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Approved For Releao e 2006 .14: CIA-RDP72-00038ROO0100260029-1 Tl~< 9 July l9 9 25X1 MEMORANDUM FOR: Acting Chief, SSS SUBJECT Current Figures for 25X1 1. eft a request for me to obtain current figures -to be used in the paragraph at the bottom of Page 8 and top of page 9 in draft dated 13 June 1969. The following are the 1 J,Iy 1969 volume totals for the three categories referred to in that para- graph: NON-RECORD MATERIAL Technical References Supplemental Distribution Vital Records Directorate Total DDI 8,000 18,552 7,694 34,246 DDP 113 697 810 DDS 314 285 599 DDS&T 425 361 786 DCI 122 117 239 TOTALS ' 8,000 19,526 9154 36,680 2. The page 8 paragraph reads: "However, the remaining three categories of Agency determined records, 52,500 cu. ft. technically are available for Agency Management to purge as it sees fit." The figure is incorrect.and should not be used. Instead the total of 38,000 stated on the June chart is nearer to the final July total of 36,680. CC FIDERIAL Approved 'For Release 2006/12/14: CIA-RDP72-00038R000100260029-1 Approved For Release 2006/12/14: CIA-RDP72-00038R00010026005- C F1 'E T1A[ 7 Only this 36,000 Cu. ft. of _.c^-record nia.erial Lay be or destroyed at the discretion of the Agency and its ccmponen.;,s. 0c_nVro,~s the National Archives have no official responsibility for tha- ma eri_. Vital Records 4. The Agency Records Program reviews the schedules of material intended for deposit to eliminate duplication, but the office itself determines what it needs and will deposit. The resulting 9,000 cu. ft. on hand is what the individual Office Heads have decided are ce. vital records they will need in an emergency. Many offices nevie;rad these holdings during the purge of the past year and 2-. Vital Records Schedule were changed and 1,152 cu. ft. removed. But 1,508 cu. ft. of new deposits were added for a net increase of 356 cu. ft. in the Vital Records Volume during FY 1969. Supplemental Distribution 5. The Supplemental Distribution material received considerable review during this past year and 5,871 cu. ft. were removed. (DDI c=-? ponents purged 2,886 cu. ft. and expect to purge 4,000 more.) (O:R cut by half the number of copies to be stored while most OBGI reports were cut from 125 to 50 copies in reserve.) New documents totaling 3,636 cu. ft. were added last year. The overall volume on hand decreased 2,235 during FY 1969. The Agency and the entire Intelligence Community make an average of 200 requests for documents from this collection each work day. Besides the bulk shipments of items for disposal the 200 routine service requests average 10 cu. ft. by courier each work day while there is an influx of new publications averaging 14+ cu. ft. per day. 71 TIAL Approved For Release, 20 114: CIA-RDP72-00038R000100260029-1 ~ FIWE TIAL Technical Reference 6. Finally, the 8,000 cu. ft. of Technical Reference material is scheduled for disposal in two to five years. (The "Analyst Working Files"--500 cu. ft.--have a two year retention and a steady turn over of receipts and disposals. The CRS "Intelligence Document Collection"? 7,500 cu. ft.--are stored five years.) Last year these totaled 10,000 cu. ft. The purge removed 3,000 cu.' ft. while new accessions totaled 1,000 cu. ft. The collection cannot be completely eliminated because a USIB agreement requires all Agencies to keep their own supply of ref- erence items five years after which the originating or publishing Agency is responsible to have available an archival reference copy for the Community. On July 1, 1969 this CRS Collection of 7,500 cu. ft. contained 300 cu. ft. of Agency produced documents and 7,200 cu. ft. of other Agency documents, all of which have a scheduled life cycle of five years. The CRS reference specialists now use the one remaining reference copy of Agency publications over five years old from the Agency Archives and the duplicates have been destroyed. 7. Current Statistics and documents related to other items in the 13 June draft will be furnished in individual,, separate packages as requested. CIA Records Administration Officer CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2006/12/14: CIA-RDP72-00038R000100260029-1