, Administrative Assistant to Senator Abraham A. Ribicoff (D. , Conn. ), that we were arranging for Agency representatives in Saigon to meet with the two investigators from the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (see Journal of 15 April). Granq,uist said the investigators obtained a quantity of information on certain foreign personalities and corporations and no doubt would like to find out what we know of them. He said that the investigator's report from Hong Kong which referred to the Agency as being "substantially involved" was no doubt referring to the fact that the Agency had been the ultimate source of certain information they had received in Hong Kong. I I FE Division, was advised. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 . Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Wednesday - 16 April 1969 5. (Confidential - CEA) J. Sourwine, Chief Counsel, Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, called to request the first opportunity for the Senate Subcommittee on Internal Security to call a recenti as a witness. After checking with 11 in orme ourwine that the Agency has no interest in this case an He is free to call at any time. Sourwine also asked me for background information on and I told him I would look into this and be back in touch. 6. (Confidential - JGO) Mr. Bruce Clarke, accompanied by Mr. I Ipresented the Soviet film, "True Sons of the People" to the House Armed Services Committee, the Committee staff and invited guests from the military services. The film and running commentary were very favorably received with rather strong sentiments being expressed by the members that it would be well if this film were shown to the American public. See Memorandum for the Record. 7. (Confidential - JGO) Met briefly with Mr. John Reddan, Counsel, House Armed Services Subcommittee for Special Investigations, who advised that he had not heard as yet from the Army legislative people on the matter of procurement of certain E&E equipment. I thanked him for the advice and told him I would contact the Army people and remind them of the Committee request. Called Robert Currier, Army L&L, who apologized that their investigative staff had no)t as yet been back in contact with Mr. Reddan. He thanked me for the call. 8. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Robert Hull, Department of State, called and said that interest in the Daniels bill had increased since my call to him on 19 March and wanted to know what the Agency was planning. He was interested that the Post Office and Civil Service Committee staff had rejected the possibility of providing for the Agency's retirement system in the Daniels bill because it would complicate matters on an already delicately balanced bill. We also discussed other available legislative options. SECRET 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Wednesday - 16 April 1969 9. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Received a call from Mrs. Mary Miller, Senate Preparedness Subcommittee staff, who advised that Mr. Stuart P. French has left the staff for an appointment in the Department of Defense. Mrs. Miller also advised, on behalf of Chief Counsel James Kendall, that the Subcommittee's sponsorship of Mr. French's "special" security clearances is withdrawn. I thanked Mrs. Miller for the advice. 10. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Talked to Mr. Robert Michaels, House Appropriations Committee staff, who advised that he had talked to 25X1 Chairman Mahon concerning the employment application of Mr. Vnd had advised the Chairman that the Agency had been unable to the advice. - locate an appropriate position forl The Chairman appreciated 25X1 11. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Received a call from Miss Carol Tuchmann, Legislative Assistant to Representative Ogden R. Reid (R., N. Y. ), who called on Mr. Reid's behalf and requested, if possible, an updating of the information previously provided on the Middle East. Mr. Reid indicated he would appreciate it if I Iwould meet with him 25X1 Wednesday, 23 April, at 9:00 a. m. I thanked Miss Tuchmann and advised that I would relay Representative Reid's request. 12. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Received a call from Miss Doris Scott, House Armed Services Committee staff, who requested the transcript of the Director's briefing of 18 March for review by a member. The transcript was forwarded to the Committee and returned to the Agency at the end of the day. 13. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Received a call from Miss Mary Keough, Senate Armed Services Committee staff, who advised that the confirmation hearing scheduled for tomorrow morning had been canceled and rescheduled for 1:30 p.m., Thursday, 17 April. Miss Keough requested that we advise General Cushman that he need not be present until 1:30 p.m. tomorrow. 25X1 14. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Received a call from Senator J. Caleb Boggs (R., Delaware), wh riate detailed information for responding to onstituent, Mr from Newark, Delaware, concerning Mr. employment application with the Agency. After receiving the file from Records Center, I reviewed some of the highlights by telephone with Senator Boggs and advised him that we had examined our personnel needs in the various offices of the Agency and had found no office which could utilizel ualification. Senator Bogg's apologized for bothering us on such a matter and appreciated the first-hand information. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4 Wednesday - 16 April 1969 15. (Unclassified - GLC) In response to his request of yesterday, I contacted Arnold Bruston, on the staff of Senator Gaylord Nelson (D. , Wis. ), regarding a possible briefing of the Senator on the Soviet and Chinese Communist threats. I advised Mr. Bruston that this was a sensitive and complicated matter on which we kept our Subcommittees completely informed and, in view of the possibility of numerous congressional inquiries for briefings, suggested that Senator Nelson discuss this with Senator Stennis. (See Memo for the Record for details. ) 16. (Confidential - GLC) Talked with Bill Woodruff, Senate Appropriations Committee staff, regarding our handling of the request from Senator Nelson's office for a briefing of the Senator on the Russian and ChiCom threats. Woodruff had some thoughts on the subject and said he felt the Director would be in an untenable position if he refused to give Senator Nelson a briefing. (See Memo for the Record. ) 17. (Unclassified - JMM) On the Director's instructions, I called Ken BeLieu, Deputy Assistant to the President for Congressional Relations, to explain our problem in trying to turn down Senator Nelson's request for a briefing by the Director on the Soviet and ChiCom threats. BeLieu said that last week he had raised our problem of briefing Senator Cooper With Bryce Harlow, Assistant to the President for Congressional Relations , who had felt we could not avoid briefing senators, but should exclude members of their staffs. However, BeLieu said he agreed with us we should try to avoid briefing Nelson in this case, but he wanted to check it out with Harlow before giving an official answer. He said he would call back tomorrow morning. I told Be Lieu of the status of the problem with S. 782 (Ervin bill) pointing out that Ervin had never responded to our request for an appearance in executive session. I said in view of this we should now proceed to contact members of the Ervin Subcommittee and a few others and explain our position. BeLieu concurred and we agreed that among those we should contact were Senators Eastland, McClellan, Hruska, Thurmond, Robert Byrd,, Bayh and Hollings. BeLieu did not give any clear indication of just what the White House planned to do in the matter. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 5 Wednesday - 16 April 1969 18. (Confidential - GLC) Hand carried to Mr. James Knowles, Director of Research, Joint Economic Committee, the Director's reply to Representative Hale Bogg's request for Agency assistance in an upcoming Committee study on the Soviet economy. Knowles and I then discussed the request with John Stark, Staff Director of the Committee, who accepted the fact that areas of classification made it impossible for us to assist the Committee to the extent requested and agreed that our people should work with Leon Herman, of the Library of Congress, on that area of the study in which we could be of assistance. 25X1 ;JOHN M. MAURY ..Legislative Counsel cc: Ex /Dir - Compt O/DDCI OPPB EA/DDP DD /I DD/S DD/S&T I Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin 25X1 Item 18 - OE Item 8 - Personnel Item 14 - Personnel SECkt Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R0(%0@ 9b 101-6 4 Calls 3 In I SECRET O ut 4 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Tuesday - 15 April 1969 1. (Unclassified - GLC) Mr. Bruston, on the staff of Senator Gaylord Nelson (D. , Wis. ), called and said that the Senator would like a briefing on the Russian and Chinese Communist's threat. He said the Senator was also interested in being briefed on the whole question of our MIRY. I advised Bruston that the Agency was not involved in U. S. programs and, therefore, we would not be in a position to brief on what we are doing by way of a MIRY program. And in regard to the other aspects of his request, I would look into it and be back in touch with him. He asked if it would make any difference in the substance of the briefing if he were to sit in with the Senator. I told him that, as he knew, this was an area of extreme sensitivity and I would look into it. He asked if special clearances were needed and if he could obtain them just for this purpose. We are checking on this. 2. (Secret - GLC) Picked up from the House Armed Services Committee, the transcript of the Director's testimony before the full House Armed Services Committee on 1.8 March 1969 and returned it to the Agency for safekeeping. 3. (Unclassified - JMM) General Haynes, Marine Corps L&L, called to say he had received word from the Hill that General Cushman's confirmation hearing by the Senate Armed Services Committee would be at 0930 hours on Thursday, 17 April. General Haynes asked about precedents as to the wearing of the uniform and whether the General should be escorted by a Marine Corps representative as well as or instead of an Agency representative. After checking with John Warner and regarding previous confirmation hearings, I told General Haynes that I un erstood the Commandant of the Marine Corps had recommended General Cushman wear his uniform (as had Admiral Taylor and General Carter in previous years) and that the General would be accompanied by Agency representatives. General Haynes said this was fine with the Marine Corps. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Tuesday - 15 April 1969- 4. (Secret - GLC) Hand carried to William Woodruff, on the staff of the Senate Appropriations Committee, an additional map book for Senator Richard B. Russell's (D. , Ga.) use and an additional copy of our Indochina map folio. In connection with his expression of interest in the Soviet film, "True Sons of the Soviets, " I mentioned to Woodruff that this film was being shown to the House Armed Services Committee today and that we could make arrangements for him to see it at his convenience. He suggested that we try to do this sometime next week. He added that he thought Robert Michaels, on the staff of the House Appropriations Committee, would also like to attend the viewing. We are coordinating this with Mr. Michaels. I mentioned Senator Stuart Symington's (D.,Mo.) conversation with the Director on the subject of the Agency's budget figure and Mr. Woodruff and I discussed this at some length. We agreed that the best course would be for us to make it clear to the Senator that there was certainly no objection to his receiving this information (which he has, in fact, received on prior occasions as a member of the CIA Subcommittee) but pointing out that any public discussion of the Agency's budget, even in veiled terms, could be counter productive. I mentioned to Woodruff the request which we had received from Mr. Bruston, on the staff of Senator Gaylord Nelson (D. , Wis.), for a briefing of the Senator on the Soviet and Chinese Communist's threat and Bruston's request to attend such a briefing. I told Woodruff we were taking this up with the Director but, in any event, planned to exclude any members of Senator Nelson's staff from a briefing which may be given by us. Woodruff acknowledged that requests like these posed a serious problem and mentioned in passing the possibility of having Senator Russell hold a committee meeting to which all senators would be invited and at which Mr. Helms would brief all interested members of the Senate at one time. This was merely a reaction of Woodruff's and certainly did not reflect any views on Senator Russell's part to this effect. Woodruff and I discussed, at some length, Senator Symington's new subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the staff of that subcommittee. Woodruff expressed some concern in this connection. (Seem Memo for the Record for details. ) Woodruff asked if we would provide him with a "fact sheet" on the new large Soviet helicopter. He said he wanted this in connection with Senator Russell's consideration of a request from the Army for R and D money for the development of a new helicopter. Woodruff felt that any appropriations funded for the Army for this purpose should be delayed until the U. S. analysis of the Soviet helicopter had been completed. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Tuesday - 15 April 1969 5. (Secret - JGO) At his request, delivered to Mr. J.R. Blandford, Chief Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, the transcript of the Director's briefing of the Armed Services Committee of 18 March for use by the Committee during Secretary Laird's appearance. The transcript was returned to the Agency at the end of the day. Finalized the arrangements with Mr. Blandford for tomorrow's presentation of the film, "True Sons of the Soviets, " for the full Armed Services Committee at 8:30 a. m. in the Committee Room. 6. (Secret - JGO) Met with Mr. Robert Michaels, House Appro- priations Committee staff, and advised him that the Agency had been unable to find a suitable position for employment for Mr. Mr. Michaels indicated he would mention this to the Chairman during the day and be back in touch with me. Delivered to Mr. Michaels the Agency study prepared at the Chairman's request entitled, "Chromite: World Demand and Supply. " I also briefed Mr. Michaels on the continuation of Soviet propaganda attacks on Yugoslavia and Rumania, Soviet disarmament talks and Soviet/Chinese attitudes. 7. (Confidential - LLM) Mr. Wayne Granquist, Administrative Assistant to Senator Abraham A. Ribicoff (D., Conn. ), called to say the Senator would appreciate it if the Agency representative in Saigon could contact the two investigators (LaVern Duffy and Carmen Bellinno) from the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. He said he had received a report from the investigators from Hong Kong which stated the Agency was "substan- tially involved," presumably as a supplier of information. (The investigators are looking into black market and currency manipulations. See memo for the record of 20 March 1969.) I told Granquist I would be back in touch and informed FE Division, of this request. JOHN M. MAURY Legislative Counsel cc: Ex/Dir-Compt O/DDCI /S DD /S &T Mr. Goodwin Mr. Houston OPPB EA/DDP 25X1 SECRET , Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R0G01-6 3 Calls 7 CONFIDENTIAL out 1 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Monday - 14 April 1969 1. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Mr. J.R. Blandford, Chief Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, and reviewed with him the Agency presenta- tion of the film, "True Sons of the Soviets, " scheduled for Wednesday morning, 16 April before the full Armed Services Committee. Mr. Blandford was not able to explain the breakdown in communications between the Committee and Mr. Coggan of North American Aviation. Mr. Blandford advised, however, that a member of the staff would call Mr. Coggan thanking him for his kind efforts in bringing the film to the Committee's attention and again advise that Mr. Coggan would not be required at the film showing. See Journal item of 11 April. 2. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Met with Mr. Frank Machen, House Subcommittee on Manpower and Civil Service staff, who advised that the new Henderson bill relating to the constitutional rights of Federal employees will probably be introduced late next week or the following week. It is now about 98 percent complete. Although he provided no detail, he indicated that it was the staff's feeling that Agency interests are well taken care of in the proposed bill. He also advised that it would be necessary to see Mr. Bray later in the week on the question of when a copy might be available for our use. 3. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Received a call from Mrs. Oneta Stockstill, Executive Secretary, House Armed Services Committee, who advised that the Committee is inviting the intelligence chiefs of the three military services or their representatives to attend the showing of the film, "True Sons of the Soviets," on Wednesday. 4. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Received a call from Mr. John Ford, of the House Armed Services Committee staff, who advised that he had talked to the Washington office of North American Aviation and that they had contacted Mr. Coggan, their Vice President for Sales, to advise that his presence will not be necessary on Wednesday for the showing of the film, "True Sons of the Soviets. " Mr. Ford advised that there was no difficulty whatsoever in the conversation with North American. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 CONFIDENTIAL Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Monday - 14 April 1969 5. (Confidential - GLC) I lof DD/S&T, passed on to us copies of material written byl which he is sending to a number of members of Congress and leading members of the clergy in the Washington area. Part of ~~material is a harangue over his allegation that CIA, has harassed him for a number of years, after he refuse of employment from the Agency. This is similar to letters which circulated to members of the Congress last October. No action is indicated on our part unless we receive an inquiry from the Hill. 7. (Unclassified - GLC) Miss Morella Hansen, on the staff of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, called and asked if Mr. Al?xander Abraham was a member of any of the Agency's advisory boards. After checking with the USIB Secretariat, ONE, DD/S&T, and the Office of Security, I informed Miss Hansen that I could not find a record of such a person on any of the Agency boards. 8. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Contacted Mr. Roger Currier, Office of the Army L&L, and brought him up-to-date on Agency meetings with Mr. John Reddan, Counsel, House Armed Services Investigations Subcommittee, concerning the procurement of 548 miniature compasses and 550 combination screwdriver/files. On advice from the Office of DD/P, I provided the name of Lt. Col. Bill Tyler, Chief of the Unconventional War Branch, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Department of the Army, as the staff officer with knowledge of the background on this matter. Mr. Currier thanked me for the Agency's assistance and indicated that Col. Steele, of the Investigations Branch of the Legislative Office, would make direct contact with Mr. Reddan. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 CONFIDENTIAL Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Monday - 14 April 1969 about a week. 9 . (Internal Use Only - CEA) J. Sourwine, Chief Counsel, Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, called and said that the Scott report for 16 April will quote Mihail Suslov, in a recent major speech, as having said that the Soviet Union should take advantage of student and racial unrest in the West to weaken the United States and its NATO allies. Sourwine wanted to know if there is any basis for this statement and like to get copies of the text of the speech. After checking with OCI, I informed Sourwine that the only major speech Suslov has made recently was on 25 March on the occasion of 25X1 the anniversary of the Comintern and that in the text available to the Agency, which appears in the FBIS Soviet Edition of 28 March, there is no suggestion of such a thesis. Sourwine said he had a copy of this text and it would not be necessary to send him another. 10. (Unclassified - JMM) Dorothy Fosdick, Staff Director, Subcommittee on National Security and International Operations, called to request an updating of material we had provided on two previous occasions regarding what she called the "Brezhnev doctrine" (Soviet right to intervene where other socialist govern- ments are threatened as in Czechoslovakia), and the reaction of other Communist Parties to the Brezhnev doctrine. I said we would be glad to provide any recent material on the subject but commented that the so-called Brezhnev doctrine represented nothing very new in Soviet policy, nor, were its implications as recently discussed in the Soviet media entirely clear. I therefore suggested it should not be treated as a startling or revolutionary new turn in the Party line. However I said we would hope to have something on the subject within cc: Ex/Dir-Compt O/DDCI Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin DD/I DD/S DD/S&T OPPB EA/DDP JOHN M. MAURY Legislative Counsel CONFIDENTIAL iV Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R0Q3O M01-6 3 CONFIDENTIAL Calls 5 In 0 Out 5 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Friday - 11 April 1969 1. (Internal Use Only - JMM) Senator John Sherman Cooper (R. , Ky.) visited Headquarters this morning, met briefly with the Director privately, and was briefed for nearly two hours by Mr. Carl Duckett, DDS&T, on Soviet offensive and defensive weapons. The Director was present during most of this briefing. I gave the Senator a brief rundown on the Soviet leadership situation. See Memo for the Record. 2. (Internal Use Only - JMM) John Hurley, of the Bureau of the Budget, called to say that Mr. Mayo wished to know the present membership on the Agency's subcommittees in Congress. After providing this information, I discussed with Mr. Hurley the problems of the Ervin bill (S. 782). Hurley seemed fairly well up on this and clearly recognized the problems that the present version of the bill would cause for the Agency. He said he would try to make sure that these problems were brought to the attention of his colleagues in BOB. 3. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Bill Sullivan, in the office of Repre- sentative Glenard Lipscomb (R. , Calif. ), called in connection with an article listed in the table of contents of the 10 April FBIS Soviet Union Area Book "Negro Quits Antidiscrimination Post" which did not appear in the body of the report. Based upon information provided by Miss Endicott, FBIS, Lipscomb's office was informed that the article will appear in the next issue of the report and was omitted because of space limitations. 4. (Confidential - GLC) George Murphy, on the staff of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, called and asked for any information which we might have on the following two individuals: a Polish scientist who is beina sent to an AEC training school at Argon National Laboratory, and a technician who will be in the United States visiting Los Alamos, Berke ey, Oakridge, and the Princeton Control Thermonuclear Center. CONFIDENTIAL. Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 CONFIDENTIAL Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Friday - 11 April 1969 5. (Confidential - GLC) Brigadier General F. E. Haynes, Legislative Liaison for the Marine Corps, called to keep me up-to-date on his dealings with Ed Braswell, Staff Director, Senate Armed Services Committee, regarding the scheduling of General Cushman's confirmation hearings. General Haynes said he had been unable to get a definite commitment from Braswell that the hearings will be scheduled along with others on Thursday, 17 April. He hopes that Senator John Stennis (D , Miss.) will make a decision on this next Monday or Tuesday. I thanked General Haynes for this information which is consistent with ,what. I have obtained directly from Braswell. 6. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Mrs. Oneta Stockstill, House Armed Services Committee staff, who advised that she had received a call from North American Aviation on Thursday inquiring whether the showing of the film, "True Sons of the Soviets, " had been firmed up in the schedule for 16 April. _Mrs.Stockstill advised that it was and indicated that it had been her understanding from correspondence received several weeks ago that a Mr. Coggan of North American Aviation would provide a running commentary on the film. Mrs. Stockstill advised that she had seen no other correspondence on the matter. It will be necessary to await Mr. Blandford's return on Monday to confirm the showing of the film which was worked out -ifl, Mr- Blandford on 25 March. See DCS Memo for the Record by Mr. 25X1 I kor details. 25X1 7. (Confidential - JGO) After discussing the matter with _ I met with Mr. John Reddan, House Armed F Services Special Investigations Subcommittee, concerning a purchase order for 548 miniature compasses and 550 combination screwdriver /files that had been shipped by Commonwealth Technology, Inc. 25X1 of Alexandria, Virginia. Mr. Reddan was very pointed in his criticism of the military for having forwarded the Committee letter to the Army on to GSA without responding to the Committee. It is his .present desire to meet with personnel of the Army responsible for approval of the procurement of the stated items at a later date. He would also like further information on the cost breakdown of the items. He noted that the Committee is quite concerned by Army procurement methods in general and is interested in the amount of procurement being done by the Army through other agencies on a reimbursable basis as in the instant case. For the moment, Mr. Reddan seems to have no quarrel with the Agency but is reserving judgment until he completes an extensive "fishing expedition" in the Army on this matter. The result of the meeting was passed on to Mr. Roger Currier, of Army L&L, and the Office of Logistics. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/C/30 : CIDEN1t37R000300090001-6 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Friday - 11 April 1969 8. (Unclassified - KEF) Received a call from Mrs. Welsh, in the office of Senator Thomas J. Dodd, who requested employment information for a friend of one of the staff members in the office. I advised that the information would be forwarded today. ,JOHN M. MAURY Legislative Counsel cc: Ex/Dir-Compt O/DDCI DD/I DD/S DD/S&T Mr. oo win Mr. Houston OPPB 25X1 EA/DDP Item #4 Item #7 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R0}~Rp}P001-6 7 Calls 4 In 0 ut 4 SECRET O JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Thursday - 10 April 1969 1. (Internal Use Only - KEF) Received a call from Mr. James Kappus, in the office of Representative Alvin E. O'Konski (R., Wis.), who requested a personnel interview fo After making the arrangements witlF- Office of Personnel, I advised Mr. Kappus that the interview was scheduled for 2:00 p.m. this afternoon. 2. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Delivered to Mr. Arthur Kuhl, Chief Clerk, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the Director's letter to Chairman Fulbright concerning publication of the hearing transcript of July 19, 1965. Mr. Kuhl perceives no difficulty with the Agency response. The letter will be held for Mr. Marcy's return from the European Conference of Parliamentarians. 3. (Secret - JGO) Met with Mr. Robert Michaels, House Appro- priations Committee staff, who advised that the Chief of Navy L & L had alerted the Committee to the Soviet film, "True Sons of the Soviets, " and had recommended it to the Chairman for viewing by the Committee. Mr. Michaels indicated that he will be back in touch with us on the matter after he has had an opportunity to discuss it with the Chairman. With reference to Mr. Michael's earlier comments concerning a DOD radar project and its relation to Agency programs, Mr. Michaels indicated that he would like to accept Mr. Duckett's offer for briefing on the matter at Mr. Duckett's convenience. I advised that I would relay the request and be back in touch with him tomorrow. 4. (Unclassified - JGO) Received a call from Miss Shirley Alberts, Assistant to Representative Harold D. Donohue (D. , Mass.), concerning Agency medical requirements. After talking to the Medical Office, I advised Miss Alberts that the Agency would require full medical examination to ascertain physical and emotional health prior to entrance on duty. Miss Alberts indicated that this was sufficient for response to a constituent. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page Z Thursday - 10 April 1969 5. (Unclassified - JMM) After checking with the Director, called Bill Miller, in the office of Senator John Sherman Cooper (R. , Ky.), and said we would be glad to brief the Senator tomorrow morning at 1030 on Soviet strategic weapons as requested, but the briefing would be limited to the Senator alone. Miller, who had earlier indicated that he also planned to attend, appeared startled and distressed at this word., but said he would inform the Senator. In late afternoon, I called the Senator's secretary to ask if we could provide the Senator with transportation. She expressed surprise on hearing that the briefing was planned, of which she had heard nothing. 7. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Met with Mr. Philip Manuel, Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations staff, concerning his earlier inquiry on statements by Robert Franklin Williams and gave him a copy of the Montevideo Prensa Latina review of an article on Mr. Williams contained in the December issue of Manchete, a magazine. Mr. Manuel said the hearings on the cause of civil disturbance and urban unrest will commence shortly and feels that they will be able to corroborate the record accumulated to date in a week or week and a half of public hearings. 8. (Internal Use Only - LLM) In his absence from the office, left for Mr. John Lofton Republican Congressional Committee staff, s. copy of the Montevideo Prensa Latina review of an article on Robert Franklin Williams contained in the December issue of Manchete, a magazine. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 DD/S&T Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Thursday - 10 April 1969 9. (Secret - GLC) Hand carried to William Woodruff, on the staff of the Senate Appropriations Committee, the Director's letter to Senator Richard Russell (D. , Ga.) on the statement carried in Warren Unna's column in today' s Washington Post. Woodruff had me wait in his office while he took the letter to Senator Russell. On his return, Woodruff said that Senator Russell was quite concerned about the situation and might call the Director about it. I also talked with Woodruff about the request from William Miller for a briefing of Senator John Sherman Cooper (R. , Ky.) tomorrow. Woodruff also discussed this with Senator Russell. (See Memo for the Record for details. ) Bill Woodruff said that Admiral Means Johnston, Chief of Legislative Liaison for the Navy, had recommended to Senator Russell the Soviet film: True Sons of the People, which Woodruff understood was under Agency control. Woodruff said he would like to preview this film before suggesting to Senator Russell that he see it. I did not mention it to Woodruff but I planned to explore the possibility of having Woodruff attend the viewing of this film at the House Armed Services Committee on 16 April. 10. (Secret - GLC) In response to the request from Colonel Seymour Schwiller, on the staff of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, Messrs. ent to the JCAE offices to brief Representative Craig Hosmer (R. , Calif.) on the Moscow ABM system and related subjects. Due to a concurrent briefing which had been scheduled by Schwiller from DOD officials, Representative Hosmer elected not to have DOD and CIA briefings given at the same time and cancelled our briefing. (See Memo for the Record for details. ) 11. (Confidential - GLC) In response to his earlier inquiry, I advised 25X1 Mr. Christopher Sylvester, Administrative Assistant to Sen (R. , N. Dak. ), that our Director of Personnel had written to on 19 March sending him forms and had not as yet heard from him. Mr. Sylvester replied that in a letter to the Senator dated 3 Aprill said he was returning the forms to the Agency and,therefore, we should expect to receive them momentarily. I told Mr. Sylvester that when we receive the forms and have had an opportunity to review the situation, I would be back in touch with him. 25X1 JOHN M. MAURY Legislative Counsel cc: Ex / Di r .- C ompt O/DDCI DD/ I 25X1 DD/ S SECRET OPPB Item l& 1 1 O/ P SECRET Mr. Goodwin Mr. Houston EA/ DDP Item #6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R00R3S}nC Qa9cQ 01-6 Calls SECRET Out JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Wednesday - 9 April 1969 of OCI, to debrief Dr. Charles Dunn, Administrative Assistant to Senator Charles Goodell (R. , N. Y. ) on his recent trip to Biafra. The debriefing was maintained in low key with DiAXI-n do"' 'I st of the talking. Dunn also made available for inspection of 1. (Internal Use Only - CEA) Accompanied I and various newspapers and other documents which he had brought 2. (Unclassified - LLM) In connection with their earlier inquiry was an Agency representative. This stemmed from an incuir b a Mr. Ross, nator Pearson's. I I 25X1 25X1 25X1 3. (Unclassified - RW) Mr. Burnett Thompson, in the office of Representative G. William Whitehurst R. Va.), called to request an interview appointment for afternoon. Personnel, advised that if Mr~ could be at the 25X1 Ames Building in about half a~00 p.m.) he would be glad to see him. Mr. Thompson said Mr would be able to make the appoint- ment at that time. 4. (Unclassified - JMM) Received a call from Mr. William Miller, in the office of Senator John Sherman Cooper, who said the Senator would like to come to the Agency on Friday, 11 April 1969, for a briefing to include: SS-9 and related rocketry; submarine developments; Soviet ABM efforts; and the " interral struggle in the Politburd'on this issue. I advised Mr. Miller I would be back in touch with him. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Wednesday - 9 April 1969 5. (Unclassified - JMM) Robert Michaels, House Appropriations Committee staff, called to ask ab concerning a revolution in Cuba. After checking with Mr. O/DDI, I called Michaels back to say that we looked into this and found no confirmation of any sort. 6. (Secret - GLC) Hand carried to Bill Woodruff, on the staff of the Senate Appropriations Committee, a "fact sheet" prepared by the O/DDI on the Soviet SS-9 missile and an unclassified photograph of the missile. Woodruff said the "fact sheet" gave him all the information he needed and he was quite interested in the picture which appeared to have been taken when the missile was shown in the Moscow Parade in November, 1967. He said the Chairman might want to make some use of this. I mentioned to Woodruff that the Director had decided not to send letters to Senator Richard Russell (D. , Ga.) and Senator John Stennis (D. , Miss. ) on the NIE question,which had been raised by Senator J. W. Fulbright (D. Ark. ), since the issue may have passed. They will be sent, however, if the subject is brought up again. I added that the Director did not want to trouble the Senators unnecessarily particularly, since both he (Woodruff) and Ed Braswell, Chief of Staff, Senate Armed Services Committee, would be aware of the situation. Woodruff mentioned the article which appeared in last night's Star indicating that the Civil Service Commission might go along with the Ervin bill if certain changes are made. Woodruff wondered what affect this would have on our problem with the bill. I told him that two of the key provisions which caused the Agency problems might be altered in the bill according to the newspaper account and,as a result, we are checking with the Civil Service Commission and reviewing the situation in the light of this possibility. 7. (Unclassified - GLC) Mr. Christopher Sylvester, Administrative A.q.qir,fant in the &Ii~ e of Senator Milton Young (RC. , N. Dak. ), called to say that 25X1 ad been in touch with them again indicating that he had not heard anything from the Agency regarding his application for employment. Mr. Sylvester asked the status of the application. I told him I would check on this and be in touch with him tomorrow. Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Wednesday - 9 April 1969 8. (Secret - GLC) Met with Ed Braswell, Staff Director of the Senate Armed Services Committee, to alert him to the situation regarding Senator J. W. Fulbright's (D. , Ark.) query to Under Secretary of State Richardson on the subject of availability of national intelligence estimates for the Foreign Relations Committee. I advised Braswell that the Director had prepared letters to Senator Richard Russell (D. , Ga.) and Senator John Stennis (D. , Miss.) on the problem but was holding them for the moment, since the issue seems to have subsided. Braswell ventured the opinion that Senator Fulbright would not press for the NIEs but was merely testing Under Secretary Richardson. He added, however, that if this question should ever come to issue this was one which would justify invoking executive privilege. Braswell and I again discussed General Cushman's confirmation hearing. He said the Marine Corps was in almost daily contact with him and that the earliest possible date for a confirmation hearing was 17 April. He said the Committee has scheduled procurement hearings on that date but there is a possibility that they can also schedule the confirmation hearing on the same day. Chairman Stennis has not made a decision on this yet. Mr. Braswell brought up the subject of the Evening Star article on the Ervin bill and said he assumed that it would be helpful to us if Senator Ervin made the concession reportedly under consideration. He asked what our view would be on this. I told him that our people were contacting the Civil Service Commission today and were in the process of reviewing our position in the light of these possible changes. 9. (Secret - GLC) At the request of Le al Advisor 25X1 to the Office of Lo istics, I met with Messrs. B a e, [ -1 25X1 Ion a problem involving the procurement o special equipment by the Agency for the Army and, particularly, an inquiry made on this equipment by John Reddan, Special Counsel to the Subcommittee for Special Investigations of the House Armed Services Committee, to GSA at Blake's request. I met with Reddan and told him that this was a problem involving the Agency and not GSA and indicated that we would be in further contact with him about it tomorrow. As a result of this contact, no action is required by GSA. (See Memo for the Record for details. ) SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Wednesday - 9 April 1969 Page 4 10. (Secret - GLC) Mr. I I of FE Division, called to say that they had reviewed the situation regarding USIA's request for information on Radio Free Asia and are responding to USIA to the effect that this Agency had no additional information on the organization over and above that which was already available to USIA. cc: Ex/ Dir-Compt O/DDCI DD/ I DD/S DD/S&T Mr. Goodwin Mr. Houston OPPB EA/DDP JOHN M. MAURY egislative Counsel SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337ROQG9 Q1QQ~QQ01-6 I SECRET In alls 06 Out 2 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Tuesday - 8 April 1969 1. (Confidential - CEA) Talked to Mr. Vincent Augliere, House Committee on Foreign Operations and Government Information, concerning I about whom Augliere had inquired. informed him that the Agency is not involved in this case which is strictly a visa problem and suggested that he may want to talk to State Department. Augliere said this was all he needed to know and suggested that we might research in Poland. is a high official in nuclear I passed the latter information on to 2. (Confidential - GLC) Dorothy Fosdick, on the staff of the Subcommittee on National Security and International Operations, called and asked if we could provide her with the text of an article which appeared in PRAVDA by Eduard Bagramov. According to Miss Fosdick there was a reference to this article in this morning's newspaper. This item was located by FBIS and forwarded to Miss Fosdick. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/1I-QQ JLVV DP72-00337R000300090001-6 Journal Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Tuesday - 8 April 1969 4. (Secret - GLC) Colonel Seymour Schwiller, on the staff of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, called to say that Representative Craig Hosmer (R. , Calif.) had requested a briefing on Thursday morning at 0930 hours on the Soviet ABM system. He said that the Congressman might also be interested in other areas such as CEP of ICBMs and the Tallinn system. I told Schwiller I would look into this and be back in touch with him later this afternoon or tomorrow morning. 5. (Unclassified - GLC) Left with Winston Bryant, Legislative Assistant for Senator John McClellan (D. , Ark.), back up materials including the exchange of correspondence between the Director and Senator Ervin having to do with the Agency's problems regarding S. 782. I told Mr. Bryant that, after he had an opportunity to review this material, I would be happy to discuss it with him further and answer any questions he might have. 6. (Secret - GLC) Called George Murphy, on the staff of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, regarding his query about Suslov. I told Murphy that I had talked with our people about this, that there are, in fact, two Suslovs: one is a member of the Politburo and the other is a member of the Foreign Ministry, who has been involved in disarmament negotiations at Geneva. I told him that in any event we are not aware of any militant statements made concerning actions which the USSR planned to take against the United States. In connection with Murphy's general question on this point, I advised him that the Soviets were not making strong statements regarding their missile superiority and, in fact, appeared to be suppressing this type of conversation in view of the current atmosphere regarding disarmament negotiations. Mr. Murphy said he understood that at Geneva today ACDA represen- tatives made a proposal which would have the affect of the U. S. receding from its position with respect to on-site inspection. According to Murphy, ACDA, justified this because it is believed that our national verification capabilities are sufficient to detect new declared atomic energy facilities. Murphy said in discussing this with ACDA officials he was advised that this decision concerning our capability was made "with the approval and support of the National Security Council" including Mr. Helms. Murphy thought the Director would be interested in knowing that these statements we cc: Ex/Dir-Compt O/DDCI DD/I JOHN M. MAURY (Legislative Counsel DD/S DD/S&T9 pB p,/ I Mr. Goodwin ~r% Mr. pproved I-orPRelease 2006/1P1/30 : CIA-RDP7 T 25X1 8000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R0@}N101-6 I SECRET Calls 3 In 0 Out 4 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Monday - 7 April 1969 1. (Internal Use Only - LLM) John Lofton, Republican Congressional Committee staff, called and said he would like to review the FBIS Latin America Daily Reports covering the summer of 1964 in hopes of coming across further statements by Robert F. Williams along the lines of Williams' August 1964 broadcast from Havana. Based upon information provided by Doris Falcone, FBIS, told Lofton that these reports were available in the Library of Congress in the agency serial collection. 2. (Unclassified - RW) Mr. S. Arnold Smith, Staff Attorney, House Special Subcommittee on Invest' ations, called to request an employment interview for The appointment was made for 9:00 a. m. , 15 April 1969 wit Personnel, and Mr. Smith advised. 3. (Secret - GLC) Hand carried to George Murphy, on the staff of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, the Director's letter of 4 April 1969 providing further damage assessment information on the Imre case. I also hand carried to Murphy, Mr. Maury's response to Mr. Bauser's letter requesting any information which the Agency had on commercial use of classified U. S. information by NATO countries. Mr. Murphy said that a Soviet named allegedly made statements recently of a rather bellicose nature with regard to actions which the Soviet Union could, and possibly would, take against the United States. Mr. Murphy would like any references which we might have to such statements. He said he would also appreciate if we could pinpoint in the Library of Congress or elsewhere sources of some of the more obvious and recent statements by Soviet officials on the subject of Soviet missile superiority. I told Murphy I would check on this and be in touch with him. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11:;~~rRpP72-00337R000300090001-6 Journal 0 Office of Legislative Counsel Page Z Monday - 7 April 1969 4. (Secret - GLC) I Agency liaison with the State Department and USIA, called to say that USIA. has contacted us in connection with a request which they received from Senator George Murphy (R. , Calif.) for a briefing on Radio Free Asia including the Korean Cultural and Educational Council which sponsors it. USIA desires any information which the Agency might have to be included in a briefing of the Senator. He added that this briefing is being arranged at the personal direction of Mr. Shakespear. FE Division is pulling together the information for the Agency. I suggested that once this is done the DD/P be consulted and that jointly we could decide whether this information should be passed to USIA and whether we would prefer to brief Senator Murphy separately on it. I then alerted Mr. to this. later informed me that there appeared to be two requests from USIA: one for information for 25X1 the Murphy briefing and one for information to be provided to the President. I Iwill be in touch with us when this material is compiled. 25X1 __ X1 JOHN M. MAURY Legislative Counsel cc: Ex/Dir-Compt O/DDCI DD/I DD/ S DD/S&T Mr. Goodwin Mr. Houston OPPB EA/DDP SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R0cD G J01-6 0 Calls 6 SECRET Out 0 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Friday - 4 April 1969 1. (Confidential - JGO) Talked to Mr. Paul Goulding, Administra- tive Assistant to Senator Claiborne Pell, with reference to the claim for indemnity of Mr. I advised Mr. Goulding that we have not 25X1 been able to identify a basis for support of the claim as for possible limited employment mentioned by the Senator as prospects are exceedingly removed due to the BALPA cutbacks. I made a tentative date to meet with Mr. Goulding on Thursday, 10 April, on this matter. 2. (Internal Use Only - CEA) Trudi Wright, in the office of Representative Lloyd Meeds (D. , Wash. ),called to seek Agency assistance in locating whose family believes he was in some way connected with the Agency. This had previously been checked out thoroughly with negative results and I suggested to Miss Wright that she check with the State Department. I was last heard from in Venezuela. 25X1 3. (Secret - GLC) Checked with Bill Woodruff, on the staff of the Senate Appropriations Committee, regarding his request for a "fact sheet" on the Soviet SS-9 missile. Woodruff said he was interested in the general characteristics of the missile especially, its capabilities and the size of the payload. He inferred that he desired this information in connection with current testimony which has been given on the hearing with regard to the Sentinel program. Referring to our conversation the other day on the subject of NIE's, Woodruff mentioned that several years ago Secretary McNamara sent the Senate Appropriations Committee an excerpt from an NIE for the obvious purpose of avoiding invoking executive privilege for refusing to provide that information. Woodruff went on to say that if the "secret seven" raised a question concerning the availability of an NIE for their use they would want access to the estimate but would not want custody of it. This is an interesting point to be kept in mind if we should become involved in the specifics of this issue in the future. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Friday - 4 April 1969 4. (Secret - GLC) Talked with Mr. Robert Bannerman, DD/ S, and Mr. of Personnel, about arrangements for General Cushman's appearance before the Senate Armed Services Committee for his confirmation hearing. I told them that it was my impression (and I had confirmed this with Ed Braswell, of the Committee staff) that the Marine Corps would make arrangements with the Committee to schedule a date for General Cushman's hearing. Once that date is established, we would then assume all other responsibilities with respect to the hearing. 25X1 5. (Confidential - GLC) Miss Peggy McDonald, on the staff of Senator Henry M. Jackson (D. , Wash. ), called regarding a telephone call which their Seattle office had received fronF- Miss McDonald his inquiry which had to do with his appeal to his Selective Service Board his classification of him as IA. Miss McDonald suggested that contact Captain Chastick, Head of the Selective Service system in Washington 25X1 state,and m d given him this suggestion. This was passed on to for his information. 6. (Secret - GLC) Alerted George Murphy, on the staff of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, to the fact that the Chinese Communists were preparing for another nuclear test. 25X1 JOHN M. MAURY Legislative Counsel cc: Ex/Dir-Compt O/DDCI DD/I DD/ S rlrl /.c Q_ m u Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin OPPB EA/DDP SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R0QtE01-6 6 Calls 5 SECRET I Out JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Thursday - 3 April 1969 1. (Unclassified - LLM) Mrs. Ester Hickey, Joint Economic Committee staff, called and requested a subscription to run through August 1969 for the FBIS Latin America daily report. FBIS, was 2. (Unclassified - LLM) Miss Janice Kummer, Civil Service Commission, in Denver, Colorado, called explaining that she was having difficulty in obtaining information on employment opportunities in Federal 25X1 service for law school graduates and mentioned that she had been given the name of I briefly explained the opportunities with this A enc and in the interest of being more responsive to her requirements, 25X1 ill contact her in his Federal Bar Association capacity. 3. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Mr. Bill Adams, Legislative Counsel Office, House of Representatives, called to advise that he had completed work on the forms for his security clearances and he will be forwarding them. STAT 4. (Unclassified - JGO) Returned the call of Janice Kummer, Civil Service Commission, in Denver, Colorado, concerning placement opportunities for attorneys. Miss Kummer advised that she is working with the University law school placement program. Advised Miss Kummer that we are a small Agency with the result of limited placement opportunities and referred her to the Chairman of the Federal Bar Association Placement Committee for definitive across-the-board information on placement opportunities in the 25X1 Federal Government for lawyers. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Thursday - 3 April 1969 6. (Secret - GLC) Hand carried to James Kendall, Staff Director of the Senate Preparedness Subcommittee, follow tip papers prepared by OSR, on "Estimated Soviet Heavy Bomber Numbers" and "Percentage of Soviet' Intercontinental Nuclear Attack Capability Represented by Soviet Hea orce. 11 These papers were in response to questions raised during briefing of the ad hoc Subcommittee on Bomber Defense. I advised Colonel Harper, of the Preparedness Subcommittee staff, that we were preparing the answers to the questions which were raised during Mr. Duckett's briefing of the ad hoc Subcommittee on Research and Develop- ment and would transmit them to him as soon as they were completed. 7. (Secret - GLC) Messrs. Maury an et with Senator John 25X1 McClellan (D. , Ark.) to renew our offer to resume the briefings which were begun during the visit which he and Senator Henry Jackson (D. , Wash.) recently paid to the Agency. We specifically mentioned a briefing by Mr. Duckett. We also discussed in some detail the Agency's problems with regard to the Ervin bill (S. 782). Senator McClellan is sympathetic to our position and opposed to the bill generally. (See Memo for the Record for details. ) 8. (Confidential - GLC) Picked up from Dorothy Fosdick, Staff Director of the Subcommittee on National Security and International Operations, two books: The First Vietnam Crisis and Communist China in World Politics; the last of the books which were loaned to the staff. 25X1 9. (Secret - GLC) Messrs. Maury and met with Bill Woodruff, on the staff of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and alerted him to Senator J. W. Fulbright's (D. , Ark.) request to the Under Secretary of State, Elliot L. Richardson, for a copy of a new intelligence estimate having to do with Soviet weaponry. We advised Woodruff that the Director proposed to send letters to Senators Russell and Stennis informing them of this request and also informing them of the Director's intention to decline to provide any NIE to the Foreign Relations Committee referring the matter to the President if Senator Fulbright persisted in his request. Woodruff appeared to be in accord with the Director's proposed course of action on this but suggested that we avoid, to the fullest extent possible, the question of executive privilege. In discussing this suggestion we mentioned that certain NIE' s pertaining to atomic energy matters are provided to the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy and Woodruff understood this and, in fact, referred to the Atomic Energy Act provisions under which this information was provided the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. Woodruff asked if we would provide him with a "fact sheet" on the Soviet SS-9 missile. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/3~m72-00337R000300090001-6 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Thursday - 3 April 1969 10. (Secret - JGO) Met with Mr. Frank Slatinshek, House Armed Services Committee staff, in response to Chairman Pike's request for an unclassified summary of the Director's testimony on the Pueblo inquiry for inclusion in the published hearings of the Committee. I reviewed with him again, the substantive content of the Director's testimony and the problems inherent in open publication of matters of testimony by the Director. With some reluctance, Mr.S.latinshek. accepted the determination that an unclassified summary cannot be provided. Mr. Slatinshek pointed out that Mr. Seligman, of NBC, has spent a couple of hours with the Committee staff requesting infor- mation for a white paper on the Pueblo to be presented in the near future by NBC. He noted that Mr. Seligman had been on this assignment since January and that by his questions, apparently has gathered more material on the subject than is available at present to the Subcommittee. It is noted that although Mr. Slatinshek has relented in the Committee's request, pressures for publication of all public information by the Committee could well result in a renewed request to the Agency at a later date. Briefed Mr. Slatinshek on the Soviet helicopter, Leningrad, and reviewed with him the Daily News press report of Senator Ervin's remarks concerning Agency opposition to S. 782. 11. (Secret - JGO) Met with Mr. Carl Marcy, Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff, and discussed with him Chairman Fulbright's request for review of the transcript of Admiral Raborn's testimony of July 19, 1965 with respect to the Dominican Republic for possible publication. Mr. Marcy noted that there is no intention of release of testimony on Agency matters but requested that we provide a letter to the Chairman setting forth some specifics as to why the Agency is unable to sanitize and release the transcript. See Memo for Record. Mr. Marcy noted that a problem is generating within the Committee relating to the testimony of Secretary Laird concerning first-strike capability and new intelligence information on the SS-9. He noted the ball is in State Depart- ment's court as a result of an exchange between Chairman Fulbright and Under Secretary Elliot Richardson during the Spanish base hearings yesterday and apologized that the transcript would not be available until tomorrow morning, if we cared to review it. Since the exchange with Under Secretary Richardson related to the new intelligence estimate on the SS-9, Mr. Marcy felt that the matter would be of interest to us. See Memo for the Record. cc: Ex/Dir-Compt O /DDCI, nn IT DD/S&T, Mr. Houston, Mr. Goodwin, 25X1 OPPB JOHN M. MAURY Legislative Counsel EA/DDP, Item 1 - FBIS, Item 3 - Security SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R001-6 6 SECRET Calls 7 In 4 Out 2 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Wednesday - 2 April 1969 1. (Confidential - GLC) George Murphy, on the staff of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, called to say that the AEC had on display in the JCAE hearings room today a number of models of various missiles -- included was a model of the Soviet SS-9 along with the U. S. Spartan and Sprint. According to Murphy, Senator John Pastore (D. , R. I.) queried the AEC representative, Glenn Wiltrout, as to whether he could borrow the model of the SS-9. Wiltrout responded that it was classified and in response to a further question from Pastore inferred that the model had been obtained from CIA. Murphy wished to know whether this model could be used by Senator Pastore in a nopen forum. After checking DD/S&T and Dr. Charles Reichardt of AEC, I advised Murphy that the model was not ours but had been made by AEC elements using information from a variety of sources including ourselves. I added, aside from any security aspects, it was my understanding that there Iwexe some technical inaccuracies in the model which were being corrected and that Senator Pastore might not wish to use it under the circumstances. Murphy agreed and said he would recommend that the Senator not use the model. 2. (Confidential - GLC) David Martin, on the staff of Senator Thomas Dodd D. , Conn. , called and asked if we had any information on a Vietnamese, who according to Martin is an official in the International Association of Criminology. Martin said that as corresponded with Senator Dodd in the past but has now asked for an opportunity to meet with him. Martin would like any information we might be able to provide the Senator on this individual. I told him I would check on this and be in touch with him. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Wednesday - 2 April 1969 3. (Confidential - CEA) Talked to Dr. Dunn, Administrative Assistant to Senator Charles Goodell (R. , N. Y. ), about the possibility of one of our analysts discussing his trip to Biafra with him. Dunn said he would be happy to do so and it was agreed that I would arrange a mutually agreeable time with his Secretary, Judy Liffman. 4. (Confidential - CEA) Talked tol a former Agency employee who is retired on medical disability concerning his" claim. I has, on several occasions, gone to Representative Joel Broyhill R. , Va.) concerning his claim and had received a copy of an Agency letter to Broyhill explaining the situation. was basically interested in the question as to where he goes from here in pursuing his n of him he would be well advised to stay in close touch with nd both of whom have worked with him in the past. I Isaid he 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 5. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Returned the call of Elizabeth Curlin, 25X1 in the office of Senator J. W. Fulbright (D., Ark.), who wanted to know whether a constituent could obtain a subscription to the FBIS Latin America Daily Report. I explained the "official use only" nature of this publication and suggested that she check with the Document Expediting Project at the Library of Congress concerning a subscription to the FBIS White Book. She thanked me for the assistance. 6. (Secret - JGO) Met with Representative John M. Slack (D. , W. Va.) and reviewed with him the Agency memorandum on "North Korean Violations of the Armistice, " which was prepared in response to questions raised by Representative Slack during the Director's briefing of the Appropriations Committee on 13, 14, and 17 March. Representative Slack expressed his appreciation in following up on the request and after review, returned the memorandum for inclusion in the transcript which is being held by the Agency for the Committee. Representative Slack expressed his personal concern over the ABM question and asked if the intelligence community has reliable information on the reasons why the Soviets did not complete the originally planned ABM installations around Moscow. He noted further his personal appreciation for the information and guidance provided by the Director's briefing of the Committee. Overall, it was a most friendly and cordial meeting and evidenced Representative Slack's personal regard for the Director and the Agency. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Wednesday - 2 April 1969 7. (Secret - JGO) Met with Representative Glenard P. Lipscomb (R. , Calif.) who provided a copy of a letter being circulated to members of the House seeking cosponsorship on a House bill to be introduced that will be identical to the Ervin bill (S. 782). I thanked Mr. Lipscomb for his consideration in bringing this matter to our attention. Mr. Lipscomb advised that he will be in the city until Friday when he will be returning to California for the Easter recess. He noted that he will not be able to put any time on the question of the Soviet threat before his return to Washington but he would appreciate such updating or revision of the unclassified paper provided him in September, as we may be able to provide at this time. Reviewed with Representative Lipscomb the Agency memoranda "Shipment of Combat Material to North Vietnam, " and "Soviet, Eastern European, and Communist Chinese Economic and Military Aid to North Korea" which had been prepared in response to questions raised by Mr. Lipscomb during the Director's briefing of 13, 14, and 17 March. Mr. Lipscomb was most appreciative noting in particular the two submarines furnished North Korea, which was new information to the Committee. 8. (Unclassified - JGO) In response to his request, delivered to Mr. Bruce Merkle, Administrative Assistant to Representative William Bray, a professional brochure and employment application for use in responding to a constituent request. 9. (Unclassified - JGO) Picked up from Senator Aiken's office, in response to their call, a letter for the Director. 10. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Met with Mr. Bun Bray, House Post Office and Civil Service Committee, and provided a copy of the Galifianakis letter seeking cosponsors on a House companion bill to the Ervin bill (S. 782) to be introduced in ten days or two weeks. At Mr. Bray's suggestion, I also provided a copy of the letter to Mr. Charles Whitley, Administrative Assistant to Representative David N. Henderson (D. , N. Car. ) SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4 Wednesday - 2 April 1969 11. (Confidential - JMM) Bill Trueheart, DDC/INR State Department, called to thank us for showing him a copy of our proposed answer to some questions by the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy regarding possible compromise of U. S. NATO security information through commercial channels. Trueheart said he thought our answer was accurate, although fairly far-reaching, and responsive to the Joint Committee's query. However, Trueheart wondered whether some of the language might be altered slightly to avoid unnecessary trouble for the Department without, however, changing the factual content. I said this might be possible but I was not the n-ne to negotiate with. At Trueheart's suggestion I therefore called nd asked him to discuss the matter with Wolfgang Lehman, the State Department officer who maintains contact with the Joint Committee. 25X1 12. (Unclassified - JMD) Miss Flanagan, in the office of Representative Walter Flowers, called and asked whether we were still planning to have a another breakfast meeting for freshmen congressmen. She said Mr. Flowers was quite disappointed when he was unable to attend the last one. She was informed that there would be another one although the date had not as yet been decided. SECRET 13. (Unclassified - CEA) Picked up from Mrs. Smith, Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff, a classified envelope addressed to the Director. cc: Ex/Dir- Compt O/DDCI DD/I DD/S DD/S&T JOHN M. MAURY 'I._ egislative Counsel 7 Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin OPPB EA/DDP SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11 /30: CIA-RDP72-00337R0RpQ001-6 4 _ SECRET Calls 1 In 0 Out 5 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Tuesday - I April 1969 1. (Secret - GLC) Met with Bill Woodruff, on the staff of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and left with him copies of the Daily News item of 28 March reporting on Senator Ervin's comments at the Bar Association meeting on Agency activity against S. 782 and the excerpt from Bill Monroe's interview with Senator William Proxmire (D., Wis.) in which reference was made to the size of the CIA's budget. I suggested that he might want to bring these to the attention of Senator Russell. I mentioned to Woodruff that we had not as yet received an answer to the Director's second letter to Senator Ervin regarding an opportunity to appear before his Subcommittee in executive session on S. 782 and added that we were attempting to talk with Senator John McClellan (D. , Ark. ) about the bill. I left with Woodruff a copy of Senator Mike Mansfield' s (,D.. , Mont.) letter to the Director asking that we submit a draft bill codifying and updating Agency authority for the conduct of research and development. I asked Woodruff whether he knew if similar letters. had been sent to the DoD or any other agency. He said he was not aware of this but that he would check on it. It was agreed that I would draft a rather general response to Senator Mansfield's letter and check it out within the next day or two. 2. (Secret - JGO) Met with Mr. Robert Michaels, House Appropriations Committee staff, and reviewed with him the press report of Senator Ervin's statements before the Federal Bar Association con- cerning CIA. opposition to S. 782. Also reviewed with Mr. Michaels the transcript of the Proxmire interview on "The Today Show" of March 25 25X1 concerning congressional handling of the CIA budget. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Tuesday- 1 April 1969 3. (Secret - GLC) Met with Ed Braswell, Chief of Staff, Senate Armed Services Committee, and gave him copies of the Daily News item containing Senator Sam J. Ervin's (D. , N. Car.) remarks at the Federal Bar Association meeting about the Agency in connection with S. 782. I also gave him a copy of the excerpt of Bill Monroe's interview with Senator William Proxmire (D., Wis.) where reference was made to the size of the Agency budget. I suggested to Braswell that he might want to call these two items to the attention of Senator Stennis. Braswell asked how things were going on the Ervin bill. I told him we have not as yet received a response to the Director's second letter in which he repeated his request for an opportunity to appear in executive session on the bill and that we were attempting to see Senator John McClellan (D. , Ark. ). Braswell said he thought that an approach to McClellan by anyone other than the Director would not accomplish its purpose in further discussion of our chances of success in getting an exemption from this bill. Braswell strongly urged that we concentrate our efforts on the members of the Ervin Subcommittee. He believes that it would be useless to try to block the bill or to obtain our exemption in full committee. In other words, Braswell feels unless we can accomplish our objectives in the Ervin Subcommittee, we might as well fight our battle in the House. He added that if we could get Senator McClellan and Senator Birch Bayh (D. , Ind.) on our side they could accomplish our purposes for us. I told Braswell that our people were maintaining contact with Marine Corps personnel regarding General Cushman's return and understood arrangements for his appearance in confirmation hearings were being handled directly by the Marine Corps. Braswell said he understood General Cushman would be available on the 15th of April. 4. (Secret - GLC) I happened to see Senator Stuart Symington (D. , Mo.) who mentioned that Mr. Maury had been up to talk with him on the subject of recent comments on the size of the Agency's budget. The Senator said he was holding off on this but planned to discuss it with Senator Russell at the earliest opportunity. I acknowledged that this presented a problem but pointed out that the difficulty would be in trying to counter these statements without divulging critical information in the process. The Senator indicated that he agreed this was a problem but he plans to pursue it further. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Tuesday - 1 April 1969 5. (Internal Use Only - LLM) In response to his call on S. J. Res. 75 sponsored by Senators Gore and Percy (providing for a comprehensive study of weapons technology and foreign policy strategy by an independent commission), advised Mr. David Muchow, Bureau of the Budget, that the Agency had no comments to offer and thanked him for considering the Agency's interests. The office of DD/I, DD/S&T, and NIPE supported this response. See Journal of 27 March 1969. 25X1 /JOHN M. MAURY -Legislative Counsel cc: Ex/Dir -Compt O/DDCI DD /I DD/S DD/S&T Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin OPPB EA/DDP SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/30: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300090001-6