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Approv 25X1A ROOM NO. BUILDING EXTENSION ApproVeld 300070026-1 For Releas 2003/03/25: CIA-RDP 2-00337R00 d'R hUU,&b0~i(OW DATE : CIA- 00 TO: -T5 1 ? I m I~ ROOM NO. BUILDING REMA FROM. FORM RFEB M 55.24 I REPLACES FORM 36-8 (47) WHICH MAY BE USED. Approved For Release 2003/03/25 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300070026-1 17 July 1970 25X1A SUBJECT : American Friends Service Committee Allegaeions re the Quang Ngai PIC 1. A somewhat oddball item came up at the 17 July Sullivan ,".'Committee meeting, one with which we could possibly get involved. The story briefly seems to be this: a. The Con Son.'sTiger Cage" publicity apparently induced a M.r. Louis W. Schneider of the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) to write a letter to President Nixon with various attachments. Copies of the package were sent to various people including the "Special House Committee to Investigate War in Indochina." It was in the capacity of members of this special committee that Congressrnen Anderson and Hawkins, who saw the Con Son cages; went to Vietnam. b. A copy of the package is appended hereto. You will note, that its last enclosure is a letter (or portions of a letter) to Congress- men Anderson and Hawkins from a Dr. Marjorie Nelson, who apparently was working in Quang Ngai Province as a physician on an AFSC project from October 1967 until October 1969. This letter from Dr. Nelson and her allegations are also referred to in Mr. Schneider's 10 July letter to Ambassador Bui Diem, which is also part of the package. c, Dr. Nelson alleges that she treated patients, including women (one seven months pregnant) who had been systematically and deliberately tortured in the Quang Ngai Provincial Interrogation Center. Approved For Release 2003/03/25 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300070026-1 surnT/SEHS E $ECRETISEUUSJTiV Approved For Release 2003/03/25 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300070026-1 d. Mr. Engel (Director, Vietnam Working Group -- Free Matthews' replacement) said Dr. Nelson was testifying before a congressional committee on the morning of 17 July. When pressed, Mr. Engel said he thought it was the "Moss Committee" (a subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations), but he was not sure. 25X1A Pl1? Atli Y"'_' ia~ rr ~ r e~~~ er Approved For Release 20034-RM$f-WAPWP72-00337R000300070026-1 25X1A 5. Some of the above data will probably have to be obtained from I some may be unattainable. I will keep Sullivan & Co. at bay until we can collect enough facts to caucus and determine how best to proceed. I am sending copies of this note and its attach- ments to Messrs. Meyer and.Maury who should be kept apprised of developments as they occur. 25X1A Special Assistant for Vietnamese Affairs cc: Mr. Cord Meyer Mr: John Maury Approved For Release 2003/03/25 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300070026-1 3- EC~ES(SE~'SIi1VE Approved For Release 2003/03/25 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300070026-1 CPYRGH~,d if Miss iled .ers' roh- on to the ding her ex- "s hat ati,ap- Udhat ;one ere i took the ally Second Viet Prison Is balled inhuman United Press International' Ij A report of a second South fractures of the bones follow- prison where in. ing beatings. Prisoners also Vietnamese A mates were tortured and sub- told me of being tortured by )' jetted to "inhuman practices" electricity, with wires attach was disclosed yesterday by one ed to ears, nipples, and genit- of the congressmen who drew alia, by being forced to drink attention to "tiger cage" cells concoctions containing power- on Conson Island. ed lime and other noxious sub- 4 the stances, by being tied up and tt l e The report, a er o sus ended by ropes, often up- congressmen from an Ameri- p s'de down from the rafters s4,1. down from the raftcrs~ rbC to- e )lice ting lack man ')be had able to document by x-rays, chief. visiting Conson that abuse of crowding there was neither 'ged prisoners was widespread in running water nor latrines in and South Vietnam. any of the rooms where pri- silty Late yesterday Anderson re- soners were confined from 6 He ported he had arranged for the p.m. to 6 a.m. and food and trial letter's author, Dr. Marjorie water were both provided inI the Nelson of New Haven, Conn., unsanitary if not contaminated I 'd? to testify today before a House condition." ead- Foreign Operations subcom Sentences-Officials said 80 to mittee looking into South Viet- a as per cent of the inmates were the narnese prison conditions.. political prisoners," but con- ' Dr. Nelson served 13~monthe versations with many of them Mc- at the Quang Ngai province n indicated' theirpolitical crime g was improper or incomplete O' civil n h mber, ospital. 1968; Beginning not ng long :oss- S Septe urge after spending 59 days as a papers, presence in an unau- ness captive of the Vietcong. thorized place "or in the case tion She emphasized in her let- of the women, inability to ac- mce ter that overcrowded prison count for the whereabouts of wen conditions and a nearby pro- their husbands who were there- fore assumed to be NLF (Vict- vi interro .on c e n t e r cong) guerrillas." Officials said was were -s blame, not prison no one was supposed to stay in th be administrators. the prison for more than six Here are excerpts of her ac in o n t h s but the prisoners !hen count: "never hadt a trial, and never that Torture-"I saw dozens of knew the length of their sen- iony patients with bruises of vary- ence. I talked with several who !feet ing severity. I also examined were in for as long as a year." they patients who had coughed up, Dr. Nelson said. she and a vomited or urinated blood fellow worker unsuccessfully) she after being beaten about the appealed for help to the Ameri- chest, back and stomach. On can province senior 'adviser had at least two occasions I was and the Vietnamese province can woman doctor who served 13 months in Vietnam with the for hours . . I examined a American Friends Service woman seven months pregnant Committee, alleged dozens of who had been badly beaten the previous week. This was political tured at Q angr Ngai were the worst example .. . wath electrical shocks, beat- Conditions-"The nurse as-l ings and other abuses. signed to Quang Ngai prison Rep. William A. Anderson was an opium addict, and I only (D'-Tenn.) who placed the letter met him in the dispensary' once in the Congressional Record in my 13 months there. Prison- for publication today, said it ers themselves manned the dis- validated his conviction since pensarv ... In addition to the Approved For Release 200.3/03/25: CIA-RDP72,-0,0337ROO030061.002`6-1 A pr ypd. HENRY uL RITS ItENRY J. C;F:D'3CftY RRONSO; - -r. CLARK E,cco(., - ,C'O ;y Philadelphia, Pen~;sylv~iiiia 19102 July 10, 1970 Lj uis W. Schneider , 0 /03/ SE f DP7 r00337R0003000 0 6-1"1/, r ale s.'~ 47 The President The White House Washington, D. C. 20500 We enclose a letter we have received from Ambassador Bui Diem of the Republic of Vietnam together with a copy of our reply with an nttaclunent ~r~ cam. f U C~~ s~:,~~ti% r r c VV% Y f The treatment of political prisoners in South Vietnam is a long-standing disgrace not only to the Thieu-Ky regime but also to the Government of the United States which supplies the money, the manpower and the advisers which keep this regime and its methods in operation. Is it not time, Mr. President, that the United States withdrew its military forces from South Vietnam? Talk of reform within the context of U.S. military intervention simply is not con- vincing. The inhumane practices are too well entrenched and the resistance of the Vietnamese people to the Saigon government runs too deep to leave room for the hope that this alliance of repression and violence will reform itself. - LW-WS: vh cc: Special House Committee to Investigate War in Indochina Ambassador David Bruce Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker Secretary of State Rogers Mr. Henry Kissinger Province Senior Adviser Cushing, CORDS Approved For Release 2003/03/25 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300070026-1 Approved For Release 2003/03/25 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300070026-1 (l/lf('rf./J/ r///fr/ ;rf1/! 41 C. a,. : cic C C14';~:[ Y~ i"S(:i C~zCt4? _t"cvl: .C 'ai s ::".T`s . ric Chi: your :: t:C l a ~x ? .~ `.+ o ~' L'r ? 2: S..t. i C :i o- S t f i z Y" ; a Y'~.C:i ri': o f t l( ri 5:< ~i`t5 li the !1C) d treat c J~.:i ty 2 J"w h C,i'i .z."i s 0. ta]..'o the ,~:~1:, C??l1~.C:i`: t u I: Grtlc': k, i1 s ]y]:r: ?'_C:-0 %~ c ~. o iC}~ii_.11 f ,' for ~jC>ur i%ind ~:tl.:t.C nt `Glib the t.C C .+f i