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March 19, 1969
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Approved For Re case 2006/09/25:.: CIA40PT2-00337R~Q0100120027-6 OLC 69-0231 19 March 1969 SUBJECT: DCI Briefing of Full House Armed Services Committee - 18 March 1969 1. On 18 March 1969 the Director appeared before the full House Armed Services Committee. The session lasted from 1010 until 1200 hours and from 1410 until 1455 The briefing and discussion included material from the SI and TKC systems. A transcript was taken. 2. Initially, the meeting was chaired by Representative Philip Philbin (D., Mass. ), but throughout most of the morning Chairman L. Mendel Rivers presided. Mr. Philbin resumed the chair during the afternoon Members present, for part or all of the session, were: L. Mendel Rivers (D. , S.'C. ), Chairman Philip J. Philbin (D. , Mass.) O. C. Fisher (D. , Texas) Charles E. Bennett (D. , Fla.) James A. Byrne (D., Pa.) Samuel S. Stratton (D. , N. Y. ) Otis G. Pike (D. , N. Y. ) Richard H. Ichord (D., Mo.) Lucien N. Nedzi (D., Mich.) Alton Lennon (D. , N. C. ) William J. Randall (D. , Mo.) G. Elliott Hagan (D. , Ga. ) Charles H. Wilson (D. , Calif.) Robert L. Leggett (D., Calif.) Floyd V. Hicks (D., Wash.) Richard C. White (D., Texas) William Nichols (D., Ala.) Jack T. Brinkley (D., Ga.) Robert H. Mollohan (D., W.Va.) W. C. Daniel (D., Va.) session. Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : I R~DP72-00337R00010012c 68/13/2003 Approved For Rlease 2006/09125,:" C1 ~RDP72-00337E 0100120027-6 William G. Bray (R. , Ind. ) Robert C. Wilson (R. , Calif. ) Charles S. Gubser (R. , Calif.) Alexander Pirnie (R., N.Y.) Durward G. Hall (R., Mo.) Robert T. Stafford (R. , Vt. ) Carleton J. King (R., N.Y.) William L. Dickinson (R., Ala.) Charles W. Whalen, Jr. (R., Ohio) Ed Foreman (R. , N.M.) John E. Hunt (R. , N. J. ) G. William Whitehurst (R., Va.) Jorge L. Cordova-Diaz (P.R.) 3. Staff members present were: J. Russell Blandford, Chief Counsel Frank Slatinshek, Counsel Oneta L. Stockstill, Executive Secretary Berniece Kalinowski, Secretary Earl J. Morgan, Professional Staff Member Ralph Marshall, Professional Staff Member William B. Short, Clerical Assistant James Schumate 4. 4 companying the Director were: Bruce Clarke, D/OSR 25X1A John M. Maury 5. The Chairman's opening remarks, the Director's prepared statement and the questions and answers are contained in the Subcommittee transcript, a copy of which is available in the Office of Legislative Counsel. 2 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 ,,CrAx ipl 72-00337R000100120027-6 Approved For Rase 2006/09/25 : C(I4\-RDP72-Q0337R $0100120027-6 6. Follow up actions: In response to a question raised by Representative William L. Dickinson (R., Ala.), the Director said we would check available material for conclusive evidence of the means by which surface-to-air missiles were brought into North Vietnam. 25X1A JOHN M. MAURY Legislative Counsel Distribution: Original - Subject (via DCI) 1 - Ex/Dir 1 - Mr. Clarke 1- 1 ~- 1- 25X1A 1~- Chrono Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000100120027-6