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Approved For Release 2004/12/17: CIA-RDP71 R0051 OA 16 January 1968 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Intelligence Deputy Director for Plans -puty Director for Science and Technology Deputy Director for Support D/DCI/ NIPE SUBJECT : Briefing Program for Charles J. Zwick of the Bureau of the Budget 1. In accordance with our discussion yesterday regarding the briefing for Mr. Zwick, the timetable is given in the attached sched- ule. (As with all briefings of this kind, it may slip a little, but we would like to stay as close as possible to the schedule. ) 2. You each know better than I the best way to present your subject in the very limited time available. May I suggest, however, that this is not a budget briefing and Mr. Zwick will not be interested in your detailed organization. We. should concentrate on our programs rather than how we are organized to carry them out and what they cost. John Clarke will be present and we can look to him to answer any questions about the budget. 3. The following charts will be in the room for any use you may care to make of them: a. Agency mission according to National Security Act of 1947. b. NSC-USIB relationships. c. Abbreviated Agency organization with directorate functions. d. Detailed Agency organization showing all major components. DDJs&T FILE COPY L. K. White Executive Director -Comptroller %proved For Release 2004/12/17 : CIA-RDP71R00510A000200260041-1 cc: DCI DDCI Approved For Release 2004/12/17 : CIA-RDP71R00510A000200260041-1 Memorandum dtd 16 Jan 68, subject: Briefing Program for Charles J. Zwick of the Bureau of the Budget Attachments (3) Att. 1 - Briefing Schedule Att. 2 - Biographic data on Mr. Zwick Att. 3 - Luncheon Guest List Approved For Release 2004/12/17 : CIA-RDP71R00510A000200260041-1 Approved For Release 2004/12/17 : CIA-RDP71R00510A000200260041-1 Attachment 1 BRIEFING SCHEDULE FOR CHARLES J. ZWICK Wednesday, 17 January 1968 DCI Conference Room (Will include National Security Act of 1947, NSC-USIB relationships, and Agency organization, mission, and functions in very broad terms. ) 10:30 - 10:55 Tom Karamessines - The Clandestine Services 10:55 - ll:20 Jack Smith - The Intelligence Directorate and production of national intelligence Welcome - DCI, DDCI, and Executive Director Orentation briefing - Executive Director Carl Duckett - The scientific and technical programs, including relationship with NRO, NSA, et al 11:45 - 12:05 Bob Bannerman - The Support Services 12:05 - 12:30 John Bross - The role of D/D.CI/NIPE 12:30 Luncheon hosted by the Director Approved For Release 2004/12/17 : CIA-RDP71R00510A000200260041-1 Attachment 2 ApproVealro~, a$ec~ ~~ dr; C,ATRW7 ( 1( 00260041-1 CHARLES JOHN ZWICK: Residence: Telephone: Marrieds Children: STAT Education: 1950 - BS, University of Connecticut 1951 - MS 1951-53 - Research Associate in Economics, Harvard University 1953-54 - Fellow, Harvard University 1954 - PhD in Economics, Harvard University Work Experience: 1951 - Instructor in Economics, University of Connecticut 1954-56 - Member of Economics Faculty at Harvard University 1956 - Economist, Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, California 1958 - Head of Logistics Department, Rand Corporation. Mr. Zwick conducted the first study in urban transportation for Rand under a Ford Foundation Grant. He also studied military logistics problems while at Rand. 1964-65 - Led a Rand Team studying economic assistance programs in Vietnam, Thailand and Laos. 1965 (Oct. 1) - Bureau of the Budget, Asst. to the Director, Policy Officer on taxes, balance of payment measures and over-all fiscal policy. Approved For Release 2004/12/17 : CIA-RDP71R00510A000200260041-1 Approved For Release 2004/12/17 : CIA-RDP71R00510A000200260041-1 Washington Evening Star article describes Mr. Zwick as believing in the new economics theory which holds that economic growth can be sustained by change in tax rates, Federal spending and money policy. According to this article, Mr. Zwick considers the new unified budget concept an important reform. The New York Times states that Mr. Zwick believes the Government's budget should not be balanced at all times -- but would like to see it balanced closer than it is. The New York Times article further states that Mr. Zwick is more interested in the Bureau of the Budget's seeing that the policy and programs are carried out after they become law and receive their appropriations than he is in the over- all economic impact of the budget. Approved For Release 2004/12/17 : CIA-RDP71R00510A000200260041-1 Approved For ReleadMOQ R/IXNB2WWEt@7M0510A000200260041-1 AMERICAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION ZWICK, Charles John, academic, business; b. Conn., 1926; B.S., U. Conn., 1950, M.S., 1951; Ph.D., Har- vard, 1954. Instr., U. Conn., 1951; mem. faculty, Harvard, 1954-56; economist, RAND Corp. since 1956, dept. head since 1958. FIELDS teed, 4ab, 13ad. DOC. DIS. The Demand for Meat, 1934. PUB. Eco- nomics of Competition In the Transportation Indus- tries, 1959; "Demographic Variations: Its Impact on Consumer Behavior," Review Econ. and Statistics, Nov. 1957; Economic Advantage of Location In Market- Ing Live Poultry, 1952. RES. Mil. Logistics systema- soon, analysis urban transportation systems. MEM. Am. Farm Econ. Assn., Econometric Soc. ADDRESS 340 Ocampo Dr.. Pacific Palisades. Calif. Approved For Release 2004/12/17 : CIA-RDP71R00510A000200260041-1 Approved For Release 2004j471 R00510A000200260041-1 10 January 1968 HEADLINE PERSONALITY ,wile Suth*', Charles J. Zwick is an out- wardly calm and cool economist. who was raised on a Connecti- cut farm and, knows the prob- lems of Southeast Asia first- hand. But his assignment as Budget Bureau director will probably complex he has ever tackled. It a nation's first $200 billion budget in the not too distant future. Zwick' a disciple. of the new economics who endorses strong- ly President Johnon's appeal for higher taxes' said his reac- tion to the appointment is sober- ing. "The fellow I'm following has probably been the best budget director to date;" Zwick said yesterday. "It's tough act to follow." The Texas White House an- nounced Monday night that Zwick will succeed Charles L. Schultze, who has been Budget Bureau director since June 1, 1965, after the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1 has been completed. S190 Million Package Spending in that budget is ex- pected to reach into the'.$190 billion range. Schultze will help represent the administration when the House Ways and Means Com- mittee again considers Johnson's 10 precent income tax sur- charge proposal on. Jan. 22, but the defense of the, new budget before Congress could fall on Zwick's shoulders. This, he said,. has not, yet been decided. It was Schultze who first ask- ed Zwick to join the bureau as assistant director, on .Oct. 1, 1965. Zwick, married and the fa- ther of Robert, 12, and Janet, 8, referred to the federal budget as an iceberg and said the big job ahead is for better execu-. dvocte ville, Conn., on July 17, 1926, .and reared on a farm. He was graduated from the University of Connecticut and' received a doctorate in economics from Harvard University in 1954. He was on the Harvard eco- nomics, faculty from 1954 to 1956 when he.. joined the Rand Corp. in Santa Monica, Calif., as head of its =logistics depart- ment. He conducted the first study in urban transportation for Rand under a Ford Founda. tion grant. In 1964 and 1965, he led a team' studying economic assist- ance programs in Vietnam, Thailand and Laos and since Oct. 1, 1965, has been the Bud- get Bureau's policy man on taxes, balance of payments measures and over-all fiscal policy. As for the new unified budget concept which will be used for the first time this year, Zwick calls it an important reform and a step in the right direction but said it will take some get= ting used to. He once had hobbies but said he's played golf only twice since coming to Washington and twice more in Florida where his:, father:.: now..-lives. He ? own5a`: mountain cabinet near . Lake Arrowhead 'in'-Cali- fornia. but ?hap, had little chance FULL NAME-Charles J. Zwick CLAIM TO FAME-Now Budget Bureau Director HOME-Chevy Chase, Md.. BIRTHDATE-July 17, 1926 EDUCATION-Uniiersity of Connecti- cut, Harvard University. JOBS-Economics teacher Yard; Rand Cory. FAMILY-Son Robert; 12,. Janet, 8 of Har- daughter Lion of programs already on, the books. The structure: and the ..legisla-' tion are there,;; he said,': and what's needed now is'to 1get the programs to work more 'effec- tivenessely., _ . . The 41-year-old Zwick,, slightly graying and with a receding hairline, believes in the:-new economics theory which. holds that economic growth'can be sustained by ' changes in,', tax rates, Jederal... spending and, money policy. Arthur. M., Okun,?'and' Secre- tary of'the Treasury Henry "H. Fowler are advocates of the same philosophy. Zwick said the new economics goes back to the days of Alex-. ander Hamilton, and. is really nothing new. Zwick was . born in, Planters Approved For Release 2004/12/17 : CIA-RDP71R00510A000200260041-1 Approved For Release 2004/12/17 : CIA-RDP71ROO51OA000200260041-1 NEW YORK TIMES 10 January 1967 ied an' which he both stud- Next Budget Director. stud- ied and taught at Harvard University in the is labeled "inflow' Recruited by Schultze News and the other Mr. Zwick was recruited "outflow." The for the Budget Bureau in 1965 scale, which was given too by the man he will replace, him as a joke by some of his tr Charles L. Schultze, although subordinates, is in perfect the two men knew each other balance now, but Mr. Zwick r ?! , only by reputation. He 'came confides that .he tipped it re- to the bureau as an assistant cently and had to make some f t director, the job he still holds. adjustments. . "That's good ~1 1 Like most men in top level chocolate," he said, "and I Government jobs, Mr. Zwick. get pretty hungry: around ' almost scoffs when asked. here some nights." about any hobbies or other Mr. Zwick, who was named M outside interests he currently next door to the White House, . ..... v ..... there is an old-fashioned bal- fifties. He, also studied military both pans of ante scale, to istics problems while at which are filled with what Rand andpthen; in 1964 and look from a distance like gold coins but are actually 1965, he led a team studying economic assistance pro- foil-wrapped grams in Vietnam, Thailand Man chocolate. One and Laos. WASHINGTON, Jan. 9-On the tahli ride chartPa s' l comprehensive study of Amer His interest in agricultural economics led him into an- other field-transportation - ond he directed what is e?- g Charles John. Zwick the tscale , isnintended to por t. -."' : t has no Mime, for & any ntne orrice n -t ights, when there o-ciocK most some U 1 "uuscI ai,uuiu -11W. He. v-as born 41 years ago: two or tnem wmie visaing 'be balanced at all times. Like, on a truck farm in Plants-` ' his father in Florida. others in the Administration, ville, Conn., a farm that he, He. reports the "sad story" however, he would like to says is now raising "the final that he, and his wife built a see it closer to balance: than crop for all farms in Connec- ; cottage near Lake Arrow- it is at present; he thinks the ticut-a housing project " His head, Calif., which was fin- tax increase President John- farm boyhood led him to an ished in May, 1964, but have son proposed last summer for ;:interest in agricultural eco- practically never used it. this and .other purposes ought - - - - to be enacted. The Budget Bureau' is, in fact, a central policy clearing house for the President. It has an important say in the formulation of every Govern-' ment policy and program that involves ' spending money- which is essentially all of them. And it plays a, major role in seeing that the pol- icies and programs are car- ried out as intended. This aspect of the opera. tions of the Budget Bureau- what actually happens to pro-, grams after they become law and receive their appropria- tions-interests Mr. Zwick more'than the over-all eco- nomic impact of the budget, which wa of his qtl erai`Spreeof elease 2004/12/17: CIA-RDP71 ROO51 OAOOO2OO26OO41-1 las ces- sors. Like all recent occupants of specific areas of the econ- ' But he reports that he has of the office of Budget Direc- . la ,, ~, <