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Approved For ReWase 2 2. 0G. DP71B00508R0 0100060021-8 25X1 25X1 responsive to national intelligence AO* M T rOR *. QRGAMI ATION OT TITM NAT AL. REOONNA!S$AAUCt P OCRA - 1965 The. NRP is a single prograern, national in character, to be developed aad maintained through a cooperative endeavor on the part of all &genctes of the Government concerned. The potentialities; of O.S. technology must be aggressively and imaginatively dzploited to develop systems for the collection of intelligence which are fully and objectives. The National Reconnaissance Pri directly anti solely to tht Intelligence collection requirements and priorities established by the United States Intelligence board. Scheduling and targeting of both satellite and xnawwd aircraft a: fissions shall continue subject t the Prov-al ;y of 173Iffi, 25X1 .T OSD review(s) ApprgggjWfiNqp"( QT0LE!AWRf@WQ@P021-8 completed. RELEASE. TOP SEGRET Approved For Release 2003/12/10 : CIA-RDP71B00508R000100060021-8 s. National Reconnaissance Pro ram Executive Committee 3. An NRP Executive Committee, consisting of the Deputy Secretary of Defense and the Director of Central Intelligence, is hereby established to formulate, to the NRP through the DNRO. On the invitation of the Deputy Secrietary of Defense or the Director of Central Intelligence, the Special Assistant to the President for Science and Technology shall sit on this committee for thw purpose of participating in decisions relating to research and development. The NRP Executive Committee shall: a. Establish an appropriate level of effort for the NRP to reconnaissance requirements provided by USIB sad In the light of technical capabilities and fiscal limitations. b. Approve or modify the consolidated National Recon- naissance Program and its budget. c. Approve the allocation of responsibility and the corres- ds for research and preliminary design studies for systems. Funds shall be adequate to ensure that a us exploratory effort is achieved and maintained by 25X1 2_ Approved For Release 2003/12/10 CIA-RDP71 B00508R000 _R Approved For Release 2003/12/10 CIA-RDP71 B00508ROO0100060021-8 CIA and other qualified agencies rnrnent to meet intelligence through the design and construction of new sensors and systems for the acquisition of intelligence data. 4. Allocate development responsibilities and the corresponding funds for specific reconnaissance programs RO or. in appropriate cases to IA,,' the military services, and/or NASA, with a view to ensuring that the eating and production of new accomplished with maximum ieffieiencyr by the component of the Governxrieent best equipped with facilities, experience and technical competence to undertake the assignment. R will also establish guidelines for collaboration between departments and for mutual support where appropriate. ?. Assign operational responsibility for various types of manned overflight missions to CIA or Loi3 subject to the concurrence of the 303 Committee. f. Periodically review the essential features of the major program elements of the NRP. 3 .. Approved For Release 2003/12(10 ,},CIA-RDP71 B00508R00 "'1 25X1 p2 Approved For Release 2 1 GO-RDP71B00508R0"100060021-8 4. The xocative Co ee WWI roast y Sec ra as A at least every two weeks. All Secretary Defonse or the Director desirable. C. National Rec tli cad of will be Central bteltigateca consider iaerapleiraot the NIP, the Secretary of DoUnaee will 0 ae a separate operating agency of the fe. The, Director of the NRQ shall be a ed by the Secretary of sad activities undertaken as part of the NR . b. Subject to review by the Qcecittivo Corn eee Or the Director of *#ve solely to the Nap l uaecutfy, Corrnitee. The Director NRC) slats a. ft kept fully and con; leetely informed of all program=ae So approve. dUy, redirect or arch arm i de Ensure, through appr cec re Committee for the assi dovolaepr ent reaponslbitties an App tpt ;ac utt 3aitittaa"' 0* ag cIes the verb t 25X1 Approved For Re4wase 2003/12/10 : CIA-RDP71B00508ROD0100060021-8 X1 concerned with reconnaissance are realised for the invention, improvement and deveelopr ent of reconnaissance systems to meet UT requirements. c. Maintain and provide to the Executive Committee to their designated representatives) records of the status of all projects, programs and activities of the NRP in the research, development, production and/or operational phases. 4. Prepare a coordinated, comprehensive budget for all aspects of the National Reconnaissance Program.. e. Establish a fiscal control and accounting procedure to ensure that all funds expended in support of the National Reconnaissance Program are fully accounted for and appropriately utilized by the agencies concerned. In particular. the budget shall show separately those funds to be applied to research and exploratory design, systems development, procurement, and operational activities, Funds expended or obligated under the authority of the Director of Central Intelligence under Public Law I10 shall be administered and accoauted for by CIA. Approved For Release 2003/12/10 :CIA-RDP71 B0050 - 25X1 Approved For ReIgase 2003/12/10 : CIA-RDP71B00508RQQ0100060021-8 with the USIS for the matters affecting the NRP. 7. The Deputy Director NRO shall be appointed by the DCI and shall serve full time in a line position directly under the Director NRO and shall at all times keep the DNRO currently and fully informed as to all activities of the National Reconnaissance Program. The Deputy Director shall act for and exercise the powers of the Director, NRO during his absence or disability. The NRO shall be jointly staffed in a balanced way by personnel from the CIA, three military departments and other Govern- ment agencies. The NRO staff shall. a. Furnish staff support to the DNRO and the DDNRO. b. Ensure that adequate launch vehicles and payloads cured to meet the schedule established to meet USIB requirements. c. So responsible for the launching, inflight control, tracking and recovery of satellite reconnaissance operations. d. Establish and maintain the capability to oversee the engineering development, production and procurement of now reconnaissance systems including satellite payloads. 25X1 Approved For Release 2003112/10,.-CIA-R 71B0050$FRdd0I000 00 I-8 Approved For Release 2003/12/,1 Qo'; IA-RDP71 B00508RQQ0100060021-8 lit. Reconnaissance ProAra ruing Office +1. To implement the DCI'ee responsibility for targeting and scheduling to meet intelligence requirements, for satellite reconnais- saneee, a Satellite Reconnaissance Programming Office is hereby established which will become an Integral function of the CIA responsive to USIB and the DCL To the extent required to staff the Office, personnel will be transferred from the existing Satellite teer. This Office will be responsible for selecting orbit and, camera programming for individual missions and ding guidance for the on-orbit taste. 1f. Security 16. The Director of Central Inteelli gence, to accordance with his statutory responsibilities for protection of intelligence sources and methods, shall be responsible for establishing the over-all security policy for the NRP. The DNRO will be responsible for the coordination of security matters within the participating elements of the NRP. The NRO will coordinate the release of public information on the NPP with CIA and the t}CI. The CIA shall maintain a central record of all Security clearances related to the NRP. - 7 - Approved For Release 2003/12/10': CIA-RDP71 B0050~ 25X1 Approved For Rel1se 2003/12/10 : CIA-RDP71B00508R0'SO100060021-8 X1 be allocated as indicated in Ann" A attached hereto. Initial Allocation of Program Res sibilities 11. Responsibility for existing programs of the RP shall y Sac rotary of Defense Director 25X1 Approved For Release 20b3Y2/X 2DP71B0050