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Approved For R~ease~?20~0/09/13 :CIA-RDI~,Z1.6.003fi4R000500080004-1 - JOTx CONGIII+:SS 2D SESSION 2~4Y7 IN TIII?; IiOUSIi: OF ItEPI~ESTNTATIVES OcTOISER 10, 19G8 Mr. BLAGI{ISURN (for himself, Mr. FINO,12r. Cnnrr.RS II. Wlr.soN, Mr. PoLtocl{, Mr. CARTER, Mr. BROWN of California, Mr. IIELSTOSxI, Mr. VANDER JAGT, MT. FULTGN Of Pen115y1Vallla, Mr. TI'UNT, Mr. OTTINGER, Mrs. IIECI{LLR Of Massachusetts, Mr. BINGiIAM, Mr. MC(iLOSI{I;Y, Mr. BUCIIANAN, Mr. ' TIERNAN, Mr. RYAN, Mr. IIALPERN, MI. PODELL, Mr. BUSK, and Mr. BROWN of Ohio) introduced the following bill; Which Was referred to the Com- mittee on Veterans' Affairs 'ro provide educational assistance under chapter 35 of title 38, United States- Code, to children of civilian employees of the United States killed abroad as a result of armed hostilities or civil disorder. 1 Be ~t enacted. by tlie Senate and I-louse o f I~epresenta- 2 tives o f the United States o~ .El.merica in Congress assembled, 3 That paragraph (1) of section 1701 (a) of title 38, United 4 ~ States Code, is amended by adding at the end thereof the 5 following- new sentence : "2'he term `eligible child' also G rneana a child of a civilian officer or employee of the United 7 5tal,es C~ovcrnrucut w1~o, while on overseas assignment, Approved for ~elease 2000/09/13 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000500080004-1 I A roved For Re as 00 /09/13 :CIA-RD 1 B 03~R000500080 pp ~ , ~._...~________..__ _____ _...__ ~ _---__._.w_.. _ 004-1 20 21 2 ~. died on or after 1TOVember 1, 1960, a~s a result of armed 2 conIlict involving military forces or riot or other civil dis- 3 order occurring tivithin the country of such assignment." 4 SEO. 2. In the case of any individual who is an "eligiblo 5 person" within tha meaning of section 1701 (a) (1) of title 6 38, United States Code, solely by virtue of the amendments 7 made by tho first section of this Act, and who is above the 8 age ~of seventeen years and below tho age of twenty-six 9 years on the date of enactment of this Aot, the period referred 10 to in section 1712 of title 38, United States Code, shall not 11 and with respect to such individual until the expiration of the five-year period which begins on the date of enactment of this Aot, excluding from such five-year period any period of time which may elapso, between tho date on which ap- plication for benefits under chapter 35 of such title is filed on behalf of an eligible person and the date of-final approval of ~ such application by the Administrator of Veterans' Af- fairs; but in no event shall educational assistance under ,chapter 35 of title 3$, United States ,Code (as amended by the first section of this Act)., be afforded to any eligible per- son beyond his thirty-first birthday by reason of this section. Approved For Release 2000/09/13 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000500080004-1 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000500080004-1 90Tx CONGRESS ~~ . ~? /,~ 9 w~ 2D SESSIO L~.1 d To provide educational assistance under chap- ter 35 of title 38, United. States Code, to chil- dren of civilian employees of the United States killed abroad as a result of armed hostilities or civil disorder. By 11Sr. BLACSBLRN, Mr. Fnvo,lZr. (iHARLES H. WasaN, Mr. Pors,oc$, MT. CARTER, DZr. BROwN of California, Mr. HELSTOSr~, Mr. VANDER JAGT, Mr. FIILTON of Pennsylvania, ~117r. HIINT, Mr. OT1I1\"GER, Mrs. HECgI,ER of Massachusetts, Mr. BINGHA~I, Mr. McCros- gEY, Mr. BIICHANAN, MT. TIERNAN, Mr. RYAN, Mr. HALPERl\, Mr..PonEr.L, Mr. BIISH, and Mr. BROWN of Ohio OCTOBE& 14,1968 Referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs Approved For Release 2000/09/13 :CIA-RDP71 B00364R000500080004-1 Apprc Appr SENDER WILL CHECK CLASSIFICATION TOP AND BOTTOM UNCLASSIFIED - `CONFIDENTIAL SECRET OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS. 1 STATI TL 2 , ~ _ ._ 3 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION CON!'MENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks 1. In the waning hours of the Second Session of the 90th Congress, Representative Blackburn { R. , Ga.) introduced H. R. 20417 to provide educational assistance through Veterans Adminis- tration benefits for children of civilian employees of the United States killed abroad as a result of hostile action. 2. H. R. 20417 and Mr. Blackburn's explanation from the Congressional Record are attached. Xour recommendations on the need and the efficac of handling that need as proposed in H. R. 20417 would be appreciated as an aid in determining what .over FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME. ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE OLC ~.~,~ 7D35 x6136 2 Dec 68 F -- - - 0500080004-1 5000 0004-1 Approved Fo aR~lo aswe2S~0o~~9/~~~e Wi't~3~~~e~Q?3~,~t00.050008 legislative concept. STATI Assistant Legislative Counsel Approved For Release 2000/09/13 :CIA-1~DP71 B00364R00050008 004-1 004-1