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Approved For Release 1/0f% b`: f & DP71 B00508R000100030001-3 NRO REVIEW COMPLETED A EL (11/3/65) A. ROLE OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE_; formulate, guide, and regulate e NRP. - 4t_w1_L1 con- sist of the Deputy Secretary of efense and the Director of Central inte lligenceA a dal d ~ ~n `foam for -the-National Reconn-ais-ssa-nce a~ P ogr 1h ,The Ixg~~~tive Committee 1. Examine the reconnaissance requirements provided by USIB against technical and fiscal capabilities, so as to establish an appropriate level of effort for the NRP.. In this role it will rely largely on cost effectiveness and technical feasibility analyses prepared by the DNR and the component elements of the NR Organiza- tion. 2. Approve or modify the consolidated NR Program and its budget as forwarded by the DNR. 3. Initiate and assign responsibility for research and preliminary design studies in CIA and/or DOD for new systems through the DNR in response to USIB requirements. On & V11 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2003 0 R 1B00568R nd10o0'3o D1-3 Approved For Release 160J/03Y10' "C1A=hDP71 B00508R000100030001-3 4. Allocate development responsibility for specific reconnaissance problems to DOD or CIA, and establish guidelines for mutual support where appropriate. It shall be free to use technical advisory groups as necessary. 5. Assign operational responsibilities to either DOD or CIA for various types of manned overflight missions, subject to the concurrence, as appropriate, of the 303 Committee. 6. Review periodically the essential features of the major program elements of the NRP. B. ROLE OF THE DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL RECONNAISSANCE: To insure the coordination of CIA and DOD recon- naissance activities and to provide a single point of integration for the planning and budgeting of the National Reconnaissance Program, a Director of National Reconnaissance will be appointed by the Secretary of Defense with the concurrence of the Director of Central Intelligence, who will report to the Executive Committee on all matters affecting the NRP. Specifically, he will: 1. Be kept fully and completely informed 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/03/10 -:CIA-RDP71 B00508 c J. }pp1 p00" pp -3 Approved For Release 2003103/14:.-C#A44dP71B00508R000100030001-3 of all reconnaissance activities in CIA and 2. Coordinate CIA and DOD use of the space launching, tracking and recovery facilities. 3. Coordinate film processing of CIA and DOD activities so as to make best use of the primary Eastman-Kodak facility at Rochester, the backup Air Force capability at Westover, and field processing centers. 4. Prepare a coordinated and consolidated NRP budget for examination and approval by ExCom. This budget will be based on submissions from appropriate elements of CIA and DOD. 5. Ensure the flow of funds from the NRP appropriations to CIA and appropriate DOD ele- ments in lump sum transfers each fiscal year. Incremental funding from reserve or reprogramming sources will be used only for supplemental pro- grams approved by ExCom. 6. Deal with the operating head of the CIA or his designated alternate on all matters 25X1A II I d" 41 ' VI: C Approved For Release 2003L03 0 : ff1B00508R00010 03 0 1 Approved For Release 2003/03/10 CIA-RDP71B00508R000100030001-3 of policy, coordination, or guidance. He will not exercise command control over operating elements of CIA or its personnel. 7. Assume such command responsibilities over DOD elements of the NRP as the Secretary of Defense may designate. He will establish suitable lines of coordination with those line components which do not respond directly to him. 8. Sit with the USIB for the matters affecting the NRP. 9. Appear before the 303 C ommittee with appropriate operating elements of CIA or DOD to secure approval for overhead reconnaissance missions. C. RESEARCH AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN: 1. Research on reconnaissance technology and preliminary design of new systems will be encouraged and supported in both CIA and DOD. It will be supported by a, lump sum allocation from NRP funds to each group in like measure at a level to be established each year by the Executive Committee. Approved For Release 2003/03/1..9.. IA~PP71B00508R00010003b00l-3y)1iuI Iu 25X1A Ev o-'?~~rr , T Approved For Release 2003/03/10 : CIA-RDP71B00508R000100030001-3 2. A prescribed fraction of these resources-- perhaps 20% to 40%--will be earmarked for support of basic research on reconnaissance technology* to stimulate and assure the future vigor of this field. CIA and DOD will keep each other fully informed of su .Pr ogkess to avoid unwitting duplication and encourage joint exploitation of new techniques. 3. Preliminary design and small technical feasibility demonstrations of new reconnaissance systems will also be funded from this innovation resoi4rce. Such work can grow out of requirements J"~_ j_ 4..,+,.,.6.4fy? . 6.4-- tom .:-_ ~ t f ( 6: : (; &,A L-, C c 1'''~ " ~. ,,-# f) A' ' g, ---down through the USIB%EXCOM/DNR chain-, 1 P 'lam` s ato~ta,n Lug._nee4s jor im- provements 16& existing capabilities, or can re- sult from spontaneous initiative in the CIA and 25X1A 25X1A DOD participating elements I and ExCom receive each month a, comprehensive re- port on the initiation, status, or conclusion of such efforts. In this way, competitive study efforts will be recognized, approved or discouraged, and synchronized for later decision actions. -5- *(i.e., films, lens figuring, readout links, 25X1A cross section reduction, etc.) Approved For Release 2003/03/10 : CIA-RDP71 BOO508R0001000 TOP However, it is important that the DNR Approved For Release 20O N@ 0 CIA,RD41B00508R000100030001-3 4. It is intended that these funds and their products represent the flexible cutting edge of the reconnaissance program. They should not be used to fund actual development or opera- tional activities. D. SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT: 1. When a new system concept has been sufficiently well defined and its technical feasibility established to the satisfaction of its proponents, the DNR, the ExCom and its advisors, it would be included in the inventory of the NRP. At this point, it should receive necessary funding from line items in the budget identified with these systems., These funds would then be allocated to CIA and/or DOD, to whom specific developmental responsibility has been assigned by the ExCom. 2. The operating element of CIA and/or DOD assigned development responsibility for a new system will be responsible for selecting and supervising capable contractors, for estab- lishing such systems engineering support as they deem necessary and rendering periodic reports on program progress to the DNR and ExCom. 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/03/10 : CIA AR, DP71 B00508R000100O300Q1 a-& ~ Approved For Release 2003/03/10 : CIA-RDP71B00508R000100030001-3 TO 3. Satellite reconnaissance systems are characterized primarily by the payload /cameras, spacecraft, data recovery system7 as well as by their boosters. The interface between the launch { G ` '> e. tl,...,C' system and payload isy ft n__crucial and cite planning for compatible checkout and launch facilities, boosters, tracking, and recovery a#Q4s-tro proceed with the payload development. The DNR will establ-i.. and facilitate lines o.LU. technical. and programmatic communication between the group; and DOD responsible far payjoac ._ -opment and the satellite sup- par _elements of the Air Force. The DNR will be responsible for the success of this interface, ate. s the comisil~ility and coordination `-caLt e. totality ,..o, . payload interfaces with the .:..Fox_ce. The responsible agency may ca,T1 on other elements of the NRO for Support (contract- iU9.;. o. arI_ty:,,, te.c.hni ea.l,..e.t.c. j _,-&e- v ded but wVnl---carry the respor_s. ;, ; Y.., ,d , lathority for the, succe~ the .;gt lu.Mth..~_phase. 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/07 CI;,4. , BP 1'~I'00508R000100030004 1 Approved For Release 200` 1i '10 :APY1B00508R000100030001-3 4. A normal phase of satellite development programs is the initial flight testing in orbit and engineering proof of the completed payload system. These flight tests will be the primary responsibility of the payload developing group in CIA or DODO - ec.t-a.n1X.~ o_ the compati ility L- eh oper.atians__mith_ the operational missions aid dyer .#l.i.ght. tests coordinated by the DNR. F-pEifi~erms;.-his me,ns.._tir~d,_tlze test ptYahring, mission profile and engfing super- ~rs'l o mot mange safety7` f the f-light would developersr The,~r would be expected to include as many intelligence targets as ~e consistent with the primary development so that a.ny film recovered would have intelligence value. IFe' rvrr-~- t -f;1 : n g and control of such flights-- ,.once scheduled by t.he_-DNR--would -fall primarily to tbe- devIng .group. When a system ha.d been successfully demonstrated and declared opera- tionally reliable, it would enter the operational phase . 25X1A Handle via Approved For Release 2003/1` p: C4A-CQP7 00508R0001000~ i11IJI3 Sys it ~~ ~'~3: Approved For Release 200 /~3~10 !~~-YPr~--RD~1B00508R000100030001-3 E. ROUTINE OPERATIONAL PHASE: 1. When the satellite payload has been successfully developed, it becomes a part of the oper ational assets of the NRP. The payloads together with appropriate boosters, launchers and tracking stations represent the NRP capability to obtain orbital photography, and accordingly represent part of an orderly program to acquire such intelligence in response to USIB require- ments, target lists and priorities. The DNR; must play the central role in planning this pro- gram. It involves :Ear-sighted budgeting for payload production as well a.s booster procurement and. modification. It involves judicious scheduling of operational launches from-fixed resources, in addition to development flight tests. It rewires a plan with sufficient flexibility to respond to changing world situations and the corresponding intelligence needs. It is a complex managerial task for which a single individual must in the last analysis be responsible. 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/~~: ~~BOQ5A:8f~0~Q'1 Approved For Release 2003/b3/10 ;-GI~-~1B00508R000100030001-3 2. Both the long range requirements for satellite missions and the shifting targets for specific flights come properly from the intelligence community in which all elements ~-- of the Government have voice. The community has named COMOR as the staff to provide these requirements in an orderly wa.y, subject to approval by USIB. 3. The Ba.tellite Operations Center is the next step in that sequence of events. Its function is to plan specific mission coverage in light of COMOR target requirements. It does so by first studying the spectrum of orbital choices a.va;ilable. These are supplied by various groups o:n the West Coast and represent. specific launch vehicle propulsion capabilities, current range safety restrictions, etc. These feasible orbits are then computer analyzed in Washington to optimize target coverage in light of sun angle, predicted weather conditions and target priorities. An orbit is selected and camera programs established for this mission. 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/03/ ~IA-P71 B00508F~(~~0"~d00~'b~3 This is basi~Cally an int lligence function. Thy process wb ks som what differently for CCp~*vntfil spotting searchs payloads. In the ~ri~, central r o 1 e~ ~~"~te--c-at~ s a~ +r ~ ::i?~-te'+d ate. #,fie-~~s.~1]h~x..i.~.tegra~~on ~5X1A case of CORONA coverage, the SOC-has pla ed a Y 25X1A operaaed by~?~A.,urhex's the -cameras,.. film, spacecra~t~,.,~;,,d,= reentry veYHCle are mated .an.d.:~~rxog ammed. The a~~embled Npayload is th~,n_ taken to,~=~andenburg, an,c~...~.af-ter further checl~out,? launched into- -orbit by the Air Eorce and-its contr-actors.~ Until the spring of 1963, the Satellite Operations Center v~-as--?.inv~.lved solely in CORONA and ARGON a~ was located at CIA Headquarters next to ?.~ 25X1A t~' ~-c +-at~ . 4 + . r~- r ~r ~ ~Q~ ~ t~`~ t ~ . . ,. . ` MANNED A/C I~ECON. +SECURITY tCOVERT CONTRACTING ISINGLASS APPROX. PERSONNEL OOD ASSETS FOR: SATELLITE ~ MANNED A/C RECON. +GENERAL SUPPORT LAVWCN, RFC4VERY !' IN?FUGHT DIRECTION OP SATEI,IITES SAC U-2's RS-71 TAaBOARD COMMAND _ . _. COORAINATION t GulOANtE 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/03/10 :CIA-RDP71B00508R000100030001-3 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/03/10 :CIA-RDP71B00508R000100030001-3 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/03/10 :CIA-RDP71B00508R000100030001-3 Approved For Release 2003/03/10 :CIA-RDP71B00508R000100030001-3 PREP I DE NT i'1DVISORY DIRECTOR CIA L _ I /~rECC~sE~~pvi.PEiyEars I DCI DJNRD DD/StT t~ ~ ~ ,~r~ c~,,,~t e- ;; 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A CIA ASSETS FoR: SA1'ELl17E ~ MANNED ABC RELON, +sECURIrv '`COVERT CONTRACTING 25X1A CORONA PAYIAAD ExECUTI VE COMIM ITTEE _._ _ _t__.. _ ___ -_. SEC_ DEFENSE DEPl1TY 'SEG. DEFENSE DOD ASSETS FoR: SATELLITE ~ MANNED ABC RECON, +GENERAL SUPPORT LAUNCH, RECOVERY t IN~FLIGHT DIRECTION OP SATEIIiTES COMMAND ..f ~._ COORpIN~-YION t Cst110AN~E 25X1A n Z