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Approved For Release 2003/12/10: CIA-RDP71 B00508R00qU0060046-1 25X1A 26 April 1965 AGREEMENT FOR REORGANIZATION OF THE NATIONAL RECONNAISSANCE PROGRAM Set forth below are certain basic assumptions which determine the organization appropriate for the administration and direction of the National Reconnaissance Program (NRP). A. The national character of this essential intelligence enterprise must be maintained through a joint endeavor on the part of DoD and CIA. B The potentialities of U.S technology must be aggressively and imaginatively exploited to develop systems for the collection of intelligence which are fully responsive to intelligence needs and objectives. In the development of new systems maximum use must be made of the experience, resources, facilities and technical competence of appropriate components of the Defense Department and CIA. C. Scheduling and targetting of satellite and manned aircraft reconnaissance missions over denied areas shall be the final responsibility of the DCI and the United States Intelligence Board (USIB). D A new organizational framework is required which, particularly in the field of satellite recon- naissance operations and systems development, will: (1) provide a clearly established delineation of the roles and responsibilities of components of the Government engaged in these activities, and (2) ensure effective coordination of these activities under centralized policy guidance and control. 25X1A 25X1A NRO review(s) I completed. Copy No. Approved For Release 2003/12/10-:-,ClA-RDP71B00508R000100060046-1 Approved For Rele 200~4j 2110_- Q1A-RBP71B00508R00W0060046-1 25X1A II. ORGANIZATIONAL FRAMEWORK: A. THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: An Executive Committee, consisting of the Deputy Secretary of Defense and the Director of Central Intelligence, will be established to formulate, guide, and regulate the NRP. Specifically the Executive Committee will: 1. Establish an appropriate level of effort for the NRP in response to reconnaissance requirements provided by USIB and in the light of technical capabilities and fiscal limitations. 2. Approve or modify the consolidated NR program and its budget. 3. Acting through the DNR, allocate responsi- bility and the corresponding funds to CIA and/or DOD for research and preliminary design studies for new systems. 4. Allocate development responsibilties and the corresponding funds for specific reconnaissance programs to DOD or CIA, and establish guidelines for mutual support where appropriate. It shall be free to use technical advisory groups as necessary. 5. Assign operational responsibilities to either DoD or CIA for various types of manned over- flight missions, subject to the concurrence, of the 303 Committee. 6. Review periodically.the essential features of the major program elements of the NRP. 25X1A Approved For Release ?Q 25X1A Approved For Release 2 I12M0':t'?~k- DP71 B00508ROOf p0060046-1 B. ROLE OF THE DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL RECONNAISSANCE: To insure the coordination of CIA and DOD recon- naissance activities a Director of National Reconnaissance Program will be appointed by the Secretary of Defense with the concurrence of the Director of Central Intelligence. The D/NR will serve for a four-year term and will be chosen alternately from CIA and DOD. (Every third term will be filled by a CIA man.) He will be responsible to and carry out the directives of the Executive Committee. He will devote his activities exclusively to the NRP and will have no other official duties. Specifically he will: 1. Provide a single point of integration for the planning and budgeting of the National Reconnaissance Program and will be responsible to the Executive Committee for the execution of the program. 2. Be kept fully and completely informed of all reconnaissance activities in CIA and DOD. 3. Schedule the use of the space launching, tracking and recovery facilities. 4. Review budget proposals submitted by appropriate elements of CIA and DOD and prepare and submit a consolidated budget for examination and approval by the Executive Committee. 5. Ensure the flow of funds from the NRP appropriations to CIA and appropriate DOD elements in lump sum transfers each fiscal year. Incremental funding from reserve or reprogramming sources will be used for supplemental programs approved by ExCom. 6. Deal with the operating head of the CIA or his designated alternate on all matters of policy, coordination, or guidance. He will not exercise command control over subordinate elements of CIA or its personnel, however, the DCI will insure that the fullest measure of cooperation is afforded the D/NR. 7. Sit with the USIB for the matters affecting the NRP. 25X1A Approved For Release 22LQ2/1b W J -R 671 B00508R000100060046-1 25X1A 2003/12I18~C `, II-1P'T1 B00508R00g0060046-1 8. Appear before the 303 Committee to the extent desired by the DCI or the Deputy Secretary of Defense to secure approval for overhead reconnaissance missions. 25X1A C. MANNING OF THE REORGANIZED NATIONAL RECONNAISSANCE PROGRAM: To insure that the National Reconnaissance Program is truly a national entity, it will be manned in a balanced way by personnel from DOD and CIA. An appropriate plan to rotate DOD and CIA personnel into key positions of the NRP will be developed and approved by the ExCom. (Attached is chart showing key senior positions of NRP.) III. OTHER FEATURES OF THE NRP: A. RESEARCH AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN: 1. Research on reconnaissance technology and preliminary design of new systems will be encouraged and supported in both CIA and DOD. It will be supported by a lump sum allocation from NRP budget line items to each group at a level to be recommended by the DRP and approved by the Executive Committee. It is intended that these funds and their products represent the flexible cutting edge of the NRP. 2. A prescribed amount of these resources will be allocated for support of basic research on reconnaissance technology to stimulate and assure the future vigor of this field. The DNR will be kept fully informed of all activities and developments in this connection for the purpose of ensuring appropriate coordination and preventing unwitting duplication as well as encouraging joint exploitation of new techniques. 3. Preliminary design aid small technical feasibility demonstrations of new reconnaissance systems will also be funded from this innovation resource. Such work can grow out of requirements originating with USIB, the ExCom or the DNR for improvements in existing capabilities, or can result from spontaneous initiative in the CIA and DOD participating elements. However, it is important that the DNR and ExCom receive each month a comprehensive report on the initiation, status, or conclusion of such efforts. In this way, competi- tive study efforts will be recognized, approved or discouraged, and synchronized for later decision actions. Approved For Relea~~~ 'R~ T CIA_RDP71 B00508R000100060046-1 Approved For Releae 2003/12/10: CIA-RDP71 B00508R000 00060046-1 25X1A B. SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT: 1. Satellite reconnaissance systems are characterized primarily by the payload: cameras, spacecraft, data recovery system. When a new reconnaissance system concept has been approved for development by ExCom, with appropriate recommenda- tions by the D/NR, it will be assigned as a specific program of the NRP to either CIA or DOD. This assignment will include the transfer of funds necessary for the development, production, and procurement envisioned, in whatever increments ExCom considers are appropriate to the proper management of the program. 2. The element of CIA and/or DOD assigned such development, production and procurement responsibility for a new system will be responsible for selecting and supervising contractors; for establishing such systems engineering support as they deem necessary; for rendering periodic reports on program progress to the D/NR and ExCom. and generally for the implementation of the program. C. SATELLITE OPERATIONAL PHASE: 1. When the satellite payload has been developed, it becomes a part of the operational assets of the NRP. The payloads, together with appropriate boosters, launchers and track- ing stations, represent the NRP capability to obtain orbital photography and other intelligence information, and accordingly represent part of an orderly program to acquire intelligence in response to USIB require- ments, target lists and priorities. The D/NR must play the central role in planning this program. it 25X1A Approved For Re1err001.2/1Q ;,,CIA-RDP71 B00508R000100060046-1 25X1A Approved For Re involves far-sighted budgeting for payload production as well as booster procurement and modification. It involves judicious scheduling of operational launches from fixed resources, in addition to development flight tests. It requires a planning with sufficient flexibility to respond to changing world situations and the corresponding intelligence needs. It is a complex managerial task, over which a single individual must have coordinating responsibility. 2. The Satellite Requirements Program Center, formerly known as "Satellite Operations Center," shall be responsive to USIB requirements and will function as the responsibility of CIA. It will provide mission intelligence guidance, i.e., final orbit choice, camera programming, etc., to D/NR for over-all coordination. ]). MANNED OVERLFIGHT OPERATION 1. Covert manned overlfights of denied areas will be the responsibility of the Central Intelligence Agency. These missions will be planned in the Air Operations Center of CIA in response to USIB target coverage requirements with the approval of the 303 Committee. The D/NR will be kept fully informed of such planning and operations. Within the constraints established by the 303 group, these missions will be executed by CIA in the light of target and terminal weather, negotiations for overseas base use and defensive tactics necessary for operational survival. The DOD will continue to support such operations with airlifts, tankers, and base equipment in accordance with the basic U-2 and OXCART agreements. 2. Overt manned overflights of denied territory or overt missions covering friendly territory will be the responsibility of the DOD. The Joint Reconnaissance Center-of the JCS will plan the missions in response to USIB and/or field command target requirements. JRC will be responsible for executing such missions with the approval of the 303 Committee. The JRC will keep the D/NR fully informed on all such mission planning and execution. The CIA will support JRC in negotiations on overseas bases, providing secure communications, and security support as requested. 25X1A Approved For Releasb 2003/12/10 : CIA-RDP71 B00508R000100060046-1 Approved For Releae 200 /12 6 oIA-RDP71 B00508R000 400060046-1 25X1A 3. The designation of particular classes of manned overflight operations as overt or covert will be the responsibility of the ExCom in consultation with the 303 Committee, as noted above The Director of Central Intelligence, in accordance with his statutory responsibilities for protection of intelli- gence sources and methods, shall be responsible for the over- all security policy of the NRP. The D/NR will be responsible for the coordination of security matters within the respective elements of the NRP in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the Executive Committee. Release of public informa- tion shall be coordinated with the DCI The CIA shall main- tain a central record of all security clearances related to the NRP. 25X1A A separate National Reconnaissance Program funding agreement will be entered into and made a part of this agreement. Approved For Release 2003/12/1 TOP SECRET Approved For Rele 2003/12/10 : CIA-RDP71 B00508R001,@0060046-1 25X1A' D/NR I (CIA or DoD on rotational basis) Deputy/NR (DoD or CIA on rotational basis) - - - - - - Exec or C/S? Asst, Deputy Asst. Deputy Asst. Deputy Asst. Deputy CIA Army Navy Air The Assistant Deputies would constitute the action and information channels to their respective parent services. 25X1A 25X1A Copy No, o Approved For Release 2003/12/M1Q>:joI R R PK1B 0508R000100060046-1 Approved For Rele4se 2003/12/10: CIA-RDP71 B00508R00 $~6 4t,,a, BUDGETING: 1. Each element of CIA and DOD participating in the NRP will prepare an annual component budget proposal for the DNR based on responsibilities assigned to it. This budget will include line items for basic research and for the development of reconnaissance systems assigned to it by the ExCom. Procurement of operational satellite payloads will be included in the budget submissions of the agency responsible for its development. The Air Force element of the NRP will budget for all boosters, launch, tracking, and recovery services of satellite operations in accordance with the launch program established by the DNR. The unit responsible for developing each satellite payload will budget for its procurement and launch preparation costs throughout the program. CIA will budget for all costs involved in covert overhead manned reconnaissance missions and DOD for the corresponding Aovert missions; common support costs for manned missions(engines, airlift, fuel) will be apportioned by the DNR with the con- currence of the ExCom. CIA will budgctrfor film processing in the United States As' el DOD for the tactical processing centers. Approved For Release 2003/12/10 : CIA-RDP71 B00508R000100060046-1 Approved For ReleQe 2003/12/10 : CIA-RDP71 B00508R00g .D0060046-1 2. From these submissions the DNR will prepare a consolidated NRP budget and will present this to the ExCom for approval. The over-all NRP appropriation by Congress except for those portions which are deemed suitable by the ExCom for inclusion in the white budget. The DNR will divide and transfer this appropriation in lump sum for each year to the participating elements in accordance with the approved budget. He will be kept fully informed each month on the status of expenditures of these funds by the participating element of the NRP. reallocation, reduction, or increase of these funds will be made only by the approval of the ExCom. Approved For Release 2003/12/10 : CIA-RDP71 B00508R000100060046-1 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/12/10 : CIA-RDP71B00508R000100060046-1 Approved For Release 2003/12/10 : CIA-RDP71 B00508R000100060046-1