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Approved For ease 2002/07/02 : CIA-RDP71 T00730F00500090034-2 ~) i:'" NOTF: Thf, doaem nt con!eln, Inforaen'Inn effecting the national defense of the Crnffed States wlthln the meaning of the eepfoneae laws, rid" f+1, f1.s.C., sec ?93 and 794. The tranamlaston or the rerern-ton of Its contents In any manner to an uneuthortzed person I. rmhfbtted by Inw, 2. SUBJECT; (U) Telecommunications C 017 F i. I) 7' :7T7AL, 4. DATE OF INFORMATION: 21 October 1966 9. PLACE AND OA-? OF ACQDjakarta, 21 October 19 43. rnrrsAttEO nY: 25X1DIA ,/?" ro:lonc+t, t'~;n:? Defense A'112-7'cho 15. SUMMARY: C On 21 er 1966, APIR and AAR*"A COMM,,, anent suer en hoar discussing Indonesian Te1oco*r ani^zti er.3 In discuosing the c rrc-rA, nrd f;3t=i eIntus of s.rY!cnos;an Tole coi anicationsa Report t, ansmit3 the eu'"s4anse ei' th3 conrereaticn, p25X1 DIA 25X1 DIA 1. Civil Cormiunicatians, (C) a. (U) Source returned the frn*i a tr. Jia to the United States and England, dealing with the proc',1rensnt c? 01 -7-11 tole r?^t^ zn:L catior_s equipment and assistance, in the U, S, he ta'rkor1 with rorrceontattro3 r.. ' FTtLCO 'r_1 in an attempt to got assistance in ostab' J ehj ng a p1_rnt .n Tn ?cn~3_~.1 ^ r t;a f '' e f question of the Indonesian law regarding pro':,nction. of forcJ r t =.rvoct^ ^n'.3 was 4 brought up. Source is convinced that Indonesian law T0.11 ha-,3 to prr-`.e^ ; t s rights 6'N6 of foreign enterprises if Indonesia is over to advr.nco in t73 ~.ndustrsal r.octore !!O stated he has pushed for this protection and r^cc scts ere Coc:l, In-'^nesi.an capa- bility right now to produce tsleconnmmicat on3 cquipnen t in non-exietsn+? 1$. DISTRIBUTION BY ORIGINATORt 1-CINCPAC 1-CINCUSARPAC DIA review(s) completed.' 17. DOWNC,1ADING DATA] 1tj. AT; I?^_H:ACNT DATA: GROUP-3 DOWNGRADED AT 12 7PA.R ThTER?VAT S, NOT AUiOMATICALZ'T PECIMST ID 00 NF ID E.WTI AL D D FORM 138fi " `P 4.1 Approved For a U.S. aerlaee&N/ r41Nt,N. writs : 1" PI-44S199 ~4A E!?r1d ~,' ~tw ~,a, Thf, rr~or! con?e!na t?'ptOcncccd tr.: . -' f^n. ?lane e.^.a or ^rfc!e f ahr?'dnoa ha e:-?Irr-f or nod.' f. c J r^f -1y on the $csta of av., ro-'o*!. 2 JY15 QIi12 C6 25 October. 'x4-6 Three (3) -TI MM, 3G, 1.PU TJSAM%, P j art Indonesia 72R7vIN13 AU"HORITY~, T)00730 00?`foR03 2 qte WH CH,MAY CMG Approved For lease 2002/07/02 : CIA-RDP71 T0073()R0;00500090034-2 CONTINUATION SHEET REPORT "o. 2 8h; 0472 66 PA13$ 2 or 3 PP,Es ORIGINATOR CUSA MA, Djakarta, Indonesia There is currently a plant being constructed in PLNDUNG (6543-10736E)., with the assistance of PHILLIPS, which, when completed in 1.963, will produce ccndensors, rectifiers, and resistors, P.N. RAWLIN does not produce commercial o'!cctronic equipment, only the household variety of electrical machines, b, (U) Talking about telecommunications links with the other islands and the outside world, he stated that presently there are only two channels to the outside world. These two go from DANDUNG to MANILA. There is n current project which will provide four additional channels linking DJAKARTA (61OS-10619E) to MA11ILA. He stated this link will take one month to construct and equipment is a--ailable. and paid for. With the addition of this link, prices or intercontinental calls will be raised to the standard established by the 1TU. The subriarine ca?hi, linking DJAKARTA with SINGAPORE, built about 1935, furnished two channels but in no longer in use and is not economical to repair. He stated there are no existing sutr?0.rine cable connections between any Indonesian islands, Plans have been made for a DJAKARTA - MEDAN - KUALA LUMPUR - SINGAPORE l.i_rk by cable. Other cable links are planned between the major islands. c. (U) To further improve the communications with the outside world, there is a plan to construct a satellite station near DJATITZHUR (6185-10717E), In TEST JAVA The construction time is estimated at 1.8 months. He stated the target date for completion is just before the planned Indonesian National Elections in ".458. ITC and COMSAT personnel are coming to Indonesia In late October to reconnoiter this site and conduct further talks concerning the construction. He stated this station will provide a link with MANILA. The eventual plan calls for construction of sites on the major islands thus tying all the islands together by satellite, d. (U) The overall telecommunications goal is to establishea National Defense Signal Organization like the U.S. Defense Corsmsnications Agenc T4 will b y, e a combined military and civil system consisting of O.Mo civil facilities a.rd 10 10 mi?- ita f iliti ry ac es This will take abti t .ou sx yearso construct, FxistA.nq service ,,communications links will be incorporated into this system. He stated the bulk of th e people to man this systill fr th A em w comeomarmy Signal Corps, to insure effi- ci nc e y. L. e ~' . (C) IA 25 has TlawwrA he ---v -~Cl Llt%O 1-111M problems with the unions, and repercussion from "Politicianstfs but the military have backed him u N t t d p. e s a e that of the six ui I th D ..nonsneepartment, four unto support him; one, the PNI backed union, does not; and one is Somewhat neural, Military Communications. (U) a. (U)'Source admitted to the weakness in the Army Command Cor t ti mnin ca ons system, Her stated he has telex system from DJAKARTA to MfEDAN, three KODA? in 'KALIMANTAN (xx, XI, AND XII), MAKASSAR, and the three JAVA vnnjokS H e wants to . expand this system for each KODAM. This according to his estimate will cost approx Inata1v &I _'A wA 17 4 ,,. - (TTY.'` N T.Ti a ti. .1 stn, ? mn . -Lu-z?e as a 01-'j system frori each KODAK Headquarters to KOANDA Headquarters in M DAN. b. (U) When questioned as to how he liked USSR equipment, he stated that some was very goods but others are not worth anythin The mai bl g, n pro em seers to be i n the lack of tropiealization. Some of the USSR equipment can only operate for about J- I-- _L-. . _ 6 ~'IM1.~a ~e~www A& h as have Western equiphe wotiax1 rather ment than USSR equipment He stated the Indonesian Air Force doe not have h f mac o a system He pointdt th Ai F6 ,e ouerorce has ' million (US) worth of telecommanjcations equipment in warehouses at the DJAKARTA Port and they don't know What W AO with it. He very slyly pointed out he w ld I'i t " ou n ergrate this equipment ip his civil system. When questioned about the RTatIonal Police System he S. ?a. ^11'~,~ fol. ~.rww w 1 ..L w ._- _ . _ _ _ _ _ Ohl h i --- - -- - r--- e n guu before a police offI c- p! - his house looking for some spares. When quieried by ARNA i..f xndon- e t it ransm me6sagee of ant f emergency naure,or the U.S, Embassy to each as AMBON, source indicated he would be willing as long as the 1tltiesian. .CONFIDENTIAL Approved FoiRele~@UO M6NAr7-4l'ANREWiMT0073*000500090034-2 Approved For tease 2002/07/02: CIA-RDP71T0073 0500090034-2 General Discussion: (C) 25X1 DIA Throughout the conversation tressed his feelin that the A t g rmy mus control all aspects of the government. Thi9 was borne out F?ren aue9+i d t M ?19 a3 O wham he rr n his trip to the T?.,5, and U,. He stated he reported d3-n-91 y DIA He also stated military men know what direct ac lon .9 roliti~- 25X1 clans opl know h w t t lk '" y o o a ( ...1is channel bypasses his civilian l tt~i_ste- . Com~:en n SOFHARTO g on source indicatd littl dii i,e aosappontment that SOEHAATO r o3 not realize the importance of co:r^;unications in the drrrolop"r nt of the cep nt,r r, He evidently fools to low a priority in being; placed en hwt n area of concern, He felt what dl, 111,14111 that while in Washin^tcn he received a tea e - rnr: not to talk with anyone in the Pentagon concerning signal ass .s'~n ace felt tolecor". inic3tlcn3 was alighted in the overall request CONMB IT: (C.) ave the impression of a man who in very knowledr*oable in his field. He knows what his overall goal i.e and has estab'li shed a p? an for achiov ing it. FIELD COORDINATION: State. Approved Fo gEPor Ao. ? 81,: G~172 66 PAGE 3 'J U !i F I D F IT T T A L gORIGINATOR OU3ARMAq DJskor~n3?