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December 12, 1966
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Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP71 B00 0R00010005003
12 December 1966
On Friday, 2 December 1966, A:l,rcrnf `z: 132 expe-,?1onced
a rejected takeoff. A power loss on tho right eng1ne at rotation
was the reason for the pilot electing to abort. The crag chute
failed upon deplo n ont and the brakes felt ineffective c3o the
pilot turned off of the overrun and rolled to a stop on the
lal.ebed. Minor damage to a gear door and blovan tire's on the
right side were the only dc;cnage. found.
was the pilot on a Type I revalidation flight.
Groa i weight for takeoff was 105, 500 pounds and VAT was 43017. He
reported all checks prior to and dur1ne; roll were _ i oxina? . At
rotation he noticed a pronounced right yaw and as sizmed the right
A/B had gone out. He cycled the throttle and still had the problem.
Speed was 210 KIAS and not increasing so he decided to abort. No
caution lights were observed.
Tlottles were chopped to Idle and he pulled Uhe chute
handle: as soon as the aircraft touched the ground. Chute deploy-
ment was felt but no accompanying deceleration. Brakes were
spplied but felt ineffective. By this time he had passed the
cis}ncrcto turn-around pad and didn't know exactly Vnere he was
on the overrun nor how much zone overrun was loft. lie tuned
o.ff thv atr_ ip onto the lake and felt a noticeable deceleration
14hen on the lake. surfaco. After stopping, the ;heels and brakes
were inspected by the Operations Officer. He noticed one blown
tie on the right ge a:r but the brakes did not appear hot, so
advised Bay to taxi on in. While taxiing in the other two tires
on the right side bleu out so the aircraft was stopped and shut
down on the north taxi strip.
The aircraft was defue1ed, new wheels installed on the
right tide and towed to the hangar. After removing the Typ}.: I
pacl.a_?.s,, near brakes and vthceis were installed. The. aircraft v s ?
nopected for structural dhtnag and a gear swing was p rfor ecl.
A rook had apparently lilt the leading edge of the right ii'al? .Ord
cc-- ' 1oor and caused a dent and several cracica. The door was
replaced with one from t took and-.the old one will be repay rect.
No other datna;e,-was found. The left; brakes were``.n gonad condi-
tion but the right ones were badly overheated. The right engine..
was looked over in the aircraft and appeared to be okay.
Approved For Release, 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP71 B00590R000100050031-7
Paz;C Two -
Approved For ReI Se 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP71 B00#DOR000100050031-7
Installed e; .ne and A/B runs were made on the right
engine. (j/247) . It did not hold trim E QT very well over a
scriGz of nuns and gradually decayed from an 8100 trim to `'x'380
withot.iv e?ov3n tr:f.iYttninG-- A/?3 flame pattern looked good but it
ai o h- a6 a tendency to decreanc fuel flow by about 1000 pounds
over a sser .orz of m3 . Operation was normal othevw1t e . Control
ri ;e,In; was chocked and found rsortna3..
Cockpit camera pictures were rev ,ctsc.d and two frarnos the riffht nozzle full open, rigI t. ECT low and 1F down
9,000 1' oianc13 prior to chopping the thrott;ies. The chase pilot
s''opoxvz~wd A/B operation looked normal until he saw the right
side ;.R out then .ri.ght back on followed by both going out. The
silt; anc the chase pilot report make It sound like a main 'engine
problem caused the nozzle to go tide open. The resultant loss
25X1A o.C ;;hruot made = think he had lost the A/3 and that the chase
25X1 A pilot Gnat was caused by M inanipuiating the throttiea.
Engine #247 was removed for P & W to 3 nve st t ;~. to
fur"',-her. Tans fax' the test stand results closely cup icate
;~e tgs st st+ z run ~ir~ h _s engine. The engine is being
held for further .nveat:+.gati ;i ?- PIWC are conducting te:3t3 to
possibly aid In the problem solution.
Airoraft systems and cot ponents that could possibly
cause the problem were checked. Boost pump pressu re s ,,-ere
checked static and under flow conditions. Static prc3sure
was above 28 psi at 400 cycles. At idle it was lke psi. and
5000 rpra was 25 psi. Low pressure switch setting was 8 to
9 psi.. Generator voltage was within limits Plain fuel shut-
off f worked na.aliy.
Prior to this flight both main fuel screens were
%'ek .:-)?red g'r`oin the aircraft feed line, for a required .inspection.
After :?e nst .. t.t:.on, the engines were run -Co several minutes
with &xuut three minutes at V111 power. This procedure was
adopted two months ago In lieu of the previously used policy
of A,/ to displace air in the fuel system.
The histar of the A/.0 x%lm requ7 re .eni, goes back to
the early J58 days on 121. We experienced two cases o1" ai3k?,_gee-!
takeoff and lost flights becasa se the A/.3 quit soon after. "+ :;.ght:hn
It was, zound that the engine fuel system o.r: mZ O.n feed x,-s.:iii had
been open prior to each flight It vwas decided that to priwent ?
loss of :?i .e It s like we had experienced, or more serioit.:, consequences
due to a ?allure later in the roll, a checkout procedure. req:.95.rement
had to be adopted. A procedure that called for t1tree A/B cycles
:ith one of them at least three minutes long was placed in effect,
We were told that the AF and SR71 dropped this t~rocedure
over n onths ago due to pressure from the Air Force. rlsiie P & W
"J" engine 0.1. called it out as a requirement until 12 October 1966.
Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP71 B00590R000100050031-7
page 1hrec
Y Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP71 B00500R000100050031-7
At this i :: rcvtslon eliminated the requireri ent. At the
;,.e poi u=po;3ely dragged our feet on el.iainating the require-
~;:.~ pit unti:. Se Member . By this time we felt that the SR oper--
cyst em The
a,,Jn eXj~c~'J.eac,e was sufficient to Prove Otis the
procedure originally adopted with A/`.+6 operation of prime
concern beaause of the 121 experience and a. test that, was run
on the local. test stand. On this-test., air was purposely in-
troduced Lni;o the A/B control uma:xin body. A/B operation -ryas
normal fa..- 30 seconds then it blew out. Test stand operators
report. tha - sa etirraes It takes quite a while to got all of the
air out ct. an engine fuel system and have nornnal operation on
a"fresh" engine.
cth all ground tests giving essentially normal engine
and A/is o.~_e'ra ion, the most likely cause appears to be air in the
raain cent?~~:.. We have asked P &- W to obnduet more it ingestion
tests so that more can be learned about whether or not 'air is a
probl.en . ,`.~1ea awhile, we have gone back to the old A/B run re
qu .r einen t .
The drag chute failed one complete ,gore. It vaas
deployed around :i95??20~ IIAS. This i3 sligh?t:Ly above placard
1i 1. . E "wyS tests have had successful chute operation on used 25X1A
25X1A ch~.utes: at J.90 KIAS. This chute had 13 previous operations and
3:50 7 hear that ; group is dove ;.Op ing
a~tester :'f.?:!' drop testing chutes. This sounds :like- a needed it-em.
If it doe n't work out, we should consider cowering the limit of
25 operations before rejection. The, only way I can sec
a pilot s;;;=; frog for a limit speed on operation of an einergenc,y
device litre th:`.s is to make it necessary for h_,rt to do :scn;eth?ng,
unusY;cs,l t,#'r deliberately exceed the 11A..t. Perhaps a Q 3-wJ.te:'1
could op :ate a pin that would prevent operation of the handle
above :i90 knots except by shearing the in or something. ThIs
vao' 1d s^e 'i_n~a him that he inas going too fast. Either sor~methin ;
like this or make the chute take a higher apeed.
The brakes were operated above their placard speed
and, according to the pilot, he was bottOnm1fg the pedals . The
appearanec of the right brake -0 substantiates this but the le. "t
brakes do not. These is a possibility that the left brakes were
in need of bieed1fl .
The old deceleration line on the lake can no banger be
used due the dralnage dihc"n ? Operations h~llcacanc;rete c turn-,
with theirs. on a new layout that starts
around paCl.
A1rcraft 132 has a new engine inrstalled and is scheduled
for a f1~.?i'ht 13 December 1966.
cc:: C. L. Johnson'
Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP71 B00590R000100050031-7
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